MTL - Plane Source Code-Chapter 48 Test failed

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Tang Tang can now wear chemical protection equipment. He quickly burned all this liquid with flames. Nothing was left in the scan. Tang Xu started a cooling facility to balance the temperature here.

Tang Yan has such a living shape in his hands. How can I know that it has been melted into a liquid within a few minutes of T? This makes Tang Yan's heart sullen. As for those iron warriors he arrested, he did not take the high intelligence technology race. For the purpose of experiments, he is going to study them and eventually control them as soldiers or do other things.

However, Tang Yan still has six alien monsters in his hands. Tang Yan asked the White Queen to take a sample test, but the effect is the same as that of other living organisms. It can not bear the high-speed metabolic capacity of T. As for the G virus and the combined virus C and vitamin Ronica virus, the genes of these organisms are just as irresistible.

Originally, I planned to test the acceptance of T by the alien, but I knew that this was the result of the first test. He thought about taking out an alien egg, pulling out a face bug from the inside, locking it on the test platform, and taking a small amount. T virus is injected into the body of the face bug.

"Squeak ..."

The embracing worm trembled continuously and screamed. After a while, the trembling body became gray and straight and spread out in situ. Tang Yue suddenly slashed the worm with a scalpel. In its abdomen, one The long parasites are still creeping slowly.

The T virus killed the face bug, but the parasite was still alive, which meant that the parasite had resisted the not-so-strong T virus. Tang Yan quickly caught an alien that looked like a hyena but was covered with scales. The monster, locked it on the platform, then laser cut the monster's chest to implant the parasite in it.

完 After doing all this, the scanner on the test bed began to scan continuously, parasitic into the monster, and the alien parasite began to grow at a high speed, which is countless times faster than the one or two hours required in the movie.

Within thirty seconds, the monster was struggling, and the larvae in its chest began to grow larger. A mouth full of fangs opened the monster's chest and raised his head to hiss.

In the rattling noise, Tang Yan directly locked the alien larvae and pulled it out of the monster's chest. After testing, he quickly extracted the alien larvae's blood with a magnetic stabilization device, and then began to centrifuge the alien blood in the centrifuge next to it.

Of course, this special-shaped larvae Tang Yan will not wait for it to grow. After cutting directly with laser, all the samples are stored in the diluted alkaline solution. When the centrifuge is stopped, Tang Yan looks at it through the magnetic stabilizer. The abnormal blood It is divided into three layers, the bottom layer is blood cells with super corrosion, the second layer is anti-corrosion balance fluid, and the third layer is shaped serum.

Tang Yanzi carefully extracted the first two layers of centrifugal liquid. The third layer of corrosive liquid can not be found in a suitable container. This magnetic device can make the nanoworms have a two-millimeter gap between the inner wall and the liquid substance. Block, this can be regarded as the most suitable equipment to hold acid solution.

The parasite was tested for its ability to withstand the T virus, and various tests followed. However, after the test, Tang Ye still found that the abnormal serum could not completely balance the power of T. The reason why the parasite blocked the erosion of T, then There is a reason that humans can also let the autoimmune body kill the virus.

I tried again several times, and after killing all the alien creatures in my hand, Tang I still didn't get anything useful, he shook his head and said:

"It seems that it is difficult to obtain virus resistance and fusion from organisms. Only when I have time to enter the rest of the zombie world to capture zombies and test their viruses, let's go back now."

"Master, today is February 8th, don't you plan to go back to Huaxia to see it?" Asked after the red laser beam to clean up the remaining gaps around it.

"On February 8th, what's the use?" Tang Yanran asked.

"On February 8, 1904, the Japanese attacked Lushun and competed with Tsarist Russia for control of the Northeast." The Red Queen laughed.

Tang Yan eyes said:

"Manchu dogs, Japanese pigs, Russian hairy ghosts, aren't any fun things, but what will happen if I kick in?"

After the red was cleaned up, the surrounding protective equipment was stowed and said:

"Try it out. If your spirit has been depressed for so long, you can relax your nerves."

Xu Tangji nodded his head and closed the exit after exiting the ground. He drove the stealth warship directly to Huaxia, which was still ruled by the Manchu dynasty.

Uh ...

With high-tech equipment, Tang Yan really went to entertain. He didn't care about everything. He killed all Japanese and Russian soldiers and captured all the warships. He along the way occupied every occupied area, one by one in the concession. This pier, as long as all the foreigners killed them, finally went to various places and cut down Cixi Guangxu and a large group of royal families who might become emperors.

In order to avoid major problems, Tang Yan had to instill the memory of thousands of clones ~ ~ to make them responsible for all walks of life, and at the same time set up 100,000 military semi-automatic rifles, machine guns, etc. along the coast Equipment quickly unifies the country.

However, for a year and a half, Tang Yong used the technology in his hands to complete six naval bases and warship factories in Dalian, Qingdao, Baodao, Fujian, and Hainan, and five major military enterprises in the southeast and northwest. After such rapid development, he simply attacked After all foreign troops that have passed Huaxia have sunk all hostile warships and destroyed their ordnance enterprises and docks, these countries have to raise white flags and spit out all the benefits from the robbery of Huaxia.

Twenty-two years later Tang asked for the establishment of the Prime Minister's Office, the President's Office, and the General Staff to start decentralizing the country, but he left all of this world out of no care.

Uh ...

"One hundred meters away, five people, three automatic rifles, one pistol, and another person occupied the high position, set up a sniper rifle and aimed at the hole, and an armed helicopter three kilometers away, one hundred and fifty nautical miles. Besides, there is a guided missile destroyer ... Well, Lewis and others are on this guided missile destroyer. "

In the cave, Houhou saw from the satellite picture that a helicopter was parked on the destroyer's helipad. The people who descended from it were the group of Yankees responsible for hunting down Tang Yan.

Tang 铨 activated a stealth device and went out of the cave and whispered:

哦 "Oh ... so? They are just right, let's go and see on the destroyer."

Brightly walking through the five American soldiers in charge of the search, Tang Xuan did not try to see if the stealth spacecraft was found by the radar. According to the scan of the stealth spacecraft after the Red, it is indeed difficult for the radar on the earth to find its existence, but This type of spacecraft always generates thrust. If someone concentrates, they will find the vortex flow of the propeller.