MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 39

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Li Ergou couldn't help but smile. In fact, Ivy didn't have to hide anything at all. Her hatred of Prince Louis was already a well-known fact among the servants in the mansion.

Li Ergou has also heard about Prince Louis' "prestige".

The world's evaluation of Louis was finalized as early as when he was alive.

In short, Louis is a complete waste. He doesn't have the responsibility of a prince, and he has no interest in national government affairs. Even if the Kingdom of Shengluer is at war with the Federation of Fars, he still goes his own way and sings every night. .

For him, the only thing that can persevere is to drag a group of random people to the bar every night, while drinking whiskey and stroking the bunny girl's buttocks.

A well-known critic said that the decline of the kingdom of Shengluer began with Louis.

As a result, following what others say, Louis' bad reputation is known all over the world. In addition, he has no magical talent, and his body is hollowed out by women, so he has become a shame for his own people and a joke for foreigners after dinner.

And such a notorious existence is precisely the future husband of the flawless Miss Ivy.

There is no doubt that this is a political marriage without any emotional foundation. When two almost completely different people were ignorant, their parents decided their marriages. This is exactly what the nobles had to bear. Sad times.

However, through Li Ergou's study of the history of Xizhou, he discovered the unknown side of the Shengluer Kingdom hidden behind history. The seemingly great royal family has already been riddled with holes, at least from Li Ergou's point of view , everything Prince Louis has done since he was born is in line with common sense. Everyone says that the emperor is good, but the children of the imperial family have been exposed to the public since birth. There are blessings from angels, and there must be Devil's curse.

If the prince is sharp-edged, then he is likely to die "accidentally" at a young age, just like his mother who died of food poisoning.

"Miss, actually..."

"What's wrong?"

"No, it's nothing, forget it."

Li Ergou wanted to express her thoughts, but seeing the extreme disgust hidden under Miss Ivy's gentle pupils, as a servant, she felt that it was better to talk less about Prince Louis.

So he changed the subject:

"Miss, you just received the letter today, and you plan to leave tomorrow, isn't it too soon? Is there anything urgent?"

Miss Ivy then threw Prince Louis's handwritten letter into the fireplace, and the parchment quickly turned to ashes:

"It's nothing particularly important, but I heard that the Dongzhou Empire has appointed a new diplomat. It is said that she is a close friend of Princess Yayinyue of the Dongzhou Empire, named Xinchuan Fenghuazi. According to the information, she is A once-in-a-century genius, so I am very interested to know why such a beautiful girl stepped into the land of Shengluer Kingdom this year."

"Ya Yinyue's cronies..."

Hearing the words "Ya Yinyue", Li Ergou's eyes suddenly became serious.

The vague dream was like a broken puzzle, and he could only know through a few pieces of information that Ya Yinyue seemed to be related to his sister.

But what is the connection between them?

Moreover, what can a dream mean?

"Li, what's the matter? Do you know Xinchuan Fenghuazi?" Seeing Li Ergou's strange expression, Miss Ivy couldn't help asking.

"How is it possible that the Xinchuan family is one of the three major royal families of the Dongzhou Empire. How can I recognize such a noble person as a peasant?" Li Ergou smiled humbly.

"If you don't want to, I won't force you to go to Fenglu City with me."

"No, I will go with you." Li Ergou bowed politely.

Miss Ivy nodded slightly, and a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

On the side, the cat-eared girl kept quiet and stood aside until she heard that Li Ergou planned to accompany Miss Ivy to the royal capital Fenglu City, and then she also came forward, her pitiful little eyes reminiscent of being shackled. Rain wet cat.

"Miss, that..."

"What's the matter, Aishwana?"

"I want to go too, can I? I..." Aishwana gently wrapped her arms around Li Ergou and said very clingingly, "I don't want to leave Ergou, I think I'll see you for a while. I'm so scared if I don't have two dogs, please don't leave me alone..."

Chapter 26 Dinner before the trip

"If that's the case then come with us, Aishwana."

The eldest lady smiled gently, then stretched out her slender palm, wanting to gently stroke Aishwana's fluffy brown cat ears.

But the cat girl hesitated, and immediately hid behind Li Ergou, looking like a frightened animal.

Although Miss Ivy is the absolute master in the mansion, for Aishwana, only Li Ergou can touch her ears.

After realizing this, Ivy was no longer making fun of herself. Anyway, to her, Aishwana's existence value was just a vase used to keep Li Ergou.

"Then I won't disturb you, see you at the restaurant in the evening."

Afterwards, Miss Ivy walked away with an elegant and relaxed pace, seemingly not caring about what happened just now.

"Second dog, was it wrong for me to do that just now?"

Aishwana asked nervously.

"No, if you don't like others touching you, you can justly refuse," Li Ergou gently touched her cheek, "This is your right."

