MTL - Plane Source Code-Chapter 43 Kind thief

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After getting out of the car, the girl pointed at the building and said:

"I live in the upper six floors. I'm pretty good here. At least I have my own house. Many other people are renters. You should be careful where you go ... forget it, your ability is needed. Afraid of those guys? Just send me home. "

Tang Tang got out of the car and originally wanted to help her, but at a glance at the state of the girl's ankle, he simply picked up a princess and picked up the girl, closed the door and walked towards the building.

"Sophie, are you injured? Are you okay?"

As soon as I entered the building, the black doorman sitting in front of the door and reading the newspaper asked, the girl shook her head and smiled:

"It's okay, I'm fettered, this gentleman sent me home."

The janitor looked at the Hummer that was not far away. This thing was expensive and proved that Tang's identity was extraordinary. The janitor said with a smile:

"Sophie Little finally managed to make it, let's just say, with Su Fei's kind character and beauty, she will leave this place sooner or later."

Sophie's face was red but difficult to answer. From the elevator to the sixth floor to enter Sophie's home, Tang Ying felt that it was spacious enough. There were more than 80 square meters of living room, three large bedrooms, a spacious kitchen and two. The bathroom, except that there is only an old sofa, a coffee table and an old-style rear-projection TV in the living room. Tang Yan did not go to the room to watch but put the **** the sofa and said:

"Your ankle has been dislocated, so bear with me a little bit. I will help you reset it."

Sophie nodded and said:

"thank you......"

Sophie is still talking. Tang Yan grabbed her palm and ankle around her neck and twisted it to restore her dislocated position. After rubbing around the acupuncture point, he looked at the alcohol next to him and poured it into the cup. She has blood circulation and blood stasis.

After a few minutes, the girl's swollen ankle had disappeared a lot, Tang Yan said:

"Is there anyone who can take care of you? Call him quickly. It will take at least a week for your foot to resume normal walking. If you don't rest, you will have sequelae later."

When Su Fei heard that she needed a week's rest, her face changed:

"A week, what will this do, what will Pochi do? They need my care."

"Who is Pooch?" Tang Yan asked.

Sophie's big blue eyes said with a little sadness:

"A blind child in a private orphanage in the 18th district. They are all children of the parents who died in the district. Now the director is sponsoring around, but for more than 30 children in the orphanage, that sponsorship is not enough. The community funds Not to mention, it's nothing. "

Tang Yan knew something vaguely. He went to the window and looked down. There were several black people beside his Hummer. One of them was still hitting his car window with a hammer. The sound of screaming alarm scared the group. The black man ran away, he just looked at his head and said:

"How about you? Why stay here? Why should you help them?"

Sophie rubbed her ankle gently, biting the corner of her mouth and groaning.

"Seven years ago, my parents were running car shops in these 18 districts, and they were considered to be one of the rich here. But then my parents were robbed and killed in the shop, and I became an orphan. I have no other relatives, and I am the dean. Keep me, but the orphanage has been in arrears with rent and many money will be forcibly closed;

I didn't know I had a legacy until half a year ago. This house and a deposit of more than 100,000 Euros. I gave the deposit to the orphanage to pay off the rent, but there are still a lot of arrears that need to be settled. Where are the brothers The younger sisters had to read, eat, and buy clothes. The dean was feeling overwhelmed, so I tried to find a way to subsidize the orphanage. "

There is no such thing as a TV series in the world. Tang Ye knows more miserable things, especially when he has been in Africa for five years, war, poverty, hunger, and skinny children everywhere. The body was swallowed by flies and vultures, and the girl who was sold to his wife as a young girl was six or seven years old. Many people even gave their wives to avoid feeding.

The last village where Tang Yan was assigned was even more tragic. Men everywhere would be forced to serve as soldiers as long as they were over 13 years old. The whole village was women and children. In order to survive, those teenage girls only needed A loaf of bread can accompany you to sleep, and if you want, one or two hundred dollars can take these little girls away.

The right to life is a joke in those war-torn areas. By contrast, the slums here are much happier, although they are chaotic, but Tang Xuan does not laugh at the goodness of others. It is very difficult for Sophie to have this kind of mentality. He looked back at the more complicated girl and said:

这样 "Let ’s do this. I can fund the orphanage you said so that you can rest in peace and let your dean bring your bank account number and donation agreement with me. I'll just transfer it to him."

Sophie exclaimed with joy:

"Really, you really want to sponsor an orphanage, you are really nice ~ ~ call it ... good guy ... this word does not suit me."

Tang Yan waved his hand and walked aside to turn on the TV to watch the news. The news of the bombing of the Eiffel Tower was broadcast on the TV. Sophie was a thief, but he was a good man, but he was not a good man, because he didn't intend to save any world, All who are going to see suffering and suffering go to rescue.

Helping Sophie was purely because she had seen her before, not to mention that Sophie was still a beauty, so she took the rescue. As for the orphanage, the talents of the post-reds do n’t matter if you donate billions of euros. By the way, he doesn't feel that he is kind.

After Sophie made the phone call, a fat woman arrived at her house. She was very pleased to hear that Tang Yan was preparing to make a donation, but the donation procedure was complicated, and all the information had to be filled in fairly. He and the woman went to the notary office to notarize, and they only paid five million euros to the orphanage account.

The woman thanked Tang Ye many times for the children in the orphanage. This made his old face warm all the way, generous to others, and was so grateful. After Tang Ye asked the woman to leave, he bought some food and sent it to Sophie's house. Ready to leave.

Sophie saw Tang 铨 put food in the refrigerator and left with a cane and asked:

"Mr. Tang, are you leaving now?"

Tang 铨 nodded and said:

"Let's rest, you don't have to worry about the orphanage, and these foods are enough for you to eat alone for half a month, I have things to leave."

"Mr. Tang, can you give me a way to contact you?" Sophie said hastily.

Tang Tang smiled a little. He was about to leave this special forces world. If he wanted to contact him, he would still research the plane phone. Then there is no certain day.