MTL - Number One Player-Chapter 99 A precursor to the age of awakening

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"Thank you!" After signing his name on the courier list, Shang Yinhe politely thanked the courier brother, and then closed the door of his own rental.

He opened the package, and sure enough, he saw a brand-new and exquisite version of our king's costume inside.

"Come on, Iida, change clothes." Shang Yinhe shouted to Iida excitedly, and then, like dressing up a Barbie doll, he helped Iida change into the blue and white King's cloak, and put on a golden light. the crown of my king.

Well, it seems that this little crown can't be worn firmly, unlike the original diamond crown, which can stay firmly on Iida's body.

So Shang Yinhe had to find a small rope, tied the crown to the cloak, and tied the cloak again.

This time, Iida looks like a miniature cute version of the king.

As for the last sword of my king's oath of victory, Iida's little wings are inconvenient to hold. In the end, it was regrettable that Iida was connected with her little black cloak and the little diamond crown, and hid it in the private space of the Devil's Book.

It seems that he, like the little cloak, has his own space in the Demon Lord's book.

"Now I can take you out publicly." Shang Yinhe looked at Iida dressed in my king's version, looked left and right, and the more he looked, the more satisfied he became.

"Well, is it safe?" On the contrary, Iida still looked a little worried.

"Don't worry," Shang Yinhe took out his mobile phone and shook it in front of Iida. "Recently, news about the awakening of small domestic animals has been appearing in reports."

He put the phone back in his pocket again: "Since all cats and dogs can wake up, then a chick I raised has also woken up. Although it's a little special, it's not too conspicuous."

In fact, since the Brave started the "Quick Rescue" series, in addition to the cities he visited where the evolution of animals and plants exploded, the animals and plants in other places have gradually begun to awaken.

In the large base of animals and plants in the world, there are not many such awakening phenomena, and it can even be said that the proportion is very, very rare, and the damage caused is not high - those things that may cause the highest damage are all dealt with by the brave. .

However, news is reported by the number of events, not the proportion of events.

In the news reports, domestic cats and dogs, flowers and plants on the streets of the city, and all the awakenings with some characteristics are all used to report. This time, it seems that there are many things to wake up to.

I don’t know if the government has guided public opinion, but all the awakening of evolutionary animals and plants on the news are biased towards the positive side. For example, the awakening of domestic puppies is a loyal guardian. For example, the awakening of domestic plants purifies formaldehyde and brings fresh air. Air wait.

Shang Yinhe occasionally went over the wall to take a look, but in foreign news, he found a lot of reports of wounding cases about evolutionary plants and animals.

Although no large-scale casualties have been caused, some small and fragmented cases of evolutionary animal and plant injuries have begun to appear in the world.


China, Northwest, Yongliang City.

When Shang Yinhe was talking with Yida about the awakening phenomenon of evolutionary animals and plants, Xu Shaoyang was also holding a related meeting.

He stood on the stage and preached, while the big bosses sat below the stage, listening to his advice.

"...The current situation is not optimistic," Xu Shaoyang introduced with a stern face. "At present, there have been more than 300 cases of injury and destruction of evolutionary animals and plants in China, and the damage caused varies. The biggest casualties are several cases. They happened in Nagumo City's Flying Bird District and Qiku City's Dongyao District, etc., basically in the core area of ​​the city."

"In the urban core area with many people and dense commerce, once the awakening phenomenon of evolutionary animals and plants breaks out, the situation will become very complicated and very difficult to handle. We cannot use high-power weapons, and we dare not use heavy firepower bombing, but Ordinary small pistols, batons, and electric shocks have little lethality to evolved animals and plants."

"On the contrary, those evolutionary animal and plant phenomena that occur in suburbs and sparsely populated areas are easier to deal with. No matter how strong the evolutionary animals and plants appear, under the coverage of heavy firepower, everything can be wiped out."

"The military and police across the country have secretly entered the stage of advanced alert, but they are still very troubled. In order to cope with the evolution of animals and plants, the military and police forces have already suffered serious injuries."

Xu Shaoyang raised his voice: "This is just the beginning of the awakening wave of evolutionary animals and plants, and it has already made us so exhausted! Everyone, I have to give a serious warning here,

If the situation develops. The future will be unimaginable—"

"It's not that serious." The attendees sneered.

"It's more serious than this!" Xu Shaoyang said with a frown, "Now we use public opinion to guide and forcibly suppress those casualties."

"But, please think about it, wait until the future, until the news of these casualties can no longer be suppressed, then, if the citizens find that they are in an environment where their lives will be at risk at any time, all the time There is a risk of death - the panic created by this situation will directly trigger a domino-like collapse!"

