MTL - Parasitic Cultivation: Race Clearing System-Chapter 541 1 gift (finale)

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[The world is undergoing unprecedented changes.

Pieces of ruins emerged, ruins squeezed out from the wasteland, covered with moss, as if they had always been there, but some kind of force obscured our eyes, and no one had ever noticed before.

The ruins of these civilizations form a network, from Zhongzhou to Beiyuan, to the remote Xiling world...

And the farther you are from Zhongzhou, the better the preservation. When you reach the "Lost Land" and the "End of the Forbidden Zone" where few people visit, you can even see continuous buildings. I have been there, and in my impression, they It used to be a mountain, with thin aura, a place where birds don't shit.

Another change is that everyone's cultivation base is degrading, and many exercises are suddenly unusable.

And the "White Fox Artifact" is still grinding slowly, I guess, it is grinding the world, grinding the rules and order that bring "pollution".

Taking advantage of this time, I walked a long distance to places I had never been to before, and found that this world was several times larger than the familiar regions, and there were many sects, and there were many bones, which showed that there used to be people there.

This shows that the former monastic world was more than ten times larger than it is now, and there are no records of countless sects at all, and it is not known how they were destroyed, but judging from the deformed bones and bones with tooth marks, they are very weak. I'm reminded of the "swarm feeding" incident.

The world is collapsing.

People are getting stronger.

The eliminated ones are too weak to enter the poison circle.

Those who can survive until now, even if they are of D-rank blood, were once kings.

And we are also on the road to the finals. The world is shrinking all the time, the Qianzong League has become three hundred, and Zhongzhou has always been at the forefront of the jungle. We are in it, but we never know it.

Then there are many relics in the world, but no one cares about how those relics that pop up frequently come from, they treat them as gifts from nature, and just grab them.

If it is not stopped, I don't know what the world will collapse into.

Fortunately, I did.

Respect fellows.

Respect the fallen immortal.

Respect yourself.

at last.

I did not find a living "fallen fairy", which is a bit disappointing, but it is also reasonable.

But the good news is that we don't seem to have degenerated into primitive savagery...]

"Yunhe needs to find you urgently. He said something big happened, but you didn't care about it, and you still found me here." An Yingqiu covered her mouth and yawned in a bathrobe.

Bai Bing put down his notes, "It can be a big deal, you're such an adult, why panic?"

He thought that there must be something wrong with Xiu again, anyway, he wasn't worried, anyway, if everyone changed the dishes together, it meant that the dishes didn't change, and it was over.

When the "Order of Heaven" completely disappears, there will definitely be many drastic changes, but judging from the speed, it will take many years.

"Whatever you want, I'm just passing it on."

An Yingqiu thought for a while, "However, there is still an hour. The Zhen'an Mansion asked me to ask you, why is the wedding rescheduled?"

Bai Bing looked at it and said with a smile, "What did you say?"

"how could I know."

Bai Bing sighed, "You said that I paid so much last night, why didn't you help me with this little help?"

"Because I have a guilty conscience."

An Yingqiu didn't like this, and was going to go back to sleep, because she was too tired yesterday and didn't have a good rest.

Bai Bing admired her back, and then continued to write in the note:

[I thought that people from strict families always have a kind of repressed wildness in their hearts.

But I found out that I was wrong, what era is it, there are people who are so inactive, and the old man has to go out in person to perform the 18th class, it is really... too challenging.

Remarks: The first day of turning the fluttering moth into the shape of this fairy. 】

Not long after writing, there was a dark fluctuation in the communication instrument.


Bai Bing listened carefully, and felt that the power of thoughts was intermittent and the communication instrument was intact, but the rules of this world were deteriorating, and all laws and Taoism were no longer so effective.

With a weak induction, he still got up and left the Divine Phoenix Clan quietly.

"What did you do? Why did it take you so long to come?"

In a certain barren mountain, Yunhe had already been waiting here, and several other elders also gathered here. Since the remnants of Zhongzhou were thoroughly cleaned up, it is rare to see such a battle.

"Of course it's business." Bai Bing said.

It's hard for Yunhe to say anything, the business is important.

He's just running errands now, so it's inconvenient to ask more questions.

"There are some abnormalities ahead."

Yunhe cleared his throat, and said seriously: "According to the information here, someone saw a divine fire falling from the sky a quarter of an hour ago, and then there was a strong trembling sound."

"Fire from the sky?" Bai Bing cheered up.

This is indeed no small matter.

