MTL - Orochimaru’s Magic Lamp-Chapter 321 find you a helper

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  Queen Loulan stood on the altar with a dignified expression.

  Sara came into contact with the dragon vein consciousness for the first time, and being able to guide its power to protect the people of Loulan was already the limit, and she couldn't do anything extra.

  But Queen Loulan is different.

  Since Girls' Generation successfully linked to the dragon vein, in the next twenty years, she has not missed a single prayer, and her spirit is highly unified with it.

  During the previous shelter, she clearly felt that this sandstorm was not formed naturally, but there was something in the center of the storm.

  The huge breath of life even chased the dragon's veins.

   "Could it be that there are some monsters bred in this desert?"

  Queen Loulan frowned, a look of worry flashed in her eyes.

   Judging from today's actions, the other party seems to have no malicious intentions. They didn't specifically target Loulan, but they just walked past and almost buried the people of this city.

"How to do this?"

  Longmai's consciousness is as ignorant as a child's, lacking powerful attacking ability, so Queen Loulan's first thought was to hire sand ninjas, but soon she showed a wry smile,

  “…Let’s not talk about how human beings can resist this monster that manipulates natural disasters, even if there are such people, how much should they be paid.”

  Desert resources are scarce. Although Loulan is a rare oasis, it is not easy to maintain the lives of the people, and there is not much spare capacity to provide employment funds.

   This monster in the yellow sand cannot be dealt with by Loulan alone.

  “…For now, I can only pray that this monster will not pass through Loulan again.”

   Queen Loulan sighed, both Loulan and its patron saint could only stay in a corner, good at defending but not good at attacking.

   "However, you can inform Sa Yin about this matter."

  Queen Loulan's eyes flashed with thought, "They don't have the protection of dragon veins. Once they encounter it, they will be destroyed. Maybe they will try their best to destroy that monster instead..."

   "Your Excellency, with such a fluke mentality, you are not a competent leader."

  The sudden sound startled Queen Loulan, she raised her head subconsciously, only to see a black dot rapidly growing in size, and the owner of the sound came to her in the blink of an eye.

  Queen Loulan took a few steps back, and a faint white light appeared on her body.

  The other party was not kind to the visitor, but in the place where the sacrificial hall and the dragon's veins fit together, he felt a little relieved and asked, "Who are you? This is not a place for you to run wild."

   "Hey, the news in places like Loulan is really closed. Do you want me to report my family name?"

  Oshemaru twitched the corners of his mouth, with a troubled smile, "I am Orochimaru. Leaving aside my status in the Ninja World, you don't have much idea, but you just need to know that the storm just now was under my control."

   "Impossible!" Queen Loulan said decisively, her face was obviously shaken.

  Through the perception of the dragon's veins, she could tell that the other party was a very powerful ninja, but it couldn't be compared with the monster in the yellow sand, and the strength was far worse.

   "Heh... maybe we should have come here earlier."

   Orochimaru grinned slightly at the corner of his mouth, and suddenly raised his sword fingers together, some eye shadow lines appeared on his face.

  Queen Loulan suddenly felt that the opponent's aura had changed, becoming closer to the dragon's veins, rather than a normal ninja.

  "Although it is still rare in quantity, you should be able to feel that there is no difference in essence."

  Oshemaru licked his lips, "Let me introduce again, this is my avatar, and the main body is still doing some finishing work for the sandstorm."

   "After all, if such a huge natural disaster is left unchecked, I don't know what the consequences will be."


  Queen Loulan's face was very ugly.

  She didn't want to believe that there were ninjas as powerful as monsters in the world, but all the current clues proved that what this man who appeared suddenly was telling the truth.

   What's even more frightening is that this monster is obviously coming from a bad place, and has some kind of malice towards Loulan.

"what do you want?"

  Queen Loulan's expression changed, she was silent for a moment, and said in a deep voice, "As you can see, Loulan is just a poor village, and it is not capable of satisfying the appetite of a ninja like you."

  Oshemaru chuckled, "Why, there are treasures here that I can't find anywhere in the ninja world."

   Sensing the other party's gaze, Queen Loulan's expression changed.

  She naturally wouldn't feel that the other party was talking about herself, but apart from herself in the sacrificial hall, there was only... dragon veins.

   "This is impossible." Queen Loulan said decisively, "Dragon veins are the lifeblood of Loulan people. You have also seen that without the protection of dragon veins, my Loulan people would not be able to live in the desert at all."

