MTL - Orochimaru’s Magic Lamp-Chapter 308 by chance

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  Chapter 308 Coincidence

   "Mask Man?"

  Kakashi's eyes narrowed slightly.

  He is not surprised that the opponent appears on the battlefield. It is reasonable for the two armies to meet and fight at any time and any place.

   But what is puzzling is that this guy seems to have come to find him on purpose.

  Kakashi didn't feel that he was so special that he would let this member of the Akatsuki organization target him.

  However, no matter what he thought, the enemy on the opposite side obviously had no intention of explaining, only a state of madness that would never give up until he reached his goal.


  With a loud noise, the giant tree behind the masked man broke down in half, and he himself rushed out like a cannonball.

"So fast."

  Kakashi's eyes flashed red, and he was surprised that the speed of the other party was about to exceed the speed of sight.

   But what surprised him even more was why the other party didn't use the weird and difficult kaleidoscope writing sharing eye pupil technique? Obviously that is more unexpected and difficult to target.

  Many thoughts flashed through my mind, but it was reflected on my body, but I only had time to put on a blocking posture.

  The next moment, Peiran's huge force hit his body, and Kakashi flew out directly, faster than the opponent's incoming force.

  Boom boom boom...

  Kakashi barely adjusted his figure, stepped on three or four trees and then stopped.

   "This guy isn't just about speed...he's also terrifyingly powerful."

  Kakashi spat out blood, but before he could adjust his breath, the berserk figure rushed over again.

  The wind howled, the trees were surging, and in the swaying light and shadow, the figure continued to expand until it filled the entire field of vision, with a monstrous power that even eliminated people's resistance.

  However, at this moment, Kai jumped out from nowhere, his legs spinning like a spinning top, "Konoha Goriki Whirlwind!"

   A side kick hit the masked man's jaw. This time, he flew out, and his face was even slightly deformed.

   "Kai, are you awake?" Kakashi was surprised and delighted.

   "I've been awake all the time, I haven't slept at all."

  Kay grinned, revealing two rows of shiny teeth, "But it's a coincidence to be able to catch up with this battle."

   "I'm afraid this battle is not much easier than dealing with 'Wu' just now. This guy wearing a mask feels very strange now."

  Kakashi's face was solemn, and he said in a deep voice, "Don't be careless, act carefully."

   Judging from the previous intelligence data, the masked man should not have that kind of inhuman strength and speed. In this situation, there must be some changes that they don't know about.

   "I see." Kai nodded, and turned his gaze to the high place, where the masked man had already stood up.

  This crazy guy completely ignored the deformation of his face, staring at Kakashi, "Damn guy!"

  Accompanied by a roar, the man rushed over again, and Kai Dang even went to meet him.

  Boom boom boom...

  Between the fists and feet of the two collided, a strong wind swept across, and the air waves were in full swing, and there were continuous tremors in the forest, as if thunder roared in the ears suddenly.

  Kakashi obviously possesses the kaleidoscope Sharingan, but at this time he has become like an ordinary person, but he can capture the movements of the two parties.

   "It's really strong."

  Kakashi looked heavy and muttered to himself.

  Kai is fine, he has practiced Bamen Dunjia for many years, and just accidentally entered the state of "no thought and no self", and obviously gained a lot. Although this performance is surprising, it is reasonable to a certain extent.

   But what about the masked man?

  Kakashi didn't know that when Obito almost died that year, he merged with Bai Ze, and was transplanted by Uchiha Madara with the first-generation cells, and he was as good as anyone in the ninja world in terms of physique.

   Not to mention, the body fragments of 'Enlightenment' contain a lot of negative emotions of Chakra and human beings.

  The former is still second, but for Uchiha, the latter is the nourishment made of poison. As long as they can hold on, their spiritual power will be stronger.

  Under the combination of these two, a wonderful chemical reaction has taken place, and this is what is now called a terrifying improvement.

   Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to grow to the level of Kai in physical skills in such a short period of time.

   "But why doesn't this guy perform that space-time ninjutsu?"

   Kakashi watched the battle for a moment, his face was both surprised and suspicious.

  The taijutsu practiced by this masked man is very familiar. It is obviously the Uchiha style. It is famous for its precision, neatness, and no redundant movements. If it is combined with the ability to blur the body, it will be even more difficult and weird. It is hard to guard against.

