MTL - Pirate: I, The Fourth General, Am Eight Years Old This Year-Chapter 110

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The yellow ape Polusalino couldn't bear it long ago, his whole body glowed suddenly, and he was about to go up and fight with Xia Tian.

"No, brother, Mr. Warring States!"

"This battlefield is still mine!"

Xia Tian's knowledgeable and domineering sense of the navy people who wanted to help out behind him immediately, and he reached out to stop them.

This is not possible, the pirates on the opposite side have a lot of experience points.

Seeing Xia Tian's obstruction, everyone in the navy stopped in a strange way.

Maybe, they also want to see how far Xia Tian can fight?

"It's really arrogant, Xia Tian..."

Barrett laughed and stood up regardless of his injury and pain.

Seeing that Xia Tian actually prevented other people from the navy from helping, the pirates were even happier.

This is what you asked for!

Marko, Beckman and other two major pirate groups were surrounded.

Rayleigh, the red-haired Shanks are even more serious and started preparing for the ultimate move!

"Arrogant? Am I arrogant?"

"You guys are really surprised. You'll be fine after taking over my killing hell? But I really admire you guys. You still don't run away, thinking about defeating me."

Xia Tian laughed, his unmoved appearance made everyone a little surprised.

"Stay strong?"

Beckman narrowed his eyes and raised the muzzle of the gun directly.

An armed bullet shot at Xia Tian!

Even ordinary bullets still have powerful power.

But in the eyes of Xia Tian whose physical body can go supersonic, the trajectory of the bullet is clearly visible.

Just reached out and grabbed it!

boom! Boom!

Two voices.

The sound of shooting, and the sound of Xia Tian pinching and exploding bullets.


The sound of gunfire was like a signal to attack.

Whitebeard Newgate, Golden Lion Shiji and others once again launched a round of fierce attack!

A dozen warships floating in the sky suddenly fell!

With a chirping sound breaking through the air, it suddenly fell towards the top of Xia Tian's head.

And Xia Tian did not erupt the black natural disaster form this time, soon, the warship smashed down, one after another, smashed to the ground and submerged Xia Tian's figure, and scattered all over the place.

However, this kind of impact has absolutely no harm to Xia Tian's physical body.

Casually pushed away the warship that was pressing on him, Xia Tian didn't even change his expression.


Ding sound!

A long sword slashed at Xia Tian's raised arm with azure blue light!

The fierce collision of two-color domineering created a huge storm.

This is the slash of Hades Rayleigh!

"Sure enough, these old guys are still fighting strong."

Xia Tian secretly said in his heart, in his knowledge-colored perception, he had already erected his arms to block it.

Red light flashed in the eyes, and in the brief scene of foreseeing the future, Xia Tian saw another round of onslaught by the Red Earl and others.

The domineering aura of flowing cherry blossoms flowed all over her body!

as expected.

Although the Red Earl consumed a lot, but now it's the full moon rushing in with a sword!

Together with Lei Li's sword, it was cut on Xia Tian's arm, but they were all the same, and it was firmly blocked from the place Pimi away from Xia Tian.

The terrifying power began to rise again!

"What a terrible guy... He still has such a powerful force to fight!"

What Doflamingo saw was that his scalp was numb, and he was amazed.

"It's true that he consumed a lot... But, they all ignored Xia Tian's resilience!"

Hawkeye Mihawk couldn't help showing shock.

His sharp eyes discovered the mystery, why Xia Tian has nothing to fear!

Chapter 156

Indeed, resisting the slashing attacks of the Red Earl and Lei Li still made Xia Tian feel some strength.

With a wave of his arm, both of them were thrown directly!

With the huge power coming, both Lei Li and Red Earl Redfield's eyes changed.

The figure was thrown to the side uncontrollably.

With a bang, the ankle fell to the ground, and the two of them almost couldn't stand still, horrified in their hearts.

"The power of this body is too terrifying..."

Obviously Xia Tian was panting for breath, looking like he was exhausted.

"Go together!"

Without too much hesitation, the golden lion Shiji and the red-haired Shanks rushed forward at the same time.

