MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 72

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If I am alone again tomorrow morning.

Better to die.

In the dark space, Li Ergou's limbs were tightly bound by the black hair, and his arms were slowly opened by the black hair, which looked like he was nailed to a cross.

The silky smooth hair is covered with delicate blooming other shore flowers, and those bright red flowers seem to be constantly absorbing Li Ergou's physical and mental strength.

At this moment, Li Ergou's consciousness seemed to be out of his body, staring at the captured body, as if he was looking in a mirror.

"It's really embarrassing..."

Li Ergou clenched his fists.

After being kissed by Fenghuazi, the drug on the lips brought Li Ergou's body into a state of drowsiness, but Li Ergou's soul seemed to be thrown out of his body.

He tried to fuse with his body, but the body was already controlled by drugs, I am afraid that if the soul returns to that body, he will lose the chance to escape.

However, it must not sit still.

Li Ergou ran in the dark space. After running for about a hundred meters, Li Ergou's soul felt that he had touched a barrier, and that barrier restricted his movement.

This is the space created by the shadow, and he sees his body being dragged into the shadow.

"This woman..."

Compared to worrying about his own safety, Li Ergou is most worried about Aishwana at this moment.

If that kid doesn't see him tomorrow morning, there's a good chance that kid will do something stupid.

He hit the barrier with his fist, but a reaction force shook Li Ergou's soul aside.

"let me out!"

After getting up, Li Ergou continued to tap with his fists, but people in the state of the soul could not interfere with the physical body at all, and everything they did was just useless.

Suddenly, those long black hair seemed to sense their own existence, and were wriggling towards their own soul, as if they wanted to capture their own soul and completely cut off their thoughts of escaping.

At the same time, Li Ergou could also hear the voice from inside the shadow, it was the voice of Xinchuan Fenghuazi.

"I don't love you, but for the mission, I must love you..."

After struggling to dodge, Li Ergou successfully avoided the long hair that was scattered towards him.

"If it weren't for His Highness Ya Yinyue, I wouldn't marry a man. I will only love His Highness Yinyue in my life!"

In a trance, Li Ergou seemed to see Fenghuazi of Xinchuan in the past.

Dodging the shadow's embrace again, Li Ergou frowned, trying to find a way out.

"As a ninja, you must learn to obey orders!"

An inexplicable scene appeared in Li Ergou's mind.

In the black-and-white picture, it seems that Xinchuan Fenghuazi, who is only about ten years old, holds a kunai and sheds tears as she looks at the girl who has been completely knocked to the ground by her. The girl seems to be waiting for Xinchuan Fenghuazi's final blow. There was a beautiful but helpless smile.

"Get rid of her, the ninja world doesn't need to sympathize with the weak."

"don't want!"

The old man, who seemed to be highly respected, slapped Xinchuan Fenghuazi hard, and knocked Xinchuan Fenghuazi to the ground.

"I'll repeat it again, kill her." The old man's voice was extremely gloomy. "Otherwise, you can go and cut your belly. Weak people don't deserve to live in this world."

"I won't kill my sister, even if you kill me, I will never kill my sister!" The ten-year-old Feng Huazi still refused to do anything, but she was trembling, instinctively afraid of the consequences of disobedience .

At this moment, the girl who was lying on the ground seemed to have found the opportunity. A hint of cunning flashed in her eyes. Like lightning, she picked up the Kunai that had fallen to the side after the battle just now, and stabbed at Xinchuan Fenghuazi's eyebrows. go.

Out of trained nerve reflexes, Xinchuan Fenghuazi subconsciously killed her.

"Isn't this possible, Fenghuazi?"

The girl who fell softly in her arms smiled sweetly, and poked Fenghuazi's forehead with her fingers, the position where she was going to use Kuwu's stab just now.

Li Ergou looked at the petite and weak shadow and sat in the corner crying, murmured and called the name "Wuhuazi".

"Alas—" Li Ergou couldn't help but sighed lightly after sensing her memory, and gently touched the little girl's shadow's forehead with his hand, "It seems that you have suffered a lot in the past."

Chapter 98

The petite shadow raised his head and looked at Li Ergou, which made Li Ergou agitated. After all, this is the world created by the shadow of Xinchuan Fenghuazi, and he is a prisoner under the stairs bound by her shadow. , there was an excess of sympathy.