  But until now, the two sides have collided, and the opponent has only had a head-on collision with Kai, and has not even performed a kaleidoscope pupil technique.

   "Is there no time to use it? Or does he also have pupil power problems?"

   Questions appeared one after another, but were denied by Kakashi.

   But in any case, this is a good thing for the status quo. It can be seen through the kaleidoscope Sharingan that Kai is gradually suppressing the other party.

  Speed ​​and strength can be improved in a short period of time, but experience, skills, and combat awareness... need time and the accumulation of battles.

  Otsutsuki Kaguya, as the 'Chakra ancestor', would still be deceived and fooled by some low-level skills in the original time and space for this reason, and was defeated by enemies far inferior to him.

   Not to mention, in the current situation, Kai is still stronger, and the eight gates are opening again and again.

   "The Sixth Gate·Jingmen·Open!"

  Kai's breath became more and more fierce and violent, his skin was stained red, and the violent air waves rushed into the pot's hair, and his hands ignited invisible fire.

   "To the peacock!"

  Countless fists bombarded out, bringing up phantoms like raging fire.

  At the beginning, the masked man was able to block the counterattack, but soon he fell into a complete disadvantage. In an instant, he suffered countless blows.

   "It's now, Kai, get out of the way!"

  A tear of blood flowed from Kakashi's eyes, and there was a strange light in his pupils. When Kai heard the sound of dodging, he immediately activated the pupil technique, aiming at the masked man.

  The air twisted into a vortex, and even the masked man's body twisted together, swallowing it almost instantly.

  In order to get rid of this great enemy for the village, Kakashi did his best this time, without any stinginess in pupil power.

   Seeing the other party disappear into the air, Kakashi breathed a sigh of relief.

  However, almost at the same time, a figure appeared in front of him, with a hand reaching towards his left eye as quickly as lightning, and crazy ravings almost rang in his ears,

   "You don't deserve to use this eye!"

  The surprise happened in an instant, and even Kai couldn't stop it in time, let alone Kakashi who was in a weak state.

  After a sharp pain, the gift from his friend left him. Disappeared together with him was the ghostly figure of the other party.

   "Kakashi, are you alright?"

  Kay came a step late, but he didn't dare to squat down to check his situation. He still focused more on his surroundings, and was alert to the other party's reappearance.

  But occasionally, from the corner of the eye, the half-closed eyelids, the empty eye sockets... What comes into sight is shocking.

   "The bastard!"

  Seeing this, Kai was furious, and couldn't help clenching his fists.


  In the Shenwei space.

   The guy called an **** by Kai was standing on a platform, staring blankly at the eyeballs in his hands.

  The anger that was burning like a raging fire just now seemed to be poured with a bucket of cold water, leaving only hot and humid embers.

   "What the **** did I do?"

  The anger towards Kakashi was replaced by deep remorse the moment he regained his eyes, and Obito regained some sanity at this moment.

  This incident is undoubtedly the biggest betrayal of myself in the past, even for Obito now, it is also a strong stimulus.

  But no matter how strong the stimulus is, it will start to fall after passing the peak, and the negative emotions belonging to the box of bliss will once again gain the upper hand.

   "Don't even think about controlling me!"

   Obito looked ferocious, raised his head to the sky and let out a roar.

  He is full of momentum, but as the saying goes, the more angry he is, the farther away he is from becoming rational. In this state, at best, he is fighting fire with fire.

  The mental power of the Uchiha family is strong, and it can even continue to improve with emotional fluctuations, but just like the traditional kaleidoscope sharingan-they are not very durable.

   Although Obito can once again overwhelm the opponent in a temporary burst, but after that, he will still be controlled by the Chakra of "Enlightenment".


  Obito himself also expected this result, his eyes sharpened, the mask on his face instantly shattered, one hand reached into the eye socket, and directly grabbed the Sharingan.

   Throwing it on the ground casually, Obito replaced Kakashi's left eye for himself.

  In an instant, the Gouyu circulated and twisted into the same pattern, and Obito's pupil power instantly increased, completely suppressing the 'Enlightenment' Chakra.

   "Get out of here!"

   Obito let out a roar, suppressing all the chakras that did not belong to him to one side of his body, pulling his right hand with his left hand, actually tearing apart the white body that was almost indistinguishable from him.


