MTL - Picking Up a General to Plow the Fields-Chapter 9 Ask for food

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Even the uncle of Fangzhouzhou was not far from their home. The courtyard was tall, the houses were neat, and the days were good.

When Joe saw them both, they remembered that Yang Yangzi had retired yesterday, and suddenly he didn’t fight for a fight. He even screamed at Fang Fangzhou: "What are you doing! Get out of here!"

Instead of getting out, even Fangzhou went straight to the hall and found a stool to sit down and said, "Our come, of course, to come back and get something of my own! Or what does the aunt think we are doing?"

"Let's relax!" Lian Li's face sank, the lesson said: "Fangzhou, what is your attitude? Have you talked to your elders so!"

"The original uncle still remembers that you are an elder!" Even Fangzhou sneered: "Calculating our things and bullying our sisters is not a mother, is this the elders doing things! Big uncle, my aunt, I see in the spirit of heaven." It!"

"You!" Lian Li was blocked by her chest, and sighed: "You don't take your mother to say something! We don't owe you anything! Say we bully you, do you have evidence? No evidence Speaking indiscriminately! Seeing that you are young and ignorant, I am too lazy to care about you, honestly apologizing, hurry, what to do!"

He said that Twilight was deeply stunned to Lianfangzhou, and he said: "You used to be like this. How have you become like this now! It’s not evil! Fangzhou, the girl’s house is so little, there is no tutor, no wonder that. Yang family doesn't want you! You have to do this again, don't want to marry in this life!"

"Big uncle, how can you say my sister like this!" Lian Ze could not help but anger, could not help but pinch the fist on the side.

Even Fangzhou gently pulled him and gestured to him to be a little safe. He smiled at Lian, and said faintly: "Why did I become like this? It’s my mother’s dream to tell me that Ma Shan was deceived by people riding people, so I became like this! I have no tutoring such things, I don’t need to worry about your uncle, anyway, I can’t learn anything good with you here! Yang’s family doesn’t seem to have anything to do with you? If you don’t get married, it’s even more irrelevant to you! You don’t have to say these words to stimulate me, I don’t care!”

Lian Fangzhou sneered in her heart, but also when she is the deity!

However, if it is really the deity, after listening to him, I am afraid that it will be too mad and half-dead?

After all, this is ancient, in the face of an unmarried girl, said that being retired and not being able to marry, no tutor is the most vicious word! No girl can stand it.

Otherwise, see Lian Ze's reaction will know.

Lian Li didn't think that even Fang Zhou would be so uncomfortable and sloppy. He said that his indifferent look is not like being pretending.

He couldn't help but stunned for a moment.

When Joe saw his husband eating and screaming and screaming, he said coldly: "No face, no skin, no shame!"

"Yes! I don't know how to be ashamed!"

"What do you say!" Lian Ze was even more angry, and his forehead was violent, his face was cold and terrible.

"Azer, don't be angry!" Even Fangzhou is more and more good, and smiles: "What kind of people say what kind of words, if you don't say enough, please continue! It is best to even my ancestors eighteen generations Hey it again! Wait until you are finished, let's talk about the right thing!"

Even Li Li was so angry that he couldn't speak without even talking about Fang Zhou. He only felt that his head was slightly dizzy.

Even the ancestors of her ancestors smashed it again? Is her ancestor of the 18th generation not her own ancestors of the 18th generation? Not the 18th and 17th generations! This girl is really smashed!

“Hey!” Lian Li snorted and said, “Don’t know her!”, and asked coldly: “What the **** are you doing?”

Finished and rolled quickly.

Lian Fangzhou said: "At the time of the autumn harvest, the uncle and the aunt helped us to collect the food. Our sisters and sisters were grateful. We must be grateful for the spirit of the heavens! The uncle and the aunt helped us to keep the food safe. For a long time, it’s enough, we are here to get it back!"

"What are you talking about!" Joe screamed angrily: "You dream!"

Even Fangzhou ignored her snoring and continued to use the same tone to continue: "My mother gave me a dream last night, let me come and take it, a thousand pounds, even more filial grand uncle! Aunt Uncle It’s an elder, it’s like a little elder, don’t you lie?”

"You are less here to play with ghosts!" Qiao always had her take someone else, where is the reason someone else took it from her?

Don't say it really, just listen to Lian Fangzhou saying this, I feel that the meat is generally distressed, so angry that the whole person is not comfortable.

She sneered: "If you even hoe, you are a long-term business, even your dying mother will take care of it! Hey, don't think that if you move out of a dead person, I will be afraid of you, dreaming!"

"The big aunt, you are not right," even Fang Zhou said faintly: "I said it is true, there is no half word to fool you. Otherwise, where can I dare to say this to your family?"

"You may not dare before, now you are evil, you can't do anything!" Joe sneered.

Even if there is a two-pointer, there will be doubts. If there is no dead mother, he feels that even Fangzhou does not dare to go to his house to make trouble.

However, he is consistent with Joe's idea, want to take food from them, don't say the door, not even the windows!

Lian Li squinted, fixedly screaming at Fangfangzhou's younger brother, indifferently said: "I think your mother is wrong, where is our family's food? When you helped you collect food, didn't you give it to you? How come again? Your sisters and brothers, is this a rogue? Is there any elder in my eyes?"

"Yes!" Qiao Shi listened to her husband's well-founded words, suddenly a hard-hitting pole, called the grievances: "This is a good saying, wow, the heart is separated from the belly, really good intentions are not good to report wow! I was with you, my uncle, we both No days and nights, tired and tired, I will help you harvest the grain. I will give it to you one by one, and you will run away to be deceitful! What is this? I don’t expect you to honor our elders. There is no conscience! Heaven does not spare you Bodhisattva does not spare you!"

"The big aunt, do you dare to swear?" Lian Ze listened to Joe's so black and white, so angry that his mind was messy.

"Look, look at it!" Joe cried more and more. "Being a child, forcing the aunt to swear, what is this? The food is eaten in the dog's stomach, and I don't understand it!"

"When you do, you can't say a few words, save others from saying that we bully the junior!" Even Lie, who saw no more than two of Joe's, couldn't help but say that he couldn't help but frown on her, to the two brothers and sisters. Said faintly: "The food has already been given to you as soon as possible. You are still coming, it is impossible!"

"Give it to you, you can clearly not give it enough. We can almost collect 1,560 kilograms in three acres of paddy fields, and you are afraid that there are no three or four hundred pounds!" Lian Ze said with anger.

"Oh!" Lian Li gently sneered, even disdain, a sentence back to question: "Do you have any evidence? Do you have scales? People or evidence? In general, we have given you food, as for you When it comes to how food is handled, whether it is eaten or sold, then I don’t know!"
