MTL - Omni-Magician-Chapter 37 Hammerhead, I like it very much.

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Just in the Ye sigh, the Magician Guild’s shot was so generous that the magic crystal of at least one hundred gold coins was casually given away, and the magician guild was searching nervously.

The trap set by the senior magician could not be easily cracked, but the magic crystal in the mirror disappeared. This is a strange thing that everyone can't understand, and the most strange thing is to count. Sgen, because when the magic crystal disappeared, he has been lying in the hall of the magic guild. Someone even unconsciously took the magic crystal from his eyelids and took it away?

How can this be! ?

"It must have been taken by the magicians who did things to the Wizards Guild this morning..."

After the investigation of the insiders of the Wizards Guild, a group of magicians began to lock those who had been to the Wizards Guild today.

Basgen has been in the hall today, and he is thinking hard: "I remember the last time I saw the magic crystal in the morning, when the hammerhead came to the guild."

"Who is the hammerhead?" The face of the gloomy president of the son, Ober, immediately asked.

"Hammerhead? Is that hammer in Anthony's magical hut?" curious the director of a magical guild.

"Yes, it is him." Basgen nodded.

"How is the magic level of this kid?" Obert hurriedly asked, "Hammer? Hey, what is this junk name!"

"The hammerhead is a second-order magician. He was hijacked for three months before. It was just rescued by the city owner Miss Effia yesterday. The city government also told us to give him a free wand." The officer explained, "I heard that this kid's magical talent is very poor and there is no future, but it is more than enough to run a magic store."

"That must not be him!" Obert bit his head - his magical talent is outstanding or the third-order magician can't solve the space matrix in the mirror. How can a kid who has no serious name be stronger than himself? So he directly asserted.

"Don't ask him?" Bassin thought thoughtfully.

"The gentleman already knows the magical theft. The father said that he is very angry, so we have time to waste this kind of garbage!" Obert said with annoyance, "Mr. Basgen, please think I want to know who has been to the guild next time!"

"okay then."

Bassin disagreed with what Obert called the magic crystal theft. The senior magician said that anyone can try to take the magic crystal, why not steal it, but... look at the On the head of the Olympics, Bassogen did not say anything more.

Although the Wizards Guild has always been deserted, how many magicians have been to the guild in the morning, and Basgen frowned and began to recall who those people are.

And Bybert, they ruled out the real suspects from the beginning...


It has been three days since the blink of an eye.



The crisp percussion sounded in the backyard of Anthony's magical lodge, and the giant sword of Debbie was lying on the ground, and the secret silver cone and the secret silver hammer were constantly tapping. It is a look of nervousness and watching.

"Hammer, you can't do it in the end, what if the enchantment fails?" After half a ring, I asked more than some worried.

"Reassured, Effia has fixed the enchantment on the sword. Now I can help you with this great sword enchanting." Ye Ding said quite easily, "and even if it fails. Will ruin your sword, at most it is a little more silver pattern."

Enchanting, although it sounds very high, but it is actually the same thing, but it is slightly higher than writing a magic scroll. Ye Ding can now write more than thirty magic scrolls at random, with a magic in him. It is also easy to feel.

Of course, now Ye Dang has no need to play the magic scrolls, and even the things in these days are not letting him busy, only let him settle down to master the enchantment technology - learn to enchant to make money but 哗哗More powerful than magic scrolls!

On Ephelia's long sword, there is only one enchantment matrix of [Windblade].

[Wind Blade] itself is a basic attack spell. It is not too difficult for Ye Dang. He found the magic book that recorded the "Wind Blade" spell from Kara’s magic bookstore, and took this spell seriously. Learning a side, this magic spell built a magic model in memory, and then repairing the enchantment matrix on the long sword is a breeze.

And now the leaf is hanging in the help of the giant sword of the enchantment is the [popular] magic matrix.

[Fashion] belongs to the basic auxiliary charm, the role is to increase the speed of people or objects. It is the favorite type of enchantment of the giant swordsman. The magic sword is enchanted by the giant sword. When used, the speed of the giant sword is increased. Will be doubled.

Similarly, to enchant this magic matrix, Ye Dang also needs to first create this magic model in memory, that is, he must first learn this magic spell before enchanting.

This is the premise of the human magician enchantment.