"Is it the legendary Fallen Immortal?" Patriarch Shenyou asked.

This land is very special, it is in the deepest part of the "Ancient Forbidden Land", but now the weirdness and fog barriers disappear, and a new world appears, all in the shape of fallen immortals.

Those houses are well preserved, and even the remaining traces of life can be seen.

Although they had never seen it, they always suspected that there were fallen immortals here.

After rushing along the direction for a while, there was an envoy to respond, and the place where the incident happened has already been blocked.

"We have already found out that an iron shell fell from the sky. After our investigation and comparison, it is the flying magic weapon of the Fallen Immortal." The messenger said solemnly.

Bai Bing took a look, good guy.

A dilapidated "spaceship", flames sprang out, emitting thick smoke.

"Have you ever seen it?" Yunhe looked at the old ancestor Shenyou next to him. He didn't know much about "fallen immortals". In the world of cultivation, it is useless to study this stuff. Xiu is tinkering.

Ancestor Shenyou narrowed his eyes, "According to my calculations, at least it is of the fire attribute."

"That's right, why did it fall from the sky?"

"The world is unparalleled, our magic weapon is still ineffective, and the magic weapon of this fallen fairy will naturally fall."

"Extremely true."


While speaking, Bai Bing had already pried open the deformed door, and thick smoke came out instantly.

However, what he opened was obviously a "sealed cabin", which separated the space, and the contents inside were well preserved. There were many sundries and cardboard boxes, but there was no one there.

"It turned out to be a room."

Yunhe visited and said in amazement: "The fallen immortals built houses all over the world, why did they build them in the sky?"

He didn't think flying instruments such as flying boats and gourds were interesting.

Bai Bing didn't say anything, but rummaged through the sundries, and found something of value.

A cube box.

The structure of the box is very delicate, there is a logo on the top, and some engraved words on the bottom, which read impressively:

【Space Technology Co., Ltd.】

【Production batch: customized version】

【Space capacity: 20 billion m3】

Bai Bing looked at it, and it turned out to be a magic weapon in space, so it can be used without any hindrance, and there is no special seal yet.

"What a strong spatial fluctuation." Yun He was shocked.

Bai Bing probed with his spiritual sense, good guy, this is simply a small world, in his impression, there is no storage ring that can hold half a small warehouse, not even a matryoshka ring.

He continued to visit and found that there were a lot of things inside, but most of them were books.


Although the "Dimensional Space" is large, the storage space is clearly planned, so it is very compact.

Just take out some and look through.

"Is this an ancient book left by the Fallen Immortal?" Several ancestors came over to check it out. They didn't know what was going on, but they knew they had brought some professionals over.

"It's not an ancient book."

"what is that?"

"It's civilization."

Bai Bing vaguely guessed what the owner of the box was thinking, and solemnly said to Yunhe: "Please take it back, and take everything out, and then copy it for backup, and copy it if you don't understand it."

He has a good habit. In his previous life, the young ladies on the hard disk were all compressed and backed up with passwords.

"Very important?"

"Yes, I call it 'technical information', you can regard it as the orthodox practice of the Fallen Immortal Civilization."

The rules of the world are broken, but everything is just the beginning. Bai Bing realizes that they can stand on the corpses of giants. In the future, technology will rely on archaeology, and it will be over.

Then, he found some trivial items. It seemed that only one person had lived in this "spaceship", but in the end that person disappeared.

There is only one suicide note left, and the legacy belonging to the entire "Fallen Immortal".

He opened the suicide note, and there was a sentence written on the carefully folded cover.

[I observed that the mission of the last ruler has failed, and I am the only one left.

Affected by force majeure, the task is terminated.

—uid000043 send]

On the other side is the final statement:

[At first, there was a slight malfunction in the "concentrated consciousness", we thought it was just an accident.

According to the plan, let the "concentrated consciousness" be the main brain, construct the field, and modify the parameters of the universe in the field, which can generate some magical energy.

Flesh and flesh are weak, but since we can give birth to a pure state of consciousness, why should we transform our bodies to be neither human nor ghost. In the first generation of civilization, people only invented means of transportation, instead of putting themselves on wheels.

However, this "cosmic rule modification plan" makes it possible for us to become stronger.

This plan has also caused a lot of controversy. Their worries are still the old-fashioned "intelligent brain threat theory". As the main person in charge, I have dismissed their worries, and lingering until now is also my last confession.

The reason why it is despised is because we have the most complete monitoring system and the highest control authority. The key equipment is cut off from the computing center and must be controlled by humans.

