MTL - Number One Player-Chapter 62 world carnival

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The video playback is over, and the mobile phone interface stays on the full-screen "See you at the beginning" pop-up screen.

Zhang Zhenzhen sat on the bed stupidly with her cell phone in her hand, and suddenly burst into laughter.

It seems that the chill of winter has faded away, the lights outside the window are twinkling, and the bustling and hustle and bustle of the city is like the most beautiful picture in the world - no, it should be said: the city is one of the most outstanding achievements of human civilization!

The future...the future, the future!

The future is great!

Zhang Zhenzhen was like this, with tears in the corners of her eyes and a smile in the corners of her mouth, she was stunned for almost half an hour before she slowly got rid of that inexplicable emotion.

She shrank on the bed, changed to a more comfortable position, and clicked on the comment area of ​​the video.

The 400 million views in four hours are indeed extraordinary, and the number of comments has been stacked to more than 100,000 floors.

The emotions are still in an inexplicable state of excitement. Zhang Zhenzhen patiently clicked on all the hot comments one by one.

The hot comments in the front row are all kinds of cheers, celebrations and positive energy. The top hot comment "Long Live Humanity!!" grabbed the sofa of the video. As the first floor with 400 million views, his likes The number has been folded into the "99999+" format by the website.

The following hot comments are all kinds of thanks to the front-line peacekeepers, Chinese and foreign scientists, and shared feelings after the end of the apocalypse. All of them are sincere and almost written into small papers.

Among so many positive energies, there is a playful stalk, which is very obvious:

"When it comes to evolutionary creatures, I think of the monsters in Journey to the West. The Sino-US co-production of Journey to the West will be officially launched. I will continue to play the Monkey King Monkey King, and I will use the artistic image of the Monkey King to create a positive image. , both the literary and the sports are blooming, and the Chinese culture is promoted. I hope everyone will pay more attention!"

Zhang Zhenzhen smirked "hahaha", her emotions at the moment are extremely sensitive, and any mess can make her smile.

After the popular long thank you letter in the front row, the comment area entered a messy link:

Someone who confessed love: "Dear, the end is over, come back soon! Please forgive my messy temper these days! I'm willing to kneel on the keyboard all day!"

The comments section of Louzhonglou said:

"Please tell your story."

"The landlord considers participating in the story king of station C?"

"The keyboard is not enough to show sincerity, can you understand Durian?"

"What kind of sincerity is durian, can Cactus understand?"

There are also people who complain about life: "Did you hoard a lot of things because of the apocalypse? My family's salt, compressed biscuits, various emergency medicines... have piled up into mountains. What should I do after the apocalypse?"

The comments section of Louzhonglou said:

"The salt that my family bought during the last salt scramble, I can still eat it for ten years."

"God, I ask, what should I do with the things my family has saved that I can't even eat?"

"I feel sorry for the landlord. Although compressed biscuits are a must-have material for the end of the world, they are really hard to eat... My family buys chocolates. If you can't finish eating them, you can give them as gifts. It's not ashamed."

"So witty upstairs! I learned it!"

There are also people who are worried about work: "Everyone, I used to think: it's the end of the world, so what are you doing! So I just resigned! What should I do now [loudly crying]! Urgent, wait online!"

The comments section of Louzhonglou said:

"It can't be cured, wait to die, and say goodbye!"

"Upstairs is right, there is no help, farewell!"

"I'm just as miserable as the landlord [groaning]"

"Don't worry, landlord, as far as I know, a lot of people in the company have resigned and ran away, the company is also short of people, and there are job vacancies everywhere. Visually, there will be a wave of job hunting, so hurry up and submit your resumes!"

"Thank you upstairs for waking up the dreamer with one word!"

Immediately afterwards, the working parties from all walks of life piled up this floor into more than 30 pages, which almost became a large-scale online job fair.

Below the Work Party's Hot Comment Building, is a Student Party Hot Comment Building:

"Unfortunately, there is one thing to inform the student parties. Since there is no end, then, everyone, the final exam will be held on schedule!"

The comment area of ​​the building in the building is full of painful mourning:

"My review!"

"Lord, why do you bring up such a painful topic at such a happy moment!"

"What is learning, can you eat it?"

"Go back upstairs, you can eat it when you study. It tastes like bitter gourd. Learning is boundless and hard work. You can eat and try it [funny]"

"Everyone in the third year of high school, the college entrance examination is still 6 months away..."

"The university party said: "Isn't it just a matter of failing the subject, I'll get used to it if I hang it up... um, I'll put it up on the southeast branch."

The student party gathered frantically on this floor, and the number of reply pages was one more page than the working party floor.

