MTL - Number One Player-Chapter 64 Tang Poetry Group

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After cleaning up the mess at home, Shang Yinhe looked at his watch, there were about two hours before the next game started.

After trying so many times, he has given up on bringing real objects into the game world, and he can't know the name of the game world in advance. Therefore, for him now, before the game starts, there is no What to be ready for.

Shang Yinhe flipped through the book of the devil in his hand rather bored. Iida, who had occupied a page of the book, was still soundly asleep, and he really didn't know when he would wake up.

As usual, he poked Iida, and after achieving the achievement "Daily disturbing Iida's sleep 1/1", Shang Yinhe slowly turned the pages back.

The rest of the pages have nothing to say. The only thing worth mentioning is that the live broadcast points of the ability page have returned to four digits—

Before, just after the release of the final video of Jiuqu, his live broadcast points had accumulated to a sky-high value: more than 20,000 points.

Therefore, Shang Yinhe kept his promise and added the live broadcast points to the "Clone Evolution" ability of the little cloak, hoping to enable the little cloak's speaking ability.

Then, here comes the **** thing!

The so-called "Clone Evolution" is actually a random enhancement of the various abilities of the cloak clone. Shang Yinhe added a full 15,000 points, which abruptly improved his combat effectiveness, but he still did not evolve the ability to speak!

That's 15,000 points!

At that time, Shang Yinhe was almost red-eyed after adding points. He originally said that he would only add 10,000 points, but he added 5,000 points abruptly! Fortunately, he used his great willpower to suppress his desire to continue to add a little bit to the ability of "Clone Evolution"—

Wake up, your points are almost exhausted, don't krypton! Don't buy it!

However, adding so many points is not without benefits. Now, the ability of the little cloak clone has reached a certain level. The power is infinite and everything is the basic little cAse. After all, after the little cloak has soared so much power , It was almost impossible to control the weight of the power, and it is estimated that this is the reason for the tragedy of the "shredded clothes hell" in the laundry.

In order not to waste these 15,000 live broadcast points, Shang Yinhe has already listed a bunch of cruel plans to exploit the little cloak - the housework part has been declared bankrupt - just waiting for more information and stronger control of the little cloak itself , just let him go out to challenge the dungeon and swipe the extraordinary items in the dungeon.

After doing the math, if the super items are brushed a lot and they are brushed well, it will be very easy to get back to the original.

However, after recovering from the crazy action of adding points, Shang Yinhe began to feel distressed that he had returned to the four-digit live broadcast points.

He was stunned for a while at the other pile of skills that needed to be added, and finally decided, hey, let's not add any more, save a little, save a little, anyway, I haven't encountered a situation that needs to be added.

Perhaps, this is the effect of successfully chopping off one's own hand after buying, buying, buying.

Putting the Devil King's book on the desk, Shang Yinhe dragged away the high-back chair and sat in front of the computer. He first dealt with the chores of the Brave Support Association, instructed his two deputy junior brothers, and then opened the Tang poetry group. QQ group.

Compared with the work of the Brave Support Association, he actually pays more attention to the Tang poetry group. At present, there are high-end and atmospheric biology doctors in this group, part-time detective novelists with open minds, and young ladies with sufficient inside information, etc. Share Insider revelations are becoming more and more abundant.

In the early days of the establishment of the Tang Poetry Group, Shang Yinhe set the rules for recruiting people: not openly recruiting people, only allowing members of the group to recommend, and adding people after everyone voted.

Therefore, since the establishment of the Tang Poetry Group, it has been expanding at a steady pace. There are not many people recruited, but all of them are elites, and everyone maintains an attitude of preferring to welcome newcomers.

In particular, Ni Qingzhou, a biology doctor who is nicknamed "The Light Boat Has Passed Thousands of Mountains", discovered the phenomenon of ore solidification and evolutionary factors, and the award ceremony of the United Nations was broadcast live around the world, and then he still shared his knowledge and insider inside the Tang poetry group. After that, there was a super large living signboard in the Tang Shi group, which was almost always beneficial to recruit people.

Relying on Ni Qingzhou's big brand, the current Tang poetry group actually has a bit of the style of a secret association in an international university.

Recently, a new computer expert has joined the group, saying that it is too dangerous to use the QQ group as a chat channel, and a lot of information can be monitored and read. He said that he had made a chat software before, and it was considered a handy work in the past, and he could find it out and change it, especially for the Tang poetry group.

Everyone in the group was suddenly shocked, wow, really big bull!

Shang Yinhe glanced at the progress of Jing Lei Optical, who is also a computer expert in the Brave Support Club. Their support club website has not yet been made. In contrast, the chat software in Tang Shi's group has been used by the big cow. Take it out for testing.

Sure enough, the masters are in the folk, admire and admire.

The number of people gradually increased, the news shared gradually increased, and the events of the Tang poetry group gradually increased. Shang Yinhe has promoted several administrators during this period, and everyone is very enthusiastic and very willing to assist in management.

