MTL - Number One Player-Chapter 89 "Warrior of the Brave"

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Corresponding to the progress in the game world, today's level should be the ninth level.

The ninth level is a very strange level. Its map is a bit like a merger of two cities. A big city surrounds a small city, but there are two rescue locations in the small city, which was reserved for Shang Yinhe at that time. Under the relatively deep impression.

However, for someone like him who has no parental care and basically does not travel abroad, the layout of foreign cities is very unfamiliar. Except for the magic capital of the sixth level, he does not recognize any city. , he relied on the perspective of the clone, and suddenly realized:

Oh, it turns out that this level is this city!

The process of the realization of reality, for him, is like a unique trip abroad. He uses the eyes of a brave man to watch the splendid scenery in a foreign land that he has never seen before.

So far, he has seen quaint London, romantic Paris, heavy Berlin, snowy Moscow, bustling New York, messy Mumbai and calm Sydney, plus the magic capital he is familiar with, a total of eight cities. And here, is the ninth city.

Generally speaking, when the hero comes on stage, the related hot searches will immediately follow, and you can know which city it is with just a glance.

Unfortunately, Shang Yinhe was currently in the middle of an exam, so he couldn't take out his mobile phone to search for the city of the ninth level that appeared in front of him—even if it was an open-book exam, the use of mobile phones and other contact devices was prohibited.

Speaking of which, the ability of the hero clone to share vision is actually quite suitable for cheating in exams...

—Wait a minute, as the mastermind behind the changes in the world, the super strong man who plays with the earth, and the god-level prophet that everyone admires, you are actually thinking of using such an awesome ability to cheat in exams! Is it appropriate!

- Shang Yinhe said with a serious face: Of course it is not suitable! Look, he hasn't cheated with this ability!

- It's not because the little cloak is too stupid, and there is no way to help check the information! Definitely not for this reason!

- Shang Yinhe patted his blood-red, fiery, hot conscience, and swore to God that he was a good baby and never cheated!

—[Sunny smile.jpg]

Although the scenery in the other half's field of vision is beautiful, if you are distracted by the scenery in a foreign land at the critical moment of the exam, you may not be waiting to fail the exam. Shang Yinhe retracted his thoughts, devoted himself to the examination paper, and let the half of his vision enter a city with a heavy sense of history...

I don't know what the criteria for selecting levels in the game world are. In short, every city the brave enters has its own unique style.

The sun shines on the dark red masonry walls, the crosses that can be seen everywhere and the semi-circular arch structure. I don't know if it is an illusion. It seems that there are historical relics everywhere, and there is a kind of European-style simple beauty. The brave man walked between those ancient buildings, the black cloak raised behind him, like a pitch-black lightning, bringing the sky full of screams—

"Ahhhh! It's a hero!"

He paused briefly at the Arc de Triomphe of Constantine, turned to the ruins of the Roman Forum, and leaped over the staggered seats of the Colosseum, flashing before his eyes the familiar sights he had seen in various textbooks , turned into a silent invitation:

Welcome to Italy!

Welcome to Rome!

Next to the Colosseum is the first rescue location in this level.

Here, the brave encountered a little trouble.

The trouble comes not from the evolution of plants and animals, but from the people at the scene.

On the Internet, the English long article "Strategy: On How to Maintain Your Mind and Have a Embrace under the Influence of the Brave Charm" first posted on Facebook, has already been flooded in Italy, and almost everyone has read it;

At the same time, there was an article written in Italian for Italians: "Why the brave will definitely come to Rome, Italy! 》

In this article, the author uses a long speech of more than 30,000 words to analyze in detail the common points of the cities where the brave people have appeared, including the need for large cities, at least more than one million floating population, and worldwide influence, including sudden outbreaks in cities. Multiple evolutionary animal and plant awakening phenomena, etc., and then compare Rome with those cities where the hero has appeared, such as New York, Paris, London, Berlin, Moscow, etc., analyze the similarities and differences, and finally, succeeded. came to the conclusion:

The brave will definitely appear in Rome, Italy!

—By the way, similar analysis articles, such as "Why the brave will come to Seoul, South Korea" written in Korean, "Why the brave will come to Toronto, Canada" written in English, "Why the brave will come to Toronto, Canada" written in Arabic Said that the brave will definitely come to Dubai in the Middle East" and so on, it is also very hot on the local Internet...

In a word, people everywhere are full of confidence, firmly believing that the brave will visit the city with the most population and influence in their country.

In contrast, the residents of Rome may be the most confident group.

