MTL - Omni-Magician-Chapter 17 I will show you when I am studying for 1 time.

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After being dragged into the car, the leaf hangs have not had time to struggle. When the neck hurts, the consciousness is completely lost.

Needless to say, Quinn, who dragged him to the car, stunned him.

I was groggy and confused. I don’t know how long it took. Ye sag suddenly felt cold and cold. With the feeling of wetness, he knew that cold water had poured on his body. This made him wake up and consciousness recovered. He didn't panic, but jumped up from the ground subconsciously. He was a hacker who came to the top after a while, and the hacker always walked in the dark, so he had enough vigilance.

Almost at the moment of waking up, I jumped up from the ground, but the body just stood straight, and a long sword was already on his neck.

It’s Quin, who is holding the sword. Besides, Locke is standing next to him, and he still has a bucket in his hand. It’s true that he’s just throwing a leaf and a face, but he’s right, and standing behind them, there’s nothing unexpected. It is Busca.

"Where is this?" Asked in the cold mouth of the leaf, reaching out to touch his waist.

"Here is a place where other people will never find you." Buska said with a cold smile. He glanced at the hand that was hanging on his body. "Don't look for your wand, I have already thrown a fire." I burned it. In addition, I also accepted the twenty silver coins on your body. It is the first one you still owe."

The wand and the silver coins were searched, which was not unexpected. But he heard another meaning from Busca's words: What is the first one I owe? He turned his head and looked to his side. The line of sight quickly concentrated on the table and chairs in the corner of the little black house, a stack of parchment on the table, and a bottle of magic ink. Of course, it was inserted in the ink bottle. Quill pen.

"You want to imprison me and help you make magic scrolls." Ye Ding guessed the reason for his imprisonment, but also quietly sighed: It seems that Busca did not intend to kill him directly.

And as long as there is no death, there is still hope.

"You are very smart. I used to hear people say that you are all fake. It is no wonder that you can make hundreds of magic scrolls in three days." Busca said coldly. "If that is the case, then I won't talk nonsense with you. From today on, you will make 30 magic scrolls for me every day. I can guarantee that you will stay here all the time. At the same time, I can still guarantee that your deaf will not be better than the younger sister. Anything, you know, although she is a giant swordsman, but after all, she is only a second-order swordsman. If I want to deal with her, it will be very easy."

When I heard these words, Ye was inexplicably angry in his heart: "If you dare to move, I will not spare you."

"Oh." Buska is indifferent to the threat of the leaf drop. The magician without the wand has no threat at all, let alone the leaf with a wand in his hand. It is not possible to be around him in this small room. The opponents of the two second-order swordsmen, he sneered and said, "This is a business, as we said, then everything will be safe, when you pay off my debts, I will put You left."

Ye Lun certainly knew that there was no such thing as a debt-recovery, but he still asked: "When can I pay off your debt?"

"One year, two years, three years...when I am satisfied."

Busca said with a bit of greed, he smiled coldly, rushed to Rock and Quin and waved out of the room, Quinn and Locke followed, and the door of the room slammed shut. stand up.

Outside the room is a dark corridor, Bussana's face with a bit of excitement, turned and accounted for two second-order swordsmen: "Look at him, let him hand over thirty magic scrolls every day. I have to keep in mind what kind of tricks he is being asked for." When I said this, I thought about the fact that my son was smashed with a scroll by the leaves. He said in a deep voice, "This kid is very slippery. ""

"Mr. Busca, I don't understand a bit. This kid is just a second-order magician. If you kill it directly, why do you have to work hard? The magic scroll is only the income of more than forty copper plates." Quin has some Unhappy, he complained that he was concentrated by the "lightning" of the leaves half a month ago. Now he still has the scars on his face. He is very resentful to the leaves.

"What do you know?" Busca glanced at Quinn. "The kid's ability to write a magic scroll is very powerful. It is comparable to a mid-level senior magician, but the magician is at intermediate and advanced. Who will write this? The basic magic scroll? So this kid is a treasure, as long as he is imprisoned and let him keep writing the magic scroll, then we are guarding a Baoshan, shut him for one year, he can give us 10,000 magic scrolls. This is fifty gold coins, which is more expensive than the two of you!"

