MTL - Part-Time Taoist Priest-Chapter 23 Ear hanging paper money

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forecourt. Chen Mo took his brother, the 17-year-old Chen drunk, to come to Yang Yangguan. As soon as I entered the door, I saw that Xie Lingya was helping the pastry in the front yard. He quickly pulled the drunkard who was looking forward to the left. "Wait, I will say hello to Teacher Xie."

Chen Mo's colleagues unanimously believe that Chen Mo, a well-known bar and atheist, has become much better after he has suffered a loss in Baoyang. He used to be vigilant when he walked on the street, and he could not wait for even the traffic lights.

In fact, Chen Mo also eats a long, wise, and his mouth is not easy to cause trouble. In the past, it was all about getting people, and how to cry God.

As for Chen drunk himself, he is on the third year of high school. Chen Mofei said that he was brought to burn a fragrant incense and help him pray, he felt a little funny. However, he did not like the previous Chen Mo, but he liked to raise the bar. Secondly, Bao Yangguan was quite famous in their school. Many students came here to drink tea. It’s just that the heart is inevitable and I don’t know how his brother was brainwashed.

"Mr. Xie, are you busy?" Chen Mo said. During this time, Xie Lingya mainly worked in the backyard and rarely saw him in front.

"Chen Mo, didn't work overtime today?" Xie Lingya also said, "I came out to help, we launched the pastry, tell everyone about its source. Just finished, you are late."

Chen Moyi saw that the pastry was written on the front of the sun, and the opposite side was written in the spring and white snow. It was in line with the temperament of the Taoist temple. "Then I have to taste it, is there?"

"Wait, I will give you." Xie Lingya is in a good mood, because it sells well, there are many people coming over the weekend. I heard that they have made cakes, and there are many people who have tried their minds, especially His story is good. A dish is also thirty, and most of them are still a table together.

Chen Mochong and Chen drunk waved his hand, "Come here."

When Chen drunk, he saw that his brother was very skillful to say hello to the volunteers here. He poured hot water into the tea, and then Xie Lingya took the Yangchun white ice cream.

"Is this your brother? It looks like you." Xie Lingya asked. Because Chen Molai was also a diligent, although it was somewhat unpleasant at first, but Chen Mo was still good, so Xie Lingya simply sat down and talked with him.

"Yes, my brother is a high school student. I will take the college entrance examination next semester." Chen Mo replied, "The test scores are not very satisfactory. I will bring him to Wenchang Emperor."

Chen Mo now has some understanding of the Taoist gods. Another temple in Baoyangguan is dedicated to Wenchang Emperor. The Wenchang Emperor is responsible for his fame and fortune. Ancient students worship him. Although Wenchang Emperor is not the main **** of Baoyangguan, Chen Mo belongs to Baoyang Guanyue, and will not go to other Wenchang temples and come directly here.

Chen Mo and Xie Lingya talked about it. Chen was drunk and felt that Xie Lingya should be like a layman. He didn’t care much. He took a photo of the disc Yangchun white ice cream and sent it to a circle of friends to prove that he also came to Baoyang Guan to play the card. Then I eat it.

Although it is common to sell, it is the appearance of ordinary cakes, but the taste of the entrance is quite good. The sweet taste is different from the fascinating method of mad sugared cakes. It is very natural, especially when it is drunk at noon and has no appetite to eat only one loaf. This cake is light but quite appetizing.

Chen Mo's mouthful of hot tea, actually eaten a full half, and still no greasy feeling. Looking at the side table, many also ordered the pastry, which is suitable for both men and women.

He does not know that in addition to the versatile taste, this Yangchun white ice cream is made from yam and medlar. In fact, the elderly and children eat very well.

Maybe it's not the appearance or the first amazing type, but eating more, but pondering all kinds of advantages, tea is very suitable, in fact, this is indeed the most stable pastry in the future.

Even for those who pursue the characteristics, its handcrafting, historical origins, and production by Taoism are enough to satisfy everyone's psychological needs.

For example, even people like Chen drunk will take pictures and punch cards.

At this time, Chen drunk and then open the circle of friends, it seems that he actually harvested dozens of praises and several comments.

This is a rare experience. Chen drunken opened a new comment and found that most of them are female students and female friends.

"This is not a view of the sun, who is your opposite?"

"You are not saying that your brother is taking you out today, is it your brother?"

"I announced that I am the scorpion of Chen drunk."

"No, it seems to be the boss of Baoyangguan? Before listening to the rumors of the rivers and lakes, going to the Yangyang view can capture a handsome one, but if you are lucky, you can still see this."

"My morning, my girlfriend said that Baoyang had a snack, how to eat snacks and a handsome guy to accompany! [I like it] Waiting for me, I am coming!!"

"I am going to the scene right away [too happy]."