After all, as one of the birthplaces of European civilization and known as the world's largest "open-air history museum", Rome always has the confidence to belong to him.

Once before, there was a small plant mutation incident in a small corner of Rome. After the news came out, the people present not only did not panic, but screamed in surprise, took out their mobile phones to prepare for battle, and then A large group of people came to hear the news...

Unfortunately, the brave man did not appear in that incident. Perhaps, this was because the evolutionary plant was too low in combat power and was not threatening at all, and was directly killed by the firefighters in the city.

The local residents were very sorry, and they gathered here for a long time before dispersing reluctantly.

Just from this matter, you can see why the brave is in trouble now—

The rescued people and bystanders were so enthusiastic!

In the early stages, the rescued people were all obedient. The brave man pointed to the magic bean vines and went to queue to leave the dangerous place one by one;

And now?

The brave man pointed at the magic bean vines. No one went there, but looked at him frantically, eager to give him a hug, and let the brave man feel the passion of Italy.

At the beginning, the little cloak didn't pay attention, and was almost thrown by a handsome Italian guy - the point is, a handsome guy - thanks to his quick reaction, one sideways dodged.

Little Cloak: ! !

The little cloak instantly became tense, a long-range spear throwing directly killed the evolutionary plant, and then quickly ran away.

When word of his presence in Rome, Italy began to spread, it got even worse!

As long as there is a mutant awakening of plants or animals, the first reaction of the people there is not to escape, but to take out their mobile phones and look around excitedly, waiting for the arrival of the brave, ready to take a group photo or hug as soon as possible.

When he flew by in the air, he could also hear a fierce shout from below:

"Lord Brave, look at me, look at me!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Look this way, brave man!"

"Evolutionary plants have appeared in Piazza Barberini, go there and wait!

The brave man flew away with his hang-glider, and the crowd hurried towards Piazza Barberini.

A girl at the intersection of the cross street screamed happily: "Ah ah ah! I took a group photo hahahaha!"


"Why are you so lucky?"

"Wow, envious!"

A group of people immediately gathered around and checked the group photo the girl said, and then they fell silent...

There is only a selfie portrait of this girl in the photo, where is the brave man?

After searching for a long time, they found a small black spot on the blue sky under the guidance of this girl triumphantly...

Well, because the hero's speed is too fast, in the photo he is really blurred into a small black spot, so black that it can't be seen any more...

A bystander spoke out of conscience: "Sister, you are not called a group photo..."

"Yes, this is not called a group photo," unexpectedly, the girl admitted very straightforwardly, and then she continued excitedly, "This is obviously called a wedding photo!"

With that said, she decisively opened Facebook, uploaded this picture, and wrote in the status message:

"Introduction, this is my husband and I, and today we got married [heart] [heart] [heart]!"

It also attracted likes from a group of people who didn't know what was going on.

When onlookers saw this show, they were astonished and worshipped.

This prank operation later caused a wave of trends. Basically, it was to take a beautiful selfie of yourself, and then make a blurred black dot on the background. Round it up, even if it is a wedding photo with the brave, you can use this to socialize Speaking openly on the platform:

"Introduction, this is my husband and I, and today we got married [heart] [heart] [heart]!"

It will also attract a group of actresses to diss: "Shameless, the one in the photo is obviously my husband!"

There is also a network-specific title: "Brave Marriage".

Although the Vatican is equivalent to being nested in the city of Rome, the hustle and bustle of Rome has not completely affected this city within a city.

At this moment, the church bells are ringing slowly, and Pope Franz I, wearing a golden sacrificial robe and a gold and white bishop's crown, is standing on the roof of St. Peter's Basilica, holding a daily routine for many believers. Blessed Mass.

St. Peter's Square is already full of believers, looking around, it is full of dense, solemn and pious.

The current Pope once said in public, "When I hold ceremonies in this square or in the main hall, I see many people holding up their mobile phones, and I am very sad... Mass is not a performance." During the mass ceremony, the use of mobile phones, Whispering, etc., are all very inappropriate behaviors.

For this reason, the news that the brave man has arrived in Rome, which is now rapidly circulating on Facebook, has not yet circulated on St. Peter's Square.

Above the solemn square, there was still solemn silence, only the Pope's strong voice resounded over St. Peter's Square through a loudspeaker, speaking and preaching, full of awe.

In a corner that no one has found, a grass that was originally invisible is growing rapidly;

In another corner, among the pigeons gathered in front of the Vatican Museum, one pigeon's eyes slowly turned red...
