MTL - Plane Source Code-Chapter 74 Force 4 General

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Wu Dianwei's giant axe made a gesture against Tang's neck. Tang Ying said with one hand holding the halberd:

"Dian Wei, you are a good general, but you wo n’t choose a follower and see the direction of Wuyuan City behind me? Two thousand people, regardless of their age, will be killed and killed by Cao Cao. If you are Because he follows him with the heart, what should he think at this moment?

Cao Song and others were killed, so-called grievances and revenge, is this so that more than 100,000 people are cheaper than his Cao family along the way?

After seeing this kind of scene, I can only say that Cao Song should be killed, even all of the Cao family should be killed. Those who participated in the slaughter should all be damned, treat the people as grass, and treat themselves as noble. Do you also believe that he has the world in his heart?

Wu Dianwei, the generals of Cao Jun, if one day your wife, children, and young people encounter the shameless beheading of Cao Cao, do you still think that following Cao Cao is for the people of the world? Or does he only use you as a tool for his own benefit?

Dozens of people in his Cao family had to be buried in hundreds of thousands of people in Xuzhou. What was his Cao Mengde? Such a tyrannical evil is despicable and shameless, selfish and self-serving, and the evil thief who does not protect the people. Following him is equal to the enemy of the people of the world. The planner for him is comparable to Yin Shangyou Fei Zhong, and those who are trapped for him are ignorant.

At this time, everyone has time to repent, and turn your weapons to kill this traitor who betrayed the world. This is what the men should do when they walk between the heavens and the earth. Do n’t wait for your loved ones to kill you like this. I just thought of today's scene. Don't wait for future generations to poke your spine and know the regrets.

The world is the world of the people, the land is a place where no hundreds of people live, not where he Cao Mengde trampled on life, soldiers, generals of insight, at this moment, if you do not oppose this evil thief, the people will never be peaceful ... "

Dian Wei, who was opposite Tang Jing, was stunned, and Le Jin, who had a broken hand, was also stunned. Li Dian, who was **** in the Tang jun army, was also stunned, and the old man Xu Chu was also stunned. Even countless soldiers who had participated in the slaughter of the people were also stunned.

Cao Cao's soldiers boasted about defending his homeland and defending his country, but now he has slaughtered more than a hundred thousand people because of dozens of people in his family. These more than a hundred thousand people are innocent. If the world is controlled by Cao Cao, once he is subject to What effect, then how many people will become fish under the knife.

Cao Cao's eyes narrowed into big eyes. He was blowing his beard and his face was red, but when he saw countless people in the army looking at each other, his eyes looked like this, he hurriedly gave Xiahou brothers a look. The two brothers Hurrying to shoot Ma Xiang rushed to Tang Jun who was talking about Cao Jun's brainwashing.

If Cao Jun had a hundred points of momentum before, Tang Wude beat Lejin Li Dian to eighty in a row, and now there are less than twenty because of Tang Yi's words.

Only by killing Tang Yan, Cao Jun will resume the momentum attack. If he has no advantage, Cao Jun will be defeated by Tang Yan because of his self-rebellion.


Xia Houyuan waved his sword and rushed up, Xia Houyuan yelled at Dian Wei as he approached:

"Dian Wei, kill this guilty guy."

Wu Dian waited for a moment, with a look of doubt and a huge axe assaulting and killing him. Xu Chu, who was also confused, counted a few feet behind him.

Twenty-four masters rushed forward, Tang Yan shook his hands behind him, and he raised the halberd with one hand and yelled to heaven:

"People all over the world, look at me for justice for the dead."

The cymbals' drums kept ringing in the valleys. Tang Qi ran a war horse, and the black horse rushed towards Xia Hou Xuan who was in front of him like a dark cloud. When the two horses staggered, Tang Ji's halberd came to Xia Hou Xuan in a flash. In front of me.

Seeing such a fast and fierce halberd Xia Houyi hurriedly blocked his sword in front of his heart, but this time Tang Yan himself said that he was so full of blood that he did n’t converge slightly. When the halberd went down, the Euphorbia Crescent in his hand was directly cut by Xia Houyang. Above, I only heard Dora ’s slash in the hands of Xia Houyi, and the halberd cut back his head if his body fell backwards.

可 Even then Tang Xi's halberd's head cut a half-inch-long gap in Xia Hou's arm. When Xia Houyuan arrived with the two staggered, Tang Xuan's hand turned round and cut the halberd directly.

Xia Houyuan didn't notice that Xia Houyuan's arm was cut off. He slammed the stick in his hand and drew it at Tang Zhi's halberd. With the sound of Xia Houyuan, Xia Houyuan said, he felt that his right hand was about to break. However, the Euphorbia in the hand of Tang Yan was in his hand, and the stick in Xia Houyuan's hand fell to Tang Ye's left hand.

At a glance at Xia Houyuan's weapon, Dian Wei hurriedly drew a huge axe and slashed, Tang Yan laughed and shouted:


The force of Dian Wei's giant axe can be used to split the stone, but Tang Xun's left hand struck strangely on the side of Dian Wei's great axe. Aimed at his horse's head ~ ~ How can a war horse withstand the full axe of the axe in his hand, and the head of the war horse was chopped by Dian Wei himself, and he flew to the ground.

One stroke, one stroke, rushed to the end, Xu Chuwala Lala called a saddle and flew up, his hands in midair rounded the sledgehammer and fell like a meteor.

Tang Xun had no offense. He slammed the halberd in his hand and rolled it up. Xu Chu was stabbing in the air, and he was flying upside down. Even his three shots could only be avoided by this blow But Tang Yan shot his backhand on the sledgehammer, and he was hit with a sledgehammer.

"Save people ..."

Xia Houyi and Xia Houyuan rushed to Dian Wei and Xu Chu from both sides, and each stretched out their hands and pulled them back on the horse and rushed to the rear. However, at this moment Tang Xuan shouted in one stroke:


"Kill." "Kill." "Kill."

Four thousand people shouted in unison, and the sword and shield soldiers rushing in front of them while slamming the inlaid shield while screaming and rushing up. Even if the team still maintaining neatness in the charge seemed aggressive, this side began to impact, but Cao Jun turned his head and started running Tang Junjun then rolled up, and the sound of chopping and hissing made Cao Jun terrified.

This is the result of cold weapon battles in this era. Tang Jun can reach the three armies alone. This is the feeling of all Cao Jun. Watching him lead the army to cover up and kill, soon many soldiers moved by Tang Jun's words throw down their weapons and surrender.

With one, there will be a group, just like the rapid spread of the virus. When the army rushed across the valley, more than half of Cao Caojun had dropped his weapon and squatted on the ground.

The slogan of the Tang Dynasty army was to surrender without killing. Cao Cao's army was defeated, and when they collapsed into the barracks, even the clever Guo Jia and Yan You could not defend and fled with the army.