MTL - Old Enemy Became Sweet and Sticky-Chapter 7

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Father Shao was busy with company affairs, Young Master Shao took care of his studies while studying company business.

At the dining table, Qian Wenjie was having a good time drinking the soup, Shao Xian was tasting it slowly with a small spoon, when he saw Chen Baizhou taking a sip and stopped for two seconds, he couldn't help asking curiously, "What are you doing?"

Chen Baizhou was embarrassed to answer, but he didn't want to lie to Shao Xian, so he could only whisper: "It's delicious."

I haven't eaten serious meals for three days, so I can't go hungry anymore.

Chen Baizhou is naturally obedient.

Unfortunately, Chen Yu didn't sleep at all, just waiting for him to steal, so that he could punish him in name.

The punishment was to stuff the steamed buns, almost choked him to death, and almost held him to death.

The stomach that had been hungry for several days could not endure such torment.

The soup is finished and served.

The Shao family seldom spends extravagance and waste, the dishes are very ordinary, but the taste is really good, Qian Wenjie can't help but praise: "Aunt Cai, your dishes are too delicious It's delicious!"

Cai Yalan smiled softly, "After that, I often come to eat, and Xiaozhou also often comes."

My son made friends with difficulty and she is very welcome.

Qian Wenjie nodded again and again, not afraid to go home and be cut by his mother.

Chen Baizhou nodded and said gratefully: "Thank you Aunt Cai."

Cai Yalan has dealt with ladies all the year round. She knows much more about the Chen family than Shao Xian. She used to be incapable of managing her.

"Xianxian, on Monday tomorrow, remember to get up early, and your mother will take you to school." Cai Yalan reminded, and looked at Chen Baizhou again, "Xiaozhou and Xianxian are in the same class, we are here today. Stay at home and go to school together tomorrow."

Chen Baizhou squeezed his chopsticks tightly, not knowing how to answer for a while.

Shao Xian and Aunt Cai have been good enough to him, does he still want to live greedily?

"Xiaozhou, you see Xianxian doesn't have any friends. It's so pitiful to go to school alone every day, so you can help aunt to accompany him more, okay?" Cai Yalan said and glanced at Shao Xian .

"Yes, Chen Baizhou, you can come with us," Qian Wenjie asked Cai Yalan, "Aunt Cai, I will go to the new school on the first day tomorrow, can I go with Xianxian?"

Shao Xian: "..." Xianxian is your name!

Qian Wenjie obviously didn't notice. He heard Cai Yalan call "Xianxian" many times, and he couldn't help being led astray by her.

"Of course!" Cai Yalan said happily.

Shao Xian finally turned his head to look at Chen Baizhou, just in line with Chen Baizhou, stunned: "You will go to school with me in the future."

Chen Baizhou immediately laughed and nodded, "Yeah!"

Being as good as a little white rabbit, completely different from Fu Baizhou twenty years later.

Shao Xian sighed in his heart. He didn't know how Fu Baizhou returned to Fu's house, and he didn't want to intervene in this matter, but in the current situation, he couldn't help him.

Twenty years later, Fu Baizhou confronted him tit-for-tat, but now, he is just a well-behaved, sensible, abused child.

He felt that Fu Baizhou should not be treated like this.

"Xianxian, when are you leaving tomorrow morning? I'll be waiting for you at the door." Qian Wenjie has become more and more used to shouting.

Shao Xian said for a while, Qian Wenjie said "uh" and continued to cook.

After lunch, Shao Xian saw that Chen Baizhou was looking much better, and took him to wander in the garden to digest food. Qian Wenjie held his small toys while asking Shao Xian for news.

"Xianxian, is Yuying's teacher fierce?"

Shao Xian glanced at him, pinched the petals, and said casually, "I heard that your class teacher likes corporal punishment."

"How is it possible!" Qian Wenjie didn't believe it, "Most of Yuying's students have some background, right? How dare the teacher..."

"You said it too, most of them." Shao Xian glanced at Chen Baizhou, who lowered his head and said nothing.

Qian Wenjie understood in seconds.

Damn said, there are good teachers and bad teachers, like Chen Baizhou, who is isolated and bullied, if there is a teacher with a bad mind, Bao Buqi will often punish him.

"Chen Baizhou, how's your grades?" Qian Wenjie couldn't hide his words, "If your grades are good, maybe the teacher will protect you."

Shao Xian patted him on the shoulder, "Our old class is okay, we don't like violence to solve problems."

"Oh..." What else did Qian Wenjie say, but Wang Shufen found him and wanted to take him out to buy a new schoolbag and new stationery.

He happily waved goodbye, and did not forget to remind Shao Xian: "Let's go to school tomorrow morning, don't forget!"

There are only two people left in the garden, Shao Xian and Chen Baizhou. Chen Baizhou stood beside Shao Xian obediently.

"Why do you say sorry today?" Shao Xian asked suddenly.

Chen Baizhou was stunned, his eyes were a little dazed, and he didn't react at once.

"On the way to my house."

Shao Xian reminded him, and he remembered it.