   Besides, Queen Loulan didn't believe that the other party could control the dragon veins at all.

   Although the monster in front of her is a monster that can control natural disasters, the reason why Loulan was precarious and almost destroyed was because of her lack of ability as a controller.

   But the power of dragon veins is more than that.

   This man is obviously not satisfied with the simple use of her, but if he uses other methods, it will inevitably trigger a riot in the dragon veins.

  No matter what the outcome of the confrontation between the two sides is, it will bring disaster to Loulan.

  This oasis is extremely fragile and cannot stand the fight between two monsters at all, and this is obviously unacceptable to Queen Loulan.

   "Your Excellency Orochimaru, you have the terrifying power to control natural disasters, you should be able to feel the incredible existence of dragon veins,"

  Queen Loulan had a serious expression and earnest words, and said solemnly, "Your actions will not have any good results, please dispel this idea."

  Queen Loulan has not read many books, but from the few historical materials, it is not difficult to find that the expansion of people's desires will always lead to bad results.

  She also didn't understand why the opponent already possessed such great power, yet wanted to covet the power of the dragon's veins.

   "Hehe, don't bother Her Majesty the Queen with my affairs. If you have this kind of skill, you might as well worry about those around you."

  Oshemaru smiled strangely, and his body suddenly sank into the ground.

  Almost at the same time, a figure trotted into the sacrificial hall all the way, and at the same time shouted, "Mother, I have told everyone, and now they are leaving the shelter..."

   As she spoke, Sara noticed that Queen Loulan's expression was not quite right, and asked in confusion, "Did something happen?"

  Queen Loulan's complexion changed slightly, she hurriedly collected her mood, temporarily suppressed the distracting thoughts in her mind, and patted her daughter's head as usual, "I'm just a little tired."

   "Oh, that's it." Although Sara felt a little strange, she didn't think about it. She nodded and said, "Controlling the guardian's power is really tiring. Mother should go back to rest early today."

   "Mother also wants to go back to rest early." Queen Loulan smiled, "But there are still some things to deal with here, so you go back first, and I will leave the dinner to you."

   "Well...leave it to me." Sara wanted to stay here to help, but she didn't know what she could do. Compared with returning home, she could still play a role.

  Watching Sara disappear at the gate of the sacrificial hall, Queen Loulan already understood what Orochimaru wanted to do. She stared at the reappearing figure with an ugly expression on her face, "It's really despicable."

   "Your Excellency, you seem to have misunderstood something. I never intended to threaten you with your daughter."

  Oshemaru licked his lips, and said with a smile, "The appetite is too small, and the real bargaining chip that can be placed on the table is the lives of all your Loulan people."

  Queen Loulan was in a mess of thoughts, she didn't know what to say, she just stared and glared at the other party.

   " seems like too much to say at once, let's call it a day."

  Oshemaru raised a finger and said with a smile, "Tomorrow morning, the time will be a few minutes earlier than today, and there will be a sandstorm attack."

   "After that, let's move on to the deal."

   "What did you say?" Queen Loulan's face changed, "We can talk about the transaction now, Sandstorm..."

   Before the words fell, Orochimaru had risen and landed, leaped into the sky in one step, and disappeared along the wall of the courtyard.

  Looking at the narrow sky above, Queen Loulan smiled wryly, "The initiative of the negotiation... is completely controlled by the other party."

  The strengths of the two sides are not at the same latitude. She is relying on the power of the dragon veins, but the other party has its own powerful strength. It is understandable that this situation will lead to this situation.

   But when things came to an end, Queen Loulan was inevitably a little disappointed, "Weakness is the original sin."

   Slowly let out a breath of white air, and she began to rack her brains to think of countermeasures.

  The Loulan people hid here and avoided the disputes with the ninja world for many years, but now they are in trouble, and they can't hide if they want to hide.

  She must find a way out for the people of Loulan, which is her mission as Queen of Loulan.


   "This woman is a smart person."

  Da Shemaru stood on the outer wall of the tower, listening to the lamp **** describe what Queen Loulan did after he left, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, "But she has too few chips available."

  A transaction in which both parties need each other and have equal status and force is the easiest to facilitate.

  But right now, this scene looks a bit deformed.

