MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 67

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Chapter 87 Stubborn Child

Marshal Lianqing covered his nose that was bleeding from the nose and his swollen eyes, and stroked the tree to stand firm and not fall. Li Ergou's face was also adorned with color, and it looked like Marshal Lianqing was injured as badly.

In the end, the two of them forced their bodies and threw the last punch in the face of each other. Finally, they no longer had the strength to fight. The next second, the two fell to the grass together.

Looking up at the silver galaxy, the air in the jungle at night looks extremely fresh. Although the wound is very painful, but after a fight, exhausted and collapsed, I feel relieved unexpectedly.


"I'm not called the kid, I'm Li Ergou."

"Boy, how long has it been since you fought like this?"

"How long? I forgot, too, wait, let me think..."

Li Ergou spat out a mouthful of blood and slowly closed his eyes.

Thinking back to the last time I fought like this, I fought Tom on a mission three years ago, if I remember correctly.

Tom is a black man more than two meters tall and full of muscles. Although he looks like a black bear, he is actually a good man. In order to repay the orphanage that once raised him, he set foot on the battlefield. to rescue the refugees who are in dire straits.

I remember one time, when walking through the Middle East battlefield, the cry of a child suddenly came from the ruins in the distance. Before confirming the surrounding information, rashly stepping into an unknown area is tantamount to dying. Many recruits died in the carefully arranged by terrorists. Under a good booby trap, Tom was eager to save people, and he just rushed over to save them.

So Li Ergou punched him in the face with his fists, and Tom also returned his own punches, which made him extremely happy.

"Listen, Tom. I don't want someone to die on the battlefield because of superfluous kindness."

"People must be saved, the child is crying..."

Later, the child was rescued, and Li Ergou became friends with Tom.

Li Ergou covered his head, raised his head and said:

"I don't know if that guy has received my inheritance..."

"That guy?" Marshal Lian Qing frowned.

"It's nothing." Li Ergou smiled. "The last time I fought like this was three years ago with a black guy named Tom Bryant."

"Tom Bryant?"

Marshal Lian Qing frowned.

I remember that the black man in the mercenary team that Prince Louis prepared for Li Ergou seemed to be named Tom Bryant too. Could it be that they knew each other long ago?

"never mind."

Marshal Lian Qing did not intend to continue to think about it. There are at least more than 100,000 black people named Tom Bryant in the southern continent. It should not be such a coincidence.

"Boy, I want my daughter to be happy, and I know it's selfish to want other people's happiness, but why don't you try to get to know each other better with Ivy? I admit that my daughter is still in a lot of things. Not yet mature, but she will grow as well."

"I have a girl I like."

For some reason, after a fight with this elf man who seemed to be only a few years older than him, he somehow felt that he could communicate well with him.

"The princess in distress from the Kingdom of Sri Lanka?"


"That's it."

Marshal Lian Qing sat up with difficulty, took out a pack of deflated cigarettes from the pocket of his black military coat, took out two cigarettes, first lit one of them with a lighter, and then handed the other to him. To Li Ergou:

"Do you smoke, Ergou?"

"Don't smoke."

"Come on one."

"All right."

After taking the cigarette, Marshal Lian Qing personally lit it, looking at Marshal Lian Qing's handsome young face, he felt like a brother who was only a few years older than him.

Li Ergou held the cigarette between his two fingers, pursing his lips and exhaled the cigarette.

"Isn't this a smoker?" Marshal Lian Qing was a little disappointed, "I still want to see you choking on the smoke."

"I can smoke, but I quit long ago. I used to have a younger sister who hated the smell of cigarettes."

"My wife also hates the smell of cigarettes, so every time I go out on business, I have to sneak out to smoke, and after I finish smoking, I have to disperse the smell of cigarettes. I'm so troublesome," Marshal Lian Qing suddenly laughed, "You really are a kid. Yes, not only has the perseverance to quit smoking, but also dares to beat up the great nobles who have a marquis title and two earl titles. But it is a capital crime to do something to the nobles. If this spreads out, your kid will be finished, but the only way I can remedy it is Think about-"

"You want to say marrying your daughter, right? You're a never-ending thing, but let me refuse!"

"My daughter is pretty, isn't she? Isn't she more beautiful than that Sri Lankan princess? Tell you, my daughter is a famous beauty in the Western Continent."

