MTL - Plane Source Code-Chapter 389 Recover famous people along the way

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Tang Yan glanced at the two skinny men next to him. They were two of them. Their eyes were dark and evil, and they were more like bad guys than their fierce looks and strange eerie charms.

This phantom is not the four phantoms of the phantom world, nor is it the legendary mountain sprite. Xuanzang, Tianmei, Dijing, and Huangzhi are their names. The level of the congenital devil in the wild wasteland is not random. Object.

Tang Yan nodded his head, he looked at the mountain wall a few miles in front of him, pushed his hands together and pushed outwards. The hundreds of millions of years of useless Paiyun Palm took the power of Taiyi Jinxian Peak. Infinite clouds swept over the mountain wall.


The clouds dispersed in the sound. Above the thousands of miles above the stone wall, two huge palm prints should enter the deep wall of the stone wall, and nodded and said:

"Yes, yes, only a little weaker than the four marshals I waited for, continue to cultivate, you can become the fifth marshal sooner or later."

Tang Yan smiled and retreated behind the charm, but he seemed indifferent, but the rays of evil charm in the eyes of the two of them flickered and converged. They were already their own. He glanced at several people and said:

"The demon ancestors have orders. Let us continue to search for the power of this western land. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, the demon soldiers reported that the light of gold was shining in a mountain with Geng gold veins. There are practitioners, and then we go elsewhere to find out, and then we can go back to make a difference. "

Each party set up their own clouds. Tang Yan followed closely to take a closer look. The clouds of the four people were different. The clouds of Yun were as fierce as his fierce appearance, but the clouds of charm were It is colorful, and there is no ferocity or magic, but only a psychedelic flood;

The clouds of the two people are surrounded by dark and dark air. At a glance, they are masters who specialize in magic. Tang Yun's clouds are a normal white light, which means that he only shows the side of a normal practitioner. Getting enchanted is easy for him, but not necessary.

A group of five people hurried on the road among the mountains, but within a few years they arrived in a mountain with a metallic atmosphere. The four enchanting four encircled the surrounding area, yelling at the valley:

"I'm waiting for the four marshals under the sorceress of the Demon Zuluo, and the monks in the valley quickly came out to worship the demons, otherwise today I'll wait to kill you here."

"Slow ... please come slowly, my brother and I will leave the mountain immediately, and I hope you will wait ..."

In a wretched voice, two figures flew out of the valley. One was a tall and thin man, and the other was a chubby man. The wretched voice came from a chubby man. He smiled at the people around him. Nodded and said:

"The next one is mentioned by my elder brother. Are you the masters of the Western demons? The old ancestors of Luo Luo's ancestors have made great achievements, and the four marshals of their enchantment have been unpredictable. They invited me to wait for my brother. If we do n’t, we will be a member of the Devil and will never abandon from now on. "

Actually, it was the two people who led the quasi-Tibet. Tang Xun saw that the trivial quasi-Tipe admired the five bodies and cast it into the ground. This is the future of the quasi-ticket that the Mos will fight to the death and fight with the demons. It is said that he was born by the demon. If the Buddha is not a demon, he will be broken.

Jiu Yan did not speak, but Tang Yan saw that he was a little dissatisfied with his words, but now the two of them have become Taiyi Jinxian level and met four Daoguo Jinxian level devil. In addition to surrender, he can only die.

I directly forced the two to swear allegiance to the Demon Clan, and at the same time checked the cultivation of the two. Although they performed worse than Tang Yan, they were already at the top of the Demon Clan.

After checking the repairs cited, Jun nodded in satisfaction:

"The two practitioners are good. When the Mozu returns, the Mozu will have appropriate arrangements. Now we will go to the Northwest to see if there is a strong person there, which is just for my Mozu."

After speaking, I continued to lead a group of people to leave. When I saw a brown-haired big man who was slamming with the big cow in the northwest, I directly shot and defeated the big man. Then I learned that the big man's name was Yumier, and the big mother The cow is called Odembula. This big man and big cow are regarded as a standard husband and wife relationship.

When Tang Yan heard the name of the big man and the name of the cow, he secretly whispered in his heart that the ancestor of Schiff in the future Nordic mythology is actually this virtue, but fortunately, this is the Great Wild World, and Hevel in the Marvel universe. It has nothing to do with it. Otherwise, if you see this scene, it is estimated that in the future, when you go to the Nine Realms, he will have to laugh to death.

After a long walk, everyone found a little blond girl with three pairs of white wings. There is no need to persecute this little girl to act directly. This girl's name is very strange, called the night flower, which is said to be a congenital flower. Transformation, people are very big although careful.

On the way back to the magic city, there was no communication on the way. The people stopped on a hill full of sparse thorny trees, and yelled the charm, yell, and howl in the past, and whispered nothing.

"Brother Don Juan, did you just join the Demon race? Is it also the brother who brought in the brother and Zhunti? Why does Brother Amir and the big cow love each other so much, you see that he is actually in the woods? I'm going to breed with the big cow again, oops ... I'm so ashamed, I don't know if it's really that happy to do that, brother Tang Yan, shall we try it? "

On the mountainside, Yehehua gathered his wings and sang beside Tang Yan, Yehehua looked like a human being 13 or four years old, with blond and snowy complexion, shiny big eyes and beautiful face. She looks extremely cute ~ ~ But Tang Yan saw in her eyes a kind of greed, selfishness and deceit;

Vaguely Tang Tang already knew who this guy would be in the future. He glanced at the secret magpie who was about to finish speaking. He looked at Yehehua tenderly with a strange thought in his heart and said:

"But it's okay, but now that they're done, look at it. Amir and the big cow are absolutely unhappy."

"Everyone is ready to set off, rush to the magic city early and everyone will do their own thing."

The roar of howling came after a few breaths, and Amir in the woods hurriedly pulled away and pulled the big cow away. Yehehua took a closer look at Amir's tangled face, even the cow face of the big cow who never spoke. Looks very depressed.

When everyone set up the clouds and flew up, Yehehua whispered beside Tang Yan and asked in a low voice:

"Why are they unhappy?"

Tang Yan could not help but smile and said:

"In the future, you will know that interruptions will make you feel depressed."