When I heard Buska’s words, Quinn and Locke’s eyes suddenly lit up. The ordinary low-level magician wrote the magic scroll. Only one can write about ten at a time, and the leaf can write thirty. This is indeed extraordinary. .

Buska then snorted again: "Before the leaf hanging from the hand of the one hundred gold coins, I will let Debbie spit out sooner or later, but now hemp, you will give me this hammer first. Watched it!"

"Mr. Busca, rest assured, the two of us are here, keeping this kid can't leave here." Quinn and Locke said in a hurry.


The little black house is only 20 inches in size. There is a rotten smell in the air. There is a small bed in the house. The bed is filled with a scented bedding. Next to the bed is a table with a writing on it. The magic scroll uses something, and a magic light emits a dim light. On the other side of the hut is a mess of things: old-fashioned piles of dilapidated wooden boxes filled with insect eyes, vases covered with cobwebs, and even There is also a broken black iron armor full of rust.

Obviously this small room was originally a warehouse, and the pile of things in the corner was a broken piece of iron with no value, so that when Busca wanted to lock him up, the pile of things was not cleaned up. .

In fact, those things are really useless for the thin magician of the leaf drop.

Ye Chen made the situation of this little black house clear in a very short time, and then he came to the conclusion that he could not escape from here with his current ability.

There is only one door here, there are two second-order swordsmen behind the door, and there is a small window at the top, but it is actually a small hole with a big size, which is used for ventilation and ventilation. The ceiling and floor are hard granite, and it is obviously delusional to dig a hole here to escape.

After confirming these conditions, Ye turned his head and looked at the table next to him.

He is a magician, but without a magic wand he can't cast magic, so now the strongest means he can use is the magic scroll.

At the same time, he also understands that the power of the five basic magic scrolls he will not be able to do harm to this small black house that imprisoned him, and it is impossible to ensure that he escapes from birth, even if he is like Kerry last time. When you use a large number of scrolls to swear, you can't have any effect in a small space, so the solution is even more obvious, that is, to develop a magic scroll that is stronger than the basic magic scroll.

The logical relationship of things is simple.

But to develop a magic scroll that is stronger than the basic magic scroll, then he must first understand the intermediate magic language and even the advanced magic language.

The learning of magical language is of course very difficult. No one would think that Ye Hang can learn the remaining twenty-seven of the thirty-two magic characters without a teacher, so Busca will safely turn the leaf into small Black house and give him the materials and tools to make magic scrolls.

Switching to other second-order magicians, this time can only be desperate like a slave who is cruelly exploited.

But Ye Dang is not desperate.

Even there was a hint of excitement in his eyes.

In the last life, he was a peak hacker, but this does not mean how high he is. In fact, the reason why he became a peak hacker step by step is, to a large extent, forced.

Because the addicted game was expelled from the school, in order to find a good meal for himself, I had to study hacking techniques. After a small achievement, I joined a hacker gang. As a result, the gang was smashed in the second month. He became a famous network wanted criminal. In order to escape, he had to work hard to delve into his hacking skills, and finally got a little bit of fame, and was hostile by a foreign hacker group, challenged him, and repeatedly provocative, so he once again pulled out all the energy. He upgraded his hacking ability and died with the other party. Later, the super virus that was painstakingly researched was stolen and smashed into the online world. Everyone has no way to do this. He is once again forced to start researching restraint programs. Finally, I finally surpassed my peak and stood on the peak of hackers...

In this way he step by step to the culmination of the hacker field.

If there is anything in him that can be called "talent", it is not his hacking talent, but his tenacity, being forced to rush to eat with the tiger.

Now he is being rushed.

"Mom's egg, Lao Tzu is a real schoolmaster to show you."

Today is the first, the cold is still not good, is trying to write the second more, should not be a problem ~~~~~Cannons and other challenges will continue to write a chapter of the **** of food ~~~~ Yesterday was not updated but there are still many votes Thank you for your Welcome to the readers to read, the latest, fastest and most popular serial works are available at Mobile users please read.

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