MTL - Number One Player-Chapter 79 like a supernova explosion

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Of course, under the watchful eyes of the public, the brave man appeared in the magic capital, stayed at Aurora University, spoke for the first time, and left a succulent leaf known as "you can contact him". This kind of thing can't be concealed.

And the country doesn't seem to have any intention of concealing it. Instead, it is secretly fueling the flames, allowing these explosive news of the brave to circulate quickly on the Internet, and soon, from domestic to foreign, and even entered Youtube, Facebook and other websites, and obtained super high rankings. The number of hits hangs high on the home page.

Of course, intentionally or unintentionally, the clip of Wen Shiqian's awakening did not appear on the Internet, and several short videos with the highest number of reposts were only intercepted until the hero left.

Occasionally, there are a few short videos or photos, and the footage of Wen Shiqian being soaked in water was accidentally brought, and they were quickly drowned in countless news and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

If someone is curious to click on those news again, only a prompt "the information you are viewing does not exist" and "404error" will be sent.

A handful of lucky people who witnessed the brave man stop and heard the brave man speak quickly shared their feelings, and a few dedicated live broadcasts to tell about their state - in short, when they were excited. , be sure to show it off publicly!

"My mind was completely blank at the time, really, don't lie to you, I can't think of anything!"

"There is only a very floating feeling, like the soul is floating in the sky, and all the beautiful things are by my side..."

"At that time, I thought about the beef noodles my mother made when I was a child, the pilgrimage mood when I just entered college, and the worship and shock when I first arrived in Jiuzhaigou..."

"I didn't realize until the brave man left, God, I actually watched the most glorious period of my life pass by like this - and I didn't leave a signature, no matter how bad it is, a photo with the brave man is fine !"

The girl in the live broadcast burst into tears: "I'm really useless, I should have rushed up, I didn't do it, God, God..."

However, even if I saw the girl in the live broadcast crying so sadly and so genuinely, there was no distress in the barrage:

"Sister, you're crying like this, what should I do with someone like me who missed the scene!"

"Oh my god! My god! I also want to follow the anchor and shout my **** - why am I not in the magic capital!"

"I'm not in the magic capital... I can only envy, envy and hate..."

"I was in the magic capital at the time! I was in the magic capital! But I missed it perfectly!"

"A rescue site for the brave is right next to me! Why didn't I know at the time!!"

"So what if I know, after I swiped the news from Weibo, I followed the brave all the way, and I have never caught up with the back of the brave... Hehe..."

"Hmph, anchor, you are here to attract hatred, you must be, right!"

"Show off, this is Hong Guoguo's show off!"

In contrast, a girl who was sitting on the lawn of Guanghua Building and sharing her mood with everyone was obviously much calmer.

The girl from the Department of Biology, Aurora University, described in a scientifically indifferent tone:

"...At that time, my brain was frantically secreting dopamine and phenylethylamine, the kind of hormones that are secreted during the period of love, which brought a very crazy delusion, which can be called ecstasy, excitement and joy. , sweet..."

"I felt like I was still pumping norepinephrine because my heart was beating so fast that I thought it was going to pop out of my chest; my breathing was accelerating, my blood flow was increasing, my blood pressure was obvious rising..."

"But after the brave man left, dopamine, phenylethylamine and adrenaline slowly decreased, and endorphins were secreted by the pituitary gland and combined with morphine receptors, which made me feel an eternal illusion. "

"There are also hormones in the posterior pituitary gland, which bring loyalty, oath, responsibility and a sense of mission. At that time, I made up my mind that I must become the most loyal follower of Lord Brave..."

Her description left onlookers speechless.

In the end, a girl gave a difficult evaluation: "The angle you see the problem is really novel..."

Like the explosion of a supernova, when Shang Yinhe turned on his mobile phone, all the news on the Internet was that the brave appeared in the magic capital.

News APP, Weibo, Moments, and various QQ groups are all related news. Even in the WeChat group, people are constantly sharing:

"Shock! The hero's voice actually made her..."

"Holy Land Tour Guide: Where the Brave Stayed in the Magic City and a Guide to Check-in"

"News Group Photos: The Cool Moment of the Brave in the Magic City"

"The Brave speaks out for the first time in reality! The reason makes men silent and tears..."

"Scare people to death! There is a hint behind the work taken by the brave..."

"You can't imagine it! The experience of the brave is revealed! 》

The title party is really an exaggeration. Except for the parts that are obviously group photo collection and fact introduction, there is only one left, which is very appealing.

With the mentality of "it's the first time to actively intervene in reality, there is nothing to reveal", Shang Yinhe clicked in some news that looked very analytical, and then ran out with a black line.

