MTL - Once We Come Across Love (Embrace Love)-Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 (This chapter is free)

Lao Ling came back, and Ling Chao's family suddenly became lively. All the relatives who had never seen their faces came, and the people who received it every day almost broke the threshold of this small yard.

Xiao Tu doesn't like these people, especially the eyes they look at Ling Chao, it's like eating people.

Of course, Ling Chao didn't like it, so every time he went home, whenever he saw strange shoes at the door, Ling Chao carried a schoolbag to Xiao Tuo's home to do his homework.

After finishing the homework, Xiao Tu ’s mother left him for dinner, and Ling Chao did n’t pack anything until the visitors left.

Later, Lao Ling noticed his son's change and felt that it would not be conducive to his son's growth. He and his wife suggested moving to the city to live there, where the house is large and the learning conditions are good.

But Ling Ma refused, she said, "If you move away, where do you find Xiaotuo's obedient daughter-in-law?"

Lao Ling thought about it too, so he never moved again. In fact, in recent years, he has been working hard outside, and has always felt ashamed of his wife and children at home, so since his wife forgave him, he has been obedient to his wife and became a standard twenty-four filial husband.

Although Ling Chao did not move into a family, a few months later, the government's new town was planned. The old street where Xiao Tu lived was planned as an amusement park, and construction will begin at the end of the year.

In order to appease the residents in this area, I prepared a house for them in the early morning. The new house was built in the development zone. Although it is a bit far away, it is much larger than this. It is still a residential building. Even when moving, the government sends cars to the house.

Xiao Tu's mother refused to move at first. Later, when Xiao Tu heard that there was an elevator, she couldn't wait to urge her to move. However, her mother couldn't help but think about being a nail owner, so she promised to move.

As soon as the Xiao Rabbit's family moved, Ling Chao's family also moved with it. I don't know if it happened or fate, anyway, they lived together again. This time it was closer. A staircase went up. Xiao Tu's house was on the left and Ling Chao's was on the right. The two doors were only three or four meters away.

By the end of the year, it was already the end of August of this year, and Xiao Tu finally finished the elementary school in a haunting manner and was about to become a junior high school student.

Said to be a junior high school, in fact, the school's primary and junior high school originally shared the same campus, Xiaotu they just moved from this building to that building, and did not change much along with school.

However, at that time, the principal of the school was still the old man who loved the quality test six years ago. With a big stroke, the freshman of the junior high school had to do the quality test.

This time, Mom's two pounds of apples didn't work.

The headmaster said, "You child is not very good, and she will definitely lose in the high school exam. It is better to let her learn art."

Her mother didn't understand: "Art? What art?"

"Like art, calligraphy."

"No, no!" Her mother shook her head like a rattle. "Our bunny draws the picture as if it were written, and the words as if it were drawn, no! Absolutely not!"

The principal thought for a moment: "Or else, learn music? Piano, dance?"

"Principal, don't make a joke! As far as my family is concerned, he didn't even want to buy a new steel pot, but also a piano? As for dance, it's even more unreliable, so why not let her learn martial arts!

The principal patted the table: "Martial arts? It's OK!"

In this way, as soon as Xiao Tu went to junior high school, her mother took her to a nearby famous martial arts class. Xiao Rabbit has never learned martial arts, and when she followed her mother to the martial arts class, she was always timid.

The martial arts teacher who resembled Wu Dalang asked her, "What's your name?"

"Xiao Rabbit."

"Bunny?" The teacher froze. "Have you studied martial arts?"

Xiao Tu shook his head: "I haven't learned it."

Her mother immediately picked up: "Teacher, this child has never learned martial arts, but she climbed a tree."

When the teacher heard it, he was happy: "Little girl will climb trees? Yes, you have the courage to accept it!"

So, from then on, Xiao Tu learned Wushu with Teacher Wu Dalang.

It wasn't until a long time ago that Xiao Tu knew that this shy-looking martial arts teacher had participated in the national martial arts competition and won the first place. The second place he won was two heads taller than him.

What is this teacher Wu Dalang? Obviously is Wu Song who disguised Wu Dalang!

