MTL - On Our Wedding Night, His Highness Can’t Continue His Acting After Reading My Mind!-Chapter 462 You despise Grandpa, don't you?

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  Chapter 462 You dislike me, don't you?

  Although he was slapped, the man's posture was calm, his temperament was lazy and noble, he squinted at Yunran, and said lazily: "A gentleman speaks, but a villain does."

  Unfortunately, Yunran has never been ashamed of a villain, "Don't change the subject, tell me quickly, do you have some conspiracy to hide from this girl?"

"really want to know?"


  The man raised his eyebrows lightly, but in exchange Yunran rolled his eyes and slapped him!

  Nangong Mo: "..."

  He raised his hand, straightened his messed-up hairstyle slowly, and said quietly, "Since Aifei wants to know so much, then I will tell you."

  Hearing this, Yun Ran snorted softly, "It's not too bad! Say it!"

   "However, you want to kiss Grandpa once, no, twice, or less, three times? It doesn't seem to be much? Four? Five?"


  Seeing someone muttering to himself with a serious expression on his face, Yun Ran put his hands on his forehead, and didn't know what to say...

  So, he kicked his wheelchair lightly, "Get out, I don't want to know!"

   I have to sigh, the structure of the wheelchair is extremely exquisite, and it can roll freely on the thick snow without hindrance.

  Nangong Mo: "..."

  Grandpa said to get out?

  He raised his finger and pressed lightly on the armrest of the wheelchair, and the wheelchair that had been sliding away came to a stable stop in the snow.

  At this moment, when he heard Yunran calling him from behind, Nangong Mo looked back subconsciously, "Why..."

The word '了' was not out of his mouth, but he saw a round and big snowball flying straight towards him, and with the sound of howling wind, it hit his head with a 'bang', scattering small snowflakes flying all over the sky …


  In the snow, Yunran looked at his appearance and smiled, leaning forward and backward, unable to straighten his back, quite a bit of a villain.

   "Let you be embarrassed! Make you arrogant! Can't you laugh now? Hahahaha..."

Nangong Mo raised his hand, brushed away the few snowflakes that fell on his eyelashes, and leaned lazily on the back of the chair, waiting to admire the little girl who smiled without image. Seems to be in a good mood.

   Seeing him like this, Yun Ran couldn't help but smile.

【what the hell! Why did he still look like he was enjoying the performance? ! He was obviously the one covered in snowflakes who was smashed, but why did it seem like... the clown was me? ! 】

  The man raised his eyebrows lightly, his peerless appearance and elegance became more noble and charming in the flying snow, like an ascetic fairy on the top of a snow mountain.

   Although this situation is extremely eye-catching, Yunran is a little depressed.

   "Hey! Why are you laughing? Can you feel a little bit aware of being hit? Is the snowball not big enough? Is it not loud enough?"

  When the man heard the words, the corners of his mouth curled slightly, and his eyes smiled deeply, "It's just a snowball, how can I not avoid it? I was hit by you on purpose to tease you."

  Yunran: "..."

  Although what he said may be true, but, but...

   "Hmph! Who do you look down on!"

   It was too late to say it, and then it was too late, Yun Ran quickly bent down and grabbed a handful of snow, and the wind under his feet rushed to Nangong Mo in an instant, and directly applied the snow to his handsome face that was so handsome that people complained.

【snort! mock up! I don't believe you dare to stand up and hide! 】

  Yun Ran was very proud of herself, raised her chin slightly, and looked provocative, "How do you feel? Is it fun? Grandpa~"


  Nangong Mo squinted at her, and brushed the snowflakes off his face gracefully, as if talking to himself, "How about digging a hole in the snow and burying her?"

  When Yunran heard this, he actually wanted to bury her? !

   I couldn't help but want to roll my eyes.

   "Nangong Mo, you are a **** now! Still want to bury this girl? What are you thinking about!"

  Yun Ran had just finished speaking, when he heard him sigh quietly, his tone was cool, "You despise me as a cripple, don't you?"

  Yunran: "???"

   "The things you said before are all deceitful, right?"


talk? What words?

  Yun Ran looked at him in confusion: [What is this man going crazy again? Got your brain smashed by a snowball? 】

   "Those vows of eternal love, unswerving love words, holding the hand of the son, and growing old together with the son, wishing to have one heart and never leave the head."

   "The whispers are still in my ears, but it turns out that they are all lies, just to make me happy."

   "You despise me as a cripple, so who do you like? The prince? Or Shen Mubai?"

  Yunran: "..."

  (end of this chapter)