MTL - Okay, I Can’t Eat This-Chapter 18

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Xie Chi moved the camera calmly, thinking that it was so dark at night, and they were far away, so the light shouldn't reach them, so it should be able to fool them, right?

Then in the live room:

'Ahhh what is that! How fat is that kid! The eyes are bleeding! ’

'Fuck, he's looking at the camera! I don't believe you if you say he's not a ghost! ’

"Special... special effects makeup... the actors invited are very hardworking..."

"I'm a doctor, if nothing else, the blood should be real..."

'In other words, our anchor is finally going to be slapped in the face? ’

Xie Chi was just unhappy, very unhappy, she squinted her eyes and thought about it, and suddenly flopped a little extravagantly: "Oh! I fell on the camera, wait a moment."

After turning off the camera, Xie Chi rolled up his sleeves and walked forward while asking: "Who is your elder? Didn't I tell you that someone has taken over here? Now go to the side and stand, don't give it to me Get in the way."


He watched helplessly as a black yin qi rose up from Xie Wenqing's body, so thick that it was frightening, and then the black qi flew to Xie Chi, with a particularly young brother, a special thug, guarding Xie Chi.

Then Xie Chi walked up to a few little ghosts in a very social way, she picked up the female ghost who appeared first, and her tone was very friendly: "Because of time, I won't tell you more, all these physical abnormalities are given to you. I put it away! Wipe off the blood on my face! After a while, I was bitten to death in front of the camera. You are wearing makeup, and you came out on purpose to scare people. You are all human, and there are no ghosts."

"Do you need me to repeat it a second time?"

The little ghosts shivered: "You...why should we listen to you..."

Xie Chi was not angry, so he smiled at them. After smiling, he put down the female ghost first, picked up the **** face from the crowd, and reached out and wiped it.

He screamed while wiping the kid, because the blood stains disappeared where Xie Chi's palm wiped, but there was black smoke rising up, which was the yin qi that had been evaporated alive, and the kid's figure became weaker. The whole ghost looked pitiful.

Little devils: !

"Although I don't beat children, you don't know how many years you've been dead, and you're not in the category of children. Do you understand what I mean?" Xie Chi threw the kid to the ground and pointed to the black spot on his body. Qi Tuanzi: "Don't do it and feed it to my little black."

"My little black, eat ghosts without blinking, and don't need to put salt."

Heiqi dumplings cooperated to open their mouths. In fact, there was a gap on the black gas dumplings, but the gap was so dark that it made people feel frightened at a glance, no, it made ghosts feel frightened at a glance.

The main reason is that the yin qi on Xiao Hei's body is too heavy. Even if her soul is damaged and her strength is not even half of what she used to be in the past, it can make people feel that she is a savage ghost with a suffocating aura.

The little devils, who had already been frightened and trembling, succumbed to their obscenity and coercion. Those with poor control almost shed blood and tears again, and said tremblingly: "Woooooo...we...we know now..."

Xie Chi personally supervised them to cover up all the strange places on their bodies, and then turned on the camera with satisfaction, and explained in a serious manner: "I may have fallen on the camera when I fell just now, and it automatically shuts down. As I said before, this world There are no ghosts at all. People need to fear life and heaven and earth, but they should not be too superstitious about ghosts and gods. Most people who are too superstitious about ghosts and gods usually have ghosts in their hearts. Come, come, and apologize to everyone. You know you are scared. How many are there?"

A row of little ghosts stood neatly, the blood on their faces was wiped clean, and the swollen places were hidden. In order from tallest to shortest, let the female ghost lead the head. They faced the camera and quickly Bow down: "I'm sorry!"

"and then?"

"We shouldn't be playing pranks, sorry!"

"and also."

"Scared everyone, sorry!"

"Do you still dare?"

"Don't dare any more, sorry!"

The little ghosts are full of tears. Ghosts have always been scary. When have ghosts been intimidated by others? It's just wronged, very wronged, but I don't dare to resist, I can only shiver.

Xie Chi continued to explain seriously: "Actually, there are no ghosts at all. I already asked when I repaired the camera just now. They are all nearby children. I know that people often go to the old campus to explore, so I put on makeup and pretended to be. Look like a ghost, come and scare people."

"It's not human blood, it's just chicken blood. I've cleaned them up, and they're still very cute children. I'll send them home in a while and let their parents educate them well. Now, what if you encounter someone with a heart attack and scare people out? It's just a matter of losing money. If something goes wrong, can you be held responsible?"