"Think about it, according to the theory of transcendental awakening, after absorbing evolutionary factors to a certain level, animals and plants will definitely break out into the phenomenon of awakening. Now, there are still relatively few awakened animals and plants, that's because there are only those with the best aptitudes. A group of animals and plants have awakened," Xu Shaoyang emphasized with emphasis: "When the group of animals and plants with ordinary qualifications but the largest number of animals and plants begins to awaken, the situation at that time will be very bad!"

Thinking of this scene, someone in the audience took a deep breath.

"You're right, we should take this matter seriously." Someone said, "What's your suggestion?"

"There is a way to deal with it, and that is to rely on the advancement of science and technology. The items used by the brave in the rapid rescue video that have strong restraint in purifying animals and plants have been sent to the Advanced Research Institute next door for in-depth research. "

"If there is a breakthrough in this research, then in the future, our military and police units can be equipped with these items to cover the original blind spot of urban evolution, animal and plant combat."

"So," someone in the audience was saying, "we're already working on a solution to this problem, aren't we?"

"But," Xu Shaoyang emphasized, "it's not enough!"

"This solution depends entirely on the progress of the scientists. If they are fast enough to catch up with the wave of extraordinary animal and plant outbreaks, then of course it is a good thing..." Xu Shaoyang sighed, "But as far as I know, according to their current progress, which may be a bit difficult.”

"This method is a bit too face-to-face," Xu Shaoyang explained. "The progress of science often relies on a flash of inspiration or accumulation over a long period of time. If we don't want to resign ourselves to fate and stop scientists from having a flash of light, then, in We may need some transitional solutions, or alternatives, before science can actually work out this solution.”

Xu Shaoyang didn't wait for the people in the audience to ask questions, and he directly said his suggestion: "I think everyone knows that Captain Mu Shiming has successfully cleared the White Mist dungeon. According to the information we have now, he should be the only hero in the world except the brave. Besides, the first clearer of the White Mist dungeon."

"When he passed the tenth level, the level rewarded him with a SS-level realistic rune paper, and he successfully exchanged this rune paper for the extraordinary ability of space transfer."

"This fact tells us that extraordinary abilities and extraordinary items can indeed be brought out from the copy of White Mist."

"Oh, do you want to suggest that the White Mist dungeon be more open?" Someone in the audience keenly tasted what Xu Shaoyang meant.

"That's right," Xu Shaoyang admitted with a nod, "According to Captain Mu Shiming's experience, it was a little difficult to completely clear the White Mist dungeon for the first time, but it's fine after you've mastered it - these are his original words."

"If we can have more superhuman beings, many problems, including some obstacles in our research on the evolution of human awakening, can be easily overcome - now the research on human awakening has been slow to move forward. In this regard, our Scientists complained to me that it was all because the samples were too small and too precious to let go of doing experiments and collecting data.”

Someone in the audience asked: "Well, I remember that one of the research directions of researcher Lu Yanchi is the natural awakening of the human body. How is this research?"

"A pilot state-run mutant chicken farm has been established here in Yongliang City," Xu Shaoyang replied, "It's just that the chicken farm has just been established, and it has been less than a week, and there is only one pilot chicken farm. …”

"I heard that eating this chicken can greatly promote the awakening of the human body," someone in the audience couldn't help licking his mouth, "And it's very delicious, right?"

"That's right," said Xu Shaoyang with a bit of resentment, "the taste is very delicious, it can be called the ultimate delicacy - there is only one pilot chicken farm, and there are too few, so cherished, so rare, you can't eat it at all on weekdays. okay?"

"I want to try it out..."

"I'm afraid that it hasn't been fully tested. What if there is hidden damage to the human body?"

"To be on the safe side, it's better to try it out slowly."

Seeing that the topic was skewed to the horizon, Xu Shaoyang tried to bring the topic back: "About my suggestion..."

"Ahem," interrupted Xu Shaoyang, the boss in the audience, "Shaoyang, we know that you are dedicated to serving the country. In fact, many people have already mentioned the matter of expanding the number of extraordinary people in the country and establishing a standing patrol force. suggested."

"But," the boss said helplessly, "this suggestion has too much influence."

He raised his finger: "Think about it, if everyone may have extraordinary abilities, what about social management? Will there be more and more intense conflicts? How will the extraordinary be restrained? How will the crime of the extraordinary be carried out? Handling? Is it necessary to introduce corresponding social regulations..."

"One after another, one by one, it's all troublesome, and there is no detailed plan yet," the boss said with a sigh, "Anyway, it needs to be discussed carefully."

Xu Shaoyang hesitated to speak, and finally closed his mouth in silence.