In general, a magician wants to learn a new [magic spell], it always takes a lot of time to build a magic model, but also proficiency in proficiency, but ... Ye Wei is obviously an exception.

Whether it is [popular] or [wind blade], he spent a very short time to build a magic model, which in his opinion is as easy as creating a magical model with a hacker who creates a small program of only a few k. At first I tried to release the spell, and it took only a few hours before and after the leaf hanging.

This will definitely cause a sensation, but... Ye Hang has not yet had this conscious.

Soon, the knocking sound of "Dangdang" and "Dangdang" in the small courtyard stopped. Ye Chen reached out and tried to smash the giant sword and then looked at it. Then he coughed and said to him: "You pick it up and see. The enchantment is complete."

Debbie’s one-handed eyes raised the giant sword in front of him. The giant sword was originally dark. At this moment, it was covered with a pattern like a leaf pattern. The leaves hang down on the giant sword of Debbie. A [popular] matrix, this should be replaced by other enchanters to enchant, the price must be at least several gold coins.

"The four [popular] matrices are opposite. When you enter the sword in this place held by your left hand, you will activate the matrix on the left and the right sides of the front and back, generating a powerful driving force, allowing the giant sword to spin quickly, if you are Enter the sword in the place where the right hand is held, and the two [popular] matrices on the other side of the giant sword will activate, generating the driving force in the opposite direction, and let your giant sword stop pushing."

Ye Ding explained.

The magic matrix needs to be activated by magic, and the sword and the magic are actually the same thing, but the names are different in different occupations, and the attributes are also different. The four magic matrices that Ye Ding gave to the enchantment are actually designed specifically for the big gyro of Debbie. When the big gyro of Debbie is used, the activation of the matrix on one side will give her an accelerated force. Let her spin faster and faster.

And if she wants to stop, immediately activate the matrix on the other side, which will act as a "brake."

"Let's try it out." Ye said with a smile.

Debbie showed a look of excitement, holding the hilt of the giant sword in both hands, and entering the sword from the left hand to the giant sword according to the instructions of the leaf drop, the matrix on the side of the giant sword was activated, and bursting out. The sound of "whistling" drives the cockroaches to spin up involuntarily. The screams of surprise and excitement are more than the same in the mouth, but the people are already turning like a gyro faster and faster.

At least twice as fast as turning on her own strength!

At least the power must be doubled!

In the face of Kerry, the guardian of the gods, Debbie will not be afraid to directly deal with him hard steel!

Seeing that his enchanting results were outstanding, Ye Ding smiled gratifiedly.

Then he was lying down.


Ye Dang hurriedly shouted: "Hurry up and activate the other two [popular] matrices!"

But I obviously couldn’t hear the words of Ye Hang at this time. She swung fast and raised a dust around it, just like a tornado.

"Looking in the trough, won't it happen when you turn around?"

Ye Ding could not help but be shocked.


Debbie’s giant sword suddenly came out!

The one-hundred-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand Strikes with stones, hit by the giant sword, the entire wall collapsed, dust and stones splashed around, the giant sword was inserted into the ground, and half of it had fallen into the ground, watching the destructive power as much as the shelling of the bomb!

Debbie is still habitually turning around. Ye hangs in a hurry and hugs her. As a result, she hits her body and falls to the ground. Debbie is riding on her body.

Ye Ding felt that he was going to fall apart, but at this time he was more concerned about Debbie than he was, and hurriedly asked: "Are you okay?"

Debbie sat on the body of the leaf, her face was a little confused, her face was very red, she rubbed her head hard, and turned her head and glanced at the stone wall that was collapsed by the giant sword and the other side of the stone wall. The passerby's stunned look, then she looked down at the leaf hanging down, and smiled happily: "Hammer, this I like it."

Ye Ding: "..."

[Famous] Although it is also the basic curse, it is obviously different from the singular magic scroll that was burned by the leaf drop. The wind caused by the mad wind magic scroll is only an instant, and the popular is because it is enchanted to the weapon, so as long as the supply is continuous. Magic, his wind is long-lasting.

Then... burn the [popular] to the armor. If the wind is enough, does it mean that he can have the ability to fly?


Three thousand words of chapters, seeking recommendation tickets ~~~ The next chapter of the giant sword girl will be with people pk ha ~~~~ about nine o'clock release welcome to the readers to read, the latest, The fastest and hottest serials are available at Mobile users please read.