MTL - Number One Player-Chapter 94 The backup club is in action

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When this wave of panic began to spread on various social media, Shang Yinhe and Lu Tinglin took the Brave Support Club to officially take action.

As the largest and most formal Brave-related organization in China, the Brave Support Club has two dedicated combat teams, a small team focused on domestic public opinion, and a large team focused on foreign public opinion.

Due to the existence of the Brave Support Club and the secret attitude of the official Huaguo, although the fans are also very irrational, the public opinion in China is relatively stable, and it has not turned into a wave of extreme fanaticism in foreign countries. In comparison, it focuses on domestic The task of the team seems a little easier.

The team focused on foreign countries shoulders the heavy responsibility of this operation. Everyone in the team has a software to circumvent the wall and began to post this article on social media called "What did the brave do for us?" What have we done for the brave? " articles, and continue to forward, comment, @ foreign big v.

If one article is not enough, we have more articles to keep up with; we even took screenshots and added translations of foreign languages ​​to the news of all kinds of despised and irrational behaviors in China, and distributed them.

Speaking of which, in China, videos and articles with similar themes of "How do foreigners view XX in China" have always been very popular; similarly, in foreign countries, the theme of "How do people in China view XX in a certain country" has always been popular. , is still a hot topic. Such screenshots have their own popularity, plus the translation of "What did the brave do for us?" translated into multiple languages. What have we done for the brave? "The article was used as a battle letter, and the status of countless articles kept up with it as a side drum, and the Brave Support Club sounded the horn of attack.

In "What did the brave do for us?" What have we done for the brave? ” wrote:


What did the brave do for us?

He solved the source of the mutation of Hohenschwangau Castle, laid down a strong fortress that the Hans Kingdom army could not conquer, provided a detailed video of the Raiders copy for all countries, and pointed us to a possible evolutionary path in the extraordinary age.

He or his companion Jiuqu, after paying an unknown and must be huge price, successfully predicted the doomsday destruction of the world line. Relying on their prophetic prophecy, mankind finally narrowly avoided the end leading to the apocalypse.

When the wave of evolution of animals and plants occurred, he immediately went out and circled the world to solve those serious evolutionary animal and plant accidents, saving many lives.

He worked hard to save the world, but who knew the risks he took?

Isn't he risking his life by challenging unknown and difficult castle levels?

He foresees a changing future, doesn't he need to pay any price?

He rushes between cities around the world, predicting where the accident will happen, so hard, isn't it all for us?

You can only see that the hero lifts weight lightly on the surface and is dazzling.

What you don't see is the price he paid behind his back.

He is so selfless and loving, tolerant of all our imperfections.

And what about us?

What did we bring to the brave?

Check out our performances in Sydney, Rome, Tokyo!

We steal the image of the brave and sell peripheral items for profit.

We are chasing the brave man frantically, hindering his actions to save people.

Is this the reward we bring to the brave?

Is this the gift we give back to the brave?

We have gone too far!

Ladies and gentlemen, let us call here:

Please treat your enthusiasm rationally!

If you love him, worship him, and believe in him, don't use your actions to trouble him so much!

Finally, brave man, if you can read this article, please allow me to confess to you that I too fell into a needless frenzy, and I also almost obstructed your behavior.

But allow me to pray to you:

Please don't give up on us!


The brushstrokes of this battle essay can be regarded as the most gentle, rational, and appealing one in the series.

In addition, the Brave Support Club has also prepared a more radical and exaggerated version, as well as a gentler and more soothing version. All in all, the goal is full coverage, full influence, and full bombing!

Being able to stand at the highest point of morality and influence public opinion around the world makes the members of the Brave Support Club very enthusiastic and excited.

Immediately afterwards, domestic netizens also joined in. Netizens have always been very interested in this kind of behavior to capture the commanding heights of public opinion. !

Come on, attack!

Behind the heat, Shang Yinhe and Lu Tinglin were the guides who participated in the whole process, constantly monitored the world's public opinion, and also applied for a small amount of resources from Guoan.

"The form is very good..." Shang Yinhe smiled and flipped through the webpage.

"Actually, we also played a guiding role," Lu Tinglin was very rational, and was not excited by the situation that seemed to use the power of a society to sway public opinion around the world. The incident itself has greatly promoted changes in online public opinion.”

"Without our guidance," Shang Yinhe shrugged disapprovingly, "the current direction of public opinion would not have reached this direction. Maybe, there will be people who naturally complain about why the brave did not come to save them—hey, aren't you the savior? We, aren't you what you should have done?" He imitated the possible sayings on the Internet, squeezing his throat.

