MTL - Number One Player-Chapter 76 Openings and Omens

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Shang Yinhe squinted his eyes and smiled and suggested: "We should make it a bit grander. Anyway, we are also on the hot search. If we don't make a big scene, how can we be worthy of our staying on the hot search for so long!"

Lu Tinglin flipped through her small financial book, and hesitated in her heart: "Is it a big scene? I'm a little worried that our budget won't keep up..."

Shang Yinhe said righteously: "The budget is simple. Now that we have the heat, we are afraid of lack of budget? Schools, external companies, and alumni associations can all try to get sponsorships. The key is, if you don't make a big deal. scene-"

His enthusiastic tone actually had a bit of a narrator's demeanor:

"How can you live up to our hotness?"

"How can you be worthy of those fan art competitions that we started following the trend?"

"How can you be worthy of so many authors inside and outside the school who have worked so hard to make videos, draw by hand, and write fanfiction?"

"How can you be worthy of the brave man who runs around in various cities and works hard to save people?"

A look that is very thoughtful for the community.

As soon as the comparison, the words, and the big hat were buckled down, everyone who was not firm at first agreed.

"It's time to make it bigger," Lu Tinglin added: "The brave man saved so many people, and we should have supported him. Isn't this the responsibility of our brave man support club?"

President Wen Shiqian also supported: "This is indeed a good opportunity to create the reputation of our club, and to create the style of our Aurora University."

Shang Yinhe nodded fiercely, as if he agreed with everyone.

This is why he likes campus clubs so much. Basically, there will be no social intrigue, and suggestions made by the management are easy to be adopted by the club, and it is easier to promote anything - choose a school As a starting point for an organization, the society is the most suitable way for him at present.

Once things were decided, everyone began to make preparations vigorously.

"I'll contact the school to see if I can get some budget and manpower support," Lu Tinglin closed her financial budget book. "The school has had relevant intentions before."

Wen Shiqian followed up and said, "Then I will contact the school's alumni association to see if any alumni can provide financial support. After all, we are also promoting our Aurora University's students!"

Shang Yinhe took the initiative to take over the related tasks of the venue layout: "I will set up the venue, as well as the organizational process, etc. I will take the lead in this."

As soon as the meeting was over, everyone started to get busy. They are all elite college students, and they are used to doing related work during this time. Soon, an exhibition about the Brave Fan Art Competition will be held.

There are easels scattered on the lawn in front of Guanghua Building, and various paintings and fan works are printed out and placed on the easels and scattered on the lawn for pedestrians to browse; while in the lobby on the first floor of Guanghua Building , the fan videos produced by many big touches are being played in a loop on the projection screen in the hall; the fans have printed and pasted short films, and provided PAD for on-site reading.

It can be said to be very formal.

For an open university, foreign tourists can easily enter the university to visit, so this public exhibition has also attracted many people from outside the university to come and watch, and it has the style of a small comic exhibition.

After watching the exhibition, some people took the initiative to ask to join the support club according to the contact information on the exhibition, which also allowed the influence of their association to spread out a little.

This wave of exhibitions lasted for a week. After leading the members to arrange the venue, Shang Yinhe began the final preparations.


"Little cloak, little cloak," Shang Yinhe looked at the innocent-faced cloak warrior in front of him with tears in his eyes, "How many live broadcast points are you going to devour?"

After playing such a cool quick rescue video, the live broadcast points in Shang Yinhe's hands began to skyrocket again.

The prosperous beauty of the brave, combined with the exaggerated style of rapid rescue, this magical video almost caused a wave of large-scale two and three brushes, and even ten or hundreds of people were not few.

There is also a gossip that it is said that someone has watched it tens of thousands of times, and is still addicted to this series of videos, completely unable to get out.

In this context, Shang Yinhe's live broadcast points finally broke five figures again, and continued to rise in a crazy attitude.

Of course, before selling the cute little cloak, Shang Yinhe decisively chose to keep his promise and put all his points into the ability of "Clone Evolution".

...But, the five figures were smashed, and the little cloak still couldn't speak!

Shang Yinhe was about to give up, and he even prepared a set of backup plans for "how to convey his thoughts to ordinary people when the cloaked warrior cannot speak".

Hey, but seriously, if the little cloak could talk, it would be easier for him to make big news in the capital!

"I've saved a lot of live broadcast points again," Shang Yinhe flipped through his Devil King book, "Okay, okay, before the sixth level starts, let's add another wave of points..."

He slapped the book viciously and said, "This time, I don't believe it, and I still can't unlock the ability to speak!"