Then, the postgraduate entrance examination party also occupied a hot evaluation floor:

"The postgraduate entrance examination party is crying like a storm: Oh my god! There is still a month before the postgraduate entrance examination! Because it was almost the end of the day, I forgot the review to the sky. What should I do!"

The comment area of ​​the building in the building looks so miserable and miserable:

"Cry with the Storm"

"The big deal will come again next year, next year Lao Tzu will be a hero again [storm-like cry]"

"Give it up, give it up [stormy cry]"

"I've already lost the postgraduate entrance examination materials, what should I do? [Storm-like crying]"

Seeing this, Zhang Zhenzhen almost covered her face in horror: Oh my god, I have to study for the postgraduate entrance exam! What about my postgraduate study?

She put her phone aside, tried to get up and hurried to review...

Getting up was unsuccessful.

She took her phone back and started to swipe the comment area.

...In short, she managed to put all those worries aside, swiped the comment area, and laughed again:

Whatever, whatever!

Can live, can live to see the future of mankind!

so good!

Worrying about the future is just a small adjustment. At this moment, the celebration of the afterlife has become the most mainstream melody in the world.

In the small square not far downstairs from Zhang Zhenzhen's house, there were already countless people braving the severe cold, wearing thick down jackets or large cotton-padded jackets, holding a feast of celebration.

The Phoenix Legend's singing voice was released from the Xiaopo tape recorder, and the voice was adjusted to the maximum level.

"Sing yo-yo/The most dazzling ethnic style/Let love sweep away all the dust!"

The square dance team that has been extinct for a while has gathered together again. The young and young girls who are not good at square dancing also participated in it with a smile, and made a few random movements as if they were free hip-hop.

Anyway, tonight, it's just casual, venting, cheering, and cheering!

In the large squares in the more distant cities, more than 10,000 people have spontaneously gathered, and there are still people who drive or walk to the square.

Everyone is very excited. At this moment, no matter what their status or age, everyone is cheering together, and some people are holding the flashlights that come with their mobile phones and waving them around like light sticks.

This action instantly caused many imitations. After a while, the square was filled with mobile phone flashlights, sparks blazing, dazzling and dazzling.

Some people began to sing the national anthem loudly. The turbulent emotions of the crowd seemed to have a vent, and people kept joining in. The national anthem was sung over and over again, mixed with loud cheers. Come on, mad at Xiao Han!

Seeing that more and more people gathered, the local city government hurriedly sent people to maintain order.

In order to ease the emotions of the masses, they also urgently cleared an open space in the square, built a temporary stage, invited the host of the urban TV station to act as the emergency host, and brought in the urban dance troupe for a temporary performance.

Since it was a temporary party, no program was prepared or choreographed before. Except for the performance team that was forced to temporarily pull in, all kinds of ordinary citizens in everyday clothes rushed to stage and improvise. There were many mistakes and jokes on the stage. .

But don't say, the masters are in the folk, and those who dare to take the stage, whether they are talking about jokes, dancing hip-hop, or singing high notes, are really predictable!

The crowd in the audience was even more excited. They were excitedly shaking with their mobile phone flashlights. The cheers continued one after another.

The gathering in this city square is by no means a special case. Looking north and south, almost every city and every gathering point that can accommodate people is full of people.

Squares, bars, KTVs, gymnasiums... The coldness of winter nights is far from quenching the excitement and enthusiasm in people's hearts!

The so-called sword is sharpened, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from bitter cold. The more painful it is, the more successful it is, the more precious it is after the more torment.

All the previous videos have accumulated endless pain, sadness and despair time and time again, and turned into a repressed powder keg under the strict control of various governments, just waiting for the final explosion.

And the video of Jiuqu is a final ignition point, but it is not the anger that shatters the world, but—

It's a carnival that makes the world cheer!

The hysterical celebrations, the crowds gathered, and the sound of singing and dancing seemed to float all over the earth.

The long and desperate wait will turn the final celebration into a mellow old wine, and as soon as it is opened, it is full of fragrance!

This day, the world has no sleep!

Ignoring the jet lag, early-morning crowds marched on the streets of Tsao-yue, bars in London were full of drunks, employee rallies were spontaneously held in company buildings in Tokyo, Seoul, Berlin, Paris…

At this moment, ignoring racial differences, ignoring differences in skin color, ignoring geographical distances, ignoring differences in beliefs, ignoring differences in ethnic groups, out of cheers for the bright future shared by all mankind, everyone in the global village , are excited, excited.

Even in the Middle East, the war and the sound of gunfire stopped temporarily. Soldiers armed with firearms gathered in twos and threes and watched Jiuqu's video again and again, greedily absorbing the comfort from the video.

