MTL - Plane Source Code-Chapter 35 Spatial mentality

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"K. Matt, what's the matter with you?" Claire turned and looked at Tang Yan's eyes and asked.

马 K Matt shook his head, with tears on his face but smiling happily:

"It's all right, I'm really all right, I'm so happy."

She actually cried and said she was happy, but Claire was stunned, but K Matt's eyes stared at Tang Ye and walked over, and before Tang Ye, she cried wowfully and hugged him and cried:

为什么 "Why? Why don't you come to me, you know, you know I'll wait for you, but why don't you come to me."

Tang Tang hugged K Matt and whispered:

"Ashley ... You ... are with them, how about your father?"

K Matt is actually Ashley. No wonder K Matt does not let others know her life in the movie. It turned out to be the daughter of the last president of the United States. It is estimated that many survivors will kill her or torture her in various ways.

Ashley sobbed and said:

"When the virus broke out, he sent a helicopter to take me to a military base, and he became infected with the virus and became a zombie, but then the base also broke out with a virus. I managed to escape and met Claire them, so I stayed with them Now. "

铨 Tang Yan smiled a little, at this time a large group of people were watching, Claire saw Tang Yue's slightly awkward look and pointed at Tang Yan's Hummer and said:

"Tang said that he had supplies in his car, and you hurry to move."

Among the onlookers, a tall, thin-skinned beard and a short, insignificant black man hurriedly beckoned everyone to pass by. The Hummer had huge space, and they cheered when they opened it.

Hold two cases of cigarettes, twenty cases of canned meat, plus dozens of guns and seven or eight cases of bullets. These guys are cheering instead of cans and weapons and ammunition. Beards and blacks just open the box to open the smoke and quickly ignite deep breaths.

什 Ashley was crying, but saw a group of smokers couldn't help but laugh and said:

他们 "They became addicted halfway, you saved them."

It wasn't just those two people, Claire was also an old smoke gun. She rushed forward and got a point, sucked a lot and then roared:

"Speed ​​carrying things, and those who shoot will get a gun and ammunition."

Tang Tang smiled as he watched the lively scene. He patted Ashley in his arms and walked out of the convoy. He watched the yellow sand tucked away by the wind from time to time, Tang Xu whispered:

"I'm leaving again, but I can give you a coordinate, where can I have a base with sufficient food and ammunition, which can guarantee the survival of tens of thousands of people for several years, where do you go, so you will also Be safe. "

Ashley said bitterly:

"You have to go again, why not leave with us. Do you know that I have been thinking of you every day for several years?"

Ashley is a beautiful woman, and has liked him for many years, but Tang Yan seems a little absent-minded. As for the first reason, after he has a robot, Ma Zihong, there is one that he does n’t know how long his mindset can stabilize, because he He just likes Ashley. As for love, he is like a big egg to her.

He has no feelings and will not accept a woman at will. Even if the other party is willing, he doesn't want to harm others for his temporary hobby, especially those who are good to him.

Tang Tang did not tell Ashley about love, he looked back at the survivors and said:

"Ashley ... feel free to go to the island, remember that the password for the central control area on the island is *, and no one can approach it. If it is critical, you can bring people in. Where you will know that there is what."

Ashley is reluctant but she ca n’t help it. When Tang Ye gave her the coordinates of the island, she watched Tang Ye turned and walked towards her car. Ashley shed tears again, Tang Ye felt Ashley ’s sadness, but He really had no love for Ashley, how could such a thing be made clear.

Tang Jun and Claire bid farewell. Hummer rolled up the yellow sand in the desert and went away. Claire went to Ashley and whispered:

"K Matt, he lives differently from others. Seeing he doesn't care about this horrible scene in the last days. If you follow him but drag it down, now that you know he is alive, you will have a chance to see him again."

When Ashley's eyes lighted up, she wiped away her tears and handed a note to Claire:

"Here are the coordinates he gave me. Say where he built a small island base where we can go. If we are there, maybe he will go back."

Claire was pleased to share the news with the rest of the team, but Ashley muttered to herself with her hands in her heart. Claire looked back at her with a touch of relief ...

Tang Yan walked through the yellow sand flooded Las Vegas, and suddenly his head hurt when he was resting in the desert until midnight. He opened his eyes suddenly, and stared forward with his eyes, a strong sense of fluctuation. Instantly rushed out of his mind ~ ~ A basin-sized hole appeared in a dune in front of him for no reason.

Tang Tang suddenly converged on the fluctuations in his mind, and the small hole in the dune started to be covered by the sand above. Tang Xun stepped forward and looked at him with surprise and said to himself:

"Intellect, or spatial intellect, finally appeared ... I thought HT evolution did not have this power."

Seeing biochemistry, Tang Yan is most envious of Alice's mental power. The invisible attack is far more effective than the tangible attack, but he always feels that there is something buried in his head but he can't draw it out. He was sleeping in the middle of the night and was inspired by a pain in his head. With this kind of thinking.

"Must be ..."

Tang Tang's eyes turned to the south, and there was a faint sense of familiarity there. Perhaps it was the explosion of Alice's mental power over there that triggered the powerful potential buried in his mind, which would then erupt in the middle of the night.

Space intellect is called spatial power from various concepts. If Tang Ye had no HGV virus, even T evolution would only develop simple directions, speed power or intellect;

In addition, HGV balances the advantages of the two viruses at most. Adding super induction and response is the best result.

Tang Yan's speed is very fast. The tremendous response is strong. He vaguely felt what was suppressed in his mind, but he didn't expect that it was actually a space force. If Alice's mind is a bomb, then Tang's mind is a laser and one is diffusion Sexual attacks, one is an aggregate attack, and the lethality of space is the most unpredictable in the world.

It hasn't been triggered, because that power is extraordinarily powerful, and even if he is overbearing, his mental power cannot lead to this power. Tonight, Alice suddenly exploded with a huge amount of thought, and it was only the space power that Tang Yong had been tempted to move. Was triggered.