MTL - Otherworldly White Dragon Lord-Chapter 16 0 years ago

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Overlord Garserik! Two thousand years ago, he was the only ruler who unified the entire continent and was crowned the 'Emperor'. All the kings were his slaves, and all the nations were in front of him. The Oggs were driven out of the continent and fled to the barren land of the north. Even the barbarian warrior Philip Tok claimed to be invincible had to bow to the overlord's right to survive.

Submission or death! This is the iron rule promulgated by the overlord Garserik.

Compared to countless achievements and epic legendary experiences, the topic that no mathematicians talk about is the terrible decrees promulgated during the reign of the overlord. After the unification of the continent, the overlord Garserik did not levy fiscal taxes like other dim kings It is extremely luxurious, and it does not waste manpower to build large buildings that show identity. Relatively speaking, the strong and powerful iron-handed methods and policies of the overlord Garcelik brought prosperity to the economy and commerce of his empire, and established a loyal iron rider to maintain the territory of this huge empire.

Today, the historical giant is described as a devil worshiper, a blasphemer, an incarnation of calamity and all other negative images in the Holy Capital and the Holy See. Overlord Garserik has always been regarded by both parties as For taboo topics, anyone who dares to challenge the Holy capital and the Holy See will be judged as heresy.

The reason why this happens is that the two largest and hostile religious forces on this continent are simultaneously guarded against as large enemies at the same time, the reason is that the only terror issued by the overlord Garserik two thousand years ago The decree is that the overlord Garserik does not allow any religious forces to appear in his empire!


All churches and temples were smashed by the overlord Garserik, all monks and sacrifices were expelled, and they had only two choices to either desecrate the **** they believe in or to 'return' to the **** in countless **** tortures Around. At that time, the Holy Capital and the Holy See could not have the terrible influence as they do now. Under the pressure of the overlord Garserik, they could only hide in the dark like a mouse and linger.

This law of suppressing religion continued until the death of the overlord. According to the statistics of posterity, more than hundreds of thousands of clergymen and believers were killed. The most terrifying thing in all the records is the Holy Capital at that time. Faced with Rosary's outrageous overlord, Rosalie, who possesses level 19 magic, was only ordered to build a high tower, and piled up the bodies of all the clergy's dead clerics. On the high tower, the maiden Rosaly was tortured for several months and stood on the top of the high tower with wooden stakes. She preached that the gods she believed in would look good enough.

The overlord Garserik is the first king to dare to declare war on the gods!

The frenetic era came to an end with the withering of the overlord Garserik's life. After the death of Overlord Garcerik, who left no descendants, the throne was inherited by his adopted daughter, and it also created the first female emperor on the mainland. Born! Even a powerful empire will one day end. The 700-year-old empire that ruled overlords failed to appear in the role of emperor. The incompetent descendants deviated from the rules originally set by the overlord, harsh rule and heavy taxes. The whole empire was disturbed and unsettled. After all, areas that were dissatisfied with the empire's uprising were unveiled, and a protracted war finally broke out.

At the beginning of the war, the insurgents were severely suppressed after gaining a short-term advantage. Perhaps the descendants of overlords were incompetent but at least they knew that the powerful force to support their luxurious life was irreplaceable. It has been corrupted in the struggle for power, but the Guards left by the Central Overlord still live up to the fierceness and prestige of the Transcontinental Period. However, violence and fear also yielded more resistance. The legal alliance located in the southern section, under the leadership of Hillia, the star mage, established the Tower of Sages, with the Holy City and the Holy See. Combined as the stronghold of the opposition empire and support of the insurgents┉┉

"No matter how powerful the Emperor, who departed from the people, will be exhausted one day, the fall of the central capital announced the end of the era created by the overlord Garserik, and the districts of the powerful empire finally became independent today. ". The old magician murmured with closed eyes in the chair.

"Yes! Teacher Faroun, but it is said that when the empire's capital fell, a huge earthquake suddenly occurred and buried the Tower of" Blasphemy of God "in the ground. I don't know if it is true."

Hearing the words of his students, the old magician slowly opened his eyes and smiled, "Who knows, anyway, the Holy City and the Holy See both proclaim that it is the anger of the blasphemy of the overlord Galserik. It's like adding all the credit to yourself. "

"But after the Overlord's empire collapsed, Star Magi Hillia discovered something amazing during the investigation". Said here that the old magician carefully opened the wooden box and took out a small golden box, carefully chanting the spell to release the magic lock on the box, and the old magician opened the small box.

