MTL - Number One Player-Chapter 74 Mutant chicken farm?

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China, Northwest, Yongliang City.

"Hey, how is the progress of your research on evolutionary factors?" Xu Shaoyang sneaked into the laboratory and asked Lu Yan, who was immersed in the experiment, late.

As a colleague who was also in Yongliang City and who also dealt with a series of events after the White Fog Mutation, Xu Shaoyang was well-known to Lu Yanchi for a long time.

After all, Lu Yanchi was in the national special research institute next to his emergency response team, and it has become a famous legend about his awakening from eating mutant chicken and the discovery of an evolutionary factor concentration meter. It circulated almost openly in government buildings.

Recently, by dealing with the awakening of evolutionary animals and plants, they have become colleagues with a relatively good relationship. Xu Shaoyang will share external news that Researcher Lu does not know, and Lu Yanchi will share scientific research stories that Xu Yuqian does not know. .

They communicate with each other, and they are satisfied.

"Is the progress okay?" Lu Yanchi got up from the supercomputer screen and poured a cup of hot water for Xu Shaoyang, "Why did you suddenly come to my research room to ask this?"

"I have a headache," Xu Shaoyang naturally took the water glass from his hand, and covered his hand, which was frozen by the outside environment, with the hot glass wall, "Evolutionary plants may be about to explode, so let's pay more There is no way to deal with it.”

He complained: "The existing security system is completely impossible to support the responsibility of fighting against the evolution of animals and plants, but we can't pull the army into the streets and become a permanent patrol force... It's really annoying, I feel that the end of the day will come again. coming!"

Lu Yanchi poured himself another cup of hot water, and then sat opposite Xu Shaoyang: "How can the end of the world come again, the last video of Jiuqu, isn't it called... Then what is "The Creator: The Final End"? It's all in the end It's over, how can there be doomsday?"

"Oh," said this, Xu Shaoyang began to complain, "Didn't you find out, the video series of the creator of Jiuqu never only predicted the content within 30 days, and he never touched on the scene after 30 days!"

"Uh..." Lu Yanchi thought about it carefully, "It seems like..."

Xu Shaoyang sighed: "That is to say, Jiuqu's "The Creator: The Final End" actually only guarantees that human beings will not be destroyed within 30 days after he releases the video, but - but never guarantees that the end of the world will be far away. !"

"Ah, is that so..." Lu Yanchi clenched his water glass tightly, "But, I feel okay too, maybe it's because we relied on our own efforts to reverse the future of the apocalypse, this thing makes me think, As long as we humans can be united, we won't be afraid of another doomsday announcement."

"That's what I said," Xu Shaoyang also clenched his water glass, "but, we people still have to work hard... Hey, let's not talk about this troublesome thing, by the way, talking about Jiuqu's predictive ability, Have you read the latest internal reference?"

Lu Yanchi shook his head: "I'm patronizing the experiment, so I don't have time to watch these. Besides, isn't there any news for you to share? I'm counting on your news, come and come."

Xu Shaoyang began to gossip: "It is also based on the speculation from the previous series of videos of the Creator: We suspect that the limit of Jiuqu's ability to predict the world line is only 30 days; and according to our guess, after the last wave of predictions , the ability of Jiuqu is likely to be reactivated after a while."

He shrugged: "After all, such a powerful ability, such a god-like foreknowledge, cannot be released continuously without buffering like before. There must be a price behind it."

He began to conduct a detailed analysis of Jiuqu and the brave man on a daily basis: "And the brave man who appeared this time - yes, now most people think that the brave man and Jiuqu are the same person, although they have not officially recognized it - still so powerful , the spirit is so good, and the video is well edited, it doesn't look like he has paid any price."

"So," Xu Shaoyang concluded after analyzing a long paragraph, "According to our guess, Jiuqu should be the world line that can be predicted within 30 days. In these 30 days, no matter how the world line becomes In this way, he can predict perfectly; but after these 30 days, it is expected that it will take a long time to predict the next world line as clearly as before."

Lu Yanchi asked back: "Like the CD of the ultimate move?"

Xu Shaoyang nodded: "Yes, it's like the CD of the ultimate move. Otherwise, the video series of Jiuqu's Creator will not stop at a final ending, and then there will be no news."

Lu Yanchi commented hesitantly: "It's quite...a very open-minded guess."

"It's quite open-minded," Xu Shaoyang laughed. "It is said that this analysis is actually from a community interest group spontaneously formed by a domestic university in Modu. Their analysis is very... um, how to evaluate it? Some have big brain holes. Yes, some are quite plausible, farther than what our team of experts sees."

He gossips: "The above is already considering whether to pull their group into the national system and become a special guest or an outside consultant. After all, their analysis has a unique perspective."

