MTL - Pirate: I Shock the World From the Top-Chapter 255

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On the side of the Kaido Pirates, Black Maria also had a solemn expression and roared.

Everyone moved, as far as Jiang Liu could see, there were enemies everywhere in the sky.

This is definitely the biggest threat. He is alone, facing the strongest combat power of the two Four Emperors. Even the top powerhouses in the world will constrict their pupils when they see this scene.

The sound of the wind was fierce, and the first attack came in the blink of an eye.

"It's just right to come!"

Muttering, Jiang Liu pulled out the long knife at his waist, shaking his hand.


Shock waves swept across the blade, and the armed domineering color also wrapped the blade, covering it with a layer of weird patterns.

In the next second, he laughed loudly and swung the long knife out.

"God avoids!"

In the void, the eyes of the attacking pirates shrank sharply at this moment. They could no longer see Jiang Liu's figure, replaced by that dazzling light, which drew an arc, and then slashed at them fiercely.


There was a scream, and the figure that rushed up quickly retreated back at an even faster speed.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi!"

Blood splattered, and the pirates fell to the ground, clutching their wounds, looking terrified.

That knife directly bypassed their attack, and the weapon hit the body at a faster speed, which is really unimaginable.

Even, at that moment, they didn't know exactly what happened.

Jiang Liu retracted the knife with his right hand and scanned the left and right.

At this moment, a scorching attack roared.

"Hot Wind Fist!"

Then there was a loud roar, and it was Charlotte Owen, the person with the hot fruit ability.

The attack came at an extremely fast speed, and the temperature in the air was rising at an extremely fast speed, and it was already in front of him in a blink of an eye.


Jiang Liu dodged sideways, brushing his nose with his fist.

The high temperature almost instantly caused the tip of his nose to burn into flames, and then turned into ashes, missing a piece, which looked shocking.


Charlotte Owen's heart moved, and he shouted in surprise.

Perospero in the back also had excited eyes and shouted: "Take this opportunity and attack everyone!"

The people present were all seasoned and experienced strong men, so they naturally knew to seize the opportunity, and in an instant, the overwhelming attack came to cover the river again.

"Cream Monster!"

A large amount of fresh cream surged out, forming a huge monster, appearing behind Jiang Liu, and pounced on him.

"Bind Maria!"

On the other side, the tall black Maria also roared.

A spider's web appeared from above Jiang Liu's head and covered it down.


Charlotte Daifuku, with one hand on her bleeding chest, manipulated the Lantern Demon, and also launched an attack.

"Cannon Ceratops!"

This is Sasaki, one of the flying six, swooping down and launching an attack.

"Moisturizing gun!"

On the other side, Runti also launched an attack.

Jiang Liu stood there, feeling the attack from all directions. At this moment, he could hardly avoid it. His eyes were sharp, and he suddenly grinned.


As soon as the two words were finished, the spider web instantly covered him, and the cream monster also landed on him, wrapping him tightly, making him unable to move.

At the same time, attacks from all directions roared in.


With the first sound, dust exploded from the ground, and Jiang Liu's restrained body shook violently.


Immediately afterwards, a second powerful attack came out, and more cracks appeared on the ground, which also made the pirates present look excited and excited.

It seems that their family's offense has worked.


Then, there was the third attack, which was a huge slash, directly passed through Jiang Liu's waist, and flew into the distance.

"Is it broken in two?"

The pirates stared wide-eyed, excited.

Immediately afterwards, another attack landed on the figure covered in cream monsters and wrapped in spider webs in the field, making loud noises.

"Did you make it?"

"That's right, gathering so many powerful cadres and jointly launching an attack is such a clever cooperation."

"How could it still fail?"

"Such an attack, even if it is the strongest in the world, is it difficult to resist?"

The pirates shouted excitedly.

The person who launched the attack also had twinkling eyes at this moment, staring closely at the pile of cream and spider webs in the field.

They were not sure whether Jiang Liu would really die under such an attack.

