MTL - Plane Source Code-Chapter 391 Suzaku was scrambled

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"Master, Tianmei is here. See what she should look like."

With a projection appearing, Tianmei was wearing a veil and was falling outside of Tang Shi's practiced stone room. Tang Ying waved to unlock the defensive formation at the door. After a while, Tian Mei quickly entered the door and waited for Tang Yan to restart the formation. She Fei Shen fell into Tang Yan's arms and lifted the veil.

Tang Yan is also up and down. If it was n’t really suitable for other things here, the two would probably have been unable to bear it. After a while, they sat in Tang Yang's arms and whispered:

"What you said really started."

Tang Ying and Mei have said that Dragon and Phoenix are fighting for the fate of the heavens. This is about the safety of Mei and Tang Ye's calculations. This time Tang Ye has no absolute strength to step on people, but he is not too afraid of the so-called top power. All he needs is Devouring energy, there are many demons and soldiers who have offended Tang Yan over the years. He has swallowed at least hundreds of thousands. He is not far from the completion of the small world. It is complete before the destiny battle. Can completely control development.

After explaining Charisma's attention to this matter, Tang Xuan dared to retreat at any time. Otherwise, the demons started and he didn't know that he would be involved in other troubles at that time. If he wasn't ready to be Charm then, how can Suzaku and Yang Mei save it It is extremely difficult.

"Luo Ye has moved?" Tang Yan asked in a low voice.

Charm nodded and said:

"A few people knew about this. Not long ago, he had dispatched the smooth-spoken Junti to the Dragons. The goal was to stir up the turmoil of the Dragons and the other two races. The two had gone to the Kirin and planned to use them. The beast shape provoked attacks from the other two races. "

"Where's the Feng tribe?" Tang Xuan asked with concern.

Charm nodded and said:

"The demon ancestor has traveled to the undead volcano of the Feng people in person. It is said that it is going to give the Feng people a major blow and force the Feng people to shoot in advance."


As soon as Tang Yan's face changed, he hurriedly put down his charm and said:

"I have to hurry to the undead volcano, you continue to inquire here."

Charm didn't know about Yang Mei and Suzaku, but when she saw Tang Yan's face, she nodded and said quickly:

"Okay, my brother is careful all the way."

Tang Xun broke into the space and flew towards the southern volcanic volcano group, but within a few days, relying on his powerful space to repair his way, he has already appeared in a huge crater.

"Suzaku ..."

As soon as Tang arrived, he looked in horror with screams. The scene he saw with the aura of light was right in front of him. The huge Suzaku fell down in the crater, and Suzaku's huge head was dying.

After seeing Tang Yan coming, Suzaku's body trembled and turned into a human figure. She was bathed in blood and whispered in the arms of Tang Yan who rushed over:

"My true spirit is broken and my spirits are completely scattered, but the person who plots me has no benefit. I learned that your Suzaku really flamed blasted his left hand into a serious injury, and it was impossible to recover in hundreds of millions of years."

Tang Yan's hand tricks continued to ignite the fire of the earth and the spirit of heaven and earth and poured into Suzaku's body. A sacred heart trick that had reached the level of the law quickly sealed Suzaku's wound and whispered:

"Don't worry. The broken spirit can slowly recover. When it ’s broken, you can reunite. When I heal your wounds, you can practice slowly by my side. I will find revenge on the person who hurt you."

Suzaku leaned on Tang Ye's arms. After a while, Tang Ye finally healed Suzaku's trauma and internal injuries. However, Suzaku was harmed. Tang Ye could only wrap her true spirit with spiritual power. Pale mouth kissed his face and whispered:

"The person who hurt me was very fast and the attack was very strong. After I was injured, Cai Feng led the Feng tribe to chase him. The method of seeing the opponent's shot was very strong. I can't even fight back if I don't have the way you taught."

Tang Yan frowned, he raised his hands at the fire-extinguishing mountain, and millions of tons of magma wrapped a million-square-sized sycamore tree and was sucked into a space. He picked up Suzaku and said:

"Have a good rest, and I will try to get revenge on you."

Putting up the Suzaku, Tang Yan spread his hands one layer after another, and the energy spread outwards, but after a while, real fluctuations began to appear in the entire space, and all the surrounding pictures began to quickly move backwards.

Reversing the picture of time and space, this is already one of Tang Xun ’s ultimate abilities of mastering time and space, but before the picture turns back to half an hour, Suzaku sits cross-legged on the top of a sycamore tree to practice. A man with a black hood appeared in the crater, flashing a white light in his hand and hit the Suzaku vest.

Suzaku is also highly vigilant. She hurriedly turned around to perform Suzaku Real Flame Blasting. At the same time, Suzaku was hit hard by Bai Guang's powerful force, and her Suzaku Zhenyan also injured her opponent's left arm.

Suzaku was flown to the crater and was covered with blood, and the opponent did not have the opportunity to detect the master of the Feng patrol. The man in black disappeared towards the east and disappeared, and then Tang Yue arrived here.

"Man in black ... hum."

Tang Yan put away the space-time screen and left the undead crater. Now the time from the war between the three races is getting shorter and shorter. Various forces have begun to act. The three races that originally competed for the floodland became more and more fierce. Disturbed by Luo Yan and others.

Suzaku was secretly calculated ~ ~ The Feng tribe directly traced the assassin to reach the dragon tribe. At this time, the dragon tribe had been spurred to start the army to go to the Honghuang Center. The Feng tribe's master and the dragon tribe encountered each other in a mess. After the war, the Feng tribe suffered heavy losses, leaving only the four masters of Caifeng, Qingying, Huofeng and Bifang to escape;

Cai Feng had to go to the Kirin tribe, and the Kirin tribe had been provoked by the dragon tribe. After learning that the dragon tribe had set off, the ancestor of the unicorn ordered the beast army to join the flying bird army to start the dragon and the dragon tribe for up to ten million years. **** battle.

"Breakdown ..."

The three clans that have been constantly provoked and secretly calculated have only one slogan, either the extinction of the beasts and birds, or the disappearance of the scale clan. The three clans have been fighting randomly and ruthlessly within a range of tens of billions of miles.

Thousands of years have passed. In the fierce battle between the dragon ancestors and the unicorn ancestors under the Zhoushan Mountains, the phoenix chief Cai Feng has been besieged and severely wounded by the strong dragons. Seeing that there are more than 10,000 yuan in the three ethnic armies, there are more than 10,000 Hundred million, hundreds of billions of demon army and trillions of ferocious beasts already lurking on the hillside of Mount Zhou are about to move.

"The demon ancestors have orders. All the demon army will send troops to Zhoushan immediately with the eight major demon commanders. They will defeat the three clan in one fell swoop. My demon clan will dominate the flood to achieve hegemony."