Chen drunk down, quite a bit puzzled. What happened to these people, as if they were like his brother, got into some kind of fanaticism.

He took the pastry and shot it parallel to the tabletop, so he took the opposite person and the building. In the photo, Teacher Xie was sitting on the wicker chair lazily, and his fingers pressed against his chin and chatted with his brother. However, as a straight man, Chen drunk is not very involved in the revelry of the comment area.

However, looking at the meaning of these people, Xie teacher to some extent, there are still some people know, but these people do not know much about him, they are rumors.

"Unified reply, this is not my brother, my brother friend, what is Xie teacher, I don't know if it is a volunteer or a boss." Chen drunk back, and then closed the interface.

After eating the cake, Xie Lingya also took them to Wenchang Hall. "The Wenchang Emperor has just changed."

Chen drunk while walking around and looking around, absent-minded, from the back door of the main hall, the foot on the high threshold, a hook, actually fell.

"Chen drunk, is it okay?" Chen Mo quickly lifted his brother up, only to see his licking his mouth, and he took the cropped trousers and his knees were broken.

Chen Mo immediately excitedly said: "Xie teacher, bleeding, that, can you use the hemostatic spell?"

Xie Lingya: "..."

He didn't look too much like worrying about his younger brother. It seemed like he wanted to see Xie Lingya's wonder again.

Chen drunk is panic, I rely on it, still recite the curse, his brother is not crazy, he promised to come to the incense is to play, but the curse is too curious, immediately crazy: "No no no... I do not!"

Chen Mo looked at him disapprovingly.

Xie Lingya saw Chen drunk, "Help him go behind, I will call Haige."

"Wait, I said I don't want it!" Chen drunk felt it was over. What evil lord is this, and it is still compelling. Wouldn't he still let him drink some fragrant gray water, will it be water? His brother is afraid that he has been brainwashed!

What kind of sea brother is the mind here? Chen drunk suddenly filled up a lot of terrible plots, looked scared, looked around and wanted to find someone to ask for help. Will anyone believe in him, everyone will not be brainwashed, or do they think they have chores? He and his brother are very similar!

Xie Lingya looked at him inexplicably. "Don't doctors, do you want to sip your mouth?"

Chen drunk: "I...ah?"

Chen drunk his face, only to find that he was preoccupied, he felt that his brother was brainwashed and Xie Lingya is a **** stick, plus they also mentioned what kind of curse. Unexpectedly, "Hai Ge" is a doctor...

"Does your brother have any dissatisfaction with Chinese medicine? But it is also a modern method to disinfect and bandage him." Xie Lingya asked Chen Mo. He also thought that the child might have misunderstood or wanted to recite a curse, but not right, when did they teach the Taoist (accented) Amway? Don't do it anymore!

Sometimes in the Taoist temple, some patients blindly ask God, he will also persuade people to go to the clinic to see a doctor.

Chen Mo didn't know, look at Chen's stupid stupidity and said: "Don't worry about him, trouble Dr. Hai."

Later, Hai Guanchao came over with the medicine box, saw that the wound was not deep, and there was no dirt, no need to break the cold, and the disinfection package became.

Chen drunk his brain to make up his head, slightly embarrassed to play with his head down.

There are a lot more comments in the circle of friends: "What?? Thank you honestly? My heart is broken!"

"How can he call this name, cry, I won't go."

"Love fell out of love."

"I can't accept him to be thankful, can't."

"?" Chen drunk up and found that he had typo before, and replied in general, "Are you poisonous?? I just made the teacher honest. You are superficial!"

The comment area is once again in the carnival:

"Ah, I will love again."

"Pick up my packed bag and go to the tea for a superficial ^^"

After the Chen Mo brothers gave the Wenchang Emperor a scent, he went to worship Wang Lingguan before leaving. Of course, Chen drunk later received a lot of condemnation, because after they left, Xie Lingya did not appear in the front yard. The people who heard the news and went to the Yangguan view finally only saw Zhang Daochang being forced to hold the pastry, but the cake was good. .

Xie Lingya originally wanted to take a nap, but still went to wash the face first, wake up and start doing the problem, and then take a nap after finishing the problem.

At about five o'clock, Xie Lingya got up and planned to cook later.

Xie Lingya slipped around the kitchen and took some food. He planned to knock on the long hanging door. The hand just lifted it up. The door opened. He glanced and smiled. "I changed it to Shanglu Shen. It."

He said, his eyes turned and he saw the empty space on the altar. Shanglu Shen was lying on the side of the pillow. This time it should not be a curse. He was delighted to say: "Is it open?"

I don't know if it was his illusion. He paused and hesitated before he nodded.

Xie Lingya: "Wow, what did he say?"

Shi Changhang: "........."

Xie Lingya: "?"

Xie Lingya is very upset, no, why doesn't this answer?