At that time, Xiao Tu already lived in the development zone, and his new home was far away from the school. So her mother bought her a bicycle, a woman's type, with a pink ribbon tied to the front.

Xiao Tu didn't like this bike, she thought it was too naive. She likes Ling Chao's giant, which is black and rides like a gust of wind. Each time Ling Chao wore a white shirt and stood next to the car, he looked like someone special!

On one occasion, Xiao Tu got up very early in the morning. She didn't wait for Ling Chao to go downstairs. Then she went to the garage and rode away Ling Chao's giant.

The garage of the two of them is not together, but for the sake of convenience, Xiao Tu always parked the car in Ling Chao ’s garage near the outside. Later, Ling Chao thought she was in trouble, so he just gave her the key. It was convenient for Xiao Tu to commit the crime.

After Xiaotu arrived at the school with Ling Chao's car in a beautiful scenery, he put the car in the school carport and went to school with a schoolbag on his back.

When I went to the toilet at noon, I heard a group of girls in the next class gossip outside the toilet door.

Girl A said, "When I was in school this morning, I met the superintendent Ling Chao of Class 2 (3), guess what? He was sent by a sports car!"

Girl B said: "I know, I know, is that handsome Ling Chao, isn't he? I didn't expect that his family was so rich, he was simply Prince Charming!"

Girl C said, "Do n’t think about it, Ling Chao has a girlfriend."


"The Xiao rabbit in the next class!"

Then, Xiao Rabbit, who was wearing pants, almost did not fall into the pit.

Why this untrue rumor hasn't been forgotten until now?

When school was out that day, it was Xiao Rabbit's turn to clean up, and when she was all packed and carrying her schoolbag ready to pick up the car, she found that there was a familiar figure standing in the place where the car was dropped off in the morning, with a calm face and catching people.

Xiao Rabbit knew that he was in a bad position, walked slowly, and greeted him with false pretense: "... why haven't you been back so late?"

Ling Chao snorted: "Wait for you."

Xiao Rabbit's guilty conscience: "You don't have to wait for me, you can go first ..."

"Xiaotu!" Ling Chao interrupted her, her voice low.

Xiao Tu knew that as long as he called her by name and surname, it would indicate that she should look down and admit it was wrong.

"I'm sorry ... I just want to ride your car once, I promise it won't be the next time!" She stretched her three fingers and stared at him staring. At that time, although they were the same height, Ling Chao stood in front of Xiao Tu. Somehow, it seemed that Ling Chao was more powerful.

He looked at Xiao Tu's pitiful eyes. If he wanted to learn the lesson, he would take it back.

After a pause, he reached out and said, "The key."

Xiao Rabbit obediently pulled out the car key from the schoolbag and handed it to him.

Ling Chao opened the car, rode up, and turned his head to Xiao Tu and said, "Come up."

"What are you doing?"

"Do you want to go back alone?" This morning, because Xiao Tu had taken his car away, he hesitated for a long time between Xiao Tu's bicycle with a pink ribbon and his dad's white roadster. In the end, he reluctantly sent his dad to school.

Xiao Tu hesitated, but as soon as he saw Ling Chao's somber face, he was okay, and he sat in the back seat obediently.

Sitting on the back of Ling Chao's bicycle and leaving the school gate, I happened to meet the girls from the next class at noon.

Girl Jia's eyes showed a love-like shape: "Look and see! Isn't that Ling Chao of Class 2 (3)? He looks so handsome on a bicycle!"

Girl B spit fire with two eyes: "Who is the girl he was carrying? Wouldn't it be his girlfriend? Why is he so ugly, he has no vision at all!"

The girl Jia Yinghe said, "Yeah, yeah! It's ugly. Our Ling Chao is so white, she is so black, she doesn't match at all!"

The girls gave each other a glance: "It's not up to you whether you deserve to be worthy or not. Even if the baby is born of a panda, it's also a state-protected animal."

"A sneeze--"

Xiao Rabbit, who was sitting on Ling Chao, sneezed.

"Don't wipe my clothes," Ling Chao reminded.

"Oh." Xiao Rabbit replied casually, reached out and rubbed his nose, then put his hand on his waist naturally, and stunned.

Ling Chao: "..." 2k novel reading network