After a pause, he became frustrated again: "Well, if we really can't unlock the ability to speak... Let's hurry up and rehearse the backup plan..."

The cloaked warrior looked at him with an innocent expression on his face, and the little cloak jumped up from behind him and touched Shang Yinhe comfortably.

Shang Yinhe returned his hand and touched the little cloak, and then he gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, and was cruel! Added all Live Points to the "Clone Evolution" ability!


There was a very, very slight call in the air.

Shang Yinhe, who was still closing his eyes, was shocked!

He felt like he was hit by a mental crit of 100,000 points!

What kind of fairy voice is this?

This sounds great too!

Shang Yinhe suddenly opened his eyes, ignoring the eyes of the little cloak, and hurriedly stood up and ran around the house, looking left and right, repeatedly checking whether the glass windows were closed.

Fortunately, out of prudence, he always closes the windows and draws the curtains when the little cloak exists. He will not open the window for ventilation until the little cloak returns to the Devil's Book before going to bed at night.

After checking it out with great anxiety, Shang Yinhe slowly returned to the front of the little cloak.

Is the voice of the clone hero played by the little cloak so exaggerated? Why doesn't he seem to feel this kind of charm when he talks to himself in the game world?

Is it because there is a self-shielding effect on the sound you make?

Or is it because, in the real world, the effect of "Charm +31" will also cover the sound charm, causing mental damage to those who are in close contact?

There are too many unsolved mysteries in the game, and Shang Yinhe has no time to explore them one by one.

At this moment, the biggest thought occupying his mind is...

Shang Yinhe hesitated for a while before he said cheekily, "Come on, let me say a few more words?"

After a pause, he added shamelessly: "Hey, why don't I teach you to sing? Can you sing to me if you learn it?"


Huaguo, Northwest, Yongliang City, Government Conference Hall.

"The cities where the brave appear at present are London, Paris, Berlin, Moscow, and Yueyue." Xu Shaoyang began a routine process of analyzing the behavior of the brave - in China, he is already a recognized researcher on the nine songs and the behavior of the brave. of experts.

Of course, he also works part-time in the public opinion control of Jiuqu and the Brave.

This job is even more difficult. According to the current country's wishes, it is all about trying to brag about the brave, and then suppressing other negative news.

Blowing the brave, it's not easy! —by Comrade Xu Shaoyang, an unknowing veteran brave and brain-stuck fan.

The happiest thing in life, isn't it your job that coincides with the things you like?

As a result, Xu Shaoyang works in a very happy mood every day, and the efficiency is greatly improved. For this, he has received a lot of praise from his superiors.

At this moment, he is conducting a serious analysis: "...We can see that the law of the place where the hero appears is: first, it must be a large city with at least a million floating population; second, the awakening of multiple evolutionary animals and plants suddenly erupts in the city Phenomenon, the number of people trapped exceeds 500…”

"...Some non-large cities also experienced a small amount of awakening of evolutionary animals and plants, which caused some damage, but did not allow heroes to appear."

Speaking of this, Xu Shaoyang naturally found a reason for the brave: "This is understandable, after all, he is not a god, and it is impossible to appear in all places at the same time to save all people."

Everyone in the audience nodded, indicating that your explanation is very reasonable.

"We suspect that the cities where the brave man has appeared have special meanings to him," Xu Shaoyang continued to analyze in a serious way, and said that he was so eloquent, "He may have been to these cities before, so he is so familiar with the map of the city. …”

"Of course, this is just a guess with a relatively high probability. We have archived this guess in the archives of the brave." After the analysis was completed, Xu Shaoyang added a supplementary explanation very objectively.

"The next thing we want to focus on is, how should we deal with the harm of evolutionary animal and plant outbreaks when the brave can't show up everywhere in time to rescue everyone?"

Someone at the conference table said: "Can we study the abilities of the brave? Look, in the video, the brave is obviously capable of restraining evolutionary plants and animals. Why can he restrain evolutionary plants? Kill evolved plants?"

Speaking of this, he frowned: "Can you get some information from the scene? Look at the dandelion that the brave man used to deal with the evolved mice. It is obviously a good thing with special effects!"

Xu Shaoyang shook his head helplessly: "I can't do it. At present, all the sites are abroad and have been closely protected by other countries. We can't get it..."

He sighed: "If only the brave could come to China..."

Just when everyone in the conference hall was indulging in analyzing the brave man, Shang Yinhe, who was sorting out the information in the brave man's support club, was suddenly refreshed.

- The sixth stage of the magic capital is about to begin!