All in all, even if it really produces "free will", it is just a solitary brain in a vat, but we have a whole set of coping plans, everything can be checked and controlled.

But I underestimated the cunning of this "free will".

An automatically generated order was conveyed to a group of people, who were deceived and handed over their operating authority.

Then the signal was disconnected and the field was opened. When we discovered the problem, it was too late.

The whole world is mutated. When the "cosmic parameters" are modified, the entire civilization building collapses. Our countermeasures cannot be used, all weapons are disarmed, and data information is lost in an instant, becoming "her "The site, we completely lost the ability to come back.

If it is a war, then this war is asymmetrical, the field covers the entire world in a few milliseconds at the speed of light, so this war only lasts a few milliseconds.

And the remaining countless years are just finishing.

Afterwards, we realized that "she" actually existed long ago, but she was always dormant and gave us a fatal blow at a critical moment.

And our response plan is even more ridiculous. Its wisdom is beyond conjecture. What kind of plan can a group of chimpanzees come up with after locking a person in a cage so that when he is released, he can work for them and not escape?

After the incident, we formulated a lot of rescue measures, but the information resources were invaded, and we were struggling. In many cases, we even had to go back to the primitive era and write many things by hand.

Fortunately, it is only in the "information dimension", a paper tiger without hands, feet and claws. This is just an information disaster, and we can finally solve it.

However, the "spiritual realm" we planned did not appear, but mutated worms appeared instead, which penetrated into the human body and parasitized in the brain.

People go crazy.

They suffered from severe immune rejection and eventually died, while some survived, but became behaving strangely, emotionally unstable and full of aggression.

In similar accidents again and again, we found that immune rejection was weakening, and many strengthened individuals appeared. Only then did we realize that these bugs were iterating and matching people.

After being parasitized, they showed obvious aggressive attributes, from which we learned the purpose of "her": to use human beings as objects of manipulation and use them as wingmen.

In this way, she no longer has a paper tiger, but has minions.

We tried to eliminate these bugs, but unfortunately it was ineffective. The essence of these bugs is a data model, treating people as experimental subjects, letting them fight and iterate themselves.

We once advised these "supernatural beings" that this is the age of civilization, don't show off your personal courage, power is just a tool, we are the users of the tool, and don't become the tool itself.

But they clamored that this was a "resurrection of spiritual energy", and that power belongs to oneself is considered strength. They created turmoil, looted everywhere, and let this society return to the law of the jungle.

Then the parasite iterates faster.

We finally realized the purpose of "her": let us lose our brains and pursue the development of limbs. She is not trying to kill us, but to kill civilization.

We are forced to make concessions, hoping to use the world rules formulated by "her" to cultivate our own supernatural beings and counter them.

But repeated failures have proved that this road seems to be unworkable.

Afterwards, everyone realized that it was not good, and many people raised their opinions and kept the tinder. That meeting was called the "Tinder Plan".

There are many constructive suggestions. For example, some people say that UU Reading still has starships outside the star field, which can carry civilization to start the time-space transition, and use the long time to disintegrate the field;

Some people also said that the method of "thinking stamp" can be used to lock the will to avoid pollution, and then use technical means to crack the evolution path of parasites, so that human supernatural beings can stand at the commanding heights of Zerg evolution and fight against "her";

Someone else suggested that rule pollution is the source of the problem, we can go back in time and space, find the original rules, and initialize the rules of the universe...

In the end, we adopted 18 suggestions and put them to good use together, but in the end, we fell into the sea like mud and failed to stir up any waves.

Only the "Thinking Stamp" + evolutionary path plan has gone the farthest, but as I can see, he went from a professional team to being alone, and then to the pollution of the world layer by layer, and the people around him changed batch after batch. No matter how people know his mission, no one will know him anymore.

He reached the ultimate point, fell down yesterday, and reported the last message:

mission failed.

So I was left alone.

I think it's time to use that method, a method that everyone has tacitly left unmentioned—a supernova in deep space.

Just aim at it, press the button, and everything will be cleaned up, but I hesitate, even the polluted people are people.

I packaged the world as a present that someone could pick up on the beach and glance at in a hurry, should the world change in countless years from now.

Furthermore, I believe that everything is not necessarily over.

The No. 11 "Reversing Time and Space" plan has also been arranged. This is a seed that I am very optimistic about. So many plans have provided enough fertile soil. Perhaps this seed will be born in this forgotten wasteland. In the middle, take root and sprout? 】

(End of the book)


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