MTL - Once We Come Across Love (Embrace Love)-Chapter 58

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Chapter 58

Ling Chao's injury finally came to an end with his discharge.

A few weeks later, there was news from the police. The gangsters who had committed the crime had all been arrested. Most of them were people with criminal records. It is estimated that they would stay for a few years. As for how Ling would prepare to deal with her son People, then it is unknown.

Later, the election of the Student Union finally began, and the post of Sports Minister was eventually replaced by the former Deputy Minister. Xiao Tu was fortunate to be promoted from Deputy to Deputy Minister. Upon hearing that Zhao Chengang had finally stepped down from the position of minister, Xu Baiyi almost jumped up with joy, hehe! What are you going to fight with me in the future?

As a result, he couldn't laugh before half a minute, because the post of the president of the student union was also taken over. It was the former sports minister who replaced him ... so that the former president would not hit the wall.

From a small officer to a deputy minister, Xiao Tu's pressure can be imagined. For a period of time, she has been busy doing all kinds of work transfers. Fortunately, Zhao Chengang had always been serious and responsible before work. There were not too many problems left, and everything went smoothly.

With the end of the student union election, the final exam has arrived. This semester, Xiao Tuo spends too much time on other things, so that at the last moment, he had to run to the library every day and grit his teeth for various professional books.

Nursing department has to take a lot of medical professional courses, which is very troublesome to review. For this reason, Xiao Rabbit had to spend more time in the library, so that the treacherous atmosphere created by Grandpa Ling in the hospital was easily The tense review was swept away.

However, he didn't go anywhere. He had to prepare for the exam and went to work at Ye Jun's company. After working for more than a month, he finally passed the final exam.

Out of the examination room, Xiao Tu breathed a long sigh of relief: "Oh! It's over!"

"Oh yeah! It's summer vacation!" Dong Yan jumped happily.

Niers thought alone, his face was stunned.

"What's wrong, Sisi? Didn't do well?"

"No!" Ni Ersi sighed, "It's summer vacation ..."

"What's wrong with summer vacation?"

"After summer vacation, we have to start school again ..."

== "Si Si, will your mind jump too a bit?" Xiao Tu wiped his sweat.

"No!" Niels screamed. "Military training is needed for school, military training!"

It turned out she was worried about this!

It is said that the freshmen's military training at Z University has been reformed since the beginning of Xiao Tu ’s session, and was carried out in the first half of the sophomore year. The training on a hot day is simply a test of endurance and perseverance, and it is no wonder that Niersi, who has always been in peace, is now worried.

However, it is useless to worry now. What should come is always to come. At this point, Xiao Tu still makes sense.

But Ling Chao seemed to care more than her. In the car home, he suddenly mentioned: "Are you going to military training next semester?"

"Eh!" Xiao Tu nodded. "Si Si was worried after she finished the exam today, and there are two months left. I really don't know what she was so nervous about so early?"

"Military training will be hard."

"Sure, I didn't even participate in high school."

"It's different from when we were in high school."

"Ah?" Xiao Rabbit was a little puzzled, and then remembered that Ling Chao had participated in military training. He should have personal experience, so he asked, "Haven't you participated in military training before? What about military training in our school?"

"It's going to go to troop training directly, and it's very long, it takes a month."

"One month?" Xiao Tu was startled. "Did you last go only half a month?"

"School military training has been reformed since your term. Did the class teacher just say?"

"It seems like ..." Xiao Tu vaguely remembered, in the noise, the head teacher seemed to mention the date of returning to school.

Ling Chao twitched: "You are in the student union, you don't know?"

"... seems to know."

Do you want to be so hindered?

So Ling Chao was speechless.

Due to the adjustment of military training, the summer vacation of more than two months was shortened to just over one month at a time. In addition, military training has been prepared by the Ministry of Sports. Xiao Rabbit had to go to school several days earlier. She had only one month's holiday left.

In the face of all this, Xiao Tu still felt backward, and it wasn't until the school called to inform her to go to school the day after tomorrow that she suddenly realized that the summer vacation had passed! ==,

Oh, she has n’t played enough!

Xiao Tu was frustrated when she hung up the phone. Her mother saw it strangely: "Daughter, what's wrong?"

"Mom, I'm going back to school the day after tomorrow."

"Back to school?" Her mother was surprised. "It's only August. What are you doing back to school?"

"The Student Union is preparing for military training. I want to go early."

"No, isn't she?" Her mother was disappointed, "Would you not be able to travel with us?"

So Xiao Tu remembered sadly. The two of them said that they would go to Qingdao for a good weekend. To this end, Ling Chao also deliberately asked for leave from the company and came back to accompany her.

Clear blue sky, fresh seafood ... He even bought a swimsuit!

At that moment, Xiao Rabbit felt like he was a big cup.

That evening, Xiao Tutu, a rabbit with a cup, wilted, and started packing his suitcase back to school.

The sunglasses, straw hat, bathing suit, life buoy originally placed in the box ... all of them were put aside, replaced by all kinds of back-to-school clothes. Seeing that something was put in and taken out, Xiaotu ’s Extremely depressed.