"Then can I go in?" Xie Lingya asked again, only to see that the manager had been suspicious for a long time before he let go.

Shanglu Shen is also wrapped in a handkerchief and lies on the side of the pillow like a little doll. Xie Lingya stepped toward the commercial land **** step by step, and Shi Changhang stared at him behind him, which was a difficult crise in his life.

What will Xie Lingya hear?

Xie Lingya leaned over and put his ear close to Shanglu Shen. After a few seconds, he turned his head and said: "Well? Why don't you talk?"

...the chattering **** of the land is shut up?

Seeing that Shi Changhang also came to the bed, Xie Lingya took Shanglu Shen and placed it on the side of Shi Changsheng. He reached for it.

Xie Lingya released a hand, Shi Changhang heard the Shanglu Shen whispered: "Call - so shy."

Shi Changhang: "........."

The voice of the ear whispering is very small, Xie Lingya did not hear anything, but also asked a big eye: "How, is there?"

Shi Chang hanging the head: "No."

Xie Lingya was very disappointed: "It has its own ideas, will you choose to speak at the time? What did it say before?"

Shanglu Shen is talking now, and its voice is passed to Shi Chang’s ear: “Xie Lingya wants to burn fish at night, and the vegetable market has a very fat squid, just turn left and the second stall in the third row...”

If Shi Chang’s suspense is not heard, he slowly said: “The sequelae of thunder and lightning, not a big light.”

The voice of Shanglu Shen suddenly stopped.

Xie Lingya regretted: "Ah, so there is no movement, and the content is not effective, is it useless?" No wonder Shi Changhang does not speak.

Shi Changhang: "... um."

Shanglu Shen: "I am not. I don't. You said."

Xie Lingya: "Is there any way?"

Shi Changhang let go of Shanglu Shen, and said indifferently: "I will try again a few times to curse."

He thought that this broken Shanglu Shen probably didn't change the sentence, but he couldn't hear it when he left his ear. It was not much louder than the mosquito.

Xie Lingya saw it, but he smiled: "It is not convenient to hold it all the time. Wait, I will find you a needle."

Not waiting for the long talk, Xie Lingya went out. He not only found the individual needles, but also took the scissors and cut the pandas on Shanglu Shen, and then stuck them with the pins, so that there seemed to be a dress. It’s like it.

Then, the Shanglu **** is not on the side of the long suspension, just like the decoration, but it is not consistent with the temperament of the long hanging.

Xie Lingya: "Haha, it's pretty cute."

Shi Changhang some unnaturally dialed the Shanglu God.

Shanglu Shen: "I am cute."

Shi Changhang: "..."

After dinner in the evening, Shi Chang suspends the brain and swears, ignoring the Shanglu God who keeps talking. He did not swear Xie Lingya, he felt that many mantras could be used to debug the commercial land gods. This Shanglu Shen is problematic and broken.

On the side, Zhang Daojun asked Xie Lingya: "Does Shi Daochang not like to eat fish? The phrase "Is this a grass carp?" asked at dinner, scared me to death."

Xie Lingya: "No, then you go out, he told me to go to which stall to buy squid in the future, just don't like to eat grass carp. And, I don't know when he knows the market."

It is really rare to be eager to guide him through these trivial things.

Zhang Daoyu looked at his eyes and sat a little farther away, and said: "What is the doll that Shi Daochang?"

He had tolerated it for a long time, and it was too illegal to see a small puppet doll hanging on the long shoulders of the cold.

The tide of the sea is a turn of the brain. When he thinks about it, he sees that Shi Changhang has been whispering a curse and asked: "When you went out last time, it would not be for that thing."

"Yeah," Xie Lingya gave them a little introduction. "Don't say it outside, don't mention it with Shi Daochang. The Shang Lu Shen seems to be not very good. He may be sad."

Zhang Daoyu laughed twice, not very imagining what it would be like to be sad.

Xie Lingya saw that Shi Chang suspended seven or forty-nine times, picked up the cup and drank water, and thought about getting up.


Shi Chang whispered that the whistling sound of his ear stopped. Rao was relieved and relieved. He really adjusted it. He couldn’t help but see the quiet Shanglu Shen.

- The next moment, suddenly someone posted it from behind, and put his head on his shoulder, a puppet in the middle of his face and face.

Shi Changhang almost can feel the cool breath of this person, with a smile in his ear: "Oh, look at you and think that you are talking, want to eavesdrop."

Shi Changhang was a little stiff, Xie Lingya turned his face to the side, and both of them seemed to have wiped their hair. The distance and the slightest movement, the face and lips would come across.

Too late to prevent it, Shi Chang can not move for a while.

Xie Lingya still can't get up and said: "It won't always be like this, or you can't talk or you can't say it. Or does it prefer the mountains? Would you send it back?"

