MTL - Pirates: The Royal Props Master, Shocking the World-Chapter 226

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Chapter 278 The weather is great, use the posture correctly!

Seeing this, Lu Qi further confirmed his conjecture.

Sure enough, the previous lightning was sent out through this stick.

Although he was not afraid of thunder and lightning, he definitely didn't like that feeling.

Lu Qi wants to take the weather stick.

But at this time, Lei Luo stabbed his chest with a finger gun.

Although it didn't pierce his skin, but its strength also made Lu Qi retreat back involuntarily.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lei Luo turned on another weather switch.

A few red bubbles spit out straight out of it.

Inside the red bubble, there is a hint of warmth.

It didn't appear to be any threat.

Above the sky, the red bubble and the black lightning bubble combined together.

In the sky, dark clouds suddenly spread all over, and above the dark clouds, red clouds covered the top.

Lu Qi couldn't help looking up.

Above the sky, thunder and lightning slowly condensed.

Lu Qi's eyes were serious. At this time, the third weather stick was also opened by Lei Luo.

At this time, the third weather stick spit out several gray bubbles.

Lu Qi hurriedly covered the exit, but there were still a few gray bubbles floating above the sky,

Immediately merged into the black thundercloud.

In an instant, a powerful thunderbolt struck downwards in an instant.

Lei Luo quickly kicked Lu Qi to the center of Thunder.

A flash of lightning struck down instantly.

Black bubbles generate lightning.

Red bubbles increase the power of lightning.

As for the gray bubbles, it was the gravity that clamped down on the thunder and lightning.

The thunder and lightning at this time are not only elements, but also infused with iron substances.

Triple strength, falling together.

Lu Qi's whole body was on the verge of falling, and he spit out a mouthful of blood in an instant, his whole body was bloody.

Lu Qi couldn't help letting go, and the weather stick fell to the ground.

The dark clouds in the sky also quickly dispersed.

Rocky stood on the ground with one hand, coughing up blood one mouthful at a time.

At this time, Lei Luo slowly walked behind Lu Qi.

He picked up the Tianhou stick straight away, looked at Lu Qi and said:

"No matter how strong your own strength is, you can't fight against nature."

Lu Qi kept vomiting blood, and then looked back at Lei Luo angrily.

There was a cold look in his eyes.

"You really are not simple, but I advise you to kill me as soon as possible, otherwise, I will definitely kill you!"

Hearing this, Lei Luo frowned slightly.

"Don't worry, no one who tries to hurt my partner can escape!"

As he spoke, Lei Luo stretched out a finger.

Immediately poked towards Lu Qi's head.

Seeing this, Nami was a little shocked.

Unexpectedly, Lei Luo's attack would be so ruthless, and he closed his eyes immediately.

But Lu Qi's screams were not heard for a long time.

Nami tried to open her eyes.

But when he saw the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but be horrified.

At this moment, Lei Luo's whole body was covered with Robin's arms.

And Lei Luo's fingers were also covered by Robin's arm.

Stopped in mid-air, unable to fall at all.

At this time, Lu Qi smiled sinisterly and said:

"Unexpectedly, I still have the last hole card."

"If I die in the water capital, then the Demon Slaying Order will be activated tomorrow morning!"

Hearing this, Lei Luo's eyes showed a dignified look.

Is this why Robin fears Lucci?

Lei Luo looked at the arms all over his body, and took them back straight away.

Immediately, with a kick, Lu Qi was kicked out.

Lu Qi lay on the ground, gasping for breath, with a smug look in his eyes.

"You probably don't know the characteristics of the animal department."

"Every time an animal is covered with cuts and bruises, or is on the verge of death, the ability of the animal fruit will be improved to a higher level."

Hearing this, Lei Luo's eyes showed a dignified expression.

In other words, if Lu Qi's body recovers again.

Its strength will be even stronger than it is now, and it may even double.

At that time, it will be difficult to solve him again.

But now, with Robin blocking him, he couldn't make a move against Lu Qi at all.

if forced

Not only will Robin be harmed, but the entire water capital will also be completely reduced to ruins.

Thinking of this, Lei Luo's face was serious, and then he showed a wicked smile, looked at Lu Qi and said:

"Then as long as you don't recover, Lu Qi!"

Hearing this, Lu Qi stared at Lei Luo.

At this moment, Lei Luo yelled at Robin:

"I won't kill him, and you don't want to interfere with me!"

As soon as the words fell, Lei Luo stepped forward and came to Lu Qi in an instant.

Immediately, kicking his heart, Lu Qi spat out a mouthful of blood, flew straight out, and hit a wall.

In Lu Qi's eyes, there was a look of resentment, but in the next second, Lei Luo had already come to his side.

Immediately, he punched him in the face, and immediately twisted Lu Qi's neck.

During the whole process, Robin saw it and couldn't help but feel horrified.

If ordinary people were beaten like this, they would probably die in Huangquan long ago.

But Lu Qi, although his whole body was injured, he always felt that he didn't feel decadent at all.

After Lei Luo fought for a while, there was also a dignified look in his eyes.

After experiencing such an intense beating, Lu Qi's body not only did not suffer any injuries.

On the contrary, the previous injuries are still recovering.

At this moment, Lei Luo was already feeling a little tired, looking at Lu Qi out of breath.

There was still a provocative look in Lu Qi's eyes.

Now Lei Luo's attack on him is paving the way for his strength increase after recovery.

It seems that if you don't kill him, it really won't work.

When he recovers, everyone present, no one can cure him.

Thinking of this, Lei Luo was about to kill him when he heard a sound from outside Carrera.

"Hey, Nonoroa Zoro, where are you going? The gate is clearly in front, okay?"

"On the way, I wasted half a day just looking for you. If we delay our mission, I will be the first to take you back to make amends!"

Hearing Sauron's name, Lei Luo and Nami looked outside.

Sure enough, I saw Sauron picking his nostrils with his little finger, striding forward, and said very disdainfully:

"Ah? Didn't you guys ask for directions at first?"

As soon as these words came out, Gabra immediately petrified, and then said angrily:

"Who would ask you, a road idiot, for directions!"

If it weren't for the owl to stop him, Gabra would go up and fight Sauron.

The two quarreled and entered Carrera's company together.

Seeing this, Nami was extremely excited.

"Hey, Sauron, you're finally here. I didn't expect you to bring a helper."

Hearing this, Lei Luo couldn't help but frown slightly, and looked at Gabra and the others.

There was a serious look in his eyes.

These guys are not helpers, but enemies.

Hearing Nami's words, Gabra raised his eyes straight away.

A black line flashed across his eyes.

Chapter 279 Fan Zhi Confidence, Did You All Come Before Me?

Gabra took two steps forward, and said with a gloomy expression:

"Hey, little girl, pay attention to your words, we are members of the world government CP9, and we don't want to be the helpers of pirates."

Hearing CP9's name, Nami couldn't help but look frightened.

That is to say, now they have a few more opponents.

At this time, Sauron had also seen Nami and Lei Luo.

There was a serious look in his eyes.

A little surprised now.

After a long time, he finally choked out a word.

"Did you all come earlier than me?!"

It was said that everyone present petrified on the spot.

With one voice:

"Of course!"

Nami slapped her forehead, she couldn't bear it anymore.

"Hey, Sauron, how can you bring the enemy here? They are members of the world government CP9, and they are the bad guys who want to take Robin away!"