Blessed by Liu Ying's arrogance, Shanks approached Xia Tian again with a Griffin in his hand, and slashed at Xia Tian's waist at a tricky angle.

And Shi Ji descended from the sky, and the two famous swords on his legs flickered.

With a wave of Xia Tian's arm, Lei Li and the Red Earl were thrown away, and his brows frowned, ignoring Shanks' attack directly.

He punched Shiji, the golden lion in the sky, and shot it out.

The air exploded in the fist, and the white air wave rolled, colliding with the blade of the golden lion Shiji in the air!


A burst of dust rose up on the already tattered ground under his feet, making it even more unbearable.

Under the powerful punch, Shi Ji's saber light shattered directly, and his whole body couldn't stand the powerful impact and flew up.

And Shanks' slash landed on Xia Tian's waist, blocked by the domineering armed color!

The domineering arc of red and black exploded wildly!

Billows of dust raged with vigor.

The next moment, Xia Tian's other hand patted Griffin's knife body, sweeping across his left leg.

Shanks was swept away before he had time to dodge.

At this time, Rayleigh stepped forward to catch Shanks, and the two of them sank on the ground and retreated several steps before stopping.

"Are you okay?"

Lei Li's eyes were throbbing, and his mind was spinning rapidly, but he didn't know how to deal with Xia Tian at all.

"It's all right, Mr. Raleigh."

The red-haired Shanks felt a slight numbness in his waist being swept.

It seems that Xia Tian's attack is not as violent as it was at the beginning?

"Don't be careless, I think he is doing it on purpose!"

Lei Li took a deep breath, watching the golden lion Shiji and the red earl pounce on him again.

Both mental and physical skills can reach this terrifying level, and Xia Tian's strength has completely broken through everyone's imagination.

"He's putting water on purpose... to give us the illusion that we can overcome it..."

Rayleigh faintly felt that something was wrong, but there was nothing he could do at the moment.

Shanks couldn't help being shocked when he heard this.

Before he could say anything, Rayleigh rushed forward again!

So Shanks had to continue to keep up.

The four masters who use swords fought fiercely with Xia Tian like this.

The sword light kept flashing sharply, and Xia Tian's fist was like steel, punching against them.

Every punch made Lei Li and the others feel angry and bloody, unable to hold back.

And those who didn't have time to use fists, Xia Tian simply ignored them, and let them cut them down with a single knife.

It's just that Xia Tian's defense was only broken when a group of people fought just now, even if he still wanted to hurt Xia Tian, ​​it would be easier said than done.

"Rayleigh and the others will not be able to bear it if this continues..."

The ugly look on Beckman's face never imagined that Xia Tian would be so perverted!

Aren't you tired looking like this? Out of stamina?

Why is it so awesome to fight against four imperial swordsmen?

With the power of one punch, even the air was scattered and exploded.

Rayleigh, Golden Lion Shiki, Red Earl, and Shanks are obviously more tired from the onslaught of Xia Tian, ​​and their complexions are starting to turn pale!

"How is your recovery?"

Beckman looked back at the shocked crowd watching the battle ahead.

"You can continue!"

Diamond Qiaozi didn't say much harsh words, he directly turned into a diamond body, ran towards Xia Tian and bumped into it!

"Everyone! Go!"

Marco had once again given White Beard some special medicine to suppress his pain, and then Lan Yan spread his wings and rushed out with Joz.

Immediately afterwards, the captains and cadres stepped forward without hesitation.

They replaced the red-haired Shanks four and launched a fierce attack!

"Wheel fight?"

Xia Tian turned around suddenly, and did not pursue the four people who retreated.

Instead, like Joz, he slammed into the past with the same viciousness!


The huge impact of power brought up strong winds.

Joz is like a cannonball, directly knocked out by Xia Tian!

In embarrassment, it smashed to the ruins of the town.

At the same time, Xia Tian shattered the sea with a fist, and bombarded the rushing cadres and captains.

Powerful atmospheric storm with the power of shaking fruit!

Under the atmosphere of Si, Marin Fando is the familiar earthquake again!

With this punch, the pupils of more than 20 people including Marco couldn't help shrinking.

One after another resorted to means of defense!