Shi Changhang finally couldn't help but think seriously, how he squatted on my shoulder, he was getting too much.

Xie Lingya saw that Shi Changhang did not answer himself, "Well, isn't it?"

At this time, a thin voice rang in the ears of two people: "The fast, happy pond is planted, the dream becomes the ocean, the bulging eyes are big, and the sings are loud!"

Shi Changhang: "???"

I haven't waited for the manager to understand, suddenly a loose shoulder, but Xie Lingya stood up, holding the Shanglu Shen cheers: "It actually sings "Little Jumping Frog"! Don't let it go -"

Shi Changhang: "..............."


Shi Chang hangs down into the subway and prepares to go to class. Shanglu Shen was not on his backpack strap, and he was able to carry it with him when he opened it, but it has been stunned because he left the view of Baoyang.

Shi Changhang: "...noisy."

He took Shangluo God and broke into his pocket. When he looked up, he found that not only could he not hear the voice of Shanglu Shen, but the students who were chatting around in the circle also spoke.

Shi Chang hangs his head and looks out the window, his face is cold.

During class, Huang Jinyang asked Shi Changhang: "Have you brought your documentary notes? Last time I borrowed me."

Shi Changhang opened the bag and looked at it. "...take it wrong."

He read the book in the room, there are several books in the notebook, it should be accidentally mistaken, because the thing that tells God is really absent-minded...

"Ah? Finished, I still want to bring it back. I took a vacation and went back to my hometown to attend the wedding. I went to the high-speed rail after class at noon." Huang Jinyang looked regretful.

"I asked." Shi Chang suspends to ask if there is anyone available in Baoyangguan. Come and send the notes.

He took the bag and went out to make a phone call. Before dialing, he picked up the commercial land **** and said: "Why not remind me?"

It is the most basic function of the ear to report the evil.

Shanglu Shen did not say anything, as if it was really a quiet puppet pendant.

Shi Chang hanged the phone to Xie Lingya. Naturally, the whole Taoist view may only be that he is free. I heard that Huang Jinyang’s business, Xie Lingya immediately said: “Nothing, I will send it over, I have nothing to do here.”

In the morning, Xie Lingya had already finished a batch of Yangchun white ice cream. This sold very well. On the first day, the dozens of pounds were sold, so Xie Lingya made more relief this time.

According to Shi Chang’s phone call, he took the notes and took the subway to the Jidong College and found the teaching building where they attended the class.

It was just this time that the first class had already been taken, and Huang Jinyang and Shi Changhang came out together.

Seeing Xie Lingya to send the notebook, Huang Jinyang also thanked: "Xie teacher, you must call your teacher, too powerful, the locator is very useful, I have not seen the gadget recently."

He said, the left eye still moved a little, only slowly opened, and the frequency of blinking is still relatively high, it seems that although the transfer, but this habit can not be changed for a while.

"It's good to be useful. Where are your next classes?" Xie Lingya said, go out with them.

Everyone still has a common road. Xie Lingya walks on the hanging edge of Shi Chang, and asks: "Which... doll?"

Shi Changhang took the commercial land **** out of his pocket.

Xie Lingya asked him implicitly: "Why don't you hang?"

Huang Jinyang listened to their words and felt weird. "This will not be what you sent. I also said how Shi Changhang is like this..."

"Is the style wrong?" Xie Lingya said with a smile. "This is very cute." If he is, he must take it with him every day.

Shi Chang suspended the Shanglu gods back to his shoulders.

Walking in the school, Xie Lingya saw a familiar figure. "Isn't that the headmaster of the meter, have you seen it? Once I had finished the winter vacation, put fireworks in the school, and I was hit by him and gave me a training."

President Mimi was nicknamed Mi Laotou, Huang Jinyang and Xie Lingya were all graduate students, but they also recognized his face. At this time, he was leading a group of people on the playground, as if they were visiting.

Huang Jinyang glanced and said: "The next one is not the teacher of our school?"

Xie Lingya also distinguished. "Do you mean that the one on the left looks very rich? The one with a particularly long earlobe."

"It's the one on the left, the earlobe is not long. I don't know." Huang Jinyang hesitated. "He has a big piece of paper hanging on his ear."

“Paper?” Xie Lingya glanced again. “No one has a piece of paper on his ear.”

"Isn't it?" Huang Jinyang fixed his eyes and looked at it. It was true. "There is really ah...hey, wait, how is this paper inside the outer circle, like a copper coin... wrong, paper copper money, paper money?? ”

Huang Jinyang is amazed, who is hanging money on himself.

Xie Lingya and Shi Changhang immediately looked at each other, paper money?

At this time, the commercial land god, who had not predicted any serious events since the opening, said with his fine door: "The ear hangs paper money, and the life is limited."