MTL - Once We Come Across Love (Embrace Love)-Chapter 71

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Chapter Seventy-One

In a blink of an eye, Xiao Rabbits had been in the emergency department for two weeks, and half of the trainee time had passed. Everyone had a general understanding of the hospital.

As they are still trainees, the hospital did not allow them to participate in too much work. In addition to pouring tea every day and sorting out the materials, Xiao Tu could only watch the old nurses operate the rest of the time. Although the child didn't do anything, it didn't bother people, which was a good thing for a trainee.

Want to know the fate of Xiaotu, they are actually completely different.

The most depressing is Dong Yan, who sipped as soon as he returned to the bedroom at night: "I'm desperate for this world! Desperate!"

Xiao Tu curiously asked her why, she said that she encountered a handsome patient today during the day.

"Isn't the handsome guy bad? Don't you like it the most?" Xiao Tu asked.

"What a fart!" He took a sip. "When he first came in, he was full of vigor, and his eyes would be discharged. I thought I met any star. As a result, ..." she said Here, the tone changed, "The guy turned out to be looking at hemorrhoids, and walked while covering his buttocks! I, I have never been so disillusioned!"

Handsome guy with hemorrhoids? Sure enough it was disillusioned ... Xiao Rabbit wiped his sweat and looked at Ni Ersi, also depressed.

"Well, do n’t be content. Even hemorrhoids are at least grown on handsome guys. I ’m so depressed! I just turned in a wretched man and asked me to ask Dongwenxi every day for some reason. I Let him be respectful, and he told the head nurse that I had a bad attitude! He annoyed me, and I stabbed him! "

"I'll help you!" Xia Mo stepped in, obviously she also had emotions. Needless to say, Xiao Rabbit knew that Xia Mo had planned to go to the emergency department, but was divided into pediatrics. A group of little LOLI Xiaozheng haunted her every day. Telling a story, poor Xia Mo was complained by the parents every time he told the midnight fierce bell. Now the head nurse saw that she had detoured ...

"How about you?" Everyone looked at Xiao Tu together.

"Me? I'm okay ..." Xiao Tu was a little guilty. In fact, everything else was fine for her, except that Bai Su had a headache.

Since meeting in the ward last time, Xiao Rabbit has realized that Bai Su and her are in a department. The pride in the woman's bones has reached the extreme, not only to her, but even the head nurse said that she was difficult to get along with. You can hear the department's sister Wang said that Bai Su's father seems to have something to do with the leader, so the head nurse also avoids her three points.

It was okay for such difficult people to get in touch with her, but she seemed to be directed at Xiao Rabbit. The trainee had no experience at all, and the nurses smiled when they made a little mistake. The only reason was that Bai Su, Sanfanliang This time was aggressive, as if she was hostile to her.

Xiao Tu also thought that Bai Su might like rivers and lakes and mistakenly thought that she and Jianghu had something to say to her. But these days, she walked around the rivers and lakes, and the sister Wang of the department laughed at her, saying that she was the only one in the whole hospital who ignored Dr Jiang's existence. She has done this, and Bai Su's attitude towards her has not changed at all, which makes Xiao Tu very distressed.

Xiao Tu didn't tell other people about it, only mentioned it accidentally when he was talking with Ling Chao. Ling Chao didn't say anything. After all, when entering the society, any kind of people will meet. This is not surprising. He just told her to be careful and not to make any big mistakes, even if people intentionally made things difficult, they couldn't catch the handle.

Xiao Rabbit felt that Ling Chao was right, so now he basically ignores the difficulty of Bai Su. If he is really wrong, he will be careful next time. If he is right, he will go in one ear and go out. Already.

After a few more days like this, it was finally Xiao Tu and Bai Su's night shift.

There may be patients at any time in the hospital, so it is not uncommon to work on night shifts, but Xiao Tu was first turned as a trainee, but I did not expect to encounter white pigment for the first time, which is also a test for her.

Sheng Lang's night shift was divided into the middle of the night and the middle of the night. Xiao Tu was unfortunately assigned to the middle of the night, from 12 pm to 7 am. When it was more than 11 pm, the rest of their dormitory were busy all day and fell asleep. However, Xiao Rabbit was dressed and went out on duty.

As soon as he left the dormitory door, Ling Chao's phone number was called.

"Why don't you sleep?" Xiao Rabbit asked.

His voice sounded exhausted: "I fell asleep after calling you."

"Well, go to bed after playing, don't stay up late!" The school is about to take an exam. The company has another very important investment project to do. He looks at the data every night and sees the early morning. Can't sleep, sent a text message to harass him, but found that after 3 am he was still working, the topic between them often revolved around sleep problems.

"Wife, you are more and more like a housekeeper." Ling Chao chuckled on the phone.

"You only manage the housewife!" Holding the phone, her face was slightly hot. "You are very tired and sick, and I have been tired of seeing patients recently, but don't let me see you in the ward."

"You can rest assured that my wife is a nurse. Even if I am sick, I will not go to the hospital and let my wife take care of it."

"You want to be beautiful, and asking me to be a personal **** is expensive."

"It's okay, I can afford it." He has a lot of money, "but ..." He paused suddenly. "I paid a lot for it, but it wasn't enough to accompany me, so I had to accompany me ..."

"Stop!" Xiao Tu interrupted him, his cheeks were already flushed, "I'm not talking to you anymore, I'm going to work, you go to sleep."

"I haven't finished talking, and sleeping with me ... dududu ..."

