MTL - Players Please Respect Yourself-Chapter 29 【All villains】

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   Chapter 29 [All villains]

   Looking up, at the end of the horizon, rows of ghosts are messed up in the wind.

   At first glance, it looks like an army of ghosts is gathering. After a closer look, I found that the ghosts were hanging on the southeast branch, floating in the wind.

   Can't think of it yourself?

   What a liar?

   Could it be that in order to grow taller, ghosts put a rope around their neck and hang from a branch?

   "Squeak! Squeak!"

   The side-turning body, the protruding eyeballs…

  How to see how to look at people!

   There were also the row upon row of ghosts 'standing' on the side of the road. If it wasn't for the fact that they had a hole in their forehead and pierced the back of their head with their own spears, Wang Hao would have believed that they were standing guard for him.

   In the game, they didn't come for a day and a half, and these guys made themselves a demon city?

   Could it be that I will appear in the opening OP or ending ED of any video in the future, and it will be the special C position of the big devil, and I will have an exclusive full-screen big avatar?

  Look outside, almost every crayfish player is wearing a cloak made of rags from a ghost. Cloaks are available in various colors, with different fabrics and patches, and look like a beggar's costume.

   But with the Chinese [All Villains] written vertically with white mud or something on the cloak, the style of painting is completely different.

   Why is it a little rushed at the base camp of the young and the bewildered?

  Wang Hao suddenly felt a pain in his head, and immediately went to Ashe and asked, "What's going on outside?"

   Ashe moved her left arm slowly, although she was still holding the deck, it was obviously healing well, and she didn't see any pain on her face. Facing the question, Ashe blinked: "The ghosts attacked, I shot them, and then ordered your subordinates to do things according to the old rules of the clan."

"That's it?"

   "That's it." Ashe seemed to understand why Wang Hao asked her this.

  What's the matter?

   Always feel like something is wrong.

  Wang Hao is very aware of the strength of crayfish players. Without him, the group of funny people would run out to deliver food.

   Wang Hao didn't give up, and quickly asked the system to help him see his 'game' on Sitian's forum.

   The first hot topic is: "Is this a social beating, or is it a malicious plan planned by a dog? 》

   That is a player telling his tragic experience.

   Since the lord Momma closed for some reason, players have completely released themselves.

   "My journey is a desert of dust!" The player shouted such a slogan and ran out of the territory one kilometer away. It's not easy for a crayfish person, and then it wilts.

   "The system reminded me that, as the lord's summoned object, if you leave the lord too far, you will encounter an accident. I didn't believe it, and then my character immediately suffered from severe water shortage and fell weakly."

   "Forget it, I thought I was just dead, who knew that a group of ghosts picked me up..."

   Below is a short video.

   In the video, the poor guy is pierced by a stick, grilled... eaten.

   "Woooooo! This experience is too bad, I reduced my pain by 100%, but I was roasted and eaten, and I felt like I ran into a cannibal." The landlord cried so.

  Who knows the reaction of the readers below the post is amazing.

  【Yang SYY】: "Lord, wake up, you are just a crayfish. The opposite is more like a human!"

  【Meteor Liuying】: "Don't say it, post this kind of post in the middle of the night, no, I'm going to get a pot of crayfish for supper."

   The building crooked in three or so times.

   The second hot post is from [Chu Jiayun], Wang Hao remembers this local tyrant player.

"In order to test our combat strength, we specially stripped off our equipment and gathered fifty people to attack a small field camp with only five ghosts. The result was very frustrating. Without the lord, we were easily wiped out. Although We feel that the ghost on the opposite side is not strong, that kind of feeling is like a turtle robbing a snail. But unfortunately, without the lord, we are the poor snail."

"I thought this **** game, as soon as it gave players freedom, ruthlessly deprived us of the fun of the game in a cruel way. This **** **** game shows all the malice of the dog's plan. The difficulty is too high, no Our own boss leads the team, even if we are fully armed, we are still a group of rookies.”

   "The lord is in retreat, Miss Ashe is still there, so we thought of a way."

   Here is the video:

  【Stabbed】Single shrimp without horses, just walked outside the five-person ghost camp and shouted, "Grandson!"

   I don't know if he succeeded in taunting, or the ghost simply didn't like the crayfish, and the five ghosts came over and chopped the [Stab] in one fell swoop.

   But another crayfish man was jumping around thirty meters away, slapping his **** and twisting his waist, even if the language was not clear, the meaning of [sarcasm] was enough.

   That goods are also hung up.

   Thirty meters away, another crayfish was laughing at the group.

  Unconsciously, the players used the method of death relay to lead these ghosts with little brains to the vicinity of the outpost.

   Seeing this, Wang Hao still couldn't figure out how the player killed so many ghosts. After all, Ashe was injured, and that dwarf Balu didn't seem to be very good at fighting.

   Next, Wang Hao saw a miraculous scene - Ashe appeared.

   She was indeed injured, so she sat on the city wall like this, a slender, white and curvy right leg was raised, the sole of the foot supported the bow, even though the splint was still clamped in the left hand, the right hand still pulled the bow.

   A gust of sand and dust blew her long silver hair, and the black cloak rattled behind her.

  Beauty and hero arrows are like shooting stars, piercing the sky and shooting headshots with one arrow.

   The ghosts panicked, some wanted to run, and some wanted to attack desperately.

  Ashe was not at all chaotic, arrow after arrow, first shot to death who tried to escape, and then cleaned up the approaching ghost.

  Five arrows, five heads!

On the    video, a screen-filled barrage has been raised by the players:


   "Fuck, this painter, this action, I love it!"

   "Why is my screen dirty? Pulu Pulu!"

   "Contract this beautiful leg!"

  The video has the voice of [Chu Jiayun]: "In this way, we used the death relay and the camp boss-level guard Ai to clean up all the ghosts within a radius of one kilometer. I just didn't expect that Miss Ai Xi is very hot!"

   After that, Chu Jiayun posted the task list.

  【Mission (Defend the Camp with Blood): The majesty of Lord Jason Momoa cannot be violated. Hang up the bodies of all ghosts, and let them know what happens when they step into this land. 】

   The details of the task are to hang the bodies of all ghosts within the limit of the crayfish man's movement to deter the latecomers.

   It is precisely because of this task that a group of ghosts hang themselves on the southeast branch.

  Wang Hao withdrew from the spiritual sea and narrowed his eyes: "Did you let the crayfish man hang the body?"

   (end of this chapter)