At this moment, a change came out of the window, and Ling Chao turned in.

His skill in turning the window was so proficient, he stepped on the floor three or two times, and sat down on Xiaotu's bed without mercy. The tourist equipment on the bed was ruthlessly squeezed under the bed.

"You squeezed me!" Xiao Tu reminded him.

"What's the matter?" Ling Chao raised an eyebrow. "You won't go."

"Hey, don't you hit me anymore, okay?" Xiao Tu became increasingly frustrated, and even sat down on the bed sulking.

She is really unwilling! The long-awaited trip to the seaside is so soaked. When they are all happy to travel, they have to go back to school alone on this hot day. The contrast is too big, right?

Ling Chao did not expect that Xiao Tu ’s response would be so great. He picked up the rabbit puppet at hand and teased her face: "Wife?"




"Old ..." When the third sound was called, Xiao Tu finally couldn't bear it. "Hey! Are you a pup?" Take a rabbit and tease on the face, what do you mean!

Seeing that she finally had a reaction, Ling Chao couldn't help laughing, "How old are you? If you don't go on a trip, what awkward? Big deal, I'll accompany you again next time." In fact, he was already secretly thinking in his heart, honeymoon. Should I travel to the beach?

Someone is so visionary.

"But I've been looking forward to it for a long time!" Xiao Tu murmured and pointed to the things on the bed. "Look at these things, I've been prepared very early, sunglasses, straw hat and this swimsuit ... I've been looking forward to it for a long time Do you know? "

"I know, I know." Ling Chao nodded again and again.

"Now it's okay, I have no chance to wear it, ah! I'm going to the beach, I'm going to eat seafood!" Xiao Rabbit froze in depression.

"Wife, you're going to break the bed again if you sting." Ling Chao reminded her.


Suddenly, his eyes turned: "In fact, it is not helpless, you can find a substitute."

"What alternative?" Xiao Tu was a little confused.

"Tomorrow we can take a stroll around the river, instead of the seaside, and go to the newly opened seafood city for lunch. As for the bathing suit ..." He paused, glanced up and down, slowly said, "I don't mind you now Just show it to me. "

As a result, Xiao Tu was messy in the wind.

The next day, Ling Chao didn't break his word. He took Xiao Rabbit to the waterfront, and then went to the newly opened seafood city. He ordered stir-fried clams, boiled prawns, and scallion dumplings ... It is said that they have not yet disembarked. It came directly by air, and it was fresher than local food in Qingdao.

Of course, it is not known whether the merchant has exaggerated the word, but the price is fair, and after eating so much seafood, it cost more than 100 yuan. When paying, Xiao Rabbit was very wealthy and had to pay the bill roughly. Ling Chao naturally did not Ken, after a long argument, Xiao Tu suddenly had a fever in his head and said, "Your money is my money. What are you going to grab with me?"

After speaking, they both froze.

After a brief silence, someone raised the corner of his mouth and smirked and shoved the wallet into Xiao Tu's hand: "Wife, you're right, you will pay after coming out."

Xiao Rabbit: "..."

Since then, every time they went out, it was really Xiao Tu's money, of course, Ling Chao's wallet. But these are the last words, for the time being.

Although I did n’t go to Qingdao, at least I experienced the taste of fake Qingdao. Xiao Tu ’s wish was considered as right, and I packed my luggage and returned to school the next day.

Since it happened to be the weekend that day, the two set off with Qingdao for the tour early in the morning, and Xiao Tu went to the train station with his luggage alone.

At the train station, there were not many people waiting for the bus. She bought a train ticket to Z City at 10 o'clock. When the train entered the station, she followed the team of only a dozen people to the waiting point and then boarded again. Got the train.

Everything was so calm until she found her own seat, put her luggage on the shelf, and when she was ready to sit down, an old lady stopped her.

"Girl, can you help me with my luggage?"

It turned out that the old lady was riding alone and didn't have the energy to put the luggage on the shelf. After asking several people for help, she refused to put it on until she saw Xiao Tu put it on the bag easily. Then she wanted to try it again.

Xiao Tu agreed without saying a word. An old man should help her, so she said easily: "Mother-in-law, what about your luggage?"

"Here." Xiaotu looked dumbfounded when the old woman gave way.

This big bag has boxes and sacks, and even a pot of clivia! Khan, how did she get so many things into the car?

Xiao Rabbit wiped his sweat and picked up a box.

Uh ... it's too heavy!

Xiao Rabbit's strength was not small, but her old lady's luggage was too heavy. It was a bit difficult for her to put the luggage on the shelf by herself, but they had already promised to others. Xiao Rabbit had no choice but to brace his head and put it on. A group of passengers on the car who had nothing to do with hanging up had watched a little girl put her luggage and could not help.

Seeing that Xiao Rabbit was almost unable to support her, her hands suddenly dragged the box in her hand.

Xiao Rabbit turned his face and almost called out.

Ling Chao! ? 2k novel reading network