Little devils: "I'm sorry, we won't dare again in the future!"


'emmmm always feel that something is not right...'

‘It was the same last time, I always felt that the anchor’s tone was full of threats, is it my illusion? ’

‘It should be a prank, how can anyone scare a group of ghosts like this? But this group of children is really going too far, doing this kind of thing in groups, in case it really scare people out...'

'I do not believe! There is definitely a problem here! So what happened when the camera was turned off? scratch your lungs.jpg! ’

'I deeply suspect that our anchors threatened them...'

‘Look at their faces turning white with fright, they must have been threatened [dog head]’

'It was me who wanted to call the police when this happened...'

'So is it a man or a ghost? Didn't a doctor say that the blood must be human blood? ’

Xie Chi was relieved to see that the rhythm of their discussion was under his control, and then said calmly: "Tonight's live broadcast has to be interrupted, I have to send them home first, after all, so many children are here It’s really not safe, so let’s end the live broadcast and see you another day!”

Those people who were still discussing what was going on just now were stunned, and the live broadcast stopped too quickly today!

'do not! There are so many secrets yet to be solved! What the **** is going on with that brand new classroom? Why are there several classrooms and teachers' offices in the dilapidated ruins that look like new ones? After explaining it, let's go! will die! Will be suffocated to death! ’

This barrage represents the voice of most people, but at this time Xie Chi has quickly turned off the live broadcast. She let out a long breath and praised her resilience.

It seems that she really chose the right person.

After dealing with the issue of the live broadcast, Xie Chi turned to look at the row of little ghosts: "Call your parents out."

Kid: ?

"Why... why are you still called a parent? Didn't you just act..."

"It's like you can call the shots, go quickly." Xie Chi calmly drove the group of little devils away, and when he turned his head, the young man stood behind him, stiffened into a statue.

He should be the one who was hit the hardest. Originally, Xie Chi and the others were regarded as two oil bottles. God knows, the real oil bottle may be him. That taste is really too sour.


"Did no one really tell you before you came?" Xie Chi patted him on the shoulder: "I was sent to take over this matter, I thought you had been notified."


Wasn't he delayed on the way? So it was late, and when I received the notice when I was about to arrive, I was very unconvinced. If he went to deal with this matter but didn't succeed, it wouldn't matter to him to find someone from above. After all, it was his own ability. Not enough to blame others.

But he didn't have time to act, and the above immediately changed people, which was an insult to him, indicating that the above did not think he had the strength to solve this matter.

If so, why call him in the first place?

So the young man was very unconvinced, and everyone came, and asked him to go back by car. Is this trip for sightseeing? Tourists will also wander around, looking for a place to eat, drink, and rest.

The young man decided to come and check it out. It is best to solve this matter before the person sent above to prove that he is also capable.

When he met Xie Chi before, he didn't think about Xie Chi to his peers at all, because it really didn't look like...

As long as that person hasn't come yet, there is still some coursing in his heart. If that person hasn't come yet, he will have more time to solve this matter and prove himself.

"It's nothing. I didn't receive the notice. It just happened a while ago. Maybe I need your help." Xie Chi kindly comforted him.

The young man was very aggrieved, but he couldn't say anything else at this time, so he could only nod his head.

Xie Chi chatted with him for a while before realizing that his name was Zhong Buyue, the young master of a certain branch of Zhengyi Teaching.

In their line of work, whether it is true or not, they like to talk about tiger skins. 9 out of 10 Taoists say that their ancestors are related to Taoist Zhang Tianshi Zhang Daoling.

Xie Chi couldn't help laughing when his master mentioned it. He said that wool couldn't catch a single one with all his strength. Taoism has four celestial masters, and the other three are not popular.

Ge Xuan, Sa Shoujian, Xu Xun: We will not make an appointment!

With the continuous development of the times, Tianshi Religion, also known as Zhengyi Religion, has long been torn apart, extending into countless branches, and they all consider themselves authentic.

Zhong Buyue belongs to one of the small branches, but their family is a family heirloom, so he doesn't have to go back and inherit Taoism.

When the two of them chatted about the same, the little ghosts who left came back with their parents.

The author has something to say: When I first started writing about this topic, I learned a little bit of information, and then I was really dissatisfied with the other three Celestial Masters! They need popularity too! Debut is also required! (no)