The sound of the wind blew past the robes of everyone present.

At a certain moment, standing there, the tall Jack suddenly moved his eyes and shouted in a deep voice.

"He's not dead yet!"

The cream is moving and the cobwebs are opening.

A majestic, terrifying aura suddenly rose at this moment.

Chapter 305

"Things are starting to get interesting!"

With excitement, a deterrent sound suddenly came out, and the next second, there was a bang.

Spider webs, cream monsters, exploded directly.

At the same time, it also revealed scars all over his body, and the river of blood, but what made everyone's pupils shrink was that the man who was soaked in blood and covered in scars stood there just like that.

But the breath on his body didn't weaken at all, on the contrary, it became stronger. What's even more weird is that the blood on his body gathered and the wound healed quickly.

In just two or three breaths, there was no trace of a wound to be seen.

"Damn it!"

"An unkillable monster?"

"I've heard of his nickname a long time ago, but it's the first time I've seen it with my own eyes. It's really shocking!"

"Can such a serious injury be regenerated and healed at will?"

The people of the two pirate groups are extremely dignified and feel incredible.

They saw with their own eyes that Jiang Liu's waist was even cut off just now, but it still recovered, which subverted all cognition.

"You guys surprised me."

"I also felt the excitement of the **** battle. I thought it would be interesting only if Bigumamu and Kaido played!"

After a pause, Jiang Liu's eyes turned, and first locked onto Dafu who was clutching his chest.

The attack just now, the slash launched by the opponent's lamp demon, was the most destructive to him.

"It seems that we can have a good time for a while!"

As soon as the words fell, his right foot stepped out suddenly, the ground cracked and shattered, and the dust rolled up. At this moment, Jiang Liu's figure disappeared.

Charlotte Dafu's pupils contracted, and he felt the strong wind in front of his nostrils. When he raised his head, he saw Jiang Liu was already in front of him.

"So fast!"

"Your knife hurts me so much!"

Jiang Liu grinned.

In Dafu's eyes, this smile was incomparably terrifying and ferocious, which made him tremble even more.

The corner of Dafu's mouth twitched, and he wanted to say something more, but it was too late.

Jiang Liu's fist swung, cut through the air, faster than the lightning, and hit his face fiercely.


The bridge of the nose instantly collapsed, shattered, and then sunken, and this punch hit the center of his cheek.

The teeth burst out, Dafu's head shook, and his consciousness was in a trance in an instant.


A dull sound came out, and his body flew out, hitting the ground, dragging a long trace, and flying far away.

"be careful!"

"Continue to attack!"

Perospero roared, his complexion suddenly changed.

No one expected that Jiang Liu's revenge attack would come so fast and so fiercely.


Jiang Liu grinned and turned around.

What came into my eyes was a young woman with horns on her head and a light pink mask, who was running with big strides, and rushed towards her while roaring.

"Moisturizing gun!"

In the blink of an eye, the woman had already arrived in front of Jiang Liu, and with a flick of her head, she slammed her with a ferocious expression.

"Then compare whose head is harder!"

Jiang Liu grinned and tilted his head back.

In the next second, it raised violently, and slammed it fiercely at the woman in front of him.

"Macho headbutt!"

The foreheads of the two heads smashed together with a bang.

The airflow was violent, and the impact swept towards the surroundings. The ground cracked and shattered, and the dust rolled up.


There was a crisp cracking sound, and in the wide-eyed eyes of everyone, they saw that Runti who rushed up aggressively a second ago, her forehead and skull bones were broken, and her two eyes rolled up.

Then, his body fell backwards and fell to the ground with a bang.


Black Maria yelled, her complexion changed dramatically.

Jiang Liu lowered his head, glanced at the young woman lying on the ground in a large font, and grinned.

"It seems that my head is still harder!"

This iron girl was knocked down by her own head hammer, her eyes were white, her mouth was foaming, her limbs were trembling slightly, and she had already lost consciousness.