MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 26

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"That man really has two strokes, and he can sense my reclusiveness. He is indeed a talent that the eldest miss is looking for."

Xu showed an expression of sincere admiration.

At this moment, he was instructed to shoulder the task of the eldest lady, to monitor the whereabouts of Li Ergou and Aishwana, and to report their positions to the ambush army ahead in time.

In the end, the men who were loyal to the eldest lady were captured by the army, and on the way to escort, the cavalry led by the eldest lady herself rescued him.


Xu couldn't help but feel a little jealous about the eldest young lady's deliberate decision to get Li Ergou.

Because at the beginning, after seeing her impeccable assassination technique and the reclusive ninja that could sneak into almost any place, the eldest lady looked calm.

"It is indeed the talent I need in the future hegemony. Come with me, I will give you endless wealth."

So he followed the eldest lady, because what he longed for was indeed money.

But if the eldest lady can be drawn to her camp in such a "romantic" way, Xu believes that she will be loyal to the eldest lady with no regrets and no second thoughts.

"My lords."

Holding fists is the traditional etiquette of Dongzhou.

In front of him are countless armies clad in iron armor and waiting in battle.

Compared with the garrison of St. Charle, the weapons in their hands are actually more cold weapons, but this does not mean that they are weaker than the garrison in the city, but because in this era, they use cold weapons than Using a musket is more powerful.

On the flanks, there are also a few soldiers with muskets. They are all equipped with rifles of the same technological level as the Eastern Continent Empire. This kind of weapon can be sold at a high price in the Kingdom of Shengluer and even in the entire Western Continent, because the current industry in the Western Continent From the looks of it, it's simply not enough to imitate a rifle.

"That person is approaching the ambush circle?"

"Yes, ladies and gentlemen, please be careful. He is very strong, so be careful."

"We will be careful. Besides, no matter how strong he is, can he still be stronger than our well-prepared army?"

"I just hope you don't underestimate the enemy."

"Okay, you can go back, tell the eldest lady for me, let her wait for our good news, let alone two mere slaves, when we were at war with the Azure Empire, we captured more than a thousand people what!"

"But those more than 1,000 people are just a group of soft-footed shrimp without bones." The corners of Xu's mouth twitched slightly, revealing a sarcastic arc.

"That's right, but you should know our strength. In the entire Shengluer Kingdom, the quality of our troops is definitely one of the best."

"Maybe, but I'll give you a reminder for the time being. If you want to capture him, the best way is not to fight him with cold weapons, but to surround him and the girl behind him with muskets. In this way, for the sake of To prevent the girl behind him from being shot, he will definitely lay down his weapon and be bound willingly. In the end, you must not hurt the girl behind him, or you will regret it."

"I'll write it down for now. Well, your mission is over, leave here quickly."

After explaining the rest of the matter, Xu disappeared into the depths of the forest.

At the same time, Li Ergou moved towards this side with great vigilance, the rain had almost stopped, and the path was muddy.

But the good news is that the voices of the chasing soldiers can no longer be heard from behind. I think they must have been confused by the footprints made by themselves to the opposite direction.

But for some reason, Li Ergou did not dare to relax, he always had a premonition that danger was coming.

"Aishwana, are you tired?"

Aishwana shook her head, but Li Ergou knew very well that she was trying to be brave. It had taken almost four hours to escape from the cell. The soaked clothes were already bad, and now the cold wind was blowing. , Even Li Ergou is very uncomfortable, not to mention a delicate girl like Aishwana?

The most urgent thing now is to quickly find a place to rest.

Chapter 53 Dancing for Freedom

Li Ergou is not a headless fly moving in the forest. When he was in the prison cell of the slave arena, he had the honor to see the world map. On weekdays, he learned through communication that he was in the kingdom of Shengluer. In the northern city of Saint-Charles, according to the general geography, they can reach a port now as long as they keep going north.

Afterwards, Li Ergou planned to get a ship at the port and set sail back to Aishwana's hometown.

"What? Do you want to go back to my hometown?" Aishwana was a little surprised when she heard Li Ergou's plan, "I remember Ergou said before that she wanted to visit the Dongzhou Empire..."

"It's better to go to your hometown first, Aishwana."

Li Ergou fondly stroked her wet hair.