This is ~~! Immediately after the box was opened, Gretel, who had been dominated by the water system, immediately noticed that a large wave of water elements was spreading out of the box. It took less than a few seconds for the water element density in the room to increase several times . When the old magician opened the box completely, a blue crystal-like ornament appeared in front of Gretel's eyes.

Gregret looked at the ornament in surprise, its unique shape seemed to be some kind of symbolic emblem. And the intensity of the huge water element breath emanating from it even surpassed the 16th-level master mage himself. Gretel bet if a magic apprentice could be lucky enough to bring this ornament on his body, borrowing the elemental power emitted from the ornament would be all You can easily bring down this Archmage.

The old magician took out the ornaments and stroked them to feel the breath of the elements above, saying, "Do you know my child, this ornament is a relic passed down by the star mage Hillia, and it is in the secret room of the overlord Garserik. I found that the whole ornament is not made of any metal and material, but is pure water condensate. "

Water element condensate! ? What Star Mage Hillia has passed down from the age of overlords! ? Maybe the old magician is too bland, but Gretel is shocked from the inside. As a 16th-level magician, he can also use the elements to condense some items, but the elements that are condensed by the elements will slowly grow after a week or so. Disintegration and disappearance, an ornament made of elements that have been preserved for thousands of years during the Overlord period. How much power is needed to achieve this? Not to mention this ornament also exudes such powerful power!

"This, how is this possible? Such a huge power, unless only the gods." For a moment, Grete felt that what the teacher brought out instantly destroyed the magic concept that he had previously established.

"Yeah, this is something I can't do except the gods." The old magician looked at the ornament in his hand and shook his head. "And according to the information you gave me, the elemental fluctuations caused by the recent snowstorm in Mist Forest are very similar to this ornament."

Said here the old magician sighed and put down the ornaments and took out another worn-out ancient book. The broken page could still read a few words faintly. After placing the book on the table, the old magician continued: "This book The book is one of the last diaries left in front of Hillia, which contains some amazing facts. "

I said that here the old magician once again took the last thing out of the box, an old and broken flag! Three blue sword patterns are embroidered in the middle of the blue background and the black pattern, and the white dragon head is above the sword pattern. Grete recognized what this flag represented. It was inserted into all the land of this continent two thousand years ago, a symbol of the Perlasian Empire of the overlord Garserik!

孩子 "Did you notice the dragon head of this banner?" The old magician pointed his finger.

Grey nodded, but he didn't understand the meaning of the teacher. Although the dragon is considered to be a terrible beast and monster, it is also a symbol of strength and power. The flags of many countries and families on the mainland have dragon patterns. . Is there anything unusual about the banner of Overlord Garserik?

"It is rumored that during the period of conquering the unified continent, the overlord Garserrik had many incredible military campaigns that defeated countless military strategists. In these battles, the army of the inferior overlords overwhelmed their opponents. According to Ya's record, at that time, it was rumored that there had been dragons in the war to help the army of the overlord Garserik.


的 The atmosphere in the room calmed down a moment, Grete had understood it completely, I am afraid that my homeland, Saxony, will experience a storm more terrible than the blizzard! The old magician stood up and patted his student's shoulder and said, "Child! The transformation of Mist Forest is not as simple as you think. If it weren't for the Tower of Sages, it would be the most critical moment of internal reform. I really want to go immediately to the misty forest to see what secrets are hidden in the Yanod Mountains, the deepest part of the forest. "

"Mr. Faroon"! Gretel stared at her teacher fortunately.

"I will keep this secret for you and block the reformers then"! The old magician said solemnly: "If you want to investigate the misty forest then it is best to move quickly, because I received a bad news."

In a shock, Gregg asked, "What's the news? Teacher Faron".

"There was a riot in the eastern Kingdom of Karut. Many elves abandoned their homes and fled. Slave merchants in the kingdom of Karut and the free city sent troops and mercenaries to arrest them. But the elves were bad The direction of the escape is exactly the forest of the mist. "

"what"? Grete heard the news for a while and hesitated about etiquette: "How come, I must immediately inform His Majesty about this".

"I only received the news these days, and it seems that the Kingdom of Karut doesn't want the Holy People to know about it, and the elves are probably planning to pass the misty forest when the summer snowstorm stops." The old magician pinched his beard and thought uneasily.