  Bai Jue, which was covered with flesh and blood, was thrown onto the platform and spread into a puddle of liquid. There are weird granulation and tentacles growing on it, like a plant or some kind of animal.


   Obito's half body was **** and bloody, he took a deep breath, but his eyes were still fixed on the thing on the ground.

   There is an inexplicable premonition that if he touches the other party again, this thing will immediately climb up, twisting the will and at the same time providing power again.


   "Tsk... I didn't expect that Obito would attack Kakashi and take back the eye that belonged to him."

  In the pitcher plant on the ground, seeing the whole thing, I still feel a little unbelievable.

  In order to get Obito to do this, it spent countless times, but failed to persuade it, but this happened without warning.

   "What the **** did he encounter?"

   Jue couldn't figure it out, since based on his accumulated experience over the past thousand years, he couldn't think of such a coincidence in the world.

  Just as he was thinking, Jue's expression changed slightly, and he quickly sank into the ground, not daring to stay for a moment.

   A moment later, Orochimaru appeared next to Kakashi, glanced in the direction where Jue disappeared, and said with a sneer, "It's pretty fast."

  Kai saw Orochimaru coming, his face was overjoyed, "Mr. Orochimaru, please take a look at Kakashi, his eyes..."

   "No need to say more."

   Orochimaru waved his hand, "I know everything."

   On the way here, he has already learned from the mouth of the lamp **** everything that happened here, even everything that is happening in the "Shenwei Space" at this time.

  It can only be said to be a coincidence.

  If Kakashi hadn’t used Kamui, if the enemy hadn’t been the ‘Enlightenment’ from the Box of Elysium, if Obito hadn’t been using time and space ninjutsu against the wouldn’t be like this at all.

  Kakashi fell to the ground not because he lost the kaleidoscope Sharingan, partly because he was weak after the battle, and partly because he might have figured out something.

  The same time-space ninjutsu, the same Kaleidoscope Sharingan, but located in different positions of the two eyes... so many coincidences, it is too easy for the parties to think of something.

   "Kakashi's problem is not serious, just let him take a rest."

   Orochimaru turned his gaze to the other side, and saw the 'Enlightenment' who had been controlled by nearly 30 jounin who came successively.

   This monster from the Bliss Box, I really underestimated it before.

  Perhaps the Tailed Beast-level combat power is not outstanding, and it is easier to be restrained by the Genie, and even easier to deal with than ordinary Tailed Beasts, but its own characteristics are very interesting.

   "This negative emotion is really great, and it can even be used as a catalyst for Uchiha."

  Oshemaru licked his lips, subconsciously began to think about the source of this thing.

   It is said that "Enlightenment" is a monster produced by the box of bliss that has absorbed enough chakra spirit bodies of ninjas.

   But judging from the situation in Pure Land, normal ninjas don’t have so many negative emotions at all, just like a piece of pig iron, no matter how hard it is tempered, it can only become steel at most—ordinary steel, it is impossible to become Oliha steel.

   Not to mention that they were already dead the moment they were sucked into the Bliss Box, what was mixed in the body of 'Wu' was actually just a few fragments.

  Of course, being alive doesn't help.

  In the final analysis, ninjas are just human beings, and human beings face pain inexplicably, or choose to escape. The threshold of the former will increase, and the latter will turn a blind eye after being numb. It is impossible to continue to produce negative emotions.

  It is human nature to avoid pain. If you cannot escape but have to bear the pain above the threshold, it is the third possibility—collapse. After that, it is even more impossible to provide any negative emotions.

   Orochimaru can't understand what human beings are like.

  So at this moment, he is very interested in the product of 'Enlightenment', which seems to be a combination of dirt and dirt.

  Reminiscent of tailed beasts who live a life at the top of the food chain in the wild, but inexplicably accumulate a lot of anger and resentment, Orochimaru suddenly has a very ridiculous guess.

   "No matter what, first seal this thing up."

   Orochimaru pursed his lips, and stepped in front of everyone, "Stand back."

   After clearing the space, Orochimaru used the immortal method to arrest a Baijue clone from the ground, "You guys really don't hesitate to die, but at this moment, it's really a good prop."

   "Oshewan, what do you want to do?" Bai Jue's body was stern, anticipating a bad ending.

   "What to do, of course it's a great thing, I want to help you become the Renzhuli of 'Enlightenment'."

  Oshemaru grinned with a smile on his face.

  (end of this chapter)