Lu Yanchi was not very interested in the topic of "an analysis group of a certain university".

His thinking is still on the sayings that "Nine Curves can only predict the world line for thirty days", "Nine Curves can't predict the future world line now", and "Humanity may still be destroyed after thirty days".

He said with some anxiety: "Then I really should speed up a little..."

The two sat silent for a while.

"Come on, don't talk about these troubles," Lu Yanchi took the initiative to stir up the topic, "I'll tell you about my latest achievements - about the transcendent awakeners!"

"Now we have determined that the air around us contains the same evolutionary factors as the white mist in the white mist mutation," Lu Yanchi stood up holding the water glass, "starting from the source of the white mist mutation, through evolution The accumulation of animals and plants, the evolutionary factors eventually dispersed all over the world, and although the rate of increase in the concentration of evolutionary factors has slowed down, it is still rising tenaciously.”

"I know this, there was a little quarrel over this at the UN meeting just now," Xu Shaoyang enthusiastically shared the gossip he just learned, "It's about the Lingshi ore vein, although everyone is vigorously arguing about it. Stone veins, but some countries are particularly inactive and inactive, so that the global evolution factor concentration is still slowly rising, and it was pointed out at the conference just now!"

Xu Shaoyang said contemptuously: "Who can't see the selfishness of those countries, it's not because the prospects for the utilization of the Lingshi ore vein are not clear at present, these countries have begun to shirk and are not willing to actively do things..."

Lu Yanchi shook his head: "The national interest is understandable. However, this is actually a simple matter. As long as the role of the spirit stone ore vein can be clearly discovered, then, driven by interests, the action of creating the spirit stone ore vein will be greatly improved. Hurry up, believe it or not?"

"I believe, I certainly believe that in our research institute, isn't the application of spirit stones a major research direction?" Xu Shaoyang said, "Our country's attitude towards the reserve spirit stones is still very positive, unlike the international There are some countries that have no vision at all...hehe, they will suffer sooner or later."

"They are set to suffer," Lu Yan laughed lately, "We have found a function of the spirit stone: it greatly increases the probability of human awakening!"

"Oh?!" Xu Shaoyang's eyes lit up, "Tell me, tell me?"

When he came to his favorite part, Lu Yanchi was refreshed and talked at length:

"Recent experiments on transcendent research have shown that as long as the human body is involved in sufficient evolutionary factors - including eating evolved organisms, breathing air, etc. - to a certain extent, the human body will wake up."

"Different people have different aptitudes, and the amount of evolutionary factors they need to consume is also different. Some people only need to consume a small amount of evolutionary factors to awaken. For example, I only ate a mutant chicken and immediately awakened."

Lu Yanchi patted his chest and said with a little pride: "I'm not bragging, my talent can be said to be extraordinary and very rare!"

—Xu Shaoyang, who ate the mutant chicken secretly several times but never successfully awakened, shrugged helplessly.

Lu Yanchi went on to say: "But some people are very dull and need to consume more and larger amounts of evolutionary factors before they can barely awaken."

Xu Shaoyang felt an arrow in his knee.

"And Lingshi can greatly speed up the human body's absorption of evolutionary factors," Lu Yanchi began to talk about the topic of scientific research. The evolutionary factors contained in it are equivalent to a purified Energy is more easily absorbed by the human body, eliminating the digestion step in the process of eating evolved organisms..."

"It's kind of like, um, the difference between intravenous drugs and oral drugs." Looking at Xu Shaoyang, who was a little confused, Lu Yanchi added a metaphor, "Intravenous drugs can obviously be absorbed by the body faster."

"Of course, using evolutionary creatures for awakening, although the effect is a little slower, it is obviously cheaper," Lu Yanchi added enthusiastically, "I have already submitted my proposal to the country, hoping that the country can establish a state-run Mutated chicken farms provide mutated chicken with high concentrations of evolutionary factors for public officials to eat."

"A state-run mutant chicken farm?" Xu Shaoyang repeated.

He couldn't help thinking of the deliciousness of the mutant chicken that he had tasted before! It tastes like heaven!

Xu Shaoyang's eyes lit up, he swallowed his saliva and said loudly: "Good idea! I support! Do you need me to help? I will definitely help!"

"Shouldn't it be necessary? I feel that the superiors are very willing to set up a pilot mutant chicken farm first..." Lu Yan blinked, "The point is, if there are enough Awakened people, they should be able to become a standing patrol force in various cities. , you can deal with extraordinary incidents that the public security system can't solve, and the problems you were worried about before can be solved."

"This is also a solution," Xu Shaoyang shrugged. "But, who knows when the era of the great awakening of mankind will come? After all, in our country, you are the only awakener."

"I have a hunch," Lu Yanchi said, with a firm tone, "This era of great awakening is not far away from us!"