"If love depends on a person's appearance, then love is too cheap."

Li Ergou had a sneering expression.

Hearing Li Ergou say this, Marshal Lian Qing did not refute, but nodded in approval and said:

"That's true."

"If I help your daughter find a man who makes her more interested, will you let me go?"

Li Ergou turned his head to look at Marshal Lianqing.

"If there is, then you can go look for it, but I don't think it's going to work." As if he had enough rest, Marshal Lian Qing stood up and patted the dust on his body, then chanted magic, a holy light magic All over the body, all the wounds on the body began to heal gradually, "Don't be surprised, it's only intermediate healing magic. I told my wife and daughter before that I came out with you just for a heart-to-heart talk, and I can't let them see us all covered in injuries and go back. Bar?"

After the injury healed, Li Ergou also stood up slowly.

Marshal Lianqing went on to say:

"Li Ergou, I am a collaborator of Prince Louis. My purpose is to hope that the Kingdom of Shengluer can become a real power. This country has experienced too many wars. Although Prince Louis is a scumbag, he I love this country and I love the people who stand on this land."

"Then who do you love more than your daughter?"

"It must be a daughter. Daughter and wife are the only ones who can make me betray the country. I know what love is, so I will not threaten you with the cat girl you love, but for my daughter, I will try my best to Break up you, don't worry, even if you break up, I will give that cat girl a good home."

"Stop being delusional, old man."

Looking at the vast darkness, Marshal Lian Qing realized that it had been a long time since he left.

"Okay, it's time to go back. After I have a daughter, I will leave it to you to take care of me."

After more than 20 minutes, Li Ergou and Marshal Lian Qing, who seemed to be unscathed, returned to the Holgerst house.

"Really, where did you go so late?"

As soon as he entered the door, the wife of Marshal Lian Qing snorted with her hips on her back.

"I'm sorry Shia, it's just a heart-to-heart chat with our future son-in-law in the woods." Marshal Lian Qing looked at Li Ergou and asked with a smile, "Hey, we had a good chat. Isn't it, brother?"

"See you late." Li Ergou also grinned very cooperatively with a very normal smile.

"Little Li, I also sleep with Ivy today, right? Ivy hasn't slept, I've been waiting for you." Ivy's mother said with a rather seductive wink.

"No, ma'am. We're leaving early tomorrow morning, and I'll just sleep in a room by myself today."

"What's your name, ma'am? You should call me mother."

"Good night, Mr. Lianqing, Mrs. Lianqing."

Li Ergou saluted slowly, then bowed to leave.

"What a stubborn kid."

Chapter 88 Miss's Mind

The next morning, Uncle Rune prepared the carriage and stood respectfully at the gate of the mansion, waiting for everyone.

"Goodbye, Grandpa, live a long life!"

After saying goodbye to her grandfather, Demi ran to Li Ergou's side, and her petite body rubbed and rubbed beside Li Ergou, as gentle and cute as a small animal.

Ivy is also saying her final goodbyes to her parents. This is the first time Li Ergou has seen Ivy's true feelings. The feelings are full of happiness and gratitude. Prayer for health.

Those eyes can't be deceived, the eldest miss is really reluctant to bear her parents, and can't wait to be with them.

But the war is imminent. I heard from Marshal Lianqing that people are dying every minute, especially those elite magicians who face the Fars Federal State. In the past two days, it is conservatively estimated that more than 3,000 people died in battle.

"Father, mother, please take care of your health."

"Be careful on the road."

Afterwards, Miss Ivy turned around and never looked back, and got into the carriage with her back to her parents.

The carriage was a little bumpy, and everyone in the carriage enjoyed the sandwiches and milk that Charlene had made early in the morning.

During the meal, Li Ergou found that Miss Ivy didn't seem to have any appetite, her share had never been moved, and her expression looked very lonely.

"Reluctant to part with them?"

"Yeah, since growing up, I've spent less and less time with them."

Miss Ivy opened the carriage window and stared at the moving green plants outside the window in a daze. Her expression was not at all contrived. It was the sincere expression that ordinary girls showed when they longed to stay with their parents.

All of a sudden, Li Ergou felt that the usual strong, arrogant and smooth girl was nothing more than that. She was essentially just a girl who had just turned eighteen years old.

