MTL - Number One Player-Chapter 97 secretly ready to challenge

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After the exploration of countless soldiers, analysts, game experts, and professional players, this "White Mist Dungeon Challenge Rules Summary" is already a very, very thick stack.

This includes the various explicit rules and hidden rules of the current White Mist dungeon, including the detailed information of various skills, props, and special items that have appeared in the White Mist dungeon, including the blood and tears of the predecessors. The combination of skills and items The experience also includes the types of traps that will appear in each level and various challenges.

Although Jiuqu's video has thoroughly demonstrated the traps, monsters and other dungeon play methods, this video strategy with the hero as the protagonist is too difficult to operate. No one can stand it at all!

After all, the hero in the game's embodiment period is an almost invincible super fierce man. He can rush past many traps and many monsters with hard resistance; for ordinary people, they need to use more clever and flexible methods to fight. Those hidden murders.

These exploration items are also very useful for the current Shang Yinhe. After all, he is not in the period of game realization, and his abilities have been greatly weakened. There are only a few supernatural abilities left, and there is no game. The combat power enhancement effect provided by the world does not have the endless energy that comes with the game world, and it does not have the perfect clearance ability after infinitely reading and saving files in the game. He must be careful, careful and careful.

The only thing that is fortunate is that, according to the "Summary of the White Mist Dungeon Challenge Rules", outsiders cannot monitor the situation inside the Dungeon. The device makes rudimentary, intermittent contact.

—Translation, that is to say, even if Shang Yinhe had a big somersault, made a big ugly appearance, and failed countless times in the dungeon challenge, it doesn't matter, no one will see it...

When he saw the summary of this rule, Shang Yinhe was really relieved.

Finally, you can rest assured and die casually, without worrying about breaking the hero's perfect, god-like image.

Without this one, Shang Yinhe might not have made up his mind, so he would have started exploring the White Mist dungeon long ago.

At present, there are still five days before the start of the next game, which is not enough time. But before Shang Yinhe was busy with final exams and dealing with the Brave Support Club, he couldn't be distracted at all.

After barely getting out of the way, Shang Yinhe thought for a while before he made up his mind to explore the details of the White Mist dungeon. Things are always rushing sooner rather than later. When the next game starts, you don't know what will happen. It's better to explore while you are free now.

In good conscience, Shang Yinhe has long coveted the extraordinary items and extraordinary abilities dropped in the White Mist dungeon - so far, in reality, he doesn't even have a weapon, and he sees that the surrounding animals and plants are slowly beginning to show signs of awakening. , Shang Yinhe has a sense of urgency.

What's more, after getting the small cloak clone to speak, a big household who eats anchor points, his anchor points began to be abundant again.

The last few videos of "Quick Rescue" plus a "Announcement" made by a brave man brought him a lot of anchor points - after all, even he couldn't help but swipe these videos many times, let alone ordinary people in the world.

To be honest, the editing of the series of "Quick Rescue" is really beautiful and handsome, with the same video and music editing ability as nine songs against the sky, cool heroes stepping on the music nodes, various urban customs, and extremes. The passionate challenge of sports is countless times more powerful than the 3D blockbusters you see in the movies. Just watching it, you can't help but make your adrenaline surge, want to shout, want to go crazy, and want to watch it countless times over and over again. .

And the "Announcement" is even more exaggerated. The last time the brave made a sound in the magic capital for the first time, the inferior live recordings all caused a worldwide frenzy of changing mobile phone ringtones, not to mention that this issue of "Announcement" is a carefully edited version of Jiuqu and no noise on the scene. , its repeat playback volume almost surpassed all previous videos of Jiuqu…

As far as Shang Yinhe himself feels, the sound seems to be more able to carry the charismatic effect. The charisma on the face will be slightly invalidated by the video, but the charisma on the sound seems to be able to expand infinitely through the transmission of the sound rays.

When you listen to the voice of the brave through various devices, it will really be like a dream, there is a shocking effect that is almost soul attack, and the sacred sound of heaven may be the same...

It is conceivable that after the release of the video "Announcement", how many people will become voice-activated fans of the brave.

- The only pity is that if you don't rehearse in advance, the words of the "brave" are likely to be full of strong local flavor or immature childish flavor, thus breaking the fantasy of many people...

Cough, cough, in short, Shang Yinhe will definitely prevent this from happening.

Now that there is such a large amount of anchor points, and there are scenes that require the use of anchor points, Shang Yinhe invested a lot of anchor points into the ability [Gate Teleportation] that can be used now.

He directly doubled the distance limit of [Gate Teleportation] from 4,000 meters to 8,000,000 meters, or 8,000 kilometers.

