MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 29

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Looking at the conscientious little maid, Li Ergou smiled gently.

"Alright, speaking of which I have never tasted your craft."

With the help of Aishwana, Li Ergou slowly moved towards the table.

The cat's ears trembled slightly, and it seemed that she was looking forward to Li Ergou eating her cooking, so Li Ergou made up his mind that no matter what kind of cooking she made, he would gladly accept it.

When I opened the lid, what I saw was really unsightly. It was a lump of yellow paste. I could barely see the ingredients were beans, potatoes and onions. The taste was unbelievably pungent. There was a kind of sewer. Like a faint smell, Li Er paparazzi carefully stared at Aishwana's pretty face, and after confirming that she was not playing tricks on herself, she frowned and asked gently:

"Aishwana, what's so delicious?"

"Marsala!" Aishwana smiled like a little angel.

"I mean, what did you put in here?"

"There are a lot of delicious food, including garlic, green onion, ginger, onion, chili, white pepper, black pepper, cardamom, cloves, mint leaves, star anise, cinnamon..." Aishwana said with her fingers.

"Wait, where are you putting this alchemy?" Li Ergou couldn't help but be speechless, that lump of yellow stuff didn't look like something delicious.

"Try it, it's delicious, we all eat this in our hometown."

Her smile is innocent, maybe this thing is really delicious, maybe...

Under the offensive of Aishwana's eyes, Li Ergou finally slowly held the spoon and put the paste into his mouth tremblingly.

The smell is a bit like the rotten and fishy smell of blood-stained meat, and it is also mixed with the smell of corrupt eggs. As for the soft taste, Li Ergou thinks of the brain, so disgusting that it is difficult to swallow, but trembling. Holding the spoon and looking at Aishwana's expectant eyes, she had to continue eating, letting the taste spread between her lips and teeth.

"Is it so delicious, why are you crying?" Aishwana stroked Li Ergou's forehead with her slender palm, "If you find it delicious, I will make it for you every day in the future."

Make it for me every day? What kind of punishment game is this?

However, in order to take care of Aishwana's mood, Li Ergou still held back his smile:

"It's really delicious, I...I've never eaten such delicious food in my life...Before that, I'll go to the bathroom..."

Li Ergou's stomach is howling. If turning food into a biological weapon is also a talent, Aishwana is undoubtedly a genius. For a moment, Li Ergou even saw the kingdom of heaven.

After staying in the toilet for about two minutes, Li Ergou clutched his devastated stomach and returned to the bedroom. Aishwana's cooking not only failed to restore Li Ergou's body, but made Li Ergou even weaker. , but that was also her unintentional move, and she must not hate her because of it.

"Second dog, if it's not enough to eat, there's still a lot."

"It's okay, I just recovered, I can't eat too much." Li Ergou drank a cup of milk tea. drinkable level.

Thinking about it this way, if I really want to live with Aishwana in the future, I'm afraid I will have to do the cooking myself.

"Aishwana, after eating, take me to meet the Miss Ivy you mentioned."

"Miss Ivy is not here now."

"Where did you go?"

"It seems that I went hunting, and I can't come back in a while." Aishwana looked at Li Ergou's face carefully, and couldn't help biting her lips and asked nervously, "Ergou wants to see Miss Ivy? ?"

"After all, we are relying on others now." Li Ergou smiled bitterly, "And she is our savior, so it's good to go and see."

Li Ergou does not believe that others will save him unconditionally. Maybe there are good people in the world, but encountering such good people is definitely a low probability event.

That Ivy may have taken a fancy to Aishwana's value, and she can be married off as a victim of a political marriage with her appearance.

If that's the case, this seemingly extravagant palace might not be safe.

He gently held Aishwana's small hand and swore that he would never give Aishwana to anyone.

After being held by the hand, Aishwana's pretty face blushed slightly, her eyes wandering a little.

"Second dog, then, that kind of thing should wait for the injury to recover. If it is too intense, the wound will split open..."

"What are you thinking, you stupid kid..."

Chapter 4 The first encounter with Miss Ivy

Just when Li Ergou was about to force himself to eat the dishes that Aishwana had carefully prepared for him, the neighing of horses came from outside.

"Ah, the eldest lady should be back."

Aishwana's expression was a little complicated, as if she was hiding something.

"What's the matter, Aishwana? Did that lady force you to do something you don't like?"

Li Ergou's expression was a little terrifying. If that was the case, then he would never make his girl sad even if he was seriously injured.

"No, Ergou, it's definitely not what you think. The eldest lady is very kind to me, she's definitely a good person." Seeing Li Ergou's terrifying expression, Aishwana immediately shook her head and waved her hand, "It's just, that …”

"It's okay, just tell me if you have anything in your heart."

His broad palm gently touched the furry cat ears, no matter what happened, he would become the girl's umbrella, so that she would not be hurt in the slightest.

"Actually... Ergou, the eldest lady is really pretty, and she's smart and fair-skinned. Compared to her, I'm a weed, but even so, I hope Ergou's heart Can leave a place for me, even if I'm just an ordinary weed... I know this is an ignorant idea, but without Ergou, I really can't live. "

The soft and tender body pressed close, and the more she talked, the less confident she became, her wheat-colored arms couldn't help clinging to Li Ergou's neck, and her emerald green eyes were filled with an incomparably inferior heart.