In the Huaxia Kingdom of Blue Star, the 18-year-old girls are still in school age, and each of them is held in the palm of the hand by the family as a pearl in the palm of their hand.

The difference between Another World and Blue Star is that at the age of eighteen, the eldest young lady had already helped her father to rule over a territory under her control, and she had a number of subordinates much older than her, who helped her achieve dominance.

The road to hegemony is not easy. In this highly decentralized country, countless careerists have hidden evil intentions, and the road to hegemony that the eldest lady longs to achieve is also doomed to be difficult.

"Actually, it's not easy for you."


Miss Ivy held her cheeks and said casually.

"But you really have good parents."

"Of course, my parents are the best parents in the world."

Seeing that Miss Ivy's expression was a little strange, Li Ergou asked:

"You have something on your mind?"

"It's not a problem, right?" Ivy's eyes were dodged, but she finally said, "In the fantasy I experienced when I awakened magic, I betrayed my parents in order to gain more power, causing them to Dying in a fantasy world. In that fantasy world, neither father nor mother blamed me, but looked at me with relief, which was an eternal shadow for me.”

"Indeed, betraying someone who loves you is really hard to forget, especially if they don't blame you."

"I will never forget in my life that my magic was obtained by killing my relatives," Miss Ivy bit her lip, "My father was killed by a sword in a pool of blood, and my mother was killed by magic. Died as ashes, I survived, and became the queen of Shengluer Kingdom in that fantasy, ministers crawl under my feet, my subjects call me the queen, but I still can't be satisfied..."

"Miss, have you confessed to them the fantasy you experienced?"

"Of course I confessed. The first thing I did when I woke up after the magic was to confess to them everything I met in the fantasy world, but they still loved me like this even though they knew my true nature... It's so strange, they You shouldn't love a daughter who will do anything for power like this..."

"I can understand your parents' thoughts."

If my sister betrays me, I will still love her, although I will feel a little disappointed and sad, but isn't love the meaning of selfless dedication?

I remembered the fantasy I experienced, and after being controlled by Aishwana, I still refused to use magic to electrocute her. I must have had the same thoughts as Miss Ivy's parents at that time.

"You don't have to blame yourself, Miss. If gaining more power is the most important thing to you, then when the critical moment comes, you will betray your parents. But I believe that if there is such a day, You'll make the right choice. Fame and power are nothing more than vulgar decorations, in my opinion."

"Hmph, it's like you know me well."

"I don't know you, but your parents know you. I talked with your father, Marshal Lian Qing last night, and I can see that he really loves you. I think you deserve to be loved so much by your parents." Li Ergou looked at Miss Ivy's delay in eating breakfast, and said, "Okay, hurry up and eat."

Ivy nodded and bit her sandwich in small bites. She still looked elegant and could not pick out the slightest flaw.

After quickly disposing of the food on her hand, Miss Ivy drank the milk, then focused her eyes on Li Ergou's face, pointed at him and said:

"Li Zijin, you have strengthened my belief that sooner or later, I will conquer you in person."

Li Ergou yawned, and then touched Aishwana's cat ears:

"Help me take out the book I read yesterday, thank you."

"Here, Ergou."

The carriage was moving smoothly, and everyone was walking on the trails in the wild. Judging from the current speed, it was estimated that it would take less than a week to reach the front line.

At the top of the mountain, the ninjas stared at the carriage that was driving.

"Have you come out of that mansion, Your Highness Li Zijin, you are so stupid. You dare to go out when you know I'm going to bring you home. How stupid..."

Xinchuan Fenghuazi's voice is mournful and tactful, like a resentful wife waiting for her husband who refuses to return home.

"My lord, they will probably arrive in the city of East Moselle before tonight," said the ninja, kneeling on one knee.

"Well, tonight we will be waiting for them in the city. No matter what tonight, we have to catch His Royal Highness Li Zijin. Without the protection of the chief magician of the palace and Lian Qing and his wife, I would like to see if they have any other way to get rid of me. Palm escapes, especially the woman named Ivy, I will defeat her personally, humiliate her, and let her understand that being an enemy of the Dongzhou Empire is just a slap in the face."

Xinchuan Fenghuazi put his arms around his chest and stared at the carriage with a smile.