MTL - Plane Source Code-Chapter 19 Antarctic underground

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As for why it's called to do it again, it can't be simpler, will others not do it? Tang Jun just wanted to find fusion viruses from various viruses to create more effective and powerful evolutionary agents.

He does n’t need to popularize this medicine, he only needs his body to accept it. As for the dozens of evolutionary medicines he has mastered and produced now, he never thought that it would benefit all mankind without any certainty. Give all mankind an excuse to use him as an enemy, because this potion will surely converge an infinite amount of wealth for him, and those with red eye disease can make them stronger regardless of you.

The helicopter landed on the snowy field of Antarctica in the cold wind. Here are the coordinates locked after the red. From the helicopter, Tang Yan in the combat suit did not feel cold. The powerful evolution effect made him reach minus fifty degrees below zero. There was no feeling between fifty degrees, he put away the helicopter and put on a pair of glasses, looked around and walked towards a snow wall not far away.

His glasses were discovered when he sorted and packed things after he was red. In the deadly violet world, this gadget is a popular device that can see the heat change of three meters deep on the surface within a hundred meters, because of people infected with HGV The body temperature will be two degrees higher than that of a normal person, and everyone who finds this temperature will try to avoid the vampire on the other side.

After being red, it was improved a bit. The glasses, plus the scanner on his wrist, are completely multi-functional combat glasses. At the snow wall, Tang Yuan saw a place with a significantly different temperature. Use a snow shovel to place the snow on the wall. The snow was removed and a stainless steel door appeared.

Entering from the stainless steel door is a downward rotating iron ladder. Because there is no Alfred plane flying here, the power of the base in the underground will not be turned on all the way. Tang Yan turned on the combat torch and went down. The upper floor is a rest area. Check it a little to make sure it has been deserted for a long time.

In a secret office space on the fifth floor, Tang Yue mumbled as he watched a monster nailed to the wall by a giant axe:

"Edward Ashford, check out what he has to do with Charles Ashford?"

Tang Yan carefully walked in front of the monster, and he quickly cut off the monster's head with a single wave of his hand. The reason he did this was because although this monster had been nailed here for fifteen years, it was actually in a dormant state. Stimulation will also wake up, which is also the powerful role of the T virus series, which can be dormant for hundreds of years if appropriate.

Killed the dormant monster, Tang 铨 directly took out a glass coffin and packed the corpse, although this Edward Veronica virus broke out too fast for him to merge into a monster, at least this virus sample can also be compared for reference.

To solve the monster, Tang Yue turned on the old computer outside. In this dust-free and low-temperature environment, the computer could still run after a few attempts. After the red copy, the research data in the computer was erased by accident Tang Yan continued to walk down.

After walking red, he whispered:

"Master, I found it. Edward Ashford is Charles Ashford's cousin, but there are four generations of separated relatives;

Edward is the orthodox leader of the Ashford family and one of the founders of the umbrella. The progenitor virus was found on their ancestors and combined with the leech gene to create the initial T virus;

Fifteen years ago, Edward disappeared. Charles, who was going to enter the laboratory to assist Edward, could only enter the umbrella general research room until he purified and improved the standard T virus from the initial T. This virus was only used to treat Angela. Ashford's leg muscle atrophy symptoms, but the umbrella executive was informed to take away the information.

Because of the emergence of Standard T, the virus was stolen by Alfred Ashford, which was suppressed by the high-level, but was unexpectedly scattered in the aquarium. According to you, the distributor is Albert Wesker. The complexity is many. "

The situation is of course complicated. Edward and another umbrella creator James Marcus are top biochemists. The G monster William Parkin killed by Wesker and Don Juan is a disciple of James;

With the corporatization of the umbrella, William and Wesker's status has continued to decline, and major shareholders have started to control the company. Even the founder's descendants, Alfred, have been suppressed.

William and Wesker assassinated Edward in order to control the company, but he unexpectedly merged himself into a monster with original consciousness with the initial virus that incorporates T. After learning that Wesker released the T virus in the aquarium, Edward attracted special forces, Unexpectedly, Weske escaped from his death.

As for how Wesker later took over the umbrella company, Tang Wei is not clear, but he knows that Wesker also actively infected with the T virus and evolved at this time ~ ~ Perhaps he controlled it with strong power This company may also be uncertain.

William transformed the G virus for Shirley, and Charles transformed the T virus for Angela. Both were for their daughters, but both were secretly monitored by the umbrella without good results.

The dual nature of the virus is extremely embarrassing in the face of greedy humanity. It is good to create a better future for mankind. If it is used on weapons, it is a human disaster, especially a virus that is too diffusive and highly volatile, such as T. Even more so.

However, Tang Yan did not expect that Dr. Ashford in the movie was actually a cousin of the monster Edward. They all said that the movie has nothing to do with the game. No one found the connection and segmentation. When Tang Yan came out of the Raccoon Police Station When he saw Alice rushing into the church, he already knew that all the intersections were staggered, so it seemed paradoxical to people's memories.

Of such a large company, of course, the relationship between the characters in it is not all that can be recorded in movies and games. As long as it does not affect each other, it will hardly appear, Tang Yan shook his head and said:

"We still have to take Alexia away. The US President was forced to resign yesterday. Vice President Greenham was sworn in as US President. His daughter is traveling in Europe at this time. Tied. "

After red, nodded:

"Well, that Simmons is often not in his own estate, but often goes to his castle in San Francisco, where is the research site, and the female researcher Cara found that her tracks often appear in the surveillance near the castle. "

Simmons is just an ambition in the eyes of Don Juan, and this guy also has ambitions for King Aida. It seems that because of this, King Ada turned to Wesker, showing that his level is so much.