MTL - Pirates: The Strongest Creatures of Beasts-Chapter 27

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Marshal's office in Marlin Vandeau.

Zhan Guo frowned, looking at the photo of the young man on the table, and beside it was a document with simple information about the young man.

【Name: Luo Xing】

【Age: 20】

[Identity: One of the Six Cells of the Hundred Beasts Pirates Group]

[Features: The body is very tough, the defense is amazing, and it will actively seek death like the beast Kaido]

[Fruit ability: unknown]

[Bounty: No yet]

"Why is the column of the most important fruit ability written as unknown?"

Warring States looked dissatisfied at the head of the Naval Criminal Investigation Bureau, a strong man code-named Dark Horse.

Heima said: "According to the investigation of my subordinates, this person has never used any fruit ability in external battles. He may not be a devil fruit ability user. But if this is the case, it cannot explain his tenacity comparable to animal ability users Body."

The Warring States eyes were contemplative, and after a while, he said:

"Maybe it's a special physique, but no matter what, this person is a great threat to our navy. Let's issue a reward order for him."

The dark horse asked: "What is the reward amount?"

Warring States said a number that shocked the dark horse.

"The bounty is 330 million Baileys!"

The dark horse's eyes are wide open, 330 million Baileys, which is quite a large amount.

More importantly, this was the first reward offered by that man named Luo Xing.

The first time a reward can reach more than 300 million Baileys, it cannot be said that there is no such thing in the history of this sea, but it is extremely rare.

Generally, if this kind of person is not affiliated with a certain force, the navy will actively invite him to join the Qiwuhai under the king.

Warring States didn't care about the shock of the dark horse. The amount of 330 million is indeed large, but it is not outrageous.

Because he believed that Luo Xing killed Gu Leita, and Luo Xing also had the status bonus of the core cadre of the Four Emperors.

The dark horse left with the newly formulated reward order, opened the door and bumped into Karp who walked in.

"Hey horse, whose reward order do you have in your hand, has any newcomer appeared on the great route?"

Cap looked up.

"Luo Xing, Hundred Beasts Pirates, the old man has never heard of this name, 330 million Baileys, you are really willing to take the money of the Navy in the Warring States Period!"

Garp smiled and sat down opposite Sengoku.

Warring States scolded angrily: "Karp, the navy's funds are all because of supporting idlers like you, so it's not enough!"

Garp crossed his legs: "Don't say that, Sengoku, Aokiji, Kizaru and those brats, don't they stay at the headquarters every day and have nothing to do?"

Speaking of this, Warring States became angry.

Aokiji and Yellow Ape, the two highest combat powers in the Navy Headquarters, are more lazy than the other, and more lazy than the other, and even he, the marshal, is usually not very able to move.

Garp, tell the old man clearly whether you brought up this atmosphere in the navy!

But Warring States also knew that with Garp's thick skin, he would definitely not admit to such a thing, so he provoked another incident to attack Garp.

"Your grandson, Straw Hat Luffy, just entered the great route, and confronted Baroque Works. Garp, you'd better pray that Straw Hat doesn't encounter that vicious sand crocodile!"

The so-called sand crocodile, that is, Shichibukai Crocodile, is now in the desert country of Alabasta, and the Baroque Work Club is the force he established.

The smile on Garp's face disappeared, worrying in his heart.

Luffy, don't mess around!

As the Navy issued a reward order for Luo Xing, and the reward amount reached 330 million for the first time, it immediately caused commotion in the sea.

new world.

The Royal Palace of Dressrosa.

The expression on Doflamingo's face was dim. He stared at the reward order in his hand and said to the people behind him:

"The last time I came to Dressrosa, I was just a little-known real fighter. In just a few days, I became the Flying Six of the Hundred Beasts Pirates, and was offered such a reward by the navy. You are really a young man who should not be underestimated!"

"Gradius, you have messed with the wrong person this time."

Gladius, whose wrist was broken by Luo Xing, still had a bandage wrapped around his arm.

He looked at Luo Xing's reward order with hatred in his eyes.

But thinking of Luo Xing's strong body and terrifying strength that day, even more fear surged up in his heart.

Pica said in a sharp voice: "300 million and 30 million Baileys, young master, is only 10 million less than your original bounty."

"That's why I told you not to provoke him." Doflamingo said with a sigh.

same moment.

In a room in the town below the palace.

Viola and Rebecca, aunt and niece with their own flavors, meet again.

After receiving Luo Xing's guarantee, Viola no longer hesitated to meet Rebecca.


Rebecca's delicate and beautiful face is full of joy, seeing her relatives often is a luxury she never dreamed of before.

The clothes she was wearing at this time were not just a few pieces of iron as before, but normal girls' clothes.

Viola no longer let her go to the arena, on the grounds that:

"Rebecca, no matter how hard you practice, it is impossible to defeat Doflamingo."

"Now we have the Hundred Beasts Group as our backer. That man named Luo Xing is not simple. I can feel that he is terrifying, and he is an extremely ambitious man."

"No matter what the reason is, he has murderous intent on Doflamingo, this is our only hope!"

Rebecca had always had a good impression of Luo Xing, and she kept the overcoat that Luo Xing put on her.

Therefore, Rebecca followed Viola's advice and stopped going to the arena, which disappointed the audience in the arena.

Viola came this time to show Rebecca Luo Xing's reward order.

Rebecca stared closely at Luo Xing's photo on the reward order, her big eyes full of anticipation.

"Lord Luo Xing is amazing, he will definitely save Dressrosa!"

Viola sighed:

"Yeah, the reward reached this amount for the first time, it's really scary."

As for what Rebecca said about saving Dressrosa, she didn't respond.

She is not as innocent as Rebecca, that man is also a pirate after all, and a very ambitious pirate at that.

She couldn't predict how he would treat Dressrosa after he killed Doflamingo.

But even so, what could she do?

She has no choice, the world government and the navy can't count on it, she can only rely on Luo Xing.

Moby Dick aboard.

Marco held Luo Xing's reward order and said to White Beard:

"It's this guy who defeated Teabeard. He really is Kaido's subordinate."

White Beard narrowed his eyes slightly, remembering Luo Xing's appearance in his heart.

"Hey, Dad, I'm sailing!"

On the sea, there was a cry.

White Beard looked over and said with a smile, "Go, Sarge!"

It is Sage, the captain of the fourth division, who is going to set sail for the expedition.

Saatchi waved goodbye to the other members of the white group on board: "Wait for my good news, everyone!"

Blackbeard Titch shouted along with the crowd: "Remember to bring back more treasures, Sage!"

In addition to the white group, the red-haired group and the aunt group also noticed Luo Xing's reward one after another.

The four imperial regiments are in a competitive and hostile relationship with each other, and of course they must grasp the intelligence of each other.

Not long after, Luo Xing, who was dealing with the affairs of the Jiuli area, also saw his reward order.

"330 million Baileys!"

The follower Billy jumped up and shouted excitedly:

"Lord Luo Xing, are truly great!"

Luo Xing was not at all excited. His first thought after seeing the amount of the reward was that more than 300 million Baileys could buy quite a lot of food. If he sent himself to the navy base, he wondered if the navy would pay for it. give him money?

Chapter 37 Yamato's Determination

Luo Xing vetoed his idea with a smile, the navy might not be so kind.

He stood up and said to Billy and Speed:

"In the past few days, I have settled down the rules for handling various affairs in Jiuli. You should follow these rules in the future."

Speed ​​and Billy admired deeply: "Obey, Master Luo Xing!"

Although the rules set by Luo Xing are very different from the previous Hundred Beasts Group's work style, such as not being able to harm the people at every turn, not polluting the environment casually, etc., but no one will question Luo Xing, and no one has the courage.

Mr. Fei Liubao Luo Xing, who was offered a reward of 330 million Berries by the Navy, his old man's words cannot be doubted.

Luo Xing nodded in satisfaction and left.

He first went to Lian Li Village to visit that little girl, Ayu, and he hadn't seen him for almost a month.

"elder brother!"

When the little girl saw him, she rushed up directly, and said aggrievedly with her mouth flattened:

"The little girl went to see her brother several times, but she didn't see her brother. Where has my brother been all this time?"

Luo Xing held the little girl in his arms, scratched the little girl's tender nose, and said with a smile:

"Go for a walk in the sea outside."

"The sea outside?"

Ayu's eyes were full of longing.

"The sea outside must be very beautiful, and there are many, many delicious foods!"

"There are indeed a lot of delicious food. Brother, I haven't forgotten about Ayu. I brought back a lot for Ayu."

As Luo Xing said, he opened the big box behind him, which contained a variety of food.

A Yu's eyes turned into stars, and he kissed Luo Xing: "Brother is so kind!"

Then rush to a box of food.

Poor Ayu has probably never seen so much food, and they are all delicious food. Holding the food in her hands, she was about to faint from happiness.

Luo Xing and Ayu played around for a while, then waved away under the reluctant gaze of the little girl.

No way, he still has a lot of important things to do.

But in the crack of the door of the cabin where Ayu lived, there was a pair of hateful eyes staring at Luo Xing's back.

"Bastard, why is this guy still alive? Why didn't the second generation Guiche's bad luck kill him!"

Kozuki Sukiyaki is full of resentment.

Ever since Luo Xing threatened to expose his true identity and take away his cherished second-generation ghost, Guangyue Sukiyaki hated Luo Xing to the bone.

He was looking forward to Luo Xing's bad luck and death every day.