"I just want Ergou to touch me, no one else can..." Aishwana put her head on Li Ergou's shoulder and whispered, "Can we dance together in the next time? Now? Ergou, I've been wanting to dance with you since just now."

"of course."

After getting her permission, Aishwana immediately held her hand tightly and blended her slender fingers with hers. Her eyes gradually became blurred. Although her graceful dance steps were beautiful, But with a hint of aggression, her mature body kept clinging to her side, as if she wanted to infuse herself with her scent.

Whenever he dances, Li Ergou has a weird feeling, it feels as if he is a mouse falling into the queen's palm. Let her play with it, and when he is tired, he will be completely eaten by her. .

Under the rhythm of her dance, Li Ergou swayed with it, time passed quickly, and before you knew it, the afternoon time passed quietly.

At 6 o'clock in the evening, the restaurant was much busier than usual. Usually a long table is enough to fill everyone, but today, there were five tables full of people.

Demi, who was locked up by Charlene in the morning, has now regained her freedom. This porcelain doll-like little boy is constantly chatting with him, and the driver, the old man Luen, is humbly asking himself for marksmanship, and usually sees the dragon. After hearing about his victory over Xia Leina, Xu, who could not see the end, also came to toast to him. The rest of the attendants also talked endlessly about the duel between Li Ergou and Xia Leina today, especially when Li Ergou had a duel with Xia Leina. When Ergou used the set of marksmanship that fell from the sky, it was even more said to be magical.

"It's amazing, you really deserve to be the one that the eldest lady likes."

Hearing the praise from his colleagues, Li Ergou could only smile humbly, but did not take it to heart.

"Actually, Xia Leina is also quite strong. If she hadn't let me in, I'm afraid she could have defeated me in an instant, and there's nothing to brag about. In the end, aren't I tied with her? I think you are still too much. Look up at me."

"Hmph, what are you so modest about? You just beat me, so why can't you admit it for granted? You oriental people like to pretend to be humble, but you are actually happy to the sky, right?"

A discordant voice came from Xia Leina. At this moment, she crossed her arms around her chest and stared at Li Ergou with a displeased expression.

"Listen, you're just a newcomer. When you go to Fenglu City, you have to obey the eldest while the eldest is here. When the eldest is away, you must obey my orders, understand?"

"Understood, Miss Xia Leina, your golden words must be followed perfectly, and there will be no mistakes."

"Hmph, that's about the same."

Xia Leina seemed to be aloof, but her eyes kept looking elsewhere, as if Li Ergou were some kind of beast.

The person who noticed her strangeness was Demi, who was very close to her on weekdays. The girl who was less than one meter five ran up to Xia Leina and asked with a mean smile:

"Xia Leina, why don't you dare to look into the eyes of brother Ergou?"

Xia Leina decided to ignore Demi's questioning about her soul. In fact, when she recalled that duel, what she thought of was not Li Ergou's impeccable marksmanship, but Li Ergou's light-hearted side with guns in both hands. Face.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he had to admit that he was indeed quite handsome.

"Hey, what about you, Charlene? Would you mind answering me, na, na? Why don't you look into Brother Ergou's eyes?"

"Dead bastard..."

Although Demi has a small face as delicate as a porcelain doll, at the moment Shalena only thinks that she is a buzzing fly.

"No, no, no, no? Not even our Xia Lena will have a budding heart, right?"

Charlene only felt the blue veins burst out, then she lightly clamped Demi's waist with her arms, picked her up, and elegantly twisted the skirt corners and said to the eldest lady and the attendants:

"Everyone, please allow me to excuse me for a while."

Demi's begging for mercy grew farther and farther, and after about ten minutes, Xia Lena returned to the restaurant with a happy face.

As for Demi, no one but Charlene knew where she went.

The dinner continued.

Tomorrow morning, Miss Ivy will take her cronies to Fenglu City. That's why today's dinner is extraordinarily lively. No one knows when the Miss will come back this time, maybe a month or so. Maybe half a year, no one can tell.

So tonight, the attendants of Miss Ivy's subordinates came one after another and promised to do their part. Now Li Ergou finally understands what the strange faces that he can't see on weekdays are doing.

Xu's full name is Xu Youze. He usually hides in the market and provides the eldest lady with a steady stream of information. The gentleman wearing a monocle is a banker who is loyal to the eldest lady. The man with a slightly rigid face is in the army. A major, a lean man in his thirties, is the lord of the city of Tirona.

In addition, there are also some adventurers from the Adventurer's Guild, who provide Miss Ivy with a steady stream of prestige by doing some tasks.

"I see…"

If the talents that Miss Ivy recruited were a group of reckless men who were only good at martial arts, then the ambition of Miss Ivy was probably nothing more than a backwater.

With outstanding talents in various fields, the eldest lady's ambitions become active, like an endless sea, they complement each other and assist each other to form a mini country.

There is no doubt that the ambition of the eldest miss is never a joke.

