MTL - Omni-Magician-Chapter 15 7 races on the continent of Aegandas

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The intermediate magic language contains ten of the thirty-two magic characters, and the high-level magic language has the remaining seventeen.

Every character has a special meaning, but this meaning can not be explained clearly by words. It can be said that it can only be said that it cannot be said. Of course, since there is a magical language book, it means that there is a kind of Possibly, if the person reading the book is smart enough to perceive enough, it is possible to comprehend the meaning of the magic language from the magic book.

But this is obviously very difficult - it has been almost half a month since I started the magic language book. Ye Ding has turned over and over the two magic language books, but still can't understand the meaning of any character.

Characters are tangible, but the shape is just external. If you don't understand the essence, you can't write magic templates in the depths of your memory.

"Don't you really want to find a teacher to teach magical language? I don't know how much gold to spend, I don't know when to wait! Now I have more than 80 gold coins with Debbie!" Ye Lie is somewhat discouraged. On my own bed, I touched a large book on the edge of the pillow: "Engendas Encyclopedia of the Mainland."

The book leaves are seen as a free book. The place where I saw it last night has already marked the mark. At this moment, I lie on the bed and turn to the mark to continue to look.

These days of reading have given Ye Hang a systematic understanding of the history of the mainland of Aegandas.

The mainland of Agendas is the only continent discovered in the world, with a recorded history dating back to 15,000 years.

In the beginning, there were various ethnic groups on the mainland, and among them, the orcs, the giants, the dwarves, and some other disappearing races such as the dragons were the most powerful, and the Terrans were at a disadvantage in them. However, because of the inherent defects in physical fitness, they can only be in a position of being enslaved.

About 13,000 years ago, a genius of the Terran learned the ability to master the power of nature through certain means, and then the people became the head of the family. They even had the most on the mainland of Aigendas. The terrible creature dragon has reached a certain alliance.

This ability that the Terran has mastered is the magic of later generations.

Since then, the Terran has ruled the continent of Aegandas for seven thousand years.

The human race of this period was called the ancestors.

The rule of the ancestors may have been peaceful at the beginning, but as the years passed, the blood of the ancestors became as cruel as the curse of evil, and they used the magic of darkness to create the half-orcs. A cruel and unconscionable sin race to help them maintain their dictatorship.

It was because of the appearance of the half-orcs that eventually caused public anger.

The orcs, the giants, the dwarves, the goblins, and some of the Terrans established alliances and opened a war that lasted for two hundred years.

This war is called the battle of the ancestors.

In the battle of the ancestors, the last three dragons in the world were killed by the famous "Dragon Swordsman" of the Terran, and the princes and nobles were slaughtered.

The rest of the ancestors were forever expelled into the cold snow of the north. It is ironic that the ancestors built a desperate Great Wall in the north for an unknown suspicion. This Great Wall has now become a powerful barrier to the return of the ancestors to the Middle Kingdom. Even now, among the wild people who wandered north of the Great Wall, there are still many blood from the ancestors.

The battle of the ancestors has been five thousand years now.

The Terran is still dominated by the mainland of Aigendas with its unique magical talents and gradually differentiated swordsmen, knights, and believers.

The second is the orthodox and the dwarfs. They are not many ethnic groups, but each one is a powerful and powerful warrior.

These two races have occasionally warned against the Terran Empire, but they have always maintained peace.

Because of its unique characteristics, the goblin family has become an indispensable part of mainland life. For example, the mainland general bank is operated by goblin.

The Giants disappeared from the mainland for five years ago for unknown reasons. It is said that their entire family is hidden in an unknown place.

The elves are the only long-lived race on the mainland. They are relatively rare and rarely interfere with other ethnic groups on the mainland. Their empire is also hidden deep in the forest. Only a handful of foreigners have the privilege to enter.

In addition, the half-orcs who are the wicked creations of the ancestors have survived since the war of the ancestors with their tenacious vitality, and they have been arbitrarily flowing on the mainland, just like the moles have caused terrible disasters.

Some scholars also believe that the tombstones in the western part of the mainland, where the undead roaming all day can also be summarized as a large race.

As a result, the Terran, the Orc, the Elves, the Dwarfs, the Giants, the Gnomes, the Undevil, and the Orcs are the seven races on the mainland today.

As for the savage who wandered outside the Great Wall... even the most rigorous scholars would subconsciously ignore them.

The above is a general introduction to the history and ethnicity of Aigendas on the first volume of the Encyclopedia. The next volume is a detailed introduction to each race, species, empire, culture, etc.

Today, Ye Hang just saw the introduction of the undead.


"This is a very wonderful world. There is still a country of the undead in the center of the mainland..." After seeing the introduction of the undead race for a long time, Ye Lie closed the encyclopedia and licked some tired eyes, but there was a kind of heart in his heart. Unspeakable blood, "This world is very exciting, but only people with strength can appreciate the wonderful world! So, I must learn intermediate magic language and advanced magic language as soon as possible!"

Thinking of this, Ye Ding's previous frustration seems to be swept away. He carefully marked the encyclopedia, climbed up from the bed and reopened the "Intermediate Magic Language" to prepare to continue to understand the knowledge in this book. It’s not just casual.

Just just flipping through the pages of the book, Debbie’s shouts came in from the door again: "The stomach is starving, and when are you going to make lunch?"

Ye Ding: "...I will come."

Can you still show the coolness of Xueba?


Anthony's magic shop has been filled with this pleasant atmosphere during this time. The business is booming, the guests are continuous, the challenge of a few days ago, the hammer beat the fourth-order swordsman Kerry, which has made a name for the store. The leaf-floating promotion method has greatly increased the sales volume of the magic scrolls in the store, and is still showing a trend of rising.

Seeing that the number of magic scrolls for thirty drops per day is already in short supply, this good business has begun to make Debbie worry. Of course, nothing is more pleasant than this.

At the moment, the Buska Magic Store, which is in the same street as the Anthony Magic Shop, is a bleak cloud.

Because of Kerry's serious injury, Buska was not in the mood to continue to do business, the large facade directly closed and suspended business ~ ~ Mr. Basgen, my son ... really no way to restore strength? Outside the room, Buska wiped the sweat on his head with a handkerchief and asked the old gentleman who had just come out.

The old gentleman is a fifth-order magician who is proficient in bright magic. If there is no accident, he will become a bright pastor in the future. He is also the most famous magic doctor in Stan.

Basgen shook his head: "He used the swordsman ban and the guardian of war. The meridians of the body have been abolished. If his original strength is improved by himself, I may still have some methods, but now... ... Oh, I am afraid that even if he is hurt in the future, he can only stay at the level of the third-order swordsman, and may even be more backward. I really can't do anything about it."

After saying this, Basgen no longer stayed in the squash and waved his hand and walked away.

On the outside street, he paused for a moment, turned his head and glanced at Anthony's magic shop, whispered softly in his mouth, whispered: "A fourth-order swordsman was abandoned by a second-order little magician. It’s really a big laugh, huh, huh...”

With that said, people will go far.

Bussca, standing at the door, was very gloomy. He originally wanted to send this superb magician, but he just heard the words in the other mouth, which made his heart ignite the anger of the sky.

"This account, I will get back anyway! I swear!"

The racial setting also has the Great Wall, and draws on the Lord of the Rings and the song of ice and fire. I hope everyone likes it~~~ The main line of the plot will start soon~~~~Please ask for a ~Welcome to the readers to read, the latest, fastest, most popular serial works are available at mobile users please read.