MTL - Pirate Alliance-Chapter 198 The Golden Lion

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The pirate industry is still very disciplined. When Qiubai "kindly and friendly" explained his little request to the two street pirates, the other party was moved and took him to find the reward of 9000. Wan, a pirate named Gransit.

If Qiubai, the 90 million pirate, said "I want to fight ten", he would definitely be scolding himself, and being too modest is not a good sign.

Divide 12 by 0.9 and he can hit at least 13.

Fortunately, this pirate who has won prizes in various ways is still staying on this island, which prevents Qiubai from taking two chickens everywhere to find someone... But when Qiubai finds that person, I realized that I no longer needed to act.

Like a little girl who was molested by a hooligan, that person was lying on the ground and wept bitterly.

"Luo...Why have you become such a person?" Qiu Bai expressed concern about his partner's mental state... The person who was with the pirate was Luo who was inquiring from other directions.

And the pirate Gramsit was not teased and cried, but was scared to cry. Known as the "intestine hunter", he has now been gutted by Luo. This kind of disembodied phenomenon occurred in The visual effects on myself and on others are completely different.

And Qiubai's words instantly stunned Luo... Without reminding him that he hadn't noticed his abnormality, yes, why did he adopt such a curious attack method?

On this day, Luo really understood a very common truth... What is a habit becoming natural? What is near-ink black? Because he has done too much work of this kind of "slaughter" before, Luo inadvertently showed this tendency. He is changing from a pure doctor to an executioner, with the title of "Death Surgeon". Sooner or later it will be placed on his head.

"I have already found out the whereabouts of the golden lion..." After thinking about it, Luo simply cut off the brain circuit.

It seems that he is more efficient, a step ahead of Qiubai, "If everything is true, the golden lion will stay on the four islands of the Great Route for three days each month for the next four months. If you join the command of the Golden Lion, the pirates can go to these islands to gather."

Of course, the pirates requested by the golden lion are not ordinary pirates, at least they should be pirates of this level who were scared and crying on the ground.

This was probably the main reason why Qiubai couldn't find the golden lion. The other party was not nesting somewhere, but was constantly wandering around. Thinking about it carefully, this was also very reasonable. It was considered that the golden lion had given full play to his strengths. Why is the golden lion so hard to find and hard to catch?

Because he can fly.

While talking, Luo handed over a note, and Qiu Bai took it, and found that the coordinates of the four islands were written on it, and each island was also marked with the corresponding time when the golden lion appeared.

"How, is this worth believing?" Luo asked, he always felt a little unusual, the golden lion had disappeared for so many years, why did Qiubai appear on his own when he was looking for him? Luo was a little doubtful that this might be a trap of the Navy, after all, Qiu Bai had already stabbed the Admiral in this matter long ago.

Given the danger of this cargo, it is not an exaggeration for the Navy to design a trap for him.

"It shouldn't be a problem." Qiubai doesn't have many doubts in this regard, because he knows that the Golden Lions will start their activities in the first half of this year, and they will be on the streets again in the second half of the year. He believes that more than 80% of the information in his hand should be true.


Qiubai had no plans to visit this island full of pirates. After getting the information he wanted, he decided to return to the boat.

"My friend, drink plenty of hot water to keep your fears down, but if you really can't stand this kind of stimulation, I suggest you become a monk... Maybe you are needed more in the temple than at sea." When passing by the crying colleague, Qiu Bai said He didn't forget to pat the other person's shoulder to comfort him... By this time, everyone should have realized that although Qiu Bai is more complacent, his heart is still good.

Well, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. People who are outspoken and have something to say aren't bad-hearted.


On this island, Qiubai's gang operates separately. Some are in charge of inquiring about news, while others are replenishing supplies... Don't ask where their money came from, of course they stole... "borrowed" Perona, anyway, so With a lot of gold, she couldn't find it at all when she was ten or eight catties.

Although she stayed in the cabin most of the time, and frantically used ghosts to watch over the gold at all times, Luo could take out the gold nuggets without disturbing anyone or any spirits.

In order to see the golden lion as soon as possible, according to the principle of time and distance priority, Qiubai decided to go to the first assembly point... Banaro Island, this island is a certain distance from Magic Valley Town, but considering that as long as the next You can go anywhere before the assembly time of the month, so it is not in a hurry.

After a short rest, it was the next day that the Baru Batos sailed again... This white-painted boat, Qiubai, was very satisfactory. over it.

However, it is definitely the incarnation of bad luck and nightmares for other pirates, even if this "other pirate" is a golden lion.

A thorn in the eyes of the navy like Qiubai, it is much safer to float in the sea than to wait for the shore, so they almost arrived at Banaro Island at a stuck time, and when they got here, they could find that they had docked from the port to the outer sea. a lot of ships.

"I really didn't expect the golden lion to have such a big appeal at such a time. It's just a piece of news that can't be distinguished from the truth. Has it already gathered such a big force?"

Qiubai was amazed at the appeal of the golden lion, but in fact, even if these dozens of ships were able to join the golden lion's command smoothly, compared to his heyday, his current power was just a drop in the bucket.

Of course, not all the pirates come here with the intention of hugging their thighs. Maybe some people just passed by to watch the fun, or maybe some people like Qiubai aimed at the golden lion's head~www.novelbuddy .com~ Although this group of pirates have a common goal on the surface, they should be "companions" in the future, but now is not the future, they maintain a considerable degree of vigilance against each other.

Qiubai didn't just try to join in the fun. They anchored off the port and stopped the ship, quietly waiting for the golden lion to arrive.

This year can really be described as a year of disaster for the world government. All kinds of bulls, ghosts, gods and snakes began to rush to emerge as if they had heard the signal of the same starting gun. The relatively calm sea for a while became completely lively. .

And what happened in front of him must be one of the biggest origins of this excitement.

On the last day of the appointed time, a "giant creature" floated in the sky, it was a floating island... Looking at this anti-physical phenomenon, everyone should know that the person who came was the golden lion and didn't run away.

The mechanical shell of a man named Niu failed to penetrate the enemy's armor, but he should have been completely used to this kind of thing.

At dusk, the island slowly descends, obscuring the last lingering rays of the sun.