Being hugged by her like this, the wound hurts again, but Li Ergou did not show any pain, but his eyes were full of tenderness.

"You are the most beautiful girl, be confident."

"but I…"

Li Ergou opened the floor-to-ceiling windows and finally saw the deity of Miss Ivy. She was indeed a beautiful elf girl, with long golden hair floating like silk, and her powerful facial features were so perfect that it was rippling, slender and charming. She was wearing clothes that matched her temperament, a black trench coat similar to a military uniform, a feather-white tights with a low neckline, plump and fair shoulders with a hint of temptation, and the pure white horse even more so. The glamour is on full display.

If you just see her appearance, there is a high probability of being captured by her. Compared with the green fruit of Aishwana, Ivy's appearance is more aggressive. Her beauty comes from Nayuna On the outside, he is confident, graceful and domineering in his gestures, majestic but witty.

She is a natural queen, but she has not yet gained power, but it is only a matter of time before Li Ergou believes that she is above the world.

"I feel relieved."

"What's the matter, Ergou?"

"That Ivy is indeed a character," Li Ergou sat on the bed slowly, "It's impossible for a character like this to save us with a narrow mind and the interests of worrying about gain and loss. In her opinion, we may Just two dispensable little slaves, maybe it was just her randomness to save us."

"Is that so..." Aishwana's eyes were a little sad, and she said sourly, "As expected, the eldest lady is excellent, and Ergou said so many good things at once..."

"Silly child, you are a prettier beauty than her, but you are not very confident." Li Ergou gently held Aishwana's little hand and said, "I admit that Ivy is indeed a beauty, if you pick ten people at random Come on, I am afraid that nine out of ten people will say that Ivy is more beautiful, but there will also be one person who prefers an exotic cat-eared girl, and that person is me."

"In other words, I'm not as beautiful as Ivy..."

"No, I mean that the world thinks white is beautiful, but that's just the world's opinion. For me, I'm already aesthetically tired of white, but I think you're much sexier."

Aishwana smiled slightly, and the cat's tail began to wag again. This child would always wag his tail when he was happy. He really didn't know how to hide his inner thoughts at all.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door from outside the bedroom, and at the same time, a crisp and beautiful voice sounded:

"I heard that you are awake, sir, who was in a coma not long ago. Will I disturb you if I enter the room now?"

This is obviously her palace, but she can be so polite, which is really commendable.

"I'll open the door for you now."

With the help of Aishwana, Li Ergou opened the bedroom door.

Upon closer inspection, the fair-haired and golden-eyed elf girl was indeed as beautiful as a dream, and a black trench coat similar to a military uniform made her look heroic. Mi Ba's Li Ergou found that she was not much shorter than himself.

"Your eyes are indeed beautiful."

The words like a dream come out from the mouth of the elf girl.

"Thanks to your care, I and my girl escaped."

Enduring the pain of her body, Li Ergou bowed to her. In any case, this young girl was the savior of herself and Aishwana.

"It's okay, I have some personal grudges with the officers who escorted you. It's just a matter of saving you, you don't need to worry about it."

"That is to say, saving us was just by the way, right?"

"Yes, just by the way."

She smiled very casually, so beautiful that she could not help but forget her breath.

The sharp eyes pierced over, and Li Ergou realized that there was a maid with long cherry pink hair standing beside the eldest young lady. She pressed her palm on the hilt of the sword with a displeased expression on her face.

Even though she is also a beautiful girl, compared to Miss Ivy, her presence is almost negligible.

Ivy is a natural protagonist. If this is a novel from Long Aotian's worldview, then Ivy just needs to stop there, and countless younger brothers will bow their knees.

If Li Ergou were a mortal, he felt that his knees must have been on the ground.

But unfortunately, Li Ergou is not a mortal.

"Miss, I remember that you planned to free me before, right?"

"When was it before?"

"If I remember correctly, that man surnamed Xu is your subordinate, right?"

Memories of that day flooded into my mind, and the man named Xu claimed to be free, but was rejected by Li Ergou at the time.

For the freedom of others to give alms is not true freedom.

But now, even if he doesn't want to, he has indeed received the favor of Miss Ivy.

"Xu is indeed my subordinate."

"So, now that I owe you favors, I just don't know whether the favors I owe you were carefully planned by you or just happened by accident."

Chapter 5 Becoming Her Servant

The golden eyes are like beautiful glass beads, reflecting the indifferent and elegant expression of the man. She tried to analyze his character through a weak gesture of the man, but it was only in vain.

This man named Li Ergou is not the kind of existence that can be judged purely by appearance. His dark eyes are unfathomable, like a bottomless lake. What kind of stormy waves are hidden under that black lake? Ivy couldn't detect the beast, but because of the unknown, she was full of interest in Li Ergou.

"Do you think your rescue by me was the result of my careful planning, Mr. Li?"

The corners of the elf's eldest lady's lips rose slightly, and her sweet yet majestic voice was like a spring breeze, like the prelude to a lullaby.