Thinking back to the past, on the battlefield where the flames were everywhere, there were countless mercenaries who ignored the danger because of their pity for their children. The scenes of terrorist attacks at the cost of their petite bodies at the cost of their lives. Li Ergou has so far. memorable.

So he subconsciously opened the distance from the shadow, even if the shadow looks like a girl under ten years old, he must not let his guard down because of this.

And the petite shadow didn't seem to see that he was the intruder, just stood up and murmured:

"Is that you, sister Wuhuazi? I miss you so much, sister."

Li Ergou was silent.

That little shadow seemed to regard himself as someone else, and the heart-piercing call made people feel sad.

Although Li Ergou very much hopes that he is the girl named Maikako so as to appease the girl's hurt heart, if he admits that identity like this, he may be let go by the shadow, but he can't do that, he doesn't want to deceive Girls, otherwise when the lies are exposed, the hurt the girls will suffer will be even greater.

"I'm sorry, I'm not Maiko."

As soon as the voice fell, the shadow immediately exuded hostility, and the hair in the entire space seemed to want to tie his soul completely, squirming toward him like a living creature.

However, Li Ergou did not change his face, looked at the petite shadow and said:

"But I think Miss Wuhuazi must have left with happiness."

Li Ergou believed that he understood the meaning of the smile of the girl who was nine points similar to Xinchuan Fenghuazi, because he also had a younger sister who could give everything for him. If he could sacrifice his life in exchange for his sister's happiness, then Li Ergou could Ergou will walk towards death without hesitation.

Li Ergou said gently:

"She must have been very happy when she died. Maybe you thought she fulfilled you, but why didn't you fulfill her? You can die for your lovely sister, although there is no regret in death, if you have to kill the most beloved in order to survive My younger sister, presumably even if she lives, it will only add to the pain, to be honest, I really envy Miss Wuhuazi."

"What do you know?"

The shadow girl seemed a little angry, and the hair spread all over the shadow space became restless again.

Looking at the hair strands accompanied by emotional ups and downs, Li Ergou said:

"Of course I understand, because I am also a brother. Like your sister, I understand that she is willing to sacrifice to protect your feelings. Your sister wants you to be happy, not immersed in a sad past."

Fenghuazi's shadow fell silent.

Her hair that fluttered like seaweed also stopped.

Then, the shadows who were trying to capture themselves disappeared one after another.

Looking back, the body that was bound by the hair was also loosened, and the world of shadows was empty, leaving only darkness.

Walking to the side of his body with the body of the soul, he still can't return to the body to wake up.

Walking to the edge of the space again, the barrier that was going to imprison him still exists, no matter how hard he beats, the invisible wall has never loosened in the slightest.

It seems that Fenghuazi still refuses to let him go...

However, Aishwana was still outside, and Li Ergou had a reason to leave here.

Must find a way to leave.

Under the scorching high temperature, fireballs were fired at Xinchuan Fenghuazi one after another, but the fireball just smashed a big hole on the ground and failed to hit Xinchuan Fenghuazi at all.

While moving at a high speed, she quickly formed the seal:

"Ninja, Shuriken Shadow clone!"

The thrown shuriken immediately separated countless shuriken in the next second, and flew towards Miss Ivy like a downpour. However, the shuriken could not hit Miss Ivy either. When he was less than half a meter away from Ivy, he was turned into a pool of molten iron by the fire phoenix behind Ivy.

At the same time, Xia Lena and Demi also attacked Xinchuan Fenghuazi together. As the saying goes, two fists are hard to beat with four hands, which roughly refers to Xinchuan Fenghuazi's current situation.

"There's really no way."

Fenghuazi frowned slightly, and then, under a puff of smoke, turned into three identical Fenghuazi.

Miss Ivy looked at the girl who was almost identical to her deity, and couldn't help showing a surprised smile:

"Is this Dongying's ninjutsu? It's really a strange power, just like magic."

Xinchuan Fenghuazi had no intention of spending more time with Ivy, and immediately sent the clone to deal with Shalena and Demi, while doing her best to protect those ninjas who had no physical strength.