Chapter 27 Miss's Request

Early the next morning, Li Ergou packed his bags and got on the carriage to Fenglu City with Miss Ivy.

When he walked to the front of the carriage, he couldn't help showing a weird expression.

Looking up, the people on this trip are Ivy, Aishwana, Shalena, and Demi. This extraordinarily fragrant scent is like a hallucinogenic garden. Apart from the driver, he seems to be the only male.

"What's the matter, Li? Hurry up and sit up, we're going on our way." Miss Ivy was already urging.

"I said, the eldest lady will let you come up, and let the eldest lady wait another minute, and you will be sentenced to death!"

Xia Leina also said in a cold tone, but it is indeed a rare thing that she has no objection to sitting in the carriage.

Li Ergou hesitated and said:

"I think it's better, eh, I just remembered that there was still some unfinished talk about gunsmanship with Uncle Rune last night, so let's sit in front and Uncle Rune together as a driver for you guys."

However, just as he was about to turn around, a white and tender palm grabbed his arm. Looking back, Miss Ivy frowned slightly, her golden pupils exuding an irresistible majesty:


"All right…"

It's obvious that Miss Ivy is a girl younger than herself, but she doesn't know why she doesn't want to disobey her.

The carriage is not very crowded. For a big noble like Miss Ivy who is not short of money, the space in the carriage is not to mention five people, even if there are five people, there is no problem at all, but it is not crowded. Don't crowd, there is only one male in the car, which will inevitably make people think crooked.

So Li Ergou shrunk in the corner and tried not to take up extra space, so as to reduce physical contact with female friends, but unfortunately, Aishwana did not see Li Ergou's inner concerns, seeing Li Ergou Sitting down, she immediately rubbed the arm that was holding Li Ergou, with a happy smile on the corner of her mouth.

The carriage has finally started to move forward slowly. Yesterday, Li Ergou learned about the specific route of the trip. They are now near the city of Tirona in the southern Elf province of Sylph, a distance from the royal capital Fenglu. The city will take about two days, and during these two days, Li Ergou will have to coexist with the girls in an airtight carriage.

Today, Miss Ivy is very gorgeously dressed. The violet-colored evening dress has a slit that is only half the length of her thigh, her shoulders as white as jade are exposed, and her body also exudes a unique elves The faint body fragrance.

Her movements are also very charming. At this time, she is tilting her slender thighs, staring at Li Ergou with a smile on her face.

"Miss, is there something on my face?"

Being watched by Miss Ivy like this, even Li Ergou would inevitably feel restless.

In fact, he knew that Miss Ivy was definitely not a good woman, but a bad woman was born with an indescribable charm than a good girl.

"What are you afraid of? We women don't mind, what are you worried about as a big man? Are you afraid that we won't be able to eat you?"

Miss Ivy shifted her body towards Li Ergou. Li Ergou couldn't hide in this confined space. He also knew that he had nowhere to hide, so he sat upright.

Aishwana, who was beside her, also showed vigilance.

Although she had promised that even if Li Ergou was with other girls, she would not object, but that was only because she felt inferior to herself. In her heart, she still wanted to have Li Ergo alone. All the dog has, let him be his own man.

Love is selfish.

Emerald green pupils stared at Ivy nervously, but Ivy just fanned the fan contentedly:

"Don't be afraid, Aishwana, I won't rob you, and I don't need to rob you, but maybe one day, I need to borrow him."

"Miss, what do you mean by that?" Li Ergou was a little puzzled.

"Honestly, I hate Louie, he's like a maggot to me, and the thought of going into church with him and swearing a false declaration makes me sick to the core, so maybe one day, I need to You play my lover, do you understand?" Miss Ivy said dignifiedly and generously, seemingly without any scruples.

But her words could not help attracting the side glances of Shalena and Demi, and they were astonished as if their eyes were about to go down.

"Li, in my first year at Stigma Academy, I'm about to fulfill my engagement with Louis. As my loyal servant, you wouldn't have the heart to let me marry a maggot like Louis, right?"

"Miss, what are you joking about? People like me are just a grasshopper..."

"A grasshopper?" Miss Ivy smiled with a hint of fox-like cunning, "Yes, now you may indeed be a grassroots, but you will soon be gone, this time I will take good care of that name. When the time comes, I will find a way to reach an agreement with her and let her give you the status of a noble in Dongzhou, so that you and me will be justifiably married."

At the same time, the black high-heeled shoes on Miss Ivy's feet were gently kicked off by her, and she poked Li Ergou's leg with her flawless toes:

"How, attendant? Are you willing to marry me? As the heir of a great noble of the Eastern Continent Empire, you married me. No one will make irresponsible remarks about such a reasonable marriage."

That charming smile was both elegant and numb. Miss Ivy was born with the purity of the elves, as well as the charming bones unique to the vampires.