However, the numbingly gentle voice could not let Li Ergou relax his vigilance.

Ivy noticed that Li Ergou subconsciously used his body to block in front of Aishwana, as if to prevent a possible conflict. Once something happened, he could immediately protect the cat-eared girl behind him.

By the way, it seems that his wound has not fully healed yet. Ivy knew very well that just standing in front of him in this state would bring tearing pain from his unhealed wounds, but the man's expression showed no sign of discomfort at all.

From this point of view, it either shows that his recovery ability is extremely strong, and the speed of recovery is far beyond his expectations, or that he has far more perseverance in pain than ordinary people.

"Miss, at that time you asked the man named Xu to recruit me, and promised me a non-binding condition - you help me and Aishwana to be free, and I will serve you as your loyal servant. "

Even though the name is a bit low, Li Ergou looks more elegant and calmer than any Dongzhou noble that Ivy has ever seen.

"Yes, I did let Xu convey it that way, but you are wrong about one thing. It is not a non-binding condition. If you break our promise after you are free, your conscience will suffer. , this is a question of integrity and a question of being a human being.”

"So, Miss, are you an idealist? You are trying to restrain people with credit. With all due respect, when dealing with strangers, trying to make strangers abide by the same morality and code of conduct as you is really Some strongmen are in trouble, and some people don't even think betrayal is something to be ashamed of, and they even take pride in it and talk about it and call creditworthy people idiots."

"You think human nature is inherently evil, is that so?" Ivy asked lightly.

"It's not what I think, but it's the truth." Li Ergou smiled, "You probably haven't survived in the dark forest, have you? In the dark forest, you don't know whether the stranger you are facing is good or not. Evil, if you want to live, you can only define every stranger you meet as evil and be wary of them. Only in this way can you survive as much as possible. Then I will ask you, Miss, you Do you think that human nature is inherently good?"

Ivy sat gracefully on the sofa with the blue velvet back, raised her slender thighs and said:

"Like you, Mr. Li, I also believe that human nature is inherently evil. But I can see that you are not evil. Although you are wary of everything, you are undoubtedly good. I believe that I can build a relationship with you. The most basic relationship of trust, the most important thing is that I appreciate your ability, so I ordered Xu to break into the prison that night and negotiate with you."

"I'm kind? This is really a great irony..." Li Ergou grinned, "Then you dare to ask the eldest lady, from what point do you think I'm 'good'?"

"When you fought against three hundred lions, you protected the companions behind you. When you fought against more than one hundred living people, you only killed them after confirming that they had murderous intentions for you. When I offered you freedom, you also rejected my solicitation. You could have accepted it falsely, and then broke the contract after you were free, but you didn't do that because you are a person who keeps promises and you don't bother to break the contract. , even more disdain to deceive, your soul is extremely proud, just like the indifferent smile on the corner of your mouth now."

"Then the problem comes back, so it is precisely because you saw my essence that you made me owe you a favor through careful planning, right?"

Ivy shook her head:

"After you rejected my olive branch, I actually gave up on recruiting you, but out of interest in you, I ordered Xu to monitor your movements carefully. I want to know if you can rely on your own Escape with strength, if you succeed, then you and I are doomed, and I will bless your future. And if you can't escape with your own strength, after you are caught, I will give you a helping hand and let you I owe my favor." Ivy gently supported Li Ergou's chin with her slender palm, her golden eyes were charming, like a girl who was just beginning to love her, "Mr. Li, you are amazing, you are the first one who dares to be right. The man with my middle finger, do you really think I'll let you go easily?"

"Ahaha, I was in the arena at the time, and I didn't just give you the middle finger." Li Ergou scratched his head awkwardly.

"I know, you're giving your **** to those fools cheering in the audience," Ivy raised her swan-like neck and looked at Li Ergou, "I admire you very much, become mine Let it be private, when I realize my hegemony, I will realize all your wishes, and I will even spoil you like taking care of my own children, and take care of you until the moment you die, I will still be with you. Beside you, hold your hand like a wife and watch you die."

At this time, Li Ergou suddenly felt that Aishwana's little hand seemed to be exerting a little force. She clenched her palm tightly, her eyes were like a formidable enemy, as if she regarded Miss Ivy as a human trafficker.

He had to admit that Miss Ivy was indeed very attractive as a woman, and she was really good at winning people over as a leader, but he could not betray Aishwana because of this, and thus became a male creature obsessed with Miss Ivy.

The large and thick palm gently touched the brown cat ears, and Asilvana calmed down a bit.

"It seems a bit too much to be your personal property," Li Ergou looked at Ivy again and said, "but I, Li Ergou, are not ungrateful, you saved me and my girl, then my life is It's yours, as it should be. However, after I think my repayment is over, I will run to freedom with my girl, I hope you don't stop it, this is my bottom line."

"If you want, you can leave with Aishwana at any time. I will not restrict your freedom. I will even provide you with boats for you to travel."

"Thank you, Miss." Li Ergou bowed deeply again.

"Then, Li Ergou, from now on, you are my faithful servant. My name is Ivy Sylph Lianqing, and I am your only master in this life."