MTL - Perfect Superstar-Chapter 8 New network popularity

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Lu Chen’s hometown is in the coastal city of Zhedong, which is a beautiful seaside town.

His father, Lu Qingsheng, started his business very early. When Lu Chen went to elementary school, he was already a well-known entrepreneur in Binhai. Although Lu Chen could not say that he grew up with a golden spoon, he could barely count as a rich man. Second generation.

However, there was an unpredictable weather. In the second year of Lu Chen’s study at Jianghai University, due to the outbreak of the international financial crisis, the operation of local foreign trade enterprises in Binhai City was seriously affected. Lu Qingsheng’s business suffered a huge loss. Faced the danger of bankruptcy.

Large sums of money could not be recovered, and banks and suppliers came to the door, eventually leading to the break of his capital chain!

The company’s assets were liquidated, and its own villas were auctioned, and even the cars that were transported were towed away...

Although Lu Qingsheng tried his best to turn the tide, he couldn't afford to suffer from it. The result soon became awkward and left his wife Fang Wei and Lu Xi, Lu Chen and Lu Xue.

Lu Chen’s fate has thus undergone a tremendous change. From the rich family who are envied by everyone, it has become a broken family. Even his girlfriend has abandoned him and has to rely on work-study to maintain his life.

In the case of losing the pillars of his family, his mother Fang Wei, a gentle, kind and strong woman bravely stood up and set off all the responsibilities.

Fang Hao sold all the family products, including the jewels that he had married in the same year, took the children to the rental house, signed a repayment agreement with the creditors, and began to work hard for a new life.

After the initial pain and defeat, Lu Chen did not succumb to self-destruction. In order to help the family pay off this huge debt, he applied for social practice in advance at the beginning of his senior year, with 800 savings. Going alone to the north to fight hard.

until now...

Flowing water, washing his body, a little bit of water splashed on the stained floor tiles.

It seems to be sprinkled in the heart of Lu Chen, the hard memory is like a wild grass growing wildly, occupying the mind!

"You said you, crying like a child..."

"I don't want to love me a little more!"

Suddenly, a scream of ghosts and screams pierced the wall, as the magic sound rushed into Lu Chen’s ear.

What the hell!

He was so scared that he couldn't help but slammed the faucet and wiped the water off with a bath towel.

The song next door is still going on, let Lu Chen listen to the impulse to burst into tears!

However, because of the sad feelings brought about by the past, it was diluted a lot.

Wiping his hair and hurriedly changing to a clean suit, he left the dwelling and ran to the door next door.

Reaching out and knocking on the door panel, no one answered, but the door was not closed, and the screaming of the inability to spit out was still coming out of the door seam.

"Li Ge, what are you doing?"

Lu Chen simply pushed the door in and shouted into the room: "Noise pollution is fine!"

This room is home to Li Feiyu, a salesman in a 4S shop in Beijing, and has a good relationship with Lu Chen.

Lu Chen knows that Li Feiyu likes pop music very much, and often uses a few voices to make a few noises, but it has never been so "exciting" today - it is not alive!

Let him continue to sing, and it is estimated that the tenants in other rooms will run over to protest.

The scene that appeared in front of him made Lu Chen stunned.

Although it is in the same large basement, the same partition dwelling, Li Feiyu's room is undoubtedly much more luxurious than Lu Chen, the floor is covered with composite flooring, the walls are all covered with wallpaper, Simmons bed and furniture are basically New, even in the corner is a small refrigerator.

I saw Li Feiyu sitting at the computer desk, singing with a headset in front of a microphone, 24 inches of LCD screen showing the real-time image captured by the camera, and a few rows of flashing subtitles.

What is this doing?

Lu Chen curiously walked over and reached for the other person's shoulder.


Li Feiyu, who was not prepared, jumped in shock and almost slammed into the microphone.

Seeing that it was Lu Chen, Li Feiyu was relieved. He quickly took off his headphones and patted his chest and said, "Scared me, how did you come to Xiaolu, was it attracted by my singing?"

He sneered, a smug expression.

Lu Chen said disdainfully: "Attract? I just came to see how you would kill people!"

At this time, he noticed that his own image appeared on the LCD screen, and the number of the barrage suddenly increased!

"Wow! Come to a handsome pot!"

"Fei Ge Fei Ge, seeking handsome fan flying signal, flying signal, length size, fruit photo!"

“Is it the owner of the anchor to feed?”

"What breeder, obviously oil, the good oil of the anchor!"

"I want to listen to singing, I don't want to be handsome, I want to listen to singing, I don't want to be handsome!"



With the increase of the barrage, there are shining stars on the screen, and the radiance is very beautiful.

