MTL - Number One Player-Chapter 92 Copycat version of the brave

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The realization time between levels is not fixed. Sometimes it is three or four days apart, and sometimes it is one or two days apart. It seems that the game system has made different realization adjustments according to different situations in reality.

The current Shang Yinhe does not know where the next level is and when it will start. He didn't bother about this either. After spending most of the day quickly finishing the last final paper, he quickly threw himself into the prelude to get things done.

Shang Yinhe first sent a message to Uncle Rong Changzheng's contact device: Uncle Rong, I have finished the final exam, have I approved the internal reference materials that I agreed?

Of course, even if he got those materials before the final exam, it would be of no use to him, that is, he needs to revise every minute and every second, cramming and begging the Buddha not to kick him, how can he be free? See information.

But to urge people, you can still use this excuse to urge people. Anyway, as a young college student, he wouldn't be embarrassed.

Uncle Rong didn't reply, he should be busy, Shang Yinhe put back the communication equipment dedicated to Guoan, and turned on the chat software inside the Tang poetry group.

Since he made a name in Guoan last time, the matter of the Brave Support Club and the Tang Shi Group has come to a conclusion:

The Brave Support Club and Tang Shi Group still maintain their independence, but there are two more people, Lu Tinglin and Shang Yinhe, who hide the dual identities of Guoan (of course, Shang Yinhe actually hides more identities). Other than that, business as usual.

The members of the Tang Poetry Group are still laughing and slapsticking, and they are not afraid of their words. They have no idea about the disputes with the state that are hidden behind the scenes. The contact channel is lively and lively, everyone shares inside information every day, provides various An analysis document.

This is also a matter of course. After all, there is a high threshold for joining Guoan. It does not mean that everyone who joins the Tang Shi team can directly enter Guoan. According to the agreement of Lu Tinglin, Shang Yinhe and Guoan, only the leaders of the entire Brave Support Club and Tang Shi group need to be named in Guoan. The current leader is Lu Tinglin and him, and the next leaders don't know who they are.

As the team leader of the Tang Poetry Team and a part-time official member of Guoan, what Shang Yinhe has to do is to package and pass valuable analysis documents to Uncle Rong, and then select some less sensitive parts from some information that Uncle Rong gave him, as Share your inside information with everyone.

Not to mention, after having such an identity, Shang Yinhe became a little more assertive when discussing sensitive topics: I am the monitor anyway. If I say insensitive, then I am not sensitive.

The members of the Tang poetry group were also surprised to find that the group leader's news became well-informed. It can be said that there are some mutually beneficial effects.

At present, the topic of the Tang poetry group is about which series is the most handsome quarrel in "Quick Rescue":

Why should Qiangdi complain about Yangliu: In terms of brilliance, isn't the video of the brave in the magic capital the most arrogant? I just want to scream when I see those familiar buildings in the picture, you know what!

Let's put Bailu Qingyajian: Probably because the building of the magic capital is too familiar, so I feel a little indifferent. Don't you think that the Roman video that just came out last night has that kind of sacred feeling? Even the music is a religious prayer music, the kind that makes you want to draw a cross on your chest after reading it!

Overnight in the Mirror: No one nominated Moscow video? I like the video of the brave man in Moscow the most, it is really very beautiful, definitely not worse than the video in Rome! The sharp contrast between the black cloak and the white snow is like an ink painting, super ancient and super artistic!

Shang Yinhe typed in the group with great interest: I also like Moscow, its scenery under the winter snow is so beautiful, like a fairy tale...

Before it was over, a new level appeared in the field of vision.

Shang Yinhe was refreshed, changed his angle slightly, and used a more leisurely attitude to appreciate the intoxicating style in the other half of the field of vision.

In front of you is a bustling and bustling city scene, with a touch of Japanese style among many modern buildings.

This city is a bit familiar, Shang Yinhe saw the hot search, and sure enough, a new topic has appeared: #The Brave in Tokyo#.

Oh, so the last time the city was in Tokyo?

The Tokyo rescue started off rather mundane.

The first rescue site was an ancient shrine tucked away in an unnamed valley next to Tokyo's Ueno Garden Plaza.

Such small shrines are very common in Sakura Country. Often at the corner of a blind spot, at the end of an unknown forest, or at the end of a seemingly unpopular trail, there is a shrine hidden.

At this moment, this small shrine called "Gojoten Shrine" is doing a New Year's festival. The small open space in front of the shrine is full of people, and the crowd has been lined up from the front of the shrine to the passage stairs.

Behind the four-character plaque with the words "God Virtue and Weixin", the green tree quietly spread its branches, and then a charge, suddenly covered the entire small valley—

"Ah ah ah help!"

The scream had just sounded, and the brave man flew over!

Stepping on the layers of red torii gates, jumping over the jade walls around the god's realm, lightly tapping on the white zigzag straw rope, and turning in the air, he stopped at the hand-water house at the entrance of the shrine. superior.