"You and auntie went to the hospital to pick me up. I'm not here, so you're going to run in vain." Chen Baizhou whispered.

Shao Xian grabbed his hand and saw that several of his fingernails had been split, and he couldn't help asking: "What's wrong with you?"

Chen Baizhou thought for a while, and said with guilt: "I don't believe what I say, I'm very troublesome for you."

"But in my opinion, in this matter, Chen Yu is at fault, your mother is at fault, and Auntie Sun is at fault, but you are not at fault."

Shao Xian stared into his eyes and said seriously.

As an old enemy, although Shao Xian couldn't find out about Fu Baizhou's childhood, it was not difficult for him to know about Fu Baizhou's condition.

He has psychological barriers and likes to deny himself.

Although he was taken back to teach by the Fu family for a few years, the imprint of his childhood has never been erased.

Fortunately, this denial was suppressed by him, otherwise he would not be able to support the Fu family's family business.

Chen Baizhou was stunned, how could it be possible?

When he was a child, his mother kept telling him that he was a fatherless child and was born to collect debts. Later, when he arrived at the Chen family, the words of the original sin filled his ears.

Whatever he does is wrong and guilty.

A person like him is not qualified to be treated well by others.

But now, the most beautiful person in the world in front of him actually says that he is not wrong, but someone else is wrong.

How is this possible?

"Even if you're wrong, it's just because you can't fight." Shao Xian said solemnly, "I've checked your grades, and I often count down the exams. Although it's snobbish, people with good grades. , there will always be a little more chance of success than others.”

Fu Baizhou graduated from a top international university at that time, and there was no possibility of buying a diploma, so Shao Xian did not believe that his grades would be so poor when he was a child.

He didn't think about it because of family reasons, but if he can't stand up on this matter, he won't be able to do anything in the future.

Shao Xian also doesn't believe that after ten years of humiliation, the child is really as simple and well-behaved as it seems.

All he lacks is ego.

Chen Baizhou lowered his head and seemed to have been greatly impacted. He stood motionless, and after several minutes, he raised his head and smiled and said, "Well, I must study hard."

Shao Xian touched his head, "Up every day."

The sun in June is hot and dazzling.

Chen Baizhou greedily looked at the beautiful elf-like person in front of him, only to feel that his heart was pounding, and he couldn't bear to open his eyes every minute.

A hand suddenly gently covered his eyes, he could not see Shao Xian, and the burning pain of the sun gradually disappeared.

"Stupid, don't you want your eyes?"

Shao Xian's soft rebuke flowed into Chen Baizhou's heart, hotter than the sun.

"Come on, I'll take you to your house to get your schoolbag, you'll need it for school tomorrow."

Shao Xian left without waiting for him to answer, Chen Baizhou curved his lips and smiled, and he didn't feel pain when he pulled his eye muscles.

The two went to Chen's house. Bai Meijuan and Chen Yu were not at home. The housemaid opened the door.

The clothes are very old and some don't fit well, but Shao Xian didn't stop him.

After returning to Shao's house, Shao Xian took him to the room and was about to study with him, but Chen Baizhou walked to the bathroom.

He thought that Chen Baizhou was going to the toilet, but the bathroom door was not closed, and the sound of the water was not right. He walked into the bathroom out of curiosity and saw Chen Baizhou washing clothes.

"You don't want your hands anymore?" He walked over a few steps and took off his clothes.

The clothes were soaking wet, and the water dripped on the ground, smashing into beads.

"Chen Baizhou, don't you know that your nails hurt?" Shao Xian's face was dark, and he was really angry.

Although he is an old enemy, he has to say that he admires Fu Baizhou.

What is above appreciation, no one can tell. But Shao Xian couldn't listen to others slander Fu Baizhou, only Fu Baizhou could scold him.

Qian Wenjie often ridiculed him, making it seem like he was falling in love with a young boy.

Shao Xian didn't think it was a relationship, he just thought it was a hearty confrontation with Fu Baizhou.

As for those who are not qualified to play against Fu Baizhou, who is qualified to judge him?

Now, a reduced version of Fu Baizhou is standing in front of him. Although his surname is Chen and he is still extremely weak, he is already within Shao Xianhu's short range, and he cannot tolerate others' abuse, nor can he tolerate Chen Baizhou himself waste.

Seeing his dark face, Chen Baizhou felt extremely guilty and uneasy, and murmured, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I shouldn't do laundry..."

"It's not that you shouldn't wash clothes, it's that your own hands are more important than washing clothes. Besides, there is a washing machine at home, so it's not your turn to do it yourself."

He said, put the clothes into the basin, and planned to go in person.

The Shao family never raises the disabled. Although he is Shao Ershao, he should be a cosmopolitan.

"I, I will bring it myself!" Chen Baizhou hurriedly wanted to grab the pot.

Seeing that he was about to cry, Shao Xian choked in his heart and returned the basin involuntarily.

It is said that people born with tear moles like to shed tears. He used to believe that Fu Baizhou was as cold as a knife, but now he suddenly believes it.

It's not Chen Baizhou of Fu Baizhou, has he cried several times?