Gret said with a shame, "They can't cross the forest, they will all freeze to death in the snowstorm."


"How is your arm now, Hagan?" Major Alex in the large bath asked Hagen beside him.

Ha Hagen moved his left arm joint and said easily, "The Lord God has helped me dispel the remaining frost power, and it is no problem now."

After speaking, Hagen retracted his body into the hot water, and enjoyed the relaxation brought by the bath. Recollecting that today's World War I, Hagen is still a little bit worried, the God's suit is broken and still self-repairing. The power of the Lord God is really terrible. As a result of the five people joining hands, they even touched each other's body.

"I did not expect that the power between us and the Lord God is so different." Hagen raised his head and closed his eyes slightly, Nana whispered to himself.

"Yes"! Major Alex couldn't help but agree.

At dinner time Yalin has come to the restaurant in advance to redeem a table of exquisite dishes, because today is so happy! Before they had a major battle with Major Alex, they found that everyone was actually promoted. Now Major Alex has reached LV5, Hagen LV3, and Miriam LV4. There is no upgrade but experience gained a lot, and there is still a point to upgrade.

Everyone arrived at the meal time, including Caster Medea. When Schneizel didn't come, Yalin didn't plan to let him join for the time being. Once the royal noble son Xiune Zell didn't have the habit of eating big pot rice. Lin always accompanies everyone to eat in advance. At that time, he will have to have a meal with Xiu Naizeer alone, and he has shown his demeanor.

When everyone was preparing to eat, a figure went into the lively restaurant and looked around. Yalin noticed for the first time and smiled and beckoned to her: "We are all here, Fili"!

The comer's silvery long hair is exquisite in appearance like a delicate porcelain doll, which is exactly one of the heroines in the anime of "The Steel Shell City Reggios"! In fact, after selecting Philly Rose through the random summoning of special rewards, Yalin was a little overwhelmed because he had never seen this anime before. At first, he thought it was a three-characterless Philie, and Yalin took one. After a wrong treatment policy, Yalin almost had to be kicked several times, and Yalin had to make up the anime in the summoning system, and finally figured out Philie's character. It turned out that Philie, who looked like San Wu, was a pseudo San Wu role. He is good at Nianwei operation. He uses the petal-shaped 'heavy chain gold steel' wand in his hand to make scales fly out, collects a wide range of information through the scales, and can share it with his companions through Nianwei ability.

It can be said that it has a very strong investigation ability! However, because the manipulation of Ninveh limits her emotional transmission, Feili has not been good at getting along with others, except that Yalin wants to use Firie's Ninwei ability more widely, so that she visits Medea from the research department from time to time. Except where to show off his ability to read, Wei Li likes to be alone all the time.

"Oh! This is really rare"!

Watching the usually taciturn Feili actually came out to eat with everyone, Medea seemed very happy, and she took Feili's hand and took her to a chair beside her to signal her to sit down ~ ~ Everyone showed such a look when they looked at Medea. It seems that everyone knows that Medea likes cute girls very much.

"Shushu Mu Suzaku smiled with chopsticks and said," Everyone is a good friend, don't be so nervous. "

"Cute little Philie doesn't need to be so nervous, just have a habit of eating with everyone," said Medea, lining up Philie's shoulders.

Xi Feili looked a little embarrassed for a while and looked at the crowd and Yalin, and finally sat down after seeing Yalin give herself a gesture of relief.

Name: Philie Rose

Race: Human

Occupation: Nianwei Operator

Level: LV2

Experience: 750/3000

Magic: 200/200

Strength: 76

Agile: 82

Spirit: 432

Wisdom: 286

Physique: 107

Favorability: Intimate 1/100

Special abilities: soul connection (soul and Yalin connection) excellent mind (intelligence increased by 5%) mind manipulation (wide range intelligence search)

Growth potential: C

Special Summoning Resurrection Needs: 5000 Soul Energy

Yalin quietly opened the summoning system and looked at the information of Feili. When she saw the favorability, Yalin froze for a long time. One day, when she looked at her underwear, her favorability improved by 8 o'clock to intimacy. What is the setting of the hou palace selling meat, 'Panda' rolled out and explained it to me.

(PS: Pseudo Sanwu's character is really difficult to describe. After watching it over and over again, I feel that I haven't caught her character. By the way, I need to take a leave in advance to participate in my brother's wedding ceremony on October 1st, so stop More day!)