Although Aishwana doesn't often mention it, Li Ergou has learned her true identity from her words. If nothing else, she should be the princess of the Kingdom of Sri Lanka, and her hometown is occupied by people from Western Asia. To the invaded kingdom of Sri Lanka, and she was caught by the slave team by chance and became her own cellmate.

Thinking of it this way, I really have a relationship with Aishwana.

"Aishwana, you are my girl, so I can't tolerate you being wronged. After we leave this country, I will help you drive away all those invaders, and I will make you a legitimate princess."

"Two dogs..."

Aishwana was stunned. In fact, for her, even if Li Ergou didn't help her recover her country, she would only keep the Sri Lanka kingdom in her heart and keep her mouth shut.

Now she just wants to be with Li Ergou, even if she forgets her suffering motherland, it doesn't matter. She even thinks about the future with Li Ergou. At that time, she will completely forget her identity as a descendant of the royal family, and the powerful and powerful The gentle two dogs lived together, and eventually died of old age like ordinary people. Perhaps, when she is old, she will think of her motherland. At that time, she may feel guilty for her selfish decision, but for young girls, Li Ergou cannot be without the company. If there is a choice between two in front of you, the girl will choose Li Ergou without hesitation.

But if you want to ask her truest thoughts, she actually wants to save the country and wants to be with Li Ergou.

Therefore, after hearing Li Ergou's plan now, the corners of Aishwana's eyes are a little wet, and her movements are no longer as sloppy as in the past. Now she even looks a little reserved and elegant. The palace is the embodiment of a good education.

"Thank you, Ergou. On behalf of the daughter of the Zhangxi royal family and the five million people of the Kingdom of Sri Lanka, I would like to express my gratitude to you."

"Silly child, can you be so serious? You are my girl."

Li Ergou embraced her, her cat ears could barely reach her chin, but with such a petite and thin body, she had already suffered such a rough and unfair fate.

Before you knew it, the rain had stopped, and the sky began to light up gradually, making it look extremely clear, as clear as a washed blue pearl.

"Is it a little cold?"

"With two dogs by my side, I feel warm and not cold at all."

"Aishwana, the rain is over, it's not just the rain, the darkest days of our lives are over."

"Yeah, after I was caught, I was completely desperate," Aishwana said while tilting her head with a smile. "Now I am also looking forward to the future. Our future life will definitely be perfect."


Li Ergou asked softly.

"Not tired."

"If you're not tired, then dance for me."

"Eh, is it alright?" Aishwana was a little surprised, "Aren't we running away? There are still chasing soldiers behind, if they are caught up..."

"It's okay, dance, I want to see you dance, let me see how you dance for freedom."

Li Ergou's tone was very relaxed, but his eyes were a little sad.

Aishwana is very obedient. She has always been like this. She has never disobeyed Li Ergou. Even though she was exhausted at the moment, when she heard Li Ergou want to watch her dance, the cat's ears perked up immediately, looking full of energy. .

"Every time I see you dancing, I'm happy, Aishwana."

"Every time I dance for you, I'm also very happy, Ergou."

This is an ordinary forest. There are no flowers that are competing to bloom here, only some green shoots hanging with raindrops, but for Li Ergou, this is enough.

He sat on the stone beside him, quietly admiring Aishwana's solo dance.

The waist and limbs are flowing gracefully, and the dance steps are like a butterfly.

"Beauty, my girl, you are so beautiful."

That kind of psychedelic feeling like a dream made Li Ergou want to cry.

As he clapped his hands, he opened his voice and sang:

"I am free

For the love of the prodigal son

Drifting in the dryness of Autumn

Rain falls every night for the swirling heels of flowing water and clouds

I am free

For the tenderness of the past. "

Tagore once said, my heart is the bird of the wilderness, in your eyes it finds its sky.

It's not because Li Ergou is so artistic, but after the rain and the weather, he really saw the sky without any impurities in Aishwana's eyes.

Today, Aishwana has already become everything to Li Ergou. This is not because Li Ergou needs a replacement after his sister's death, but because Li Ergou really likes this well-behaved, kind and obedient to himself. cat ears girl.

For a bird like her to fly freely, even if it is nine deaths, there will be no regrets.

He laughed arrogantly, and his laughter was so loud that it disturbed the birds in the whole forest, as if Li Ergou was not afraid of the chasing soldiers behind him.