—By the way, krypton gold is addictive. Since adding five figures to the evolution ability of the little cloak clone and breaking the psychological bottom line, Shang Yinhe has become more and more generous with the anchor points. It can be called a family with mines. model.

Of course, this addition is definitely not a loss. The north-south crossing distance of China is about 5,500 kilometers, and the east-west crossing distance is about 5,200 kilometers. Now, after pulling this distance, when Shang Yinhe is in the magic capital, he can go to any door in the country at will.

Although the world is big and within easy reach, isn’t it worth it?

The challenge channel of the White Mist dungeon happens to be a castle gate.

In other words, relying on this evolved ability, Shang Yinhe could directly enter the gate of Baiwu Temple in the northwest of China without knowing it.

Let's quietly enter the village and don't shoot.

In fact, Shang Yinhe was even more greedy. He wanted to try to see if he could directly pass the ability of [Gate Teleportation]. He walked to the door of the Demon King's Hall at the tenth level of the White Mist dungeon and skipped all the previous steps to obtain the Reality Talisman Paper...

But the reality told him regretfully: You think too much, you can't use tricks, and you will be struck by lightning!

In Shang Yinhe's perception, in the White Mist dungeon, only the castle hall is barely part of the real world, which belongs to the actual distance of [Gate Teleportation], and can be teleported; however, all the levels after the castle hall seem to be It is a misplaced different space, and there is no actual distance, so it is impossible to reach it with [Gate Teleportation].

Well, Shang Yinhe had no choice but to give up this shortcut, and honestly prepared to be a dungeon challenger.

Speaking of which, even if he is an open and closed beta player, he is much luckier than the people who play the public beta copy hard in reality. That's all, you can see that he still wants to take shortcuts, tsk tsk tsk, ideological realm!

Shang Yinhe: Realm of Thought? What is that, can you eat it?

Ahem, let's skip this topic...

According to Shang Yinhe's research on the "Summary of the Challenge Rules of the White Mist Copy", compared with the rules he faced in the game world at that time, the rules of the game copy in reality are much more detailed, and there are many unspoken rules that he did not pay attention to at that time. of.

It feels like... this game copy has perfected itself as it enters the real world.

According to the regulations of the White Mist dungeon, "If you die during the challenge, all progress will be reset, all items will be dropped, all gold coins will disappear, and you will return to the castle hall." At the same time, "After completing a challenge of a level, you can choose Exit the challenge. After exiting the challenge, you can keep all the items and gold coins on your body and return to the castle hall. After that, you can continue the challenge, but you cannot leave the castle hall; leaving the castle hall is regarded as death during the challenge.”

To translate, that is to say, if you start a challenge, you have to stay in the dungeon for many days until you finally complete the tenth level of the dungeon, or decide to give up the previous gains and quit completely.

Looking at this rule, Shang Yinhe shrugged helplessly.

It seems that only the little cloak can be put on. After all, he himself cannot and should not disappear for several days without any reason in reality, and the challenge of the White Mist dungeon seems to be on for days and nights. , and even more than that.

Of course, if he disappears for one night, it shouldn't be a problem to try the difficulty sneakily.

There is also a rule that Shang Galaxy has not encountered in the game world before:

"After the game copy is cleared, you can repeat the next challenge, but the difficulty of the challenge will be doubled. At present, the difficulty encountered in the second challenge is as follows: there are advanced traps in the first level, the number of traps is doubled, the number of monsters is doubled..."

The difficulty will be doubled...

Shang Yinhe is a little regretful, it seems that he can't swipe the copy indefinitely.

I just don't know if the hero, the cloak avatar and himself in the game's realization period are three different challengers. Should the difficulty be calculated separately or as one person?

In any case, he had to try sneakily first.

Shang Yinhe came to the mirror with a small cloak, put on the cloak, and used the "changeable appearance of the devil" function of the devil's cloak in the real world for the second time.

The person in the mirror has changed from a sunny and warm man to a cold and charming devil - of course, in the real world, this face belongs to the "brave" people know.

"Tonight, I'll try it secretly first to see how difficult it is," Shang Yinhe said to the prosperous face in the mirror, "Speaking of which, this is the first time I've officially used extraordinary abilities in the real world..."

Saying that, he smiled--

When the little cloak was on the face of this clone, his smile was rustic and innocent;

However, when Shang Yinhe was wearing this avatar's face, his smile seemed so evil and full of magic.

It's really strange, when Shang Yinhe was in his body, his smile was so bright and warm.

Shang Yinhe frowned slightly at himself in the mirror, adjusted his smile, and was barely satisfied.