MTL - Plane Source Code-~ Anakin

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When the spacecraft rushed out of the atmosphere, Pineapple took the time to send out a signal to execute according to plan, and then the spacecraft was besieged by the automatic high-speed fighter of the trade union.

After a fierce battle, the spacecraft started to curve out, but because the engine and the shield were damaged, the spacecraft had deviated from the set course. As in the movie, a maintenance robot R2 repaired the shield at a critical moment to ensure the stability of the spaceship and won the award. As for the award, the real queen Padmé cleaned the stains on her body and let it follow Padmé.

Pineapple is still in the back, because the head of the guard and his deputy were killed. Now the entire guard only accepts the order of the queen, and pineapple is arranged to assist Padme.

All this is in the calculation of pineapple. When he came out, his imaginative marksmanship made Padmeir believe that his guard is far safer than others. Padmae is the true queen and it is the best choice for pineapple to be close to him. .

As for the more powerful Jedi in their opinion, although they are powerful, they cannot always protect the queen. The sturdy fighting ability of Pineapple plus his analytical ability are regarded by Padme.

In the spaceship, pineapple slowly became familiar with the other inner guards and several waitresses. When the spacecraft came out of the curvature, the spacecraft captain noticed that the coordinates had shifted by several coordinates. At this time, the spacecraft's engine had malfunctioned, and maintenance was needed slowly. Ten days and a half months, this was too much for Naboo.

After calculating the coordinate points, the closest to the spacecraft is the planet Tatooin, which belongs to the chaos. This Hut-controlled planet has not joined the republic. Fugitives and star pirates everywhere like to use it as a hiding place. .

However, the market here is not small, and various rare materials can also be bought. As long as there is money, things here will not be more expensive than things outside.

When the spacecraft stopped in the desert near a large city in Tatooine, everyone gathered in the rest cabin, and the fake queen said calmly:

"There are still some problems with the guidance shield of our spacecraft, and the super-light speed engine is also damaged. After discussion with Master Kui Gang and me, I decided to send a team to the city in front to buy the engine. Others are responsible for repairing the shield. Just beware of some dangers are still not great. "

Kui Gang looked at the crowd with his hands in the wide sleeves and said:

"I, Gagabings and Obi-Wan and the Pineapples went to the city. The others protected the queen. If there was danger, they rushed to the city. Although the trade alliance is powerful, they dare not offend the entire galaxy at once Star pirates and underground forces. "

After arranging the team, Pineapple followed Kui Gang and Obi-Wan off the spacecraft. When they were planning to leave, Padmé followed her R2 robot to follow, because the Queen wanted a woman in the team. Inside, this is more convenient.

In fact, the real reason is not so. As Queen Nabu, her safety is the most important. Although the spaceship looks safe, she might as well be with two Jedi warriors, not to mention that she still has Pineapple around her. Compared The takeoff ship was much safer.

Pineapple just stayed with Padme all the way. He didn't interfere at all with the two Jedi soldiers. Soon five people entered the huge city in Gobi. The street vendors sold various local specialties in the interstellar space. The things here are not interesting, at least he doesn't see anything worthy of his attention.

After a little exploration, I knew that the shop specializing in selling all kinds of spaceship accessories here. When I arrived at the shop, I just screamed. A light blue alien man who was not over five feet long with wings and a nose like a baby elephant flew. Asked into the air:

"Dear guests, do you want to buy anything?"

This trip was nominally led by Master Kui Gang, who said with a smile:

"We need the T-14 super light engine of the Leviathan J327P, don't you know what you have here?"

The alien boss fluttered his wings and fell to the table and said:

"I have everything you want to buy here, of course, you must have money. The T-14 super light engine is very good, stable and can make the J327P spacecraft reach 1.5 times the speed of curvature in three seconds. Speed, give money, I'll sell it to you right away. "

Kui Gang took out his wallet and said:

"I have Republic Credits here. Should ..."

Kui Gang was talking, the alien boss rolled his eyes and said:

"Sorry, we only accept Tatuin's Ubim here. The currency of the Republic cannot be used."

Kui Gang froze for a moment. Ubim is the local currency and the foundation for the development of this place. But Kui Gang and others only have the currency of the Republic. He frowned and pondered. Bursting and saying:

"Without Ubim, let's not talk about engines in Tatooine, even a fruit can't be bought."

The little boy was so cute, Padme squatted and smiled and said to the little boy:

"What's your name? How does this Ubim get it?"

The boy had brown, silky hair, and his eyes were very energetic. Although he was dressed in a tattered body, he looked very neat and healthy. He said with a cute smile:

"My name is Anakin, and I am a slave here. As for Ubim, there are only a few ways in Tatooine to see that you are both status men. You can either sell what you can sell in exchange for it, or go Try it at the casino. Of course, if you can sell a few slaves, you can also exchange a lot of Ubim ~ ~ People haven't paid much attention to the little boy in front of them, but Pineapple came forward and rubbed his head and laughed:

"Slaves, people can only be made by goods as cheap goods. We are from the Republic and we are absolutely not allowed to buy or sell people.

By the way, where are you talking about casinos and selling things? "

Padme really liked the appearance of Anakin. She would never know that in the development of the normal Star Wars world, this Anakin will grow up to be her husband and betray the Jedi after her death. The temple became the most powerful warrior at the hand of Sith the Great.

However, now Anakin has no chance to become a Jedi. Just as pineapple rubs Anakin's forehead, he tries to extract the energy that may exist in Anakin by using the North Star Aspiration Technique. In his palm, he directly extracted the original force factor that Anakin should have.

For the Force, many explanations have been made in the Star Wars world, starting with light and darkness, followed by unity and life, but all this is said, the Force is a special force field created by the life of the creature itself, and Force material is the basis of the ability to cultivate the force.