Well, he once again deeply understood, what is a picture of the opening, and the content is all edited.

In some news, he has already had a lingering and sadistic love story with the painter of the work/a female student of Aurora University/a graceful female teacher, and a lot of **** factors are involved in this story. Inside sprinkle:

What has gone through thousands of years, looking back for you; what is helpless to miss, what is reunion; what overbearing brave is in love with you...

In addition, there are also upright and beautiful, such as the mutual affection between Jiuqu and the brave, such as the self-attack and self-acceptance of the brave and the brave, such as the love at first sight between the brave and Wen Shiqian...

Shang Yinhe was very puzzled: Is he really reading news, not novels on a certain site?

Seriously, this writing, the level and speed of storytelling, it is really a pity not to write novels!

However, although it cannot be viewed as a news report, it is still very powerful when viewed as a joke, really.

On the C station, the official video clip of Jiuqu has not been released yet, and there have been various videos of the brave in the magic capital, and the popularity has skyrocketed:

"Cardiac Arrest! Ears are pregnant! The brave voice clip! 》

"Lick the screen! A collection of clips of the brave in the magic capital! 》

"The Spring Breeze of Reform Blows All Over the Ground X Braves in the Magic City [Spoof Direction]"

Shang Yinhe was very interested in opening the last spoof video. It turned out to be a million tuners at station C, a holy place where ghosts and animals gather. He cut the video clips of the brave man into a magical flavor, making him giggle and his stomach is full Laughing to death.

And "Cardiac Arrest! Ears are pregnant! The brave voice clip! ” even rushed to the TOP1 position of the C station rankings. The crazy heart tremor caused by the voice line perfectly fits the title of the video: It makes people feel cardiac arrest! Ears are pregnant!

Someone in the hot comment has already made this sound into a mobile phone ringtone, claiming to "listen to it before going to bed, answer the phone, listen to it when you wake up, and be immersed in the voice of the hero forever."

Shang Yinhe has a bit of a black line: Oh hey, the brave man only said twenty-two words, and it's less than ten seconds!

Moreover, this sound is a live recording version, and a bunch of noises are still uneven, how can it be so exaggerated!

—He selectively forgot how he felt when he heard the little cloak speak.

- It seems that he himself only heard a low-pitched "ah" at the time...

What's even more exaggerated is that on the news broadcast that night, the brave man came to the magic capital, took the pictures of the fan's works, left the news of the contact information, and directly gave a 10-minute news report.

In the report, the picture of the brave man - Jiuqu Self Attack and Self Suffering that was taken away by the brave was shown over and over again, as if it was completely ignored that it was actually a fancier picture that the country would never take the initiative to promote before. .

This picture has become a new Internet celebrity on the Internet. A bunch of people flocked to the Weibo that the artist posted the picture before, sang the beauty of the picture in various languages, and fundamentally ignored this picture. The picture originally belonged to a niche circle, and it was still a weird subject matter of self attack.

The number of fans of the artist has directly increased tenfold from the original number, and it has become popular overnight.

In addition, the scene where the brave man landed on the lawn in front of Guanghua Building, visited the exhibition of fan art, and even opened his mouth and left a token, was completely broadcast on the news network, and the succulent leaf was given A 5-second shot is shown back and forth—you know, in the standard of news broadcast, senior leaders will only give a fixed three-second shot!

This is utter bragging!

This is fair publicity!

This is what the country has publicly stated to the world without being able to hide it:

The brave are Chinese!

The brave speak Mandarin!

The first time the brave man took the initiative to contact people, it was with a Chinese person, on the territory of China!

The brave man also left a token to contact him!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Soon, the video was annotated with subtitles in various languages, from the most common English, to the more common Japanese, French, German, Korean, to the slightly lesser-known Portuguese, Spanish, Arabic, Indian local, swedish...

After that, the video appeared on video websites in various countries with subtitles in various languages.

Although these videos annotated with subtitles are claimed to be the blood-vomiting work of a certain subtitle group, a discerning person can quickly see that:

There is no subtitle group in China that can collect so many languages, including languages ​​that are basically very small in China, and can drive out high-definition videos in such a short period of time, and deliver them to other countries. ?

Even though the brave man didn't actually state his position in the video, but he spoke standard Mandarin, he took away the fan art produced by Hua Guo, and he left the first token that could contact him - that's enough!

This is obviously the country wearing a very thin layer of skin, publicly proclaiming to the world:

Huaguo and the brave are in a relationship!

—Well, wait a minute, it seems that I didn’t laugh happily enough or arrogantly enough before.

—Let them laugh happily and arrogantly again:

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