   On the one hand, Queen Loulan holds the control of the dragon veins, and in the subsequent operation process, it is indispensable to take on the role of calming the natural energy of the riot.

   But at the same time, apart from these, the other party has almost nothing.

  No matter what Orochimaru gave, he can get it all back, because the end of the transaction also means that Loulan has lost the greatest self-protection power.

  It can be said that whether or not you can turn your face depends entirely on Orochimaru's character.

  Character? Ah…

   Thinking of the vocabulary this time, Orochimaru couldn't help laughing. Although he really didn't intend to turn his face this time, Queen Loulan must not believe it, and this may lead to the transaction going too well.

   "Tsk, let me find you an ally."

  Oshemaru smiled, and his figure disappeared into the yellow sand.


  Shayin Village, Fengying Building Office.

  Fourth Kazekage Rasha looked at the village's financial flow, and his face was a little ugly.

  A few days ago, although I made a small fortune by supporting Konoha's commission, compared with the huge consumption of the village, it was just a drop in the bucket.

   Not to mention, recently there was another gold swallowing beast in the village.

  Thinking of this, Fengying Luosha sighed slightly.

  The effect of the "Physical Strengthening Surgery" is indeed outstanding. He is also a witness to the war organized by Konoha and Akatsuki. He knows very well that Konoha's loss would never be so slight if most of the participants in the war were not wooden ninjas.

  And it is rare that Orochimaru provided a fertile opportunity and was willing to perform surgery for the ninjas in the Land of Winds. Sand Hidden Village must not miss this opportunity.

  Seeing that the strength of ninjas in the village has improved a lot, but on the other hand, the village's funds have taken on more burdens.

  Shayin Village is poor, but every operation, the village will give corresponding subsidies, which makes the village's capital flow more and more tense, and the accounting data becomes more and more ugly.

  But it doesn’t work if you don’t do this, because sand ninjas are also very poor. If you hope that they can save enough surgery fees, it is more likely that they would rather take the risk of injury and save enough money.

   After all, ninjas also have to live.

  Kazekage Rasa thought of this, put down the documents and data in his hand, and turned his gaze to another person in the office, "Elder Chiyo, has the detective ninja ever detected a new gold mine?"

  As Kazekage, as long as it is for the village, there is no distinction between superior and inferior, even if it is mining.

But even this kind of drudgery is not something you can do whenever you want. Within a radius of two hundred miles of Shayin Village, he has cleared out large and small mining areas over the years, and the new mining areas are still being searched for. in the process.

   "Fengying, don't be impatient, it will take a while."

  Grandma Chiyo shook her head, "Yesterday I sent two more teams, and I think we can gain something in a few days."

   Fengying Luosha nodded slightly, but still urged, "Try to make them move faster."

  Grandma Chiyo frowned when she heard the words, "Kazekage has become a lot more irritable since Konoha came back. I also know that Akatsuki's organization is powerful, but Konoha is currently supporting her, so there is no need to be so anxious."

Kazekage Rasa was worried from being poked in the center, and shook her head involuntarily, "That's not how the account is calculated, and it is precisely because of the threat of the Akatsuki organization that Konoha is so generous and willing to let Orochimaru perform the operation for us. "

   "And in the subsequent battle, no matter who loses, it will not be so easy to grab benefits so easily."

  Grandma Chiyo was slightly taken aback, and said with emotion, "Kazekage thinks a lot, and I am too old."

   Fengying Luosha shook her head slightly, but didn't take it seriously.

  Elder Chidai is already old after all, and his mental and physical strength have declined a lot. It is not surprising that he is not as good as himself in an upright adult.

  Besides, to say something taboo, ninjas rarely live long, and Grandma Chiyo doesn't know how many years she has to live, so it's normal to be short-sighted about things.

  “…you have to find another way to open up the village. You can’t just count on the gold mines in the desert. It’s getting harder and harder to find these days.”

  While Feng Ying Luo Sha was thinking, a guard's voice suddenly came from outside the office,

   "Master Kazekage, Lord Orochimaru of Konoha, please see me."

   "See you? What's the matter with him coming?" Kazekage Rasa exchanged glances with Grandma Chiyo, a trace of doubt flashed in her mind, and said, "Please come in."

   "Yes!" The sand ninja guard responded.

   Not long after, Orochimaru opened the door and came in, smiling, "In the past two days, it seems that there are not many sand ninjas who have come to the operating room to look for me."