To ask why there is no scruples, because Li Ergou found that he and Aishwana were surrounded by enemies.

A bullet grazed Li Ergou's cheek and hit the tree behind him, leaving a bullet hole. Li Ergou said in a contemptuous tone:

"Don't be so confused, friends. At least let my girlfriend finish this dance."

"Sorry, Mr. Li, we know that you set fire to the slave arena and killed countless jailers and soldiers. For this, you need to pay for your evil deeds." The leading officer said coldly.

"The price?" Li Ergou put on an exaggerated expression, "Haha, you tell me the price? Then I ask you, what price should you pay? My girl's hometown was destroyed by you maggots. Now, who should she seek justice? The world is as black as crows, I admit that I am a crow, how about you?

"You have no weapons," said the officer coldly.

"Yes, I don't have a weapon, but that doesn't mean you can do whatever you want. Come on, trash, Grandpa Li, I'm going to teach you how to punch!"

Li Ergou stood in front of Aishwana, knowing that he and Aishwana were doomed, so he had to lower his voice and say:

"Aishwana, I'll block them, run away..."

Chapter 54 Fighting the Knights

"I don't want to run away. What a blessing to die with you. Why should I run away? No one can take away my little happiness."

There was a weird smile on Aishwana's wet mouth, and her green eyes that were about to cry were not afraid, and even had a trace of confusion and anticipation.

Only for a moment, but Li Ergou still saw it.

The vision she longed for.

After Li Ergou died, he then committed suicide.

"Aishwana, you must escape, don't forget that your country is being exploited by the invaders, I can die, but you can't."

"Country?" The usually well-behaved girl laughed, "Compared to dying with you, the country doesn't matter at all."

Aishwana then danced, as if the surrounding soldiers were not demons who had come to kill them, but an insignificant audience, and the early morning woods had now become the big theater stage for her solo dance.

She has dreamed of this scene countless times. If she can, of course she wants to live, but the premise is that Li Ergou must also be alive, otherwise it will be meaningless to live.

Death is not a terrible thing, how romantic it is to die hand in hand with a loved one.

"They may be able to take our lives, but they can't take our love."

The girl's smile had a morbid beauty, and even the soldiers surrounding them were amazed by the exotic dance.

Li Ergou did not persuade him any more, because now that he had to focus all his energy on the enemy, he must pay attention to every move of the enemy, and he would be killed by the enemy if he was not careful.

If she died, who could protect Aishwana?

"Don't stand still, quickly subdue him, the sinner must be tried."

Under the command of the army colonel, several knights in heavy armor immediately took a stance of challenge, slowly approaching with long swords in hand. Although the use of muskets could end the battle faster, they killed an unarmed person with muskets. Death is undoubtedly a disgrace to soldiers.

Moreover, these knights also want to know how strong this man is, so powerful that he will be appreciated by the eldest lady.

"It's really nerve-racking, why is a group of swordsmen?"

Li Ergou couldn't help sighing.

If possible, he would prefer the enemy to use a long spear, because Li Ergou is much more comfortable with a long spear than a sword. Now he is unarmed, but Li Ergou thinks that soon he will have the same knightly sword as the knights. .

"Aishwana, if you're desperate now and think we're all going to die together, then watch my fight."

The group of knights swung their swords and slashed over. Three knights were attacking Li Ergou’s front, and two knights in the back were attacking the flanks. The meaning of death, the places they cut were mostly hands and feet rather than fatal points. Maybe they wanted to capture themselves alive and then execute them to death to show the ridiculous majesty of the army?

Li Ergou sneered, and thumped the back of the enemy's sword with the protruding part of his knuckles, changed the course of the sword that should have sealed his movement, and hit the armor with his elbow.

At the beginning, Li Ergou thought that he could quickly kill one of the enemies, and then follow their weapons, but now it seems that the cooperation of this group of enemies has made Li Ergou a little overwhelmed.

Their swordsmanship is a swordsmanship that has experienced the test of life and death, and it is the real thing that travels in countless asura fields.

Li Ergou squatted halfway, and then kicked a knight's leg with a sweeping kick, but their armor was very hard and could not cause effective damage at all.

"If only I had a handy weapon..."

Don't dare to say anything else, if he has a long spear now, he can definitely kill all these knights.