I saw him stretch out his hand and pull, and the seemingly indestructible branches of the evolutionary plant were easily broken. Among them, the three people who were entangled tumbled from the branches, and some of them did not respond, and looked around at a loss.

Under the influence of the ability of [Plant Nemesis], the evolutionary plants shrunk and retracted their branches, and the whole ground hunched up and shrank into a ball.

Such a cowardly evolved plant basically does not require additional processing. The brave man casually dropped a [Fairytale Curse] and let the magic bean grow when it saw the wind, paving a way for people in the valley to escape.

And he hurried to the next location without looking back.

The first two rescues were not difficult, and the turning point appeared at the third rescue site.

That's the Skytree in Tokyo.

In the game, this is a seemingly ordinary high-rise building; however, in reality, this is the famous landmark building in Tokyo, Sakura Country: Skytree.

This 634-meter-high building, which once almost became the world's tallest man-made structure, is blue and white as a whole. It contains many shopping malls, cinemas, exhibition stands, and is full of tourists from all over the world.

When the little cloak flew up the high-rise building with spider silk according to the progress of the embodied game, the news of the brave man appearing in Tokyo had completely spread.

"Come, come, come! Look there!"

Before he reached the rescue site, the screams had already been uploaded from the upper floors. Ignoring the threat of evolutionary plants behind them, tourists hid in small cubicles, lying in front of the glass curtain wall of high-rise buildings, screaming and clapping with their mobile phones.

When the brave man stabbed the giant cactus that kept shooting needles outside with a spear, the screams reached a peak, and people in the compartment rushed out quickly, cheering the name of the brave man, shaking the autograph book and mobile phone, as if the most Avid fans.

The little cloak was so frightened that he didn't dare to turn his head back, so he quickly flew down from the other side of the building, unfolded the [portable glider] and flew away.

In the game, the scene that seemed very unrestrained, at this moment, actually looks a bit embarrassed and fled.

And after that, it became increasingly difficult to hide from the zeal to rescue people.

The reaction of the people of Tokyo was more frenetic than any city Shang Yinhe had ever seen.

When they arrived at the last rescue location, Shang Yinhe and Xiaopao were even shocked together.

It was a large-scale comic exhibition site with huge crowds.

Crowds of people are not a problem. During this period of rapid rescue, they saw a lot of people in the mountains and plains - in fact, if the number of trapped people did not reach a certain number, the system level rescue would not be triggered.

What they were shocked was the piles of piles in front of them, which could be called everywhere...

Shanzhai version of the brave?

Since the brave man appeared in the video of Jiuqu and swept the world with a swaying attitude, figures, items, peripherals, etc. about the brave man have begun to flood the market, and most of them originated from the country of cherry blossoms.

As one of the birthplaces of the two-dimensional culture and the most prosperous places around the two-dimensional, the related items of the brave are the most popular hot spots in the market recently.

Mu Qiang was originally one of the natures of the people of the Sakura Country, not to mention meeting such a world-class character with charisma and powerful combat power?

Since the brave man did not come to collect his copyright, all kinds of peripherals began to be produced immediately, all kinds of black cloak cloaks (the most exquisite version almost perfectly reproduces the cloak on the brave man), the brave man in the Black Swan Castle Mutation Used King's Sword and Overlord's Shield, Gliders and Fairy Beans used by the brave in various cities, pillows with the hero's portrait, one-to-one heroic skills, etc...

Looking around, most of the stalls sold have items related to the hero, and the comic exhibition is full of hero coser wearing black exquisite cloaks, and they have different shapes, some holding swords, some wearing masks. Yes, there are those with outstretched gliders...

This, this is too exaggerated!

Rescue is important, the little cloak rushed to the mutation site of the evolutionary plant first, and quickly eliminated the awakened plant—by the way, it seems that this evolutionary plant was mutated around the cottage version of the brave fairy tale Magic Beans...

The rescue is over. According to the progress of the game, the next one should be a female fan who rushed up—sure enough, a female fan rushed up!

The little cloak became nervous, and resolutely ducked to the left, easily dodging—

No, another female fan rushed over there!

The little cloak was a little flustered, and he pointed his toes, trying to quickly rush out of this area where Li Kui and Li ghosts were indistinguishable, and gods and devils danced wildly.

Wait, wait, a large group of people rushed over there, holding a bunch of hero aids, and rushing up screaming!

Just when the little cloak was wondering whether he needed to change direction, behind him, a male hero coser wearing a black cloak, wearing a king's sword, and very well equipped - emphasis emphasis: gender is male - with a completely deadly With a stance, he suddenly flew into the air, and clung to the brave man who had already jumped into the air.

He screamed with joy: "I succeeded! Ah ah ah ah! Brave Lord! Ah ah ah ah!" It seemed that he had fallen into complete madness.

The little cloak was startled, hurriedly strayed, got rid of the entanglement of the male fan, and hurried away.

Small cape: QAQ

Little Cape: Spicy, I wasn't hugged by a female fan, I really didn't...