MTL - Pierce Heaven Til’ It Breaks-Chapter 10 Huashan on the cheap

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To say who is recognized as the number one liar by the King of Gods, Li Yi is definitely worthy of it, but he is just cheating, but not cheap. The big-faced **** in front of him forgets it, which is really really cheap.

The **** forgot to call it "forgotten" in the game, but even the friends around him never called him by the name, but called him "slut!" Without exception.

The **** forgot to be one of the founders of "Huashan Guild", and "Huashan Guild" is the worst-known guild among the kings of the gods. There was a classic saying from a MM that a MM who had joined the "Huashan Guild" and quit one day. "All 2B in Huashan Guild."

According to the mage MM, as soon as he joined the club, he participated in the guild activities, and made a copy of the flame of hero difficulty. BOSS).

You know, at that time, the members of Huashan Guild were all around 50, and the level of the flame copy was only 40. Although it is heroic difficulty, as long as the operation is not bad, and the equipment is not bad, it is easy to get through the boss thing.

差 Where is the problem, the Master MM can see at a glance, the whole group of 40 people, no MT, no treatment, all DPS output.

"Why not add a few treatments and MT? Even one comes?"

"What do you know, do you understand the level of rolling? Don't know don't pretend to be, and honestly output it to me!"

"What I said is that I only pretend to be a big one day after joining the club. When our boss hit the sea dragon, you didn't know where."

"Let's go if you don't like to be treated, because in the guild, we are stuck in the first place because of someone who is not united and united."

"All 2B in Huashan Guild".

Mage MM resigned angrily and said the classic sentence.

However, I later heard that the mage MM was very tragedy. He was ordered to kill by the Huashan Guild, and was chased and killed by the 2B gangs of Huashan all day. Finally, the mage MM was so sad that he deleted the number and stopped playing.

"Regardless of whether you are male or female, this is the end of our Huashan Guild." Soon after Master MM deleted the number, the person who proudly uttered this sentence was the second figure of Huashan Guild, the **** forgot.

The **** forgets never knowing what is a character, grabs the boss, occupies the land, and bullies less, bullies and fears hard. Whatever he does, he does nothing cheap.

Just like now, this is only a few levels, and dare to clear the field.

级 Below level 10, PK is prohibited. When one party maliciously attacks the other, the system will forcibly stop it, making the attacking party unable to act within 30 seconds.

It seems that these two goods did not pay attention to the rules of the game, even banned PK below level 10 do not know.

Li Yi's forgetful look made Li Yi can't help but feel funny, remembering that when he saw himself for the first time in the previous life, he also laughed like that ... but it didn't take long for him to become a tragedy.

"What to look at? Haven't you seen a handsome guy? Oh, there is a girl here. This diving suit is good. How do you say that, what curve?"

"Perfect curve," said the bitch, forgetting a subordinate.

The **** forgets to have a pair of color eyes and can't help looking at Yueyao Canghai: "Yes, the perfect curves are revealed, um, the **** is big enough, but the chest is too small. If you feel it, it will not feel good it is good."

"Chick, take off the face towel and call him a bitch."

"Hurry up, if you tell us to look down on you, you will enjoy it."

"Yeah, if you become our base, you'll be one step higher."

The **** who forgot the bitter had almost the same virtues as him, as the so-called things are grouped together, and people are grouped.

Lao Lifei's face was sinking like water, and Yueyao's sea was trembling with anger. Just when the two wanted to come forward and the **** forgot to start, Li Yi called them from behind.

逸 Li Yi smiled and pointed forward: "You go ahead and wait for me, give me five minutes, I will solve them."

Lao Li Fei Dao looked at the front. There were two teams of adult wild boars sweeping back and forth. He just wanted to ask how to get past, and Yueyao Canghai went up.

He Yueyao passed through the middle of the two teams of adult boars unobstructed, and safely reached the place that Li Yi said.

Lao Lifei's face turned red, there was no doubt in his heart, and according to Li Yi's instructions, he ran to meet Yueyao Canghai.

逸 Li Yi shouted at the **** and said, "Place for you, we change places."

"Haha, brother truth!" The **** forgot to take a thumbs up at Li Yi.

逸 Li Yi ignored him and ran away.

"Ah, unfortunately, I didn't see what the chick looked like." The **** forgot a look of loss.

"Brothers, you just saw how the three people blame you. We are now learning from them too. Honestly wait for me, brother to blame."

The **** forgot to shake his head and walked towards the nearest adult boar.

I really don't want to say that although the **** forgets that the person is a little bit cheap, the ability to imitate is still okay. Because he is a warrior with a high level of professional blood, he successfully led the wild boar near the boulder for the first time.

Dozens of **** forgotten their hands, one by one, and killed adult boars ...

"Okay, that's it, good job brothers." The **** forgot to praise the men, drank a bottle of red medicine, and drew another monster.

One of the **** forgotten by the **** was puzzled: "A team of up to 5 adult wild boars, so many of us, even if you play 2 teams of wild boars at the same time, can you?"

"What do you know, this is called tactics."

"This person is a novice and I don't understand. Don't blame everyone."

"If you do n’t understand, read more, learn more, listen more, don't think you are smarter than yourself. If you are smarter than cheap, can you still be our boss?"

A dozen people blasted at a person, only to make that person speechless, dare not refute ...

Uh ...

逸 Li Yi stood in the distance watching this group of "Huashan faction" to blame, seeing him crying and laughing, more than a dozen people were waiting, alone to blame, what kind of tactics?

Do you want to hurt them like this "efficiency" method?

I'm really tangled ...

Li Yueyao's Canghai and Xiaoli Fei Dao have been blamed ~ ~ The location was told by Li Yi.

This place only refreshes two wild boars at a time, and one knife can solve one after the other. The experience increases faster than near the boulder.

"You can brush here with peace of mind. If there is no potion, go back to the village to buy it. When you come, follow the route I taught you. Don't care about those people in Huashan. They don't understand how to walk. It would never be possible to get here twice as much. "

Li Yi finished speaking, plunged into the strange pile, and returned heroically to the city.

"Fuck, I don't have much experience here. After playing for so long, it actually went up by 1%."

The **** bitterly forgot to curse, raised his eyes, and saw the old Li Fei Dao and Yue Yao Cang Hai who were playing in the distance.

贱 "Bitch, their place seems better than here."

"Hmm." The bitch's forgotten eyes closed.

"Go, brothers, change places!"

The **** forgot to wave a big hand and led a dozen men to rush up.

Two wild boars rushed up, and everyone in the Huashan Guild started off with a knife, and it was easy to handle.

Twenty-four wild boars rushed up, and everyone in the Huashan Guild fought with their swords, struggling to get it done.

Eighteen wild boars rushed up, and everyone in the Huashan Guild drew their swords, and desperately got it.

A dozen wild boars rushed up, and everyone in the Huashan Guild drew their swords, screaming and falling to the ground one after another.

灭 Totally destroyed ...

Twenty minutes later, the "Huashan faction" who ran back from Xinshou Village gathered together again, and under the leadership of the **** forgot, rushed up again.

不要 "Don't rush, follow me behind me, I won't believe it. With so many of us, we can't clear up a way."

After dozens of seconds ...

灭 Totally destroyed ...