MTL - Pirates: The Royal Props Master, Shocking the World-Chapter 259

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"Have you grown up too, Nicole Robin, but will these guys really let you go?"

As soon as these words came out, Luffy punched straight and blasted towards him.

"Of course it's impossible, let's die!"

Hearing this, Aokiji let out a foul breath.

"Then I know, let me give you this step."

As he said that, a serious expression appeared in Qingzhi's eyes.

There was a chill between the two hands.

Passing through the entire sea train in an instant, a thick layer of ice formed on the straw hats.

In just an instant, everyone turned into ice cubes. Seeing this, Nico Robin showed a look of horror in his eyes.

At this time, Aokiji walked to his side and said:

"Don't worry, they won't die. As long as the sun comes out, the ice on their bodies will melt."

Hearing this, Robin breathed a sigh of relief, then turned around, and said with despair in his eyes:

"Then take me to Judiciary Island, but during this period, you must ensure that the Straw Hats can leave here alive."

Hearing this, Aokiji took off his coat and covered Robin.

"As long as they submit obediently and don't cause trouble on Judiciary Island, I won't take the initiative to pursue them."

Hearing this, Robin didn't hesitate any longer, and followed Aokiji straightly towards Judicial Island.

This place is only a dozen miles away from Judiciary Island.

So Aokiji chose to let Robin walk to Judiciary Island.

A group of members of CP9 directly supported Lu Qi, and then walked forward with Aokiji.

Although I don't know if they will be expelled from CP9 this time, they must go back. After all, it is good to have a last hope.

But they haven't waited for them to take a few steps.

Suddenly, the sound of ice shattering caught their attention.

Immediately, Aokiji and Robin looked back, their eyes could not help being horrified.

At this time, Lei Luo shattered the ice cubes on his body vigorously, then sat up and panted heavily.

"Where are you going, Barrobin leave it to me!"

Hearing Lei Luo's domineering speech, Aokiji's eyes showed a look of helplessness.

"Isn't it good to pretend to be dead obediently? Why do you have to force me to kill you?"

Chapter 323 Soul Slashing Knife Strengthened, Forcibly Leveled!

Hearing this, Lei Luo showed a wicked smile on his face.

"If I remember correctly, both the high-level navy and the five old stars have given orders to let you kill me."

"If you let me go again this time, can you go back and explain?"

Hearing this, Aokiji didn't take it seriously.

"The last mission has already ended. This time I have the final say, but if you insist on not wanting this step, I won't be able to take it back."

Hearing this, Lei Luo showed a cold look in his eyes, then took a deep breath, and suddenly opened his eyes wide.

"Then don't need steps, just do it directly?"

As soon as the words fell, Lei Luo said silently in his heart:

"System, extract the Soul Slayer Knife!"

As soon as the words fell, the Soul Slashing Knife appeared directly in Lei Luo's hand.

A huge fire dragon sprang out from Zhanhun Zhaodao.

Lei Luo frowned slightly, the power of the Soul Slashing Saber seemed to have increased a lot.

Lei Luo quickly held the soul-killing knife behind his back, and with a dodge, he came to Qingzhi's body, and chopped Qingzhi away with one knife.

In the next second, Qingzhi's whole body turned into a block of ice, which shattered directly.

And when it appeared, it had already arrived behind Lei Luo, wanting to give Lei Luo a hug in his arms.

But Lei Luo already had a countermeasure. With an upside-down golden hook, Lan Jiao instantly kicked the green pheasant away.

This time, the green pheasant did not turn into ice, and then touched his chin, with a look of indifference in his eyes.

"It's quite capable, but it's just a common man's courage. It's not that simple after that."

As soon as the words fell, Qingzhi's figure disappeared straight in place, and at this moment, Lei Luo's hand holding the Zhanhundao began to tighten.

In the next second, Lei Luo only felt a coldness in his left ear.

Immediately, the Soul Slashing Knife attacked in the direction to the left in an instant.

But the green pheasant did not appear on this side, and a burst of cold air appeared on the left side of Lei Luo.

It was too late for Lei Luo to retreat and attack. With a straight finger, Qing Zhi sent Lei Luo flying.

Lei Luo fell to the ground, feeling being teased, and a serious look appeared in his eyes.

Lei Luo lay on the ground, looking at Aokiji with a look of humiliation in his eyes.

The current Aokiji is just playing, not doing anything serious.

Lei Luo searched for the props that could be used in his mind, and then saw the Avalon props he had drawn before.

Thinking of this, Lei Luo directly recited the scriptures in his heart:

"System, extract the Avalon scabbard."

As soon as the words fell, a golden scabbard appeared directly in Lei Luo's hand.