Located in the information bar on the right side of the screen, the system sends out a row of system messages.

System Tip: Crystal Jelly (Bronze II) gives the host 100 stars!

System Tip: Crystal Jelly (Bronze II) gives the host 100 stars!

System Tip: Don't fly tonight (Black Iron V) to give the host 100 stars!

System Tip: New Yorker (Silver IV) will give the host 100 stars!

System Tip: New Yorker (Silver IV) will give the host 100 stars!

System Tip: New Yorker (Silver IV) will give the host 100 stars!

System Tip: New Yorker (Silver IV) will give the host 100 stars!

system hint:……

Lu Chen was a bit stupid, and it was understandable.

In the past year or two, a new way of mass entertainment has appeared on the Internet, that is, the Internet is broadcast live.

At the beginning, the national live broadcast was mainly aimed at online games. Many game masters broadcast their own games or game sessions to the audience as the anchor on the live broadcast platform, in order to earn popularity and reward income.

As the national live broadcast closely followed the entertainment needs of netizens, it quickly flourished, and famous live broadcast platforms such as Sky Live, Whale TV, Star Dream, and a large number of type anchors emerged.

Moreover, the content of the live broadcast is no longer limited to games. Singing, dancing, playing, talk shows and various outdoor lifestyles have appeared, attracting a large number of netizens to participate.

Lu Chen is a computer at university. Although he has been busy with online work for the past two years, he still knows about the new popular live broadcast of the Internet, but he has no time to contact.

Li Feiyu is undoubtedly playing live broadcast, he is also the so-called network anchor!

What makes Lu Chen wonder is that Li Feiyu can scare away the whole street, how can someone come to listen to him singing, and there are still many people who seem to listen?

The status bar at the top of the screen shows that the star of the anchor "ABC" is 1425, and the online popularity has reached 287 - more than last night's customers who sang in the morning!

It is not that he does not understand, but that the changes in the online world are really too fast!

"Ha ha ha..."

Lu Chen was worried, Li Feiyu laughed and said, "Come on everyone's reward, I will tell you about it. This is my good buddy Xiaolu!"

"Small land, say hello to everyone!"

Lu Chen hasn't woken up yet, and he nodded subconsciously and said, "Hello everyone!"

A new barrage was immediately screened on the screen.

"The handsome pot is muddy, and the same **** seeks to communicate!"

"Little deer? Good name, I like it!"

"Little deer! Little deer! Little deer! Little deer! Little deer! Little deer! Little deer!"


Lu Chen’s forehead suddenly appeared three black lines.

Li Feiyu smiled and said: "It's not this little deer. It's land and army. Although Xiaolu doesn't have a flying brother, he has already reached the level of one tenth of Feige. You want to hear him sing. Ah? If you want to, just brush up on the stars!"

His voice just fell, the barrage and the starlight floated at the same time!

"miss you!"

"Don't want! Don't want! Don't want it! Don't want it! Don't want it! Don't want it!

"Fei Ge has come to lie to the stars!"

"The anchor sells oil, and millions of dollars!"

"I want to listen to the handsome pot singing!"


System Tip: New Yorker (Silver IV) will give the host 100 stars!

System Tip: New Yorker (Silver IV) will give the host 100 stars!

System Tip: New Yorker (Silver IV) will give the host 100 stars!

System Tip: New Yorker (Silver IV) will give the host 100 stars!

System Tip: New Yorker (Silver IV) will give the host 100 stars!

System Tip: New Yorker (Silver IV) will give the host 100 stars!

system hint:……

ID New Yorker is estimated to be a local tyrant. He actually brushed out a hundred stars and gave away 10,000 stars!

Li Feiyu was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth. He held his hand on Lu Chen's shoulder and let him sit in his position. Then he smiled and said, "Small land, you look at the field first, I will give you a guitar!"

After talking about this guy, he ran away.

Lu Chen was really dumbfounded, but there was no resentment. He was the first to contact the webcast. He thought that his image appeared on hundreds of computer screens and communicated with hundreds of people. He felt very fresh.

Waiting for the gap between Li Feiyu, he simply studied the anchor platform called [Starlight Show] and found that there are still many functions inside.

Just did not wait for Lu Chen to study clearly, Li Feiyu could not wait to send his guitar.

The little flying brother helped Lu Lu to adjust the microphone, and closed the accompaniment music that was playing on the computer. He also sent the mineral water, and he was so diligent that he could make a bed and fold his back!

Lu Chen sat in front of the computer with his guitar, and calmed down against the microphone and camera.

His idea is very simple, that is to help Li Feiyu to support, by the way, experience the network anchor to satisfy curiosity.

At this moment, Lu Chen would never have thought that his life would be on a different path!