MTL - Number One Player-Chapter 81 National Navy Competition

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China, the magic capital.

"Please stay away from the scene, this place is no longer open to the public." The soldiers in military uniforms held explosion-proof shields and followed the hero's footsteps to reach the rescue site where the hero appeared at the fastest speed, isolating and protecting all those rescue sites. .

If the original location is residential, then sincerely invite the residents to live in another place, and the state will provide a better temporary living environment;

If the original location is the office location, then contact the company and ask them to change their work location. The state will provide the company with a certain degree of tax exemption and policy benefits;

If it turned out to be a public place, it would be even simpler. An isolation belt was pulled up to surround the place, and said to the outside world: This road is blocked, please do not approach.

"Hey!" Someone in the crowd shouted, "How can you do this! This is a park, a place where everyone can come!"

"Yeah, yeah! It's surrounded here, and we'll have to make a big circle when we go out in the future. Ouch, we'll be exhausted from walking!" The aunts and aunts who were bored and bored gathered around.

"How can you be unreasonable!"

"We can't even take a look at the place where the brave man has appeared!" The people who came to the pilgrimage from thousands of miles were a little embarrassed. They kept following behind the brave man and missed all the scenes of the brave man. I found out that it was too late, and the road was blocked.

In the face of the crowd's voices one after another, the soldiers stationed with explosion-proof shields did not blink.

After a while, several members of the National Security Bureau rushed into the crowd with a list of papers, and instantly subdued an ordinary-looking man, clasped him back, and pressed him to the ground.

The crowd backed away in a big circle.

"Everyone, we are from the National Security Bureau, and this person is a foreign spy," the member of the National Security Bureau on the other side explained with a smile, "We have been staring at him for a while, he is specially in our country. The domestic spy who spied on state secrets, everyone, he was just taking the initiative to stir up public sentiment."

"Everyone, please stay calm," the member of the National Security Bureau who was explaining the explanation smiled politely, but against the backdrop of the spy with his backhand buckled next to him, he seemed so...cough, "The matters related to the brave are state secrets, please don't be caught by the spy. Spies stir up emotions, protect yourself."

…You have said it like this, what else can the onlookers do if you take the big hat of state secrets off.

Soon, the onlookers slowly dispersed.

Aunts and uncles all said: "Isn't it just a detour, it's time to exercise."

"It was originally the public domain, so the public can do whatever they want."

"That young man just now, when I saw him, he was stunned, and he didn't seem to be a good person!"

"Forget it, let's take a selfie, it's barely considered a check-in for the Holy Land Tour—ah, I'm so unlucky!"

"I heard that it seems to be the same abroad. Where the brave appeared, it was immediately protected."

"Why do you want to do this?"

"Fall knows..."

In the center of the rescue site for the brave, the sound outside the isolation zone was hazy, and the outside wind and rain did not affect the concentration of the staff at all.

A staff member in scientific research clothes and disposable gloves carefully held tweezers and collected a strand of dandelion silk into a special box.

"This is the 'killing dandelion' that can instantly kill evolutionary animals?" an officer asked curiously.

"That's right," the staff nodded and answered while collecting more dandelion flakes. "It appeared more than once in Jiuqu's video, and every time it exploded quickly, directly strangling evolutionary animals."

"The most exaggerated thing is that this dandelion seems to have its own ability to judge - no, it should not be said," the staff corrected his statement, "it should be said: this dandelion will only target evolutionary animals, and the others will be ignored. "

His tone became frenzied: "What a magical creature! It was obviously cultivated in a special direction!"

"If...if we can crack the secret behind it, we can also target evolutionary organisms that fit our needs!"

His whole person looks like a mad scientist: "Think about that future!"

After a pause, the staff member pulled himself back from his fanatical imagination, and his tone slowly calmed down: "Of course, even if we can't find a way to cultivate directed evolution, this plant has a lot to do with us. Now there are small-scale evolutionary biological crises in various places. If we can cultivate this kind of killing dandelion as a standard for patrols in various places, it will reduce a lot of pressure on us..."


China, the imperial capital.

The succulent leaf, which was obviously unusual in appearance and of great significance, was escorted to the imperial capital by a special plane of 100,000 hurriedly.

As the first (or the first and second), the most powerful, and the most mysterious superhuman being in the world today, he possesses the ability to predict the future and various abilities that are similar to human beings, and he is clearly a Chinese. Braves have always been on the list that must be drawn in in China.