From Ivy's point of view, Xinchuan Fenghuazi will definitely lose in this battle. Now those ninjas are exhausted, and Xia Leina and Demi still have the strength to fight, and here is the father who personally The flame stage created is estimated to be able to end the battle and rescue Li Ergou soon.

Looking at Xinchuan Fenghuazi with icy golden pupils, Ivy was moved to kill.

Although the army summoned by his father was about to arrive for mediation, Ivy didn't care about this. In order that no one would **** her things in the days to come, it was the best choice for Xinchuan Fenghuazi to stop breathing here.

However, she underestimated the strength of Xinchuan Fenghuazi.

After five seconds of fighting, one of the clones had already stabbed Xia Leina in the body with Kunai. If it wasn't for Xia Leina's fighting instinct to evade the fatal injury, then Xia Leina would have been killed by the blow just now. is dead.

Demi also struggled to release defense magic, explosion magic and healing magic, struggling to support the battle.

But under the fierce pursuit of the clone, her magic shield seemed to be in jeopardy, and it was estimated that if they continued, they would be killed by Fenghuazi in a minute.

"what on earth is it?"

"You are too self-righteous, you obviously don't have that kind of strength, but you think you have the ability to control power, you are like a clown." Xinchuan Fenghuazi looked at the flame storm fanning the fire phoenix, a sneer appeared on the corner of his lips, and said With one hand in a knot, he said, "Water escape, the technique of the great waterfall!"

The majestic water flow formed a huge wave, which fought back against the flame storm fanned by the fire phoenix. The scorching flames came into contact with the icy water flow, making a "Zizi" sound.

Xinchuan Fenghuazi stood on the water with her thick clogs, and looked coldly at Ivy's counterattack. Just now, under her water escape ninjutsu, Xia Leina and Demi together It was knocked out by the impact of the current, and suffered a lot of concussion injuries.

And Ivy reluctantly used fire magic to resist:

"This move is comparable to high-level water magic..."

"Water escape, the technique of the sperm whale." Xinchuan Fenghuazi, who had formed the seal again, showed murderous intent, and said coldly, "If you dare to be an enemy of His Royal Highness Yinyue's Dongzhou Empire, you must be ready to die."

After the seal was completed, a giant sperm whale with a height of more than 20 meters appeared on the water. It was opening its mouth wide, trying to swallow Ivy, Shalena and Demi in its belly to digest it.

Chapter 99 Breaking through the shackles

"The origin of magic comes from the soul, brother Ergou."

Suddenly, Li Ergou remembered what Demi said to himself when he was practicing in Holgerst Mansion.

Although Demi looks like a rather unserious little devil on weekdays, she is actually a magical genius. Although Miss Ivy's magic is far stronger than Demi's now, she is still in the dark between Miss Ivy and Dai. When Mi was the same age, his control over magic was far less than Demi's.

In other words, with Demi's current growth rate, she will definitely surpass the eldest lady in the near future.

So when he was learning magic at that time, Li Ergou memorized every word Demi said.

"The origin of magic is the soul?"

"Yes, brother Ergou, the stronger your soul is, the stronger the power of magic will be, and what is the power of your soul, I honestly don't know very well, in short, this is a very vague concept, some A magician is kind-hearted, and his magic becomes stronger and stronger, but after some magicians fall into evil, the magic power they master becomes stronger. It can be roughly understood as the strength of the soul."

Li Ergou tapped the invisible wall again with his hands:

"Let me out, I have a girl I must protect!"

But the reaction force shook Li Ergou aside again. Although he was in a state of soul at the moment, the impact made Li Ergou feel a pain.

"I must leave for Aishwana!"

He shouted loudly and rushed towards the invisible wall, even if he hit, even if he was bruised, even if he was covered in blood.

I have to see Aishwana again, that girl is so reliant on herself, she has regarded being herself as the only one, if she is not there, she will die.

If he loses his beloved girl again, Li Ergou will also lose the meaning of life completely.


The man roared loudly in the shadow world, it was a throbbing from the soul.

Through the information revealed by the shadows in the shadow world, he knows what kind of life he will face after being captured.

Maybe that is indeed what some people yearn for, but he must never miss the one he loves again.

"Is my soul too weak?"

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