Xiao Tu knocked the phone off.

Listening to the beep on the phone, Ling Chao laughed. This girl was so shy at all times, and she must be flushed now? It ’s all like that, I do n’t know what will happen when I really wake up with me in the future?

Someone's impure brain began to exercise.

If Xiao Rabbit knew what Ling Chao was thinking now, he would probably run directly to his apartment and strangle him to bed. Fortunately, she had no telepathy, and after blushing for a while, she calmly went to hand over with the nurse on duty in the middle of the night.

After the two nurses left, the electronic clock in the duty room showed exactly twelve o'clock, and Bai Su came at that moment, and did not say hello to Xiao Tuo, and looked away Sit in position.

Xiao Rabbit is ashamed, this white pigment really matches the rivers and lakes, and even the time to work is so "on time".

After a while, Bai Su didn't seem to have talked to her, and Xiao Tu no longer expected to have any communication with her. He simply took the magazine from the side and looked.

The night shift was originally boring, not to mention the middle of the night, the hospital was quiet and time passed very slowly. Xiao Tu finished reading two magazines in full, looked up, and only two hours passed, and then closed her eyes. She was manicuring her nails.

Xu Shi felt that Xiao Tu was looking at herself, Bai Su looked up and looked at her, and the two eyes stared at each other. Xiao Tu nodded embarrassedly at her.

Bai Su frowned, and suddenly said, "You, help me to pour a glass of water."

There are only two people now. She should be saying this to herself, and she is really welcome. Xiao Rabbit said nothing, took a paper cup and poured water, only to find that the water in the water dispenser had run out.

"Sister Xue, there is no more water."

"Don't you tell the security guard to come over without water?" Bai Su gave him a white look, and Yi gave instructions.

Xiao Tu's eyebrows wrinkled: "But sister, I'm on duty ..."

"What are you afraid of having me? Don't you think I'm not even on duty?"

Obviously she was in trouble, Xiao Tu no longer refuted, left the seat, went to the security room at the door and called for water.

Uncle Baoan was a very enthusiastic person. He didn't say anything but he brought water to Xiao Tu, and he talked and laughed with Xiao Tu along the way. At the door of the duty room, Xiao Rabbit heard the call bell in the ward ring.

Bai Su glanced at the bell room without moving.

"Sister Xue, it seems that a patient is looking for us."

Bai Su ignored her.

"Sister Xue ..."

"Ah, are you annoying? The old lady who lives in 213 can ring the toilet more than a dozen times a night and take her off her pants. She also said don't go, what do she do?"

The bell is still ringing.

Xiao Tu felt wrong: "Sister Xue, if you don't go, I'll take a look." Then, turn around and leave.

"Wait a minute!" Bai Su stopped her. How could she be such a proud person to get a trainee in front of her? Putting the nail clippers aside, stood up impatiently, and said, "I'm going to see, is this the head office?" Then he raised his head proudly and walked away.

Xiao Rabbit looked at her leaving back magically, and suddenly felt that this indifferent and proud woman had a very coquettish back.

At this time, Uncle Security just finished loading the water: "Little girl, don't care about this kind of person, her father is the dean of the dean, and the dean also wants her to be a daughter-in-law. Law to communicate with her. "

"Uncle, you seem to know a lot of inside information?" Xiao Tu was surprised.

"That's it!" Uncle Security suddenly felt his image rising and patted his chest. "I've been a security guard for 30 years in Shenglang. Would you know this little thing? I tell you, in fact, your department Dr. Chen was bald three years ago. The one he wears now is a wig! "

sweat! Xiao Tu recalled Dr. Chen's thick black hair, and saw him combing his hair in the office in front of the mirror several times.

"And Dr. Wang, who is in the laboratory, is actually twenty-five years old!"

Dr. Wang? Xiao Rabbit thought of the super mature face every time he went to get the test sheet, and he was ashamed again.

"And Dr. Jiang in your department, he had a better time with Nurse Bai ..."

Huh? Xiao Tu's curiosity was immediately hooked.

Those who say gossip naturally want their audience to be most interested. When they look at Xiao Tu's curious eyes, they immediately rush out: "In fact, Dr. Jiang and Nurse Bai have a good relationship at home. Dr. Jiang was abandoned for a man, so Dr. Jiang was very sad and wanted to cut off from Nurse Bai En. Unexpectedly, Nurse Bai later wanted to eat grass, but Dr. Jiang did not like her anymore ... "

Uncle Security said cracklingly, although the literary talent was not good, Xiao Tu finally understood it, presumably there must be a more dog-blooded story, but said that rivers and lakes did not like Bai Su? He recalled the scene of seeing them two times, and always felt that the entanglement between them was not as simple as imagined.

"Are you very empty?" Bai Su suddenly returned and interrupted their conversation. "The hospital called you on duty, not here to chat. Do you understand the rules?"

Uncle Security vomited his tongue and hurried away. He also mischievously blinked at Xiao Tu before leaving, and he really had some old urchin posture.

It was really embarrassing to say that someone was gossiping about Gossip behind his back. Xiao Rabbit hurried back to his position, remembered something, raised his head and asked, "Sister Xue, that old lady ..."

"It's okay, you control yourself."

"Oh." Xiao Tu remembered what the security guard had just said, and he opened his mouth to say something, moved his lips, and finally gave up.

Hey, after all, the relationship is with someone else. What kind of hand does she have? 2k novel reading network