After all, compare several well-known foreign university secret associations, such as Yale University's "Skull and Bones Club" and Harvard University's "Posse Lim Club", which are high-end organizations with elite gatherings, and can hold management positions in them and have a positive impact on future development. The benefits are self-evident.

In contrast, Shang Yinhe served as the leader of the Tang poetry group as a junior, and his position was a bit unstable.

Fortunately, he was the initiator of the Tang Poetry Group after all. He formulated the initial rules of the Tang Poetry Group very well, and Senior Ni Qingzhou has always supported him, so he sat leisurely as the leader of the Tang Poetry Group.

Now, the QQ group of the Tang poetry group is chatting about what happened after the release of the Jiuqu video "The Creator: The Final End".

Why should Qiangdi complain about Yangliu: ... My sister-in-law also resigned, but she is very stable, and the family is not short of money. According to her own words, after facing the doomsday this time, she deeply realized the impermanence of life, and she has made up her mind to enjoy life!

Overnight in the mirror lake and moon: real-name envy

A lonely city of Wanren Mountain: real-name envy

Why should Qiangdi complain about Yangliu: And our hard-working student party has to face the final exam! Why can't I just walk away like my auntie! Obviously, I also deeply realized the impermanence of life, and I have made up my mind to enjoy life! [shouting] [shouting] [shouting]

Overnight in Jinghuyue: Hey, after all, there are only a few people who don’t worry about food, clothing, housing, and transportation. These days, the train stations and airports are all full, and the relationship is suspected to be the Spring Festival. Before the apocalypse, everyone ran to the house in a hive, and when the apocalypse was over, everyone rushed back to the workplace—this fully shows that the majority of people who need to go to work honestly are still the majority!

Overnight Fit Jinghuyue: Do you feel better when you think about it this way?

Shang Yinhe laughed at the chat record, he thought for a while, and decided to bring the topic to evolutionary plants to see if there was any special news in the Tang poetry group.

Suspected Galaxy Falls Nine Heavens: I found traces of evolutionary plants in the rental community.

Let's put Bailu Qingyajian: It's normal, normal, according to the news I've heard, evolutionary plants have appeared in many cities, but the news is currently strictly sealed. Think about it, although the concentration of evolutionary factors has decreased and the rate of evolution has slowed down, there is still evolution, right?

Why should Qiangdi complain about Yangliu: This is also true...

Let's put Bailu Qingyajian: By the way, @suspected Galaxy Luo Jiutian, you mentioned the summary of the white fog dungeon challenge rules before, I should be able to get a full set this week. I'll share it with you then!

Suspected Galaxy Falls Nine Heavens: Thank you Bailu girl!

Shang Yinhe was quite pleasantly surprised. He had been expecting to find out about some real-world White Mist dungeons in advance, so that he could use the cloak clone to go out and do dungeons in the future.

Originally, what he expected was only scattered news, but he did not expect that Xu Bailu, a girl so powerful, could actually get a full set of rules summary. This thing was still a high-level state secret before the "Master of the Creator" series of videos appeared, and Shang Yinhe never thought about it; however, after the release of the doomsday video, all extraordinary-related behaviors were accelerated, even the confidentiality of this set of rules. The level has dropped a lot.

During the chat, the "Countdown to the Next Game" in the Devil's Book has reached the last ten minutes.

Shang Yinhe beckoned to the little cloak, and saw that his whole person turned into a streamer and flew happily in front of the book of the devil. Before entering, the little cloak poked Shang Yinhe's hand with the corner of his clothes, and acted like a spoiled coquettish lover before he disappeared into the book.

Shang Yinhe couldn't help but smile.

"The rest countdown is over."

The rigid voice of the system rang in his ears on time, and Shang Yinhe flipped his left hand and put the Devil King's book into the back of his left hand.

"The next round of games is about to begin."

"The game is in progress..."

"The game is confirmed."

"Game Name: Quick Rescue."

"Transmission begins..."

Shang Yinhe's eyes darkened, and in the familiar sense of dizziness, he started teleportation again.

"Transmission is complete."

"Jinjiang Game System is here to serve you wholeheartedly."

The light brightened, and he found that he had once again entered the familiar face-pinching session. A handsome man in a cape, with a familiar face of prosperous beauty, appeared in his field of vision.

The system's voice sounded flat: "Please choose your appearance."

Shang Yinhe did not hesitate, and confirmed it directly.

The little cloak has a layout that he arranged, of course, it has to continue to be used.

After the face pinching session, Shang Yinhe's perspective changed from the original dedicated face pinching perspective to the first-person perspective. In front of him, is a silent, huge city.

Before he could observe more details in the city, the familiar voice of narration sounded leisurely:

"You are a great savior."

This sentence seemed to hit Shang Yinhe's laughter, making him laugh out loud.

Hehe, this identity reminded him of his life in the previous world, where his name "Master of Creation" was actually "Master of Destruction".

Okay, finished "Destroyer", now he's going to be "Savior"?

Just like he first became the "Demon King" and then became the "Hero", oh my, another character dislocation!