In fact, the Middle East can be said to be one of the places most affected by Jiuqu Video.

For the safe and prosperous Middle Eastern countries, the local tyrants in the country hurriedly moved away from the edge of the desert when the first video of Jiuqu appeared; and the local government turned into a war-ready alert mode for evolved plants. .

No way, who made Jiuqu's video reveal that evolutionary creatures were first born in the desert? Who let the Middle East countries first discover evolutionary organisms in their own deserts?

For the Middle East countries that have been at war for several years, the imminent arrival of the doomsday has not only failed to suppress the local war, on the contrary, the hatred catalyzed by the panic of doomsday has instead provoked more violent wars during this period.

All kinds of divine revelation and doomsday theories are rampant in this troubled land, and large-scale holy wars in the name of gods have occurred two or three times, not to mention daily conflicts.

However, it is also in such a country with frequent wars that people can better appreciate the horror of disasters, the cruelty of fleeing from famine, the value of peace and the beauty of life.

At this moment, on the ground in the Middle East, there is hardly any sound of guns, but occasionally muffled voices and cheers, and crying with joy.

The same thing happens in Africa. Africa, the continent with the most local wars and chaos in the world, has also become calm at this moment, and the sounds of wars have been replaced by cheers.

If you turn your eyes to the Vatican, you can also see the gathering crowd.

At the moment, the Vatican is exactly four o'clock in the afternoon, which is a good time when the sun is shining.

The huge obelisk in St. Peter's Square gleamed in the sun, and the cross at the top was even dotted with colorful clouds. This scene was like a miracle.

After the release of the Jiuqu video, the Pope temporarily launched a large-scale mass, which lasted for nearly four hours. The devout believers, with excitement, listened to the Pope's prayer together.

"If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness..."

Behind this large mass, there are faint rumors within Catholicism:

As a "suspected prophet" who once predicted the end of the world and saved the future of the world, Jiuqu may be named a living saint by Catholicism.

"Canonization" is a very serious matter within Catholicism. Since Pope Sisket V founded the Ministry of Sacraments in 1588, 888 people have been canonized so far, but almost none of them are living saints.

According to the conventional canonization procedure, the canonized person must be a devout believer, and two miracles must be discovered and confirmed after the beatification before canonization, usually five years after the believer's death Agenda will be proposed.

The canonization process is also very complicated. First, the initial investigation and application are carried out, followed by voting and discussion by the Vatican Sacrament Department to determine whether the candidate can become a "Honorable" (also called "Honorable"), and then find out. Miracles, beatifications. After the beatification ceremony, candidates still need to perform a miracle in the world before they can finally be canonized and hold a public canonization ceremony.

So far, the fastest canonization in history, John Paul II, took a full 9 years, and this was done by the later Pope through a special process; Teresa, who was the second fastest canonized Sister, it also took a full 18 years.


But the ability shown in Jiuqu video, the prophetic ability to predict the future and see the timeline, the omniscient ability to see everything and know everything, the artistic ability to create at will, and classics at your fingertips, and even Including the otherworldly charm of the brave and the fighting power beyond imagination—

Such "human beings" are almost omniscient and omnipotent. What is the difference between them and gods?

However, if you firmly believe that Jiuqu is a human being, it will be even more terrifying—

If human beings can be as powerful as gods without relying on external forces and purely relying on themselves, then why do people still need to believe in gods?

The chaos and turmoil within the Vatican is brewing in secret, and it has been suggested again and again that Jiuqu should be the messenger sent by God to warn all beings, and the holy messenger walking in the world;

Some people have made detailed and thoughtful research from various video content, video titles, and music melody of Jiuqu, and firmly believe that Jiuqu must be a devout believer;

Some people even cite scriptures to testify that the name "Nine Songs" has a theological meaning, and relevant provisions can be found in the Old Testament of the Bible, implying that God will send an messenger with nine in his name to wake up the world on the day of the end. .

All in all, the wind of canonization has been raised within the Holy See, and even, in the prayer mass held at this moment, Jiuqu was vaguely brought to a position of reverence in the religious hierarchy.

But in any case, for a super religion with world-class influence and about 1.1 billion believers, any actions must be cautious and not act rashly. Therefore, the discussion on Jiuqu is still undergoing a long internal conference research. .

On the contrary, in the United Nations, a world-wide organization with 193 member states, which also has world-class influence, the celebrations and awards ceremonies were prepared with great efficiency.

Five hours after the video of Jiuqu was played, the Secretary-General of the United Nations made a public statement:

"This victory is a victory for all mankind with concerted efforts!"

