MTL - Please Kill the Demon-Chapter 733 Tiger Saburo [Ask for a monthly pass! 】

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  Chapter 733 Tiger Saburo【Ask for a monthly pass! 】

  The moon is in the middle of the sky.

Chu Liang finally explained this matter clearly. Fortunately, Senior Sister Jiang is not the kind of unreasonable little girl, otherwise this matter will not be able to pass for three or five days, and maybe she will be taken out for a walk during the New Year and holidays. stroll.

   After calming down, Chu Liang took out the demon-binding rope and frowned.

  Although the demon-binding rope is very useful as a control magic weapon, the setting that it can only be bound by the tortoise shell really caused too much trouble for myself. In the past few years, I don't know how many times I have been treated as a pervert.

  Chu Liang suddenly thought, if he tapped a weapon spirit for it today, would it be able to make it have an independent consciousness, no longer limited to the tortoise shell?

   It's just that I don't know if it works or not. After all, after being enlightened by Yaoyao Brick, his mind is not very bright. I talked to it last night and only returned this morning. I don't know what caused the high delay, and I can't communicate normally at all.

   I don't know if the demon-binding rope will be like this.

   But always try.

  Thinking in this way, Chu Liang moved his cultivation base and activated the metamorphosis talisman.


  Golden light flashed, and the demon-binding rope floated in the air in an instant, and the aura flowed on it. After a while, the brilliance faded, and a flash of spiritual light shone.

   "It's done?" Chu Liang was overjoyed.

   Immediately, an evil laughter was heard in the room.

   "Jie Jie Jie Jie..." The voice came from the rope that bound the demon, "Little baby, do you want to have some excitement?!"


  Looking at the demon-binding rope flying in the air autonomously in front of him, Chu Liang couldn't help feeling a bad premonition.

  He said: "Don't get excited, listen to me tell you."

"Master!" The demon-binding rope seemed to see the situation in front of him clearly, and said loudly: "I know! You gave me life, and I will definitely tie up those enemies for you! Make them tremble, fear, submit, call master..."

   "Stop, stop!" Chu Liang hurriedly waved his hands to stop, and the more he said, the more outrageous it became.

  Why does this demon-binding rope seem like an old pervert, like Lin Bei has become a master?

   Is it related to this land of birth?

   "The reason why I give you the magic weapon spirit is to discuss this matter with you." Chu Liang discussed, "Let's tie people up in the future instead of using tortoise shells, okay?"

   "Of course!" The demon-binding rope twirled in the air, "The master has a life, how dare you not obey?"

   "That's good." Chu Liang breathed a sigh of relief.

  It seems that this perverted spirit is still human.

   At least it’s much better than Yaobao Brick.

   "Hey, I understand!" Fu Yaosheng replied with a smirk.


  What do you understand?

  Chu Liang frowned, just about to explain it in detail.

  At this moment, a faint wave of breath suddenly flashed in the courtyard. If the cultivation base is a little lower, you may not notice it at all.

  But Chu Liang's eyes flashed brightly, "Who?"

  In the next moment, his figure has shrunk to an inch, and he flashed into the courtyard.

  Under the pillars of the corridor, there was indeed a black shadow hidden. It seemed to be some kind of superb escapism, and it was almost flawless in the darkness.

  Chu Liang immediately held his sword in hand!

   "Don't!" The black figure flashed out immediately, raised his hands, and said in a deep voice, "Chu Liang, I have something to tell you!"

  This man was dressed in black, revealing a hideous face, half of which was covered with horrible wounds. But Chu Liang was familiar with the other half of his face.

   "Tiger Saburo?" Chu Liang recognized this original enemy at a glance.

   I haven't seen you for six years, how did he become like this?

   At the moment when the two looked at each other, a golden light burst out of the room, accompanied by a shout: "Little darling, hurry up and grab it!"


  A flash of golden light bound Hu Saburo tightly in an instant.


  Backing into the room, Chu Liang looked at Hu Saburo who was **** on the ground with a gloomy face, and said with a suppressed voice, "Release."

   "What?" Fu Yaosheng seemed to sense that Chu Liang's mood was wrong, "I have changed the binding method according to your instructions, Master?"

   "I'm telling you not to use the tortoise-shell tie that's so perverted..." Chu Liang tugged at one end of the demon-binding rope, "But I'm not telling you to change to a more perverted one!"

  Tiger Saburo is being thrown to the ground in a posture of straight arms and four horses at the moment, his eyes are somewhat dazed. He thought that he might suffer some hardships when he came to find Chu Liang tonight, but he didn't expect it to be in this way...

  The brain is a little overwhelmed.

   "Master, don't you like this?" The demon-binding rope said again: "Then shall I change it?"

   "It's not necessary." Chu Liang put it away and sent it to the White Tower Central Province to embarrass him.

   Then he helped Tiger Saburo up, and said seriously: "It was an accident just now."

   "Ah..." Tiger Saburo obviously let out a sigh of relief, and nodded: "That's good."

  The atmosphere is really awkward.

   After a while, it was Chu Liang who broke the silence first: "You were the one who hijacked Long Wuji with the demon pill in his mouth earlier, right?"

   "Yes." Tiger Saburo smiled wryly, "Sure enough, I can't hide it from you."

   "I just found out that your aura is similar to that of that person." Chu Liang asked again: "Why did you come to see me tonight?"

   "I am..." Tiger Saburo gritted his teeth, and suddenly fell to his knees again with a plop, saying, "I'm here to ask for your help!"

