MTL - Plane Source Code-Chapter 410 Hong Huang, Uncle is back

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Tang Yan looked at the eggshell and thought about it, then opened his hands to melt the eggshell, and as he continued to beat, the liquid melted by the eggshell formed three female tights. He smiled and turned the tights. Whispered next to the bed:

"The clothes made by the defensive shell of this cosmic egg should be able to protect their safety in many worlds. The elixir and exercises are also left to them. I hope that they will have at least enough self-protection before I enter Hongmeng. Otherwise, dare not take them to that dangerous place. There are no ads on mobile phones m. The most data-saving. "

At that time, Pangu asked Tang Ye to help go to Hongmeng. Tang Ye, who has helped himself, knew En Tubao. Besides, Pangu left a leg hair for him. Do n’t underestimate the thing, it is Pangu's authentic leg. Mao, which has a more pure Pangu gene than Sanqing and the Twelve Ancestors of the Witches, in the world of floods, that leg hair can be of great use at critical times.

Although Iwasaki is now constantly practicing in and out of the world, it is impossible for him to go to the wasteland like he did for thousands of years or even hundreds of millions of years. It is impossible to catch up with Tang Yan ’s cultivation, but at least he has self-protection means. Tang Yan hoped that they would practice more in the following days. The next time he came back and delayed some days until they had enough practice, he was better off looking for Hongmeng.

After a month and a half of rest at home, Iwasaki Zero only rested at home for five days. It is estimated that I still saw Tang Yan being too boring before deliberately leaving him to hang out with him, or they could not stop at the crazy cultivation .

During this time and after the Tang Dynasty, Tang Xun was studying the existence of the third kind of energy particles, but this energy particle is only in Tang Xuan's theory. His own positive particle black hole and anti-particle white hole are extremely powerful. Special particle colliders and accelerators are extremely unstable.

He has tried high-speed collisions with positive particles with black holes and anti-particles with white holes to try to create balanced particles that appear after the impact of two opposing force fields.

However, this kind of experiment is only in reasoning. In order to achieve higher achievements, Tang Yi had to endlessly test 110 billion times. Even if it is hundreds of years, he must try different experiments to find this particle structure. come out.

A Dantian universe has been condensed in the flood, and now he is working hard to create a cell dimension, but he cannot create a balanced particle. Then his cell dimension and the future cell world cannot be formed, so he only tried the cell dimension structure. Able to start dimension opening of 365 acupoints outside Dantian.

Human acupuncture points are places to condense the source of life. Each acupuncture point has different attributes, such as Yin-Yang two qi, five-element pulse, twelve canonical and odd Jing eight-pulse. The main two pulses are the places where the yin-yang qi condenses. People have the power of balance, and the five elements of the five elements linked to the internal qi can make people healthy.

The human body coexisting with the avenue will pass through these 365 acupoints during cultivation. It also indicates the 365 basic rules in the avenue. Condensing the dimensional world in each different acupoint is equivalent to Master a basic rule.

Tang Yuan has begun to plan. He has a free-knife, and has a number of copied Marvel abilities. From there, you can find a huge number of rule bases and complete rules. Therefore, it is much easier to condense the acupoint dimension than he is to condense the cell dimension, but it will consume The time is unknown.

Only planning started, so Tang Yuan has n’t started to try yet. He just hopes that after five revolutions of force have been compressed, the balanced particles have been created. By then, once he creates the cell dimension and even the cell world, how powerful can he be. No result can be calculated afterwards.

The four-turn power is far smaller and more powerful than the chaotic power. The five-turn power is definitely stronger. According to his comparison in the flood, his four-turn power is sufficient to fight the innate saint, but he has not actually mastered one. This kind of rule, even if there are more than fifty rules before Xiaoyao, there is more time for him to improve his energy and just copy various rules and regulations, and he has no time to deeply understand.

Feeling is a method of using rules and rules. Tang Xun had previously copied the heart of the universe directly. How can there be spirit to perceive the spirit, but now he must do so, to open up the world of acupoints with attributes, then You have to re-know one by one from the rules to the rules and condensed in the spirits.

But after so many copies, he just needs to choose, and then extract the copied rules and rules from the heart of the universe, and then master the application methods and basic theories in it. He can be billions of times faster than those who need to slowly understand. .

To identify 365 rules, you need to start with what type of meridian each acupuncture point belongs to. UU reading Tang Yan also has to calculate the strength and position of the acupuncture points in the analysis so that he can Open the dimension, small universe, multidimensional universe systematically along the acupoints one by one to the more powerful hyper-dimensional world.

On this day, Diao Chan and Iwasaki Zero set off again to enter the world of cultivation. Tang Yan sorted out his thoughts and whispered after closing an infinite flow novel he was watching:

"The infinite plane of the infinite plane, everything depends on the arrangement of destiny, destiny ... maybe a power above the Tao."

Destiny is invisible, a driving force that even imagination cannot think of. If someone says that everything is fate, it means that he also knows the power of destiny.

However, this power surpassed everything, even if Tang Zhi knew that there was nothing to be frustrated with the arrangement of fate. Now his fighting ability is an innate sage. When he starts to realize the rules to create the acupoint world, his fighting ability may Compared to the legendary heaven, it is even more powerful in terms of handling.

"Hong Huang ... Uncle is here again ..."

In a whisper, Tang Yan has returned to the chaos when he left, absorbing the violent but powerful chaos energy in this chaos. He flicked off a chaotic lightning flashing from a distance, and his steps were already underway. Millions of miles away.

"Hey, my friend, how do you go out, we all feel that Zixiao Palace is ahead."

In the chaotic turmoil, Tang Yuan picked up a pile of materials left unidentified, and was planning to pick up some dead money in this area. Two practitioners saw him, one of them was a man in a red robe Then he cried with a smile.

Tang Yan paused for a moment, but the floods were in front of every house and every family was in charge of their affairs. Generally speaking, even if someone saw them away, what would they say?