It is a pity that because the Brave of Nine Songs is obviously too aloof, he has only posted videos and never contacted anyone. The national strategic goal of winning him over has been hanging in the air and cannot be achieved.

For this strategic goal of winning over the heroes of Jiuqu, the country has made a lot of efforts in secret, including but not limited to guiding public opinion (Shang Yinhe: Isn’t public opinion naturally like this?), leaving secret words for hooking up under the video released by Jiuqu ( Shang Yinhe: I have never noticed it...), issued shy invitations with various official videos (Shang Yinhe: Uh, where is the invitation?), made public hints in various interviews and programs (Shang Yinhe: New Era Young people, don’t watch TV, thank you)…

Really, the country has worked really hard to win over the brave warriors of nine songs!

It's like a white-to-black rabbit trying to get attention by bouncing around desperately!

The only pity is that the wink seems to be thrown to the blind, one video has passed, two videos have passed, three videos have passed... ten videos have passed, and N videos have passed! !

The Brave of Nine Songs didn't react at all!

The videos are still posted one by one, and all countries are treated equally. The only country that receives special treatment seems to be the Hans Kingdom - well, considering the tragic situation of the Hans Kingdom in the Hohenschwanstein Castle mutation, this kind of special treatment is still unnecessary.

And now, and now!

The brave people take the initiative to contact them! Still have contact information!

If this contact method is not a one-time item, the country really wants to make it into a small phone model, two text messages a day, good morning during the day, good night at night, dedicated service, and pull the intimacy...

Oh, of course, that's what they think too much.

Caressing the only succulent leaf that cannot be revived, the country's top leaders are extremely entangled. They want to crush it and contact the brave, but they are a little worried about waste.

After all, the appearance of this succulent leaf is so extraordinary, and it is the only item that can be contacted with the hero at present. It is likely to be a very rare item. In case it is used up, and the hero has not left other contact information, wait until the next time. What should I do when I need to use it?

After round after round of very serious and solemn meetings on the use of succulent leaves, the leaf was protected layer by layer and escorted to the Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences in the imperial capital.

The country transferred the most high-end and professional botanists from all over the country, and exhorted: "Cultivation well, it is best to cultivate countless succulent plants!"

The botanists nodded solemnly, and then planted this small succulent leaf in the most suitable soil for succulent growth, and connected it with countless monitoring equipment, which looked like a big mess.

They even held a special succulent cultivation scientific conference, where extensive discussions on succulent cultivation were held.

"It is necessary to establish a control group, buy succulents of different varieties, and monitor them together."

"Temperature, sunlight, humidity, soil composition, need to be recorded every hour."

"This special succulent is obviously an evolutionary plant, and it is necessary to monitor the concentration of evolutionary factors." Someone suggested.

This suggestion immediately caused a response: "Yes, yes, this factor is very important, we almost missed it. Well, urgently transfer the evolution factor concentration measuring instrument in the experimental group next door to our group!"

"What is the concentration of evolutionary factors that are most suitable for plant growth at present? Is there any relevant literature on this?"

"Yes, but it may not be suitable for our succulents. We have to establish a special experimental group for measuring the evolutionary concentration of succulents..."

During the heated discussion, a large-scale experimental group for the succulent leaves was established, and there were several specialized experimental groups such as the general succulent cultivation experimental group, the succulent evolutionary cultivation experimental group, and the succulent attribute monitoring group.

Unfortunately, they don't know that this piece of succulent has lost its ability to reproduce, and this piece of effort is unfortunately destined to be wasted.

However, while cultivating succulents, the country also sacrificed new magic weapons.

Since you can't use this succulent leaf indiscriminately, try other methods first.

Soon, an announcement hung on the status bar of each official Weibo:

"Grateful China" National Competition Call for Papers

In order to appreciate Mr. Brave's hard work for the Chinese people, and to show the Chinese people's humanistic feelings of gratitude and to express the fine traditions of the Chinese people, the Ministry of Education decided to hold a national competition with the theme of "Thanksgiving to China".

From today until March 1, 2019, a call for contributions will be made to the people of the whole country, and the subject matter is not limited.

Please attach the author's real name and contact information, and submit it to the mailbox [0email&# protected], for more information, please check:

Oh, maybe this is written a little too official.

Let’s explain it with the most liked comments below Weibo:

"@Brave is my husband and argues: If I understand correctly, can you translate this competition as the official start of the national naval competition with the theme of touting the brave, please participate actively?"

There is worship in the building in the building:

"Lord, I give you full marks for your translation!"