   "Get up first and then talk!" Chu Liang hurried to help, thinking what are the two doing, why are they rushing together to ask him for help?

  Tiger Saburo was helped up again, looked at Chu Liang, and then slowly said: "Dragon Dancer...she is my lover."

  After that, Chu Liang listened to him talk about his experience in the past few years.

  After the Immortal Gate Conference, although Fuyao Kingdom's team did not achieve high results, they did not receive any harsh criticism. After all, they lost to the Shushan faction who won the championship, and it is not a shame.

  Afterwards, they entered the Yubo Mansion to serve. Because of Han Lingshuang's relationship, their brothers and sisters were regarded as direct descendants of the royal family, and they were soon qualified for the important positions of the monarch's guard.

  During this period, Tiger Saburo also met a beautiful girl who grew up in Yubo Mansion, but her background was somewhat mysterious, and she always practiced dancing on the other side of the wall.

  The two soon hit it off and became a couple.

  Her name is Mirror Moon.

  Until one day not long after, Jingyue asked Tiger Saburo to meet in a big mountain outside the city, and Tiger Saburo happily went to the appointment.

   It turned out that it was not Yi Ren who was waiting for him here, but a team of extremely powerful masters ambushing him. Torasaburo was disfigured, seriously injured, and finally fell down the mountain with a fatal blow.

   "Anyone would be dead at this time, but they didn't expect that I grew up in a tiger's den in the mountains..." Speaking of that time, Tiger Saburo still had tears in his eyes.

  When he was dying, he was rescued by the tiger demon in the mountain, and he was taken back to the lair to recuperate for more than a year before he healed some of his injuries and was able to leave the mountain.

  Hu Saburo returned to Canglang City, only to find that he had become the murderer who assassinated the monarch, and that girl had become a shining dragon dancer in the city.

  Tiger Saburo, who was hidden in the dark, realized that she had been deceived. She didn't come that day at all. Those who ambushed her were probably with her.

  But he has no time to suffer because of this, but wants to find his master Han Lingshuang quickly and tell the truth about these things.

   Before he could approach Yubo Mansion, he heard light footsteps behind him.

   It was Dragon Dancer who followed.

  Tiger Saburo was very surprised, he was already disfigured and covered his face with a veil, yet she could still recognize him?

  Dragon Dancer's answer to this is, "You look at me differently from anyone else. Even if you become a beast, I can still recognize you at a glance."

  After a complicated emotional exchange, the two finally opened up to each other.

  It turns out that Long Wuji is the adopted daughter of General Yubo, Jing Wuya. He raised this adopted daughter since he was a child, just to use her. Framed Tiger Saburo is one of her missions.

  Mirror Wuya has a magical mirror called "Liuguang Baojian", once it shines on someone, it can keep his light and shadow. If you find another person with similar physical appearance, you can use this light and shadow to transform him into a real one.

  Long Wuji once secretly used the Liuguang Baojian to take photos of Hu Saburo, but when she was about to kill Hu Saburo, she wavered. Because during that time, she also really fell in love with this fiery young man.

  Ke Jing Wu Ya ignored her friendship, and directly sent a letter to Hu Saburo in the name of Dragon Dancer, tricking him to go outside the city to ambush him. On the other side, he had already found an assassin who was similar in appearance to Tiger Saburo, and lurked beside the monarch.

  In the end, although the assassin's action failed, Jing Wuya directly destroyed the body and wiped out all traces, and used this name to eliminate dissidents, which greatly weakened Han Lingshuang's power in Yubo Mansion.

  The reason why Long Wuji prevents Tiger Saburo from going back to find the master is because everyone in Yubo Mansion is under the surveillance of Jing Wuya, and once he shows up, it is very likely that he will never be able to escape.

  Hearing this, Chu Liang thought of the appearance of Han Lingshuang he saw today, feeling vaguely strange.

   Maybe she's aware of that too.

  Dragon Dancer asked Hu Saburo to leave Canglang City, "With your talent, as long as you go far and fly high, you can succeed in any place. Don't stay in this dangerous place anymore."

  Tiger Saburo wanted to take her along, but Long Wuji just shook her head, she couldn't leave.

  After a battle between heaven and man, Tiger Saburo also resolutely stayed in Fuyao Kingdom. He is secretly investigating the conspiracy of Mirror Toothless, hoping to find a chance to bring it down.

   But the more he investigated, the more frightened he became.

  Over the years, Jing Wuya has infiltrated Fuyao country to the point of pervasiveness, including Penglai Shangzong, who has been opened up by him, turning a blind eye to the domestic situation.

  If it weren't for the people's heart to the royal family, he might have the strength to overthrow it.

   And now, when it was finally time for him to finally show his fangs, Tiger Saburo couldn't hold back anymore.

   "You want to destroy his plot, why did you rob the Dragon Dancer?" Chu Liang asked curiously.

  He has already cleared up his doubts about Long Wuji's sudden betrayal. The two of them are a couple, and it would be a bad thing if they appeared by themselves.

  But he didn't know why Tiger Saburo did this suddenly.

  He has been dormant for several years, and almost fell short because of a momentary impulse.

Hu Sanlang frowned and said: "The monarch has not been out of the palace often since last time, and the guards are very strict. But in fact, the monarch has a hobby that few people know. In fact, he is a piano fanatic, especially admire Xue Lingxue. In the year of the Nanyinfang election, he He even secretly went to the Yu Dynasty in disguise. I suspect that this is the general's plan, he is probably..."

   "I want Jingyue to pretend to be Xue Lingxue to assassinate the monarch!"

good evening.



  (end of this chapter)