"Maybe, there are quite a few such people in reality, and there may be such a situation—" Lu Tinglin shrugged and pinched her voice, "How can the brave man betray our enthusiasm? We have waited for you for so long. , why can't you come?"

After the two finished complaining, they spread their hands to each other, and continued to devote themselves to the hard work.

For Shang Yinhe, this act actually has two important purposes.

One, of course, is to regulate the behavior of Brave fans.

There is a word called slaughter, which is a trick that has been used endlessly from ancient times to modern society.

What in ancient times favored the little prince as a mentally retarded, and finally waited for his behavior to be too arrogant, and then slashed Ma Su with tears. The iron pen in "Spring and Autumn" records "Zheng Boke Duan Yuyan", that is, after Zheng Zhuanggong spoiled his younger brother Gongshu Duan to heaven. Injustice, innocence, thick will collapse." In this way, he was able to give in to his younger brother because he was concerned about his mother's mood, which was called "pure filial piety" by history books.

There are also spoiling the ex-wife's children as fools, and holding the brainless stars of the entertainment industry high in the sky... You know, the higher you stand, the worse you fall. . Now these fanatical fans, once they get rid of their fans and step back, they will definitely be more black fans than black fans.

Of course, maybe there is no hidden meaning in the society to deliberately kill the brave, but Shang Yinhe always needs to take precautions before it happens.

Take advantage of the best time when the tenth level is over, and guide the public opinion well, lest there really be any major problems in the future.

What he wants is a more rational and calmer belief, not this kind of fanaticism that is like a headless fly and is very easy to be led by people.

Because the more frenzy, the easier it is to lead to chaos. Don't you see a lot of traffic stars in the entertainment industry who have been embarrassed by fans' behavior of begging for hammers, stomping on them indiscriminately, and kyusing everywhere, and even many of them have fallen to the altar because of this.

Shang Yinhe can fully imagine that if this worship of the brave is not properly guided, what chaos may happen in the future.

In addition to this important purpose, Shang Yinhe also has a second secret goal, which is also his long-planned idea:

He wants to establish the worldwide influence of the Brave Support Association.

The brave man in the video is a god; the real Shang Yinhe is a man. He has not yet reached the level of a god. Falling from a height will kill him, being hit by bullets will kill him, and big killers such as atomic bombs are even more unstoppable damage.

And the secret he masters is too terrifying, too powerful, and it is almost with the ability of one hand to play with the world and applaud.

Therefore, until he has enough ability, he will never dare to reveal his true body, and he will not even dare to let the little cloak avatar appear in the public for a long time in a non-game embodiment.

You must know that when the game is realized, the hero clone is almost invincible, powerful enough to ignore the height of 100 meters, ignore the firearms battle, and travel around the world at will;

But when the game's realization ends, the hero clone is even weaker than he is now, and some abilities that use live broadcast points cannot be shared, and only small abilities such as blessing of the wind and teleportation of the door can be used.

Once the little cloak clone appeared directly, it was not so powerful when it was pierced... Shang Yinhe shook his head and waved away those useless imaginations.

He won't let this happen.

But since the brave cannot come forward for a long time, there is no way to form a worldwide organization related to the brave, and Shang Yinhe actually does not want the brave to be involved in a large organization. After all, someone will have intrigue, and intrigue will greatly affect the hero's current high profile.

So, under the conditions of so many restrictions, is there any way to take advantage of the worldwide influence of the brave?

There is still a way.

The solution lies in the student club of the Brave Support Association that Shang Yinhe initially participated in.

Because it is a student association, he can become a senior member of the association and exert influence; because it is a student association, he has a strong ability to expand. Under the repeated operations of Shang Yinhe, the influence of the Brave Support Association has flooded from the university. to China, and after this operation, it will even spread to the whole world.

This is why, at the beginning, Shang Yinhe was unwilling to die, and turned the Brave Support Association into an important Chinese official organization.

In his conception, he could have extended the influence of the Brave Support Club to the world.

He will not lack this ability, nor will he lack this opportunity.

Now is the perfect time.

First, through this large-scale battle, the reputation of the Brave Support Club was established in the world.

This is only the first step, and the second step...

Returning to Shang Yinhe, who was renting a house, looking at the little cloak, he was still a little worried after thinking about it. He waved at it and said:

"Come on, let's practice again."

"There are more things to say this time than before, so don't make any mistakes."