"The scientific community, the military, and the governments of various countries have all made great efforts and achieved outstanding achievements. Therefore, the United Nations will, in the name of the whole world, award honors to those who have performed outstandingly in the struggle against this disaster! "

Five days later, the United Nations award ceremony was officially held.

At this point, the longest interval for Jiuqu's release of the "Master of the Creator" series of videos has passed. That is to say, with a high probability, the last "Master of the Creator: Final Ending" is the last video of this series, and Jiuqu should not release any new videos to announce the new apocalyptic world line.

The high-level officials who were still worried, finally let go of their hearts and can hold this award ceremony with peace of mind.

In the Great Hall of the United Nations Headquarters, the leaders of many major countries are present, which can be called a gathering of political stars and a gathering of bigwigs.

The award ceremony was broadcast to the world in a live broadcast, which was broadcast on TV stations and online video sites in various countries, which attracted the attention of the world.

If you remove the unreliable situation of Jiuqu Video, then this United Nations Medal Awarding Ceremony is likely to be the most watched and most influential live broadcast in human history!

Shang Yinhe opened the live broadcast website early in the rental house and located the program.

In the sound of the grand music, the award ceremony began.

The first to be awarded were the peacekeepers in sky blue berets.

As a representative, Zhu Jiamu, the leader of the Chinese peacekeeping force, and six members of the peacekeeping force from other countries came to the stage to accept the award.

The representatives of John and Gaul among the five permanent members of the United Nations came to power and tied the badges with olive branches and the earth logo on the chests of the soldiers of the peacekeeping force.

The Secretary-General of the United Nations gave a speech in front of the stage:

"They are the soldiers who have always stood on the front line against the evolutionary creatures. They are the fighters who face the endless cycle of doomsday. Here, I would like to thank all the soldiers of the peacekeeping force for never giving up, never backing down, and thanking them for their exhaustion. The body persisted for so long, and finally persisted until the dawn of solving the doomsday came!"

Then, there are awards for the scientific community.

This time, Pu Zixu, a scientist from China, and his disciple Ni Qingzhou, who came to power this time, discovered the phenomenon of ore solidifying evolutionary factors; and scientists from the Bald Eagle Country, Aledrich and Friberwin, who discovered that the A highly efficient catalyst that greatly accelerates the absorption rate of most raw ore.

Representatives of the bald eagle country and the hairy bear country of the five permanent members of the United Nations came to power and cherished the badges of peace and honor for the scientists.

The UN Secretary-General went on to address:

"They found hope to solve all problems when mankind was at their most desperate; they groped in the dark road ahead, and broke out their amazing discovery and research capabilities. Here, I would like to thank all the scientists who have invested in the research and thank them for their work from Never give up, never back down, thank them for their discovery and excavation of the phenomenon of ore absorbing evolutionary factors, thus completely solving the doomsday cycle!"

Finally, and the biggest highlight, is the award to Jiuqu, the predictor of this doomsday disaster.

The last of the five permanent members of the United Nations, that is, the representative from China came to the stage, took out the medal from the tray, and showed the olive branch medal in his hand to the camera.

The Secretary-General of the United Nations made a sincere speech:

"He is the prophet who leads mankind forward, and he is the messenger who blows the horn of progress of the times. Here, I would like to express my special thanks to Jiuqu for informing the prophecy of the doomsday in advance, and thanks to Jiuqu for saving the future of mankind with the video of predicting the world line. !"

The music sounded vigorously, like a hymn from the soul, singing the contribution of the nine songs to all mankind.

Unfortunately, there was no winner on the stage.

Facing the empty podium, the UN Secretary-General added: "Because Jiuqu was unable to be present, his medal will be permanently preserved at the UN headquarters, waiting for his arrival."

In the camera, the representative of Hua Guo put the medal in his hand on the tray that had been arranged in front of the United Nations logo, and displayed it in front of the crowd in a semi-established form.

The live video took a full ten seconds of filming the badge, before reluctantly moved away from the camera and returned to the secretary-general.

At this time, the Secretary-General of the United Nations is already delivering the closing speech of the award ceremony:

"...After all the hardships, we finally steered the world line on the right track."

"All these hardships will make the future of mankind brighter!"

"All these predicaments and efforts tell us an eternal truth: destiny is always in the hands of human beings!"

"Nothing can stop the progress of mankind!"

With the enthusiastic conclusion of the Secretary-General, the live video of the United Nations award ceremony ended, and the computer screen entered a black screen state.

Shang Yinhe moved the mouse, minimized the video screen, and clicked the red cross in the upper right corner of the web page to close the web page.

Sunlight shone into his rental room through the curtains, illuminating the dust floating in the air.

Outside the window, the years are quiet and peaceful.

#Round up, today I saved the world again#

#sunny smile#