But as soon as it appeared, the gem on the scabbard began to flicker.

It began to fuse with Zanhundao, and the straight scabbard also matched the size of Zanhundao, and began to deform slowly.

The two turned out to be completely fused into one body. Lei Luo wanted to pull out the Soul Slaying Knife, but he couldn't pull it out no matter what.

At this time, a powerful energy was directly bred in the Zhanhundao.

Avalon was actually transmitting his own energy to Zhanhundao.

Seeing this, Qingzhi frowned slightly.

"Why, are you still going to play tricks, struggling to the death? It's useless."

Said, Aokiji walked towards Lei Luo's direction step by step.

However, at the next moment, Lei Luo suddenly pulled out the Zhanhundao that had been stored for a long time.

Immediately, he slashed in the direction of Aokiji, but Aokiji didn't even react.

The whole body was directly slashed by the soul-killing knife, and a breath of red flames shot up from his heart in an instant.

Aokiji couldn't elementalize, and his whole body began to shatter.

Even though he had already transferred the main body out in advance, this soul-slaying knife can still make a trace of his soul feel grief.

After a while, Aokiji's false body turned into ice.

And in the eyes of Qingzhi, who had condensed his real body, there was a dignified expression.

There was a trace of blood hanging from the corner of his mouth for no reason.

Seeing this, even Lei Luo was not a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, the Avalon scabbard, combined with the Zhanhundao, could emit such powerful power.

Thinking of this, Lei Luo frowned slightly.

Immediately, he took up the sword in his hand, and instantly attacked in the direction of the light weight.

Seeing this, Qingzhi's eyes also showed a dignified expression.

Just now he has seen the powerful power of Zhanhundao.

He didn't want to suffer a second time, and then his whole body stepped back, and the next moment, Aokiji landed directly behind Nico Robin.

And Lei Luo didn't hesitate at all, and rushed towards Nick Robin with the knife in hand.

When he was about to approach Nick Robin, his figure flashed, and he suddenly flashed behind Aokiji.

Immediately, he pulled out the Zanhundao from the Avalon scabbard, and slashed directly at Aokiji's body.

Aokiji only felt a tingling pain all over his body, then threw away the fake body and jumped up instantly.

However, in the face of the two chasing each other, Robin couldn't help but look horrified.

Unexpectedly, Lei Luo evened the gap in combat power between him and Aokiji with only one weapon, which is simply unbelievable.

In just a few minutes, the two had exchanged more than 20 rounds with each other.

The powerful aura exuded by the two made Robin a little unbelievable.

However, Aokiji has not displayed its true strength until now.

If Aokiji showed his true strength, even with this knife.

It is also impossible to pose any threat to the green pheasant.

Soon Aokiji stopped, with a serious look in his eyes.

"It's really good. I admit that you are really strong and have a lot of cards."

"But it's over here. If it was the heyday, I might not be able to beat you."

"But now you have been seriously injured. If you draw the knife again, all the bones in your body will be shattered. If you don't believe me, just give it a try."

Hearing this, Lei Luo couldn't help frowning.

Although pulling out the Zanhundao from the Avalon scabbard will increase the power of the Zanhundao dozens of times.

But every time he pulls out, the strength on his body will weaken a bit.

But now he has no strength in his body, if he pulls out the soul-slaying knife forcibly.

It will definitely cause a strong backlash against itself.

Maybe it will be like Aokiji said, he will use his life to pull out the Zanhundao for the last time.

Just as Lei Luo was thinking, Aokiji had already circled behind him.

Immediately, a cold air surrounded his body.

Aokiji hugged Lei Luo directly, with a serious look in his eyes.

"This is your last chance, it's up to you how you choose, Nicole Robin, I have to take it away today."

Hearing this, Lei Luo didn't care about it, and tried to pull out the Soul Slaying Knife with the last bit of strength.

But Aokiji's ice had already covered half of his body.

If he moves around again, once his body is shattered, then he is really finished.

Could it be that this is really the case, to watch Robin be taken away?

Chapter 324 Lei Luo's declaration, never give up on Robin!

Lei Luo's body was struggling constantly, with a cold look in his eyes.

The soul-slaying knife in his hand was lifted up instantly, and a fire dragon soaring into the sky suddenly jumped up.

Seeing that Lei Luo dared to attack, Aokiji couldn't help frowning slightly.

"I admit that you are brave, but such a reckless action is impossible to cause harm to me."

As soon as the words fell, Lei Luo came to Qingzhi's side with the knife in his hand.

And Aokiji just bowed slightly, and avoided Lei Luo's full blow.

But in the